
mac davis

31/08/2009 7:04 AM

Amusing conversation with Rockler customer service

I couldn't have made this up but wish I had the talent to:

Thank you for shopping with Rockler. A copy of your order will be sent to
[email protected].
Your order may be sent in different shipments. If it is, no additional charges
will apply.

Order Notes: Must be sent US Postage, Can not receive UPS

Your email indicates that the order was shipped by UPS..
This order was supposed to go USPS, not UPS..
UPS does not deliver to Post Boxes..

Thank you for your email. I checked our records and show we have a po box and a
PMB. Is a PMB a physical address? If it's not a physical address, please
supply your physical address so we can contact UPS with it.
Sincerely, Rockler Order Department

The instructions on the order were MUST BE SENT US Postage..
A PMB is a personal mail box..
We do not have a physical address in the United States..


Thank you for your email. I apologize the order was shipped by UPS in error.
Please forward a physical address. Once we have this information we will
contact UPS to update your information for delivery of your package.

I don't know how much clearer I can make this.. If it COULD be sent to a
physical address, one would of been supplied..
We live in Mexico and all mail goes to our PO Box in California and is brought
down by courier..
What part of "Must be shipped by USPS" is not being understood?


Thank you for your email. I apologize the order was shipped by UPS. We are
contacting UPS to have the package returned. Once the package is returned we
will reship by USPS to your post office box.


Please remove splinters before emailing

This topic has 42 replies


"Lee Michaels"

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 10:20 AM

"mac davis" wrote

>I couldn't have made this up but wish I had the talent to:
Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,, eventually they got it right.

Serves ya right for being a four-in-er. <G>


"Lee Michaels"

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 8:04 PM

"Larry Blanchard" wrote
> I had the same kind of problems with HP support concerning a Compaq
> monitor. Unfortunately, when tech support called, the gentleman on the
> other end had such a heavy Indian accent I couldn't understand him. I
> could understand enough to know he got very angry when I politely asked
> if I could speak to someone with less of an accent.
I have a hearing loss and speaking to someone on the phone with a heavy
accent is not only extremely difficult, but cruel and unusual punishment.

I had trouble installing an HP printer on my wife's computer and spent about
an hour and a half being abused by some Indian tech support drone. When the
ordeal was over, I figured out that the problem could have been solved in
five minutes with a tech support person who spoke real english. And that
could have been avoided by a page or two of instructions included in the
printer package.

It is my sincere belief that many of the folks who run these electronic
products compaines go into this line of work to torture people. No doubt
because they were treated badly in their youth due to poor social skills.
And they never got laid. The facts support this theory.



in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 5:38 PM

On Aug 31, 7:30=A0pm, Larry Blanchard <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Aug 2009 11:28:51 -0500, Leon wrote:
> > =A01 hour later I got a response to that
> > e-mail indicating that my complaint had been escalated and tech support
> > would contact me with in 4 business days.
> I had the same kind of problems with HP support concerning a Compaq
> monitor. =A0Unfortunately, when tech support called, the gentleman on the
> other end had such a heavy Indian accent I couldn't understand him. =A0I
> could understand enough to know he got very angry when I politely asked
> if I could speak to someone with less of an accent.

Well, well, well!!!!! That is not very PC now, izzit?



in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 2:07 PM

On Mon, 31 Aug 2009 07:04:05 -0700, mac davis
<[email protected]> wrote:

>I couldn't have made this up but wish I had the talent to:
>Thank you for shopping with Rockler. A copy of your order will be sent to
>[email protected].
>Your order may be sent in different shipments. If it is, no additional charges
>will apply.
>Order Notes: Must be sent US Postage, Can not receive UPS
>Your email indicates that the order was shipped by UPS..
>This order was supposed to go USPS, not UPS..
>UPS does not deliver to Post Boxes..
>Thank you for your email. I checked our records and show we have a po box and a
>PMB. Is a PMB a physical address? If it's not a physical address, please
>supply your physical address so we can contact UPS with it.
>Sincerely, Rockler Order Department
>The instructions on the order were MUST BE SENT US Postage..
>A PMB is a personal mail box..
>We do not have a physical address in the United States..
>Thank you for your email. I apologize the order was shipped by UPS in error.
>Please forward a physical address. Once we have this information we will
>contact UPS to update your information for delivery of your package.
>I don't know how much clearer I can make this.. If it COULD be sent to a
>physical address, one would of been supplied..
>We live in Mexico and all mail goes to our PO Box in California and is brought
>down by courier..
>What part of "Must be shipped by USPS" is not being understood?
>Thank you for your email. I apologize the order was shipped by UPS. We are
>contacting UPS to have the package returned. Once the package is returned we
>will reship by USPS to your post office box.
>Please remove splinters before emailing

