
27/08/2004 11:03 AM

Craftsman TS rebuild-- Question

After reading the Craftsman TS rebuild posted earlier, I've been
wondering, Where can I get parts for my OLD 8" Craftsman. I called
Sears & they no longer support the saw in question. This particular
saw has a sheet metal body with a rear mounted motor. The saw tilt
and blade raise mechanism is one handle. When I pull out on the
handle, it engages a gear to tilt the blade to the left. The gear that
tilts the saw blade has worn out. Anybody know where I can get one?
Any suggestions for repair will be appreciated.

This topic has 4 replies



in reply to [email protected] (Phil) on 27/08/2004 11:03 AM

27/08/2004 3:34 PM

On 27 Aug 2004 11:03:27 -0700, [email protected] (Phil) wrote:

You could get the parts from Ebay, I bought an arbor kits from the site below.
Please check with the seller to make sure it will fit your saw. Better still
take a precise measurement of the length of the arbor from flange etc. I
need to shim it to fit my TS.



>After reading the Craftsman TS rebuild posted earlier, I've been
>wondering, Where can I get parts for my OLD 8" Craftsman. I called
>Sears & they no longer support the saw in question. This particular
>saw has a sheet metal body with a rear mounted motor. The saw tilt
>and blade raise mechanism is one handle. When I pull out on the
>handle, it engages a gear to tilt the blade to the left. The gear that
>tilts the saw blade has worn out. Anybody know where I can get one?
>Any suggestions for repair will be appreciated.


Unisaw A100

in reply to [email protected] (Phil) on 27/08/2004 11:03 AM

27/08/2004 10:40 PM


UA100, who regularly scours eBay for vintage parts and


"Mike Marlow"

in reply to [email protected] (Phil) on 27/08/2004 11:03 AM

27/08/2004 7:07 PM

"Phil" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> After reading the Craftsman TS rebuild posted earlier, I've been
> wondering, Where can I get parts for my OLD 8" Craftsman. I called
> Sears & they no longer support the saw in question. This particular
> saw has a sheet metal body with a rear mounted motor. The saw tilt
> and blade raise mechanism is one handle. When I pull out on the
> handle, it engages a gear to tilt the blade to the left. The gear that
> tilts the saw blade has worn out. Anybody know where I can get one?
> Any suggestions for repair will be appreciated.

Man - I just put one of those back together last night for a friend. It was
my Dad's and I sold it to my friend a couple of years ago. We finally got
around to tuning it up and cleaning it up and I have to say, that old girl
never sawed as nice as it does now. For the vibration sensitive in the
group, it runs with the standard v-belt and we did stand a nickel up on the
table and it never moved - right from start up to shut down. It just
doesn't get much better than that.

Oh yeah - your question... you best bet is what you're doing here. Post
inquiries here, and maybe in some similar Yahoo groups. There were a ton of
those 8" saws out there so there must be one floating around that someone
will part out. Best of luck in your search.

BTW - I'm not really a Craftsman sort of guy, even though it sure does sound
like it, doesn't it? I just hate to see bandwagons get started or to see
really good things take a bad rap for no good reason.

[email protected]



in reply to [email protected] (Phil) on 27/08/2004 11:03 AM

27/08/2004 6:54 PM

Phil wrote:
> After reading the Craftsman TS rebuild posted earlier, I've been
> wondering, Where can I get parts for my OLD 8" Craftsman. I called
> Sears & they no longer support the saw in question. This particular
> saw has a sheet metal body with a rear mounted motor. The saw tilt
> and blade raise mechanism is one handle. When I pull out on the
> handle, it engages a gear to tilt the blade to the left. The gear that
> tilts the saw blade has worn out. Anybody know where I can get one?
> Any suggestions for repair will be appreciated.

You might try making friends with a small shop machinist. My buddy has
already done thing for me such as threading & boring a shaft for my
homebuilt lathe, cutting a keyway in a bolt, and is now making a screw
on backplate for a lathe chuck.
Good luck.

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