
14/08/2004 2:47 AM

TS fence protection

How can I protect my TS fence from being marred up from sliding wood?


This topic has 8 replies



in reply to "Searcher" on 14/08/2004 2:47 AM

14/08/2004 4:04 PM

Wax it, cover it, or don't use it!


Searcher wrote:
> How can I protect my TS fence from being marred up from sliding wood?
> Rich



in reply to "Searcher" on 14/08/2004 2:47 AM

13/08/2004 9:53 PM

"Searcher" wrote in message

> How can I protect my TS fence from being marred up from sliding wood?

If it is a quality fence, sliding wood against it won't harm it in the
least, and if it's not, it can be argued that it doesn't matter anyway.

That said, a little buffed up Johnson's Paste Wax, or TopCote, applied to
the fence will make the wood slide easier and mitigate some of the friction
that you are worried about.

Last update: 7/10/04


Unisaw A100

in reply to "Searcher" on 14/08/2004 2:47 AM

14/08/2004 11:04 AM

Searcher wrote:
>How can I protect my TS fence from being marred up from sliding wood?

Remove it from the saw. Stretch wrap it and place it upon a
shelf. Clamp a 2X4 in it's place.



"Mike Marlow"

in reply to "Searcher" on 14/08/2004 2:47 AM

14/08/2004 5:17 PM

"Unisaw A100" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Searcher wrote:
> >How can I protect my TS fence from being marred up from sliding wood?
> Remove it from the saw. Stretch wrap it and place it upon a
> shelf. Clamp a 2X4 in it's place.

... but first, mount a dial indicator on the 2x4 and build a reference jig
that will lay into the miter groove on the table saw. Makes setting up that
2x4 rip fence almost a breeze.

[email protected]


Richard Cline

in reply to "Searcher" on 14/08/2004 2:47 AM

14/08/2004 5:58 PM

Attach a piece of 1X6 to the fence. You can create a fence that is
taller and longer that will aid in certain cutting situations. It will
also protect your fence but you shouldn't be cutting the kind of things
that will really damage the fence.


> Searcher wrote:
> > How can I protect my TS fence from being marred up from sliding wood?
> >
> > Rich


in reply to "Searcher" on 14/08/2004 2:47 AM

14/08/2004 10:23 AM

On Sat, 14 Aug 2004 02:47:29 GMT, "Searcher"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>How can I protect my TS fence from being marred up from sliding wood?

don't slide any wood against it <G>


it's a tool. use it. wax will make it slide a little better.



in reply to "Searcher" on 14/08/2004 2:47 AM

15/08/2004 1:37 AM

I'm not doing any cutting that is actually damaging the fence but I have
noticed rubbing marks. I did clean it off and then applied paste wax. I made
a cabinet for my wife and found that the wax is working very well.

Thank you for the help


"Richard Cline" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Attach a piece of 1X6 to the fence. You can create a fence that is
> taller and longer that will aid in certain cutting situations. It will
> also protect your fence but you shouldn't be cutting the kind of things
> that will really damage the fence.
> Dick
> >
> > Searcher wrote:
> > > How can I protect my TS fence from being marred up from sliding wood?
> > >
> > > Rich



in reply to "Searcher" on 14/08/2004 2:47 AM

14/08/2004 12:05 PM

Don't use it.

"Searcher" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> How can I protect my TS fence from being marred up from sliding wood?
> Rich

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