So quite frequently I fond myself having to fit counters around large
posts in our timberframes. And the standard roundover on these posts,
if any, is a 3/8" radius. So rather than template to the roundovers,
I have now started to just box it off and use a 3/4" diameter flush
trim bit, as opposed to the standard 1/2" I'd been using. (I'm a big
fan of full sized templates for 3-wall scribes - esp when timbers are
also involved.). The bearing runs into the 90 and voila - a nice 3/8"
radius inside corner on my counter.
On Tue, 15 Mar 2011 17:22:28 -0700 (PDT), JayPique
<[email protected]> wrote:
>So quite frequently I fond myself having to fit counters around large
>posts in our timberframes. And the standard roundover on these posts,
>if any, is a 3/8" radius. So rather than template to the roundovers,
>I have now started to just box it off and use a 3/4" diameter flush
>trim bit, as opposed to the standard 1/2" I'd been using. (I'm a big
>fan of full sized templates for 3-wall scribes - esp when timbers are
>also involved.). The bearing runs into the 90 and voila - a nice 3/8"
>radius inside corner on my counter.
Aw, some tubafores for backing, a couple sheets of drywall, some mud,
and a bit of primer & paint will take care of that little problem
right quick now, man.
Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.
-- Demosthenes