28/10/2007 1:49 AM

INSPIRATION - White Reindeer

Damn. Got the halloweeny yard "art" done, and figured I'd paid my
debt to society for whatever crime or sin I'd committed. Not so. Or,
maybe it's just the Woodworking Gods playing tricks. Seems the
dau-in-law did me a favor, and for payback she wants me to make two
white reindeer yard "art". Payback is Hell.

Well, I'm not about to put out good moey for patterns. So, started
looking for pictures of those pukey reindeer on line, so I could scale
them up. And, found this link.
http://www.woodzone.com/articles/Christmas_Reindeer_Patterns.htm It'll
save me loads of time scaling this stuff up. In fact the legs and
antlers ard all that's left. And I'm gonna change the antlers, because
in the pictures they look like the antennae on a Luna Moth, in a strong
headwind. I printed a few pictures of real reindeer and I'll sketch up
something similar. The worst part of this will be laying out a grid of
3" squares on a full sheet of plywood. I may make a let of pattersn to
keep on hand , just in case.

It's not hard, if you get your mind right.
- Granny Weatherwax