well...... at least they didnt hit you with several shipping charges.
This just happened to me with amazon. Apperently the order [that was
ordered all at the same time and paid for all at one time with the
same card] had to be shipped from 3 seperate vendors so I got hit with
3 shipping charges! It was cabinet hardware and could have all come
from the same vendor. 23 bucks for an 87 dollar order? bit much.....
Care to guess who wont get any more of our business? Be glad rockler
will work it out for ya cause amazon would not! hope all arrives soon




in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

03/09/2009 9:47 AM

"HeyBub" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> At the turn of the last century, there were FOUR mail deliveries per day
> London. One could send an invitation to an afternoon soiree and receive an
> RSVP long before tea-time.

Sounds like the postman would take the mail out and deliver it as it came
in. Unlike today where someone comes once a day with 300lbs of junk mail.

It gets worse though, at least in my apartment building. A number of the
delivery people are too lazy to even hit the buzzer code when there's a
package delivery. Damned if they're going to bring it up to the front door.
They simply paste a 'not at home' tag in the lobby and leave. I've watched
them do this on the security camera. Then it's up to me to take the tag and
wheel my chair 300 yards to the postal outlet to pick up the package. I've
called in and complained a number of times about this, but they don't care.



in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

03/09/2009 2:25 PM

J. Clarke wrote:
> -MIKE- wrote:
>> Ralph wrote:
>>> On Sep 2, 6:38 am, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> How do you suppose the PO was forced?
>>> Political pressure (per a retired Postal offical I know)
>>> The USPS gets paid a small amount to execute delivery, per the same
>>> person the USPS loses money on the transaction. Just like "bulk"
>>> mail and "media" mail. But the Congress doesn't let them raise
>>> their rates
>> Why should they be able to, we're already paying the higher rate
>> through our taxes.
> ???? The US Postal Service is a quasi-governmental agency that does
> not receive taxpayer funding. Further, postage rates are not set by
> Congress. There was an agreement in 2003 that the postal service
> would not raise rates for 3 years, but that agreement expired three
> years ago.

The USPS DOES get taxpayer money.

The government pays the postal service for the mail it sends and to support
programs such as mail for the blind and election ballots for members of the
armed services.


in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 12:16 PM

On Aug 31, 12:07=A0pm, Chris Friesen <[email protected]> wrote:
> On 08/31/2009 10:28 AM, Leon wrote:
> > I could not make this up either.
> > Got a new 23" Dell monitor, =A0contacted Dell "Chat" to find out how to
> > install the drivers. =A0I was having a mental lapse as I finally woke u=
p and
> > took care of the situation my self. =A0But any way after 40 minutes on =
> > Chat with Dell Tech support they still could not tell me how to install=
> > video driver and I gave up on them. =A0A follow up e-mail from Dell wan=
ted to
> > know if every thing was resolved. =A0ROTFL I pasted the entire 40 minut=
e chat
> > in the reply box. =A01 hour later I got a response to that e-mail indic=
> > that my complaint had been escalated and tech support would contact me =
> > in 4 business days.
> I bought a really nice 24" widescreen lcd monitor from Dell. =A0Had
> problems getting it from their website so went through the call center.
> =A0The gentleman with the indian accent took my order and my credit card
> number. =A0I received the monitor but saw on my credit card statement tha=
> I'd also been billed for something else--turns out it was the next
> person's order from the same customer service guy. =A0After much time on
> the phone sorting things out they promised to refund it. =A0Next statemen=
> they refunded both charges. =A0Being a nice guy I called them up and said
> that they'd screwed up and removed the charges for the monitor that I'd
> actually received. =A0Their response...."I'm sorry sir but I have no
> record of you purchasing a monitor."

I was about to say that I bought a 20" monitor three or so years ago
from Dell and a 24" off brand (Soyo) a year later for half what the
Dell cost. The Dell never gets used. ;-)

> Oh well, I tried.

Your gloat is even better. Did anyone tell you that you suck?


Larry Blanchard

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

01/09/2009 1:09 PM

On Mon, 31 Aug 2009 22:49:56 -0700, Mark & Juanita wrote:

> I'm using a Brother printer because it has
> full support for Linux, Windows, and Mac -- a necessity for my
> household]

Same here. It's just a B&W laser, but it has duplexing and networking.
It's an HL5250DN which is probably an obsolete model by now.

Intelligence is an experiment that failed - G. B. Shaw


in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

01/09/2009 10:50 AM

On Sep 1, 10:53=A0am, "MikeWhy" <[email protected]> wrote:
> <[email protected]> wrote in message
> On Aug 31, 1:07 pm, skeez <[email protected]> wrote:
> > well...... at least they didnt hit you with several shipping charges.
> > This just happened to me with amazon. Apperently the order [that was
> > ordered all at the same time and paid for all at one time with the
> > same card] had to be shipped from 3 seperate vendors so I got hit with
> > 3 shipping charges! It was cabinet hardware and could have all come
> > from the same vendor. 23 bucks for an 87 dollar order? bit much.....
> > Care to guess who wont get any more of our business? Be glad rockler
> > will work it out for ya cause amazon would not! hope all arrives soon
> > mac.
> Shipping charges weren't disclosed when you place your order?
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> Amazon is usually pretty good about doing that. The only bad surprise I g=
> in the past few years was a vendor that slapped on sales tax after the or=
> was completed. It seems everyone is a bit more strident these days, more
> ready to nickel and dime you.

If they change the terms after the button is pushed it gets unpushed.

> I very seldom pay shipping on Amazon. Or maybe
> you might say I pre-pay the entire year's shipping costs up front every
> October. I order enough from Amazon that the $80 Prime membership pays fo=
> itself a few times over.

Really? How so? I looked at their "Prime" membership and didn't see
an advantage, no matter how much I bought from them. ...and I do buy
quite a bit from Amazon (the Unisaw is the biggie this year).



in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 5:37 PM

On Aug 31, 5:01=A0pm, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Chris Friesen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > On 08/31/2009 10:28 AM, Leon wrote:
> >> I could not make this up either.
> >> Got a new 23" Dell monitor, =A0contacted Dell "Chat" to find out how t=
> >> install the drivers. =A0I was having a mental lapse as I finally woke =
> >> and
> >> took care of the situation my self. =A0But any way after 40 minutes on=
> >> Chat with Dell Tech support they still could not tell me how to instal=
> >> the
> >> video driver and I gave up on them. =A0A follow up e-mail from Dell wa=
> >> to
> >> know if every thing was resolved. =A0ROTFL I pasted the entire 40 minu=
> >> chat
> >> in the reply box. =A01 hour later I got a response to that e-mail
> >> indicating
> >> that my complaint had been escalated and tech support would contact me
> >> with
> >> in 4 business days.
> > I bought a really nice 24" widescreen lcd monitor from Dell. =A0Had
> > problems getting it from their website so went through the call center.
> > The gentleman with the indian accent took my order and my credit card
> > number. =A0I received the monitor but saw on my credit card statement t=
> > I'd also been billed for something else--turns out it was the next
> > person's order from the same customer service guy. =A0After much time o=
> > the phone sorting things out they promised to refund it. =A0Next statem=
> > they refunded both charges. =A0Being a nice guy I called them up and sa=
> > that they'd screwed up and removed the charges for the monitor that I'd
> > actually received. =A0Their response...."I'm sorry sir but I have no
> > record of you purchasing a monitor."
> I have been using a NEC 18.1 5/4 since June 2001 and paid $1,100 for it. =
> still works fine, can't say that for either of the Trinitrons that preced=
> it. =A0I never regretted spending the money, I was done with CRT's.
> I was really wanting a 24" 16/10 =A0this time but for $172 with tax and
> shipping included the 23" 16/9 is just fine.
> If you have a big monitor you don't need a lot of money. =A0;~)

Lemme see.... 2x 20"...2 x 23.5" 1 x 24", 1 x 30".
Still don't have a flat-screen TV.
It ain't the size of the monitor, it's the phi that counts. (pubic
hair per inch). In a Montreal hotel, they had a nice 50-ish" plasma
and a porn pre-view.
I MUCH preferred the 16 mm shakey stag-films of yore.


Chris Friesen

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 11:07 AM

On 08/31/2009 10:28 AM, Leon wrote:

> I could not make this up either.
> Got a new 23" Dell monitor, contacted Dell "Chat" to find out how to
> install the drivers. I was having a mental lapse as I finally woke up and
> took care of the situation my self. But any way after 40 minutes on the
> Chat with Dell Tech support they still could not tell me how to install the
> video driver and I gave up on them. A follow up e-mail from Dell wanted to
> know if every thing was resolved. ROTFL I pasted the entire 40 minute chat
> in the reply box. 1 hour later I got a response to that e-mail indicating
> that my complaint had been escalated and tech support would contact me with
> in 4 business days.

I bought a really nice 24" widescreen lcd monitor from Dell. Had
problems getting it from their website so went through the call center.
The gentleman with the indian accent took my order and my credit card
number. I received the monitor but saw on my credit card statement that
I'd also been billed for something else--turns out it was the next
person's order from the same customer service guy. After much time on
the phone sorting things out they promised to refund it. Next statement
they refunded both charges. Being a nice guy I called them up and said
that they'd screwed up and removed the charges for the monitor that I'd
actually received. Their response...."I'm sorry sir but I have no
record of you purchasing a monitor."

Oh well, I tried.



[email protected] (Scott Lurndal)

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

02/09/2009 2:00 AM

"MikeWhy" <[email protected]> writes:
><[email protected]> wrote in message
>On Sep 1, 10:53 am, "MikeWhy" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> I very seldom pay shipping on Amazon. Or maybe
>> you might say I pre-pay the entire year's shipping costs up front every
>> October. I order enough from Amazon that the $80 Prime membership pays for
>> itself a few times over.
>Really? How so? I looked at their "Prime" membership and didn't see
>an advantage, no matter how much I bought from them. ...and I do buy
>quite a bit from Amazon (the Unisaw is the biggie this year).
>The big advantage is never having to worry about shipping charges. Some
>external vendors take part in the free shipping, but many do not. Very
>often, I prefer to buy from Amazon if they offer it with Prime shipping.

So long as you can wait a few days, Amazon offers free super-saver shipping
without a Prime membership. I cannot think of anything I've bought from
amazon that I can't wait a week or so to get.

Remember the old days when we'd hit the Sears catalog store once a blue
moon to order whatnot, turnaround times of two weeks were not uncommon.
(now the same small town has its own walmart - I'm not sure instant
gratification is worth that :-)



Tim Douglass

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

02/09/2009 10:09 AM

On Tue, 01 Sep 2009 13:09:35 -0500, Larry Blanchard
<[email protected]> wrote:

>On Mon, 31 Aug 2009 22:49:56 -0700, Mark & Juanita wrote:
>> I'm using a Brother printer because it has
>> full support for Linux, Windows, and Mac -- a necessity for my
>> household]
>Same here. It's just a B&W laser, but it has duplexing and networking.
>It's an HL5250DN which is probably an obsolete model by now.

Just discontinued very recently. I am in mourning. We got a bunch of
them for the private school my wife teaches at because they are cheap,
reliable and easy on toner costs. Not sure what we will be replacing
them with in the future.

"We need to make a sacrifice to the gods, find me a young virgin... oh, and bring something to kill"

Tim Douglass


mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 11:47 PM

On Mon, 31 Aug 2009 14:21:17 GMT, notbob <[email protected]> wrote:

>On 2009-08-31, mac davis <[email protected]> wrote:
>> I couldn't have made this up but wish I had the talent to:
>> Thank you for your email. I apologize the order was shipped by UPS. We are
>> contacting UPS to have the package returned. Once the package is returned we
>> will reship by USPS to your post office box.
>No biggie. A misunderstanding. Be grateful they WILL accommodate you
>by shipping via USPS. Some just will not.
Yep.. those that I don't order from..
You'd be surprised at how many places DO us the mail if you request it..


Please remove splinters before emailing



in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

02/09/2009 8:38 AM

"Ralph E Lindberg" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> PS, just because it was shipped UPS doesn't mean it will get delivered
> via UPS. Both UPS and FedEx has a "deal" they forced on the USPS, where
> the USPS gets to deliver the package (at a discount). I just this week
> got a box from Harbor Freight, that was shipped via FedEx and delivered
> by the USPS to my PO Box

I have noticed that also, shipped by the bigger package carrier and
delivered by the PO.

How do you suppose the PO was forced?


Mark & Juanita

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

01/09/2009 9:19 PM

mac davis wrote:

> On Mon, 31 Aug 2009 11:28:51 -0500, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>I could not make this up either.
>>Got a new 23" Dell monitor, contacted Dell "Chat" to find out how to
>>install the drivers. I was having a mental lapse as I finally woke up and
>>took care of the situation my self. But any way after 40 minutes on the
>>Chat with Dell Tech support they still could not tell me how to install
>>video driver and I gave up on them. A follow up e-mail from Dell wanted
>>know if every thing was resolved. ROTFL I pasted the entire 40 minute
>>in the reply box. 1 hour later I got a response to that e-mail indicating
>>that my complaint had been escalated and tech support would contact me
>>with in 4 business days.
> Very much like the one my wife had with Hughesnet on their support chat..
> She was complaining about being put on FAP and the internet being too slow
> to use..
> The person she was chatting with kept asking why it took so long for her
> to make each reply.. Duh..

Been there, done that. At least on chat you could decipher the English,
via phone technical service, not so much. I am so glad DSL finally came to
my little corner of the desert. I know that doesn't do much good for you,
it's probably gonna be a while before you get a central office within 2
miles of you. :-) But hey, you've got the beach.

> mac
> Please remove splinters before emailing


There is never a situation where having more rounds is a disadvantage

Rob Leatham


"Lew Hodgett"

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 11:56 PM

RE: Subject

When it comes to HP, they make decent printers, the rest of the
product line can go straight to the old bit bucket.

I dumped their crap long ago.



in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 12:12 PM

On Aug 31, 11:28=A0am, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "mac davis" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >I couldn't have made this up but wish I had the talent to:
> I could not make this up either.
> Got a new 23" Dell monitor, =A0contacted Dell "Chat" to find out how to
> install the drivers. =A0I was having a mental lapse as I finally woke up =
> took care of the situation my self. =A0But any way after 40 minutes on th=
> Chat with Dell Tech support they still could not tell me how to install t=
> video driver and I gave up on them. =A0A follow up e-mail from Dell wante=
d to
> know if every thing was resolved. =A0ROTFL I pasted the entire 40 minute =
> in the reply box. =A01 hour later I got a response to that e-mail indicat=
> that my complaint had been escalated and tech support would contact me wi=
> in 4 business days.

Drivers? For a monitor? They're likely too young to have heard of
such a thing. ;-)



in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

02/09/2009 3:28 PM

On Sep 2, 6:38=A0am, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:

> How do you suppose the PO was forced?

Political pressure (per a retired Postal offical I know)

The USPS gets paid a small amount to execute delivery, per the same
person the USPS loses money on the transaction. Just like "bulk" mail
and "media" mail. But the Congress doesn't let them raise their rates



in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

03/09/2009 8:15 AM

Lee Michaels wrote:
> "mac davis" wrote
>> I couldn't have made this up but wish I had the talent to:
> Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,, eventually they got it right.
> Serves ya right for being a four-in-er. <G>

Sometimes it's the foreign mail service.

I worked for a company that had an office in Milan. All our mail went to
Switzerland where an employee would make the drive daily to retrieve it,
such was the awfulness of the Italian postal service.

If you think I jest, this was about the time that one of the Rothschild's
sons was kidnapped in Rome. The kidnappers mailed one of the son's EARS to
the family to demonstrate their resolve.

The ear took TEN DAYS to be delivered in the same city.

But everything is relative.

At the turn of the last century, there were FOUR mail deliveries per day in
London. One could send an invitation to an afternoon soiree and receive an
RSVP long before tea-time.


in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 12:18 PM

On Aug 31, 1:07=A0pm, skeez <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Aug 2009 07:04:05 -0700, mac davis
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> >I couldn't have made this up but wish I had the talent to:
> >Thank you for shopping