
dave in fairfax

07/08/2004 8:36 PM

planes in Charlottesville

I took a little ride down Rt 29 from Fairfax to Charlottesville
yesterday stopping at every town along the way. I'm used to
finding good deals on planes, and I fured that I'd find some new
sources. Wrong. What I found suggested price fixing. Most
planes I found, regardless of age, brand, condition or
completeness were being sold for $27.50. It was bizarre. Metal,
wood, moulding, #4, #5, broken, welded, knobless, with or w/o
decals, the price was the same. Until I came to an Emporium known
for the local mountains. The prices there made the others look
reasonable. Crappy #5s for $45-50 and a really bad of #7 for
$120. I was assured that the person owning the stuff had plenty
of sales. Must be a bunch of yuppies passing through. If you get
the chance to go that Rt (29) enjoy the scenery, but don't bother
looking in the antique stores. One of the places had a bunch of
drawknives and saws, nice old Disstons, swaybacks and knotched
noses, but they'd been cleaned with Naval Jelly. It looked like
they'd been wiped in mud, and the wipe marks were left to dry.
All in all, a nice drive, but not much of a bottom feeding
experience. Oh well, next to Richmond.

Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
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daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners