I've not been as active in supporting the Jake's Chair as I once
was, but after doing a Google search, I see that many sites still
offer the background, plans etc. for building it.
http://www.mossor.org/HTML/EaglePages/Chair/jake.html was the
first one I visited, and it seems to have the full featured set.
I stopped supporting or responding to questions about the Jake's
Chair after we had a house fire in our Raleigh home. Before the
fire, I was getting somewhere in the order of 10-25 questions,
photos of completed chairs or comments a day.
The chair and footstool were designed and the plans made with the
concept that the drawings could be printed out by any printer onto
standard sheets of typing paper. The woodworker, would then
redraw the parts full sized onto any template stock, cut them out
and use them for the actual pattern pieces. As mentioned, there
are absolutely NO critical curves or shapes- your imagination and
ingenuity can run rampant if you so choose. <grin>
If any of you all have built one, it'd be fun to hear from you and
your experiences. I know of at least one a**hole who took my
plans said that they were his own creation, and started selling
them to the unsuspecting. However, the real plans are free
online, so enjoy!
Live a good and honorable life.
Then when you get older and
think back, you'll enjoy it
a second time.