This one is gonna be too advanced for a few of you. But, don't
give up hope, one day even you will eventually be talented enough to
tackle a project of such great enormity and complexity as this.
Jesus was a Ford man, that's why he walked everywhere.
J T,
I'm either really revealing my age, or entering my dotage . . .
I remember being on the beach {I grew up in Atlantic City, NJ - when there
were REAL sand dunes . . .}with my mother and collecting Popsicle sticks.
She showed me how to 'weave' them into a square, and how to connect the
squares to make a longer 'board'. It was amazing how, with a bit of
imagination, fantastic forts & castles could be made. Not to mention more
'modern' plows, bulldozers, . . . and tanks !!
Thanks - for another one
"J T" <[email protected]> wrote ...
> This one is gonna be too advanced for a few of you.
Do you know where I can find free plans for a popsicle stick?
I'd like to make some toothpicks, matchsticks, and golf tees too, if
those plans are handy.
[email protected] (J T) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> This one is gonna be too advanced for a few of you. But, don't
> give up hope, one day even you will eventually be talented enough to
> tackle a project of such great enormity and complexity as this.
> Jesus was a Ford man, that's why he walked everywhere.
[email protected] (J T) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> This one is gonna be too advanced for a few of you. But, don't
> give up hope, one day even you will eventually be talented enough to
> tackle a project of such great enormity and complexity as this.
Those popsicle sticks are a real b*tch to joint...