From very limited acquaintance with their like, it appears that the recent
crop of capitalised offensive headings are mostly intended to contain their
message within the heading itself.
Of course, one can block the sender even without reading the message. (Right
click on 'From:' and select 'Block Sender')
However, each time that somebody responds to the provovation, the headers
are repeated; the offence is
further disseminated and our screens are further debased.
As far as the influencing the originators is concerned, response is futile.
It seems to me that if people who respond knew that they too could also be
blocked ('killfiled') then they might be discouraged from wasting our time
and bandwith.
Rough justice?
Jeff G, wasting his time and inviting contumely?
Jeff Gorman, West Yorkshire, UK
Email address is username@ISP
username is amgron
ISP is
In article <[email protected]>, Jeff Gorman
<[email protected]> wrote:
> From very limited acquaintance with their like, it appears that the recent
> crop of capitalised offensive headings are mostly intended to contain their
> message within the heading itself.
> Of course, one can block the sender even without reading the message. (Right
> click on 'From:' and select 'Block Sender')
> However, each time that somebody responds to the provovation, the headers
> are repeated; the offence is
> further disseminated and our screens are further debased.
> As far as the influencing the originators is concerned, response is futile.
Note that most of these abusive postings are crossposted to multiple
newsgroups. Set your newsreader to killfile any postings crossposted
to more than three newsgroups and the abusive posts, as well as
followups, are gone. This is very effective in ridding newsgroups of
"Jeff Gorman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> From very limited acquaintance with their like, it appears that the recent
> crop of capitalised offensive headings are mostly intended to contain
> message within the heading itself.
> Of course, one can block the sender even without reading the message.
> click on 'From:' and select 'Block Sender')
> However, each time that somebody responds to the provovation, the headers
> are repeated; the offence is
> further disseminated and our screens are further debased.
> As far as the influencing the originators is concerned, response is
> It seems to me that if people who respond knew that they too could also be
> blocked ('killfiled') then they might be discouraged from wasting our time
> and bandwith.
> Rough justice?
> Jeff G, wasting his time and inviting contumely?
Yes, I employ such a method - if someone appears more than a couple of times
in the responses that build up to these messages I have to killfile them
There was intersting stuff in the FAQ, ISTR, about a product that enables
you to block messages that appear cross-posted to more than (say) 4 groups.
Cross posting is a big problem here - there are often others in other NGs
that reply to these messages and keep the damned threads alive.
Richard Sampson
email me at
richard at olifant d-ot co do-t uk
"RichardS" <noaccess@invalid> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> There was intersting stuff in the FAQ, ISTR, about a product that enables
> you to block messages that appear cross-posted to more than (say) 4
> Cross posting is a big problem here - there are often others in other NGs
> that reply to these messages and keep the damned threads alive.
Well, just followed my own advice - downloaded and set up NewsProxy,
filtering out all crossposts to three or more groups.
Rebuilt the wreck folder and....
Bang! All spam posts have gone.
EXCEPT for the messages where people have replied to the trolls and kindly
stripped out the cross post groups.....
Excellent little utility.
Many, many thanks to David Eisan for including this info in the FAQ.
Richard Sampson
email me at
richard at olifant d-ot co do-t uk
Jeff Gorman wrote:
> From very limited acquaintance with their like, it appears that the recent
> crop of capitalised offensive headings are mostly intended to contain their
> message within the heading itself.
> Of course, one can block the sender even without reading the message. (Right
> click on 'From:' and select 'Block Sender')
> However, each time that somebody responds to the provovation, the headers
> are repeated; the offence is
> further disseminated and our screens are further debased.
> As far as the influencing the originators is concerned, response is futile.
> It seems to me that if people who respond knew that they too could also be
> blocked ('killfiled') then they might be discouraged from wasting our time
> and bandwith.
> Rough justice?
> Jeff G, wasting his time and inviting contumely?
I haven't seen any the posts to which you refer, so I assume
my simple newsreader filter settings don't allow them
It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
Ed Foster wrote:
> Note that most of these abusive postings are crossposted to multiple
> newsgroups. Set your newsreader to killfile any postings crossposted
> to more than three newsgroups and the abusive posts, as well as
> followups, are gone. This is very effective in ridding newsgroups of
> noise.
I have experimented with killing posts that cross posted to
different numbers of groups. I found I lose very little if
anything of value by eliminating all cross posted posts.
-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
"Rico" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> >
> > It seems to me that if people who respond knew that they too could also
> > blocked ('killfiled') then they might be discouraged from wasting our
> > and bandwith.
> >
The biggest problem is that these jerks use free accounts, and if one is
blocked they simply open another with a different name.
-- Ernie
Dear Jeff,
> From very limited acquaintance with their like, it appears that the recent
> crop of capitalised offensive headings are mostly intended to contain
> message within the heading itself.
I have Nfilter set up as per the mini-FAQ I post and I see almost no spam at
Every neighbourhood has one, in mine, I'm him.
Remove the "splinter" from my email address to email me.
Newbies, please read this newsgroups FAQ.
rec.ww FAQ
Crowbar FAQ
Essentially, that's what I said. Reply not to the OP, but to others, by
email, to educate them. But you're right of course, it'll never happen.
"Scratch Ankle Wood" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Very simple solution but it will never happen:
> When a troll posts, nobody responds and everybody killfiles. They guy
> effectively no longer exists and he can post to his heart's delight and
> nobody sees him until he changes his account and posts again. Then if
> nobody responds and everybody kill files him, he again effectively no
> exists because nobody sees him. After a while, why would the guy keep
> bothering to change accounts? What's the point if nobody gets their
> in a knot?
I try my best not to kill-file the regulars, but it has happened. Jim
McNamara went in the waste bin somehow but I noticed and resurrected him. I
did notice today that Jummy has been responding to trolls so I probably
plonked him as I was doing a mass cleanup.
Using Outlook Express, I have set up a filter to delete posts with certain
words in the subject, ie "bush", "jew", "judaism", "christian", "islam" and
"moslem". I have found this more effective as the wannabee smart-guys (those
who think they're being witty by responding with retorts) make it hard to
plonk the thread. This way, if a regular (I hope you're reading this Jummy!)
insists on responding to these trolls and I have plonked the thread by
key-words in the subject - I don't see it.
I know you can hit ignore thread, but that simply is not effective.
For those who are incensed enough to want to reply - do not reply to the
thread - reply to the poster. The OP will never read it, but if the
troll-ees get a bunch of private mail they may wise-up.
Any kind of reply to the thread is a win for the troll, an awful lot of
people haven't learned this yet.
My 2c worth,
"Jeff Gorman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> From very limited acquaintance with their like, it appears that the recent
> crop of capitalised offensive headings are mostly intended to contain
> message within the heading itself.
> Of course, one can block the sender even without reading the message.
> click on 'From:' and select 'Block Sender')
> However, each time that somebody responds to the provovation, the headers
> are repeated; the offence is
> further disseminated and our screens are further debased.
> As far as the influencing the originators is concerned, response is
> It seems to me that if people who respond knew that they too could also be
> blocked ('killfiled') then they might be discouraged from wasting our time
> and bandwith.
> Rough justice?
Very simple solution but it will never happen:
When a troll posts, nobody responds and everybody killfiles. They guy
effectively no longer exists and he can post to his heart's delight and
nobody sees him until he changes his account and posts again. Then if
nobody responds and everybody kill files him, he again effectively no longer
exists because nobody sees him. After a while, why would the guy keep
bothering to change accounts? What's the point if nobody gets their drawers
in a knot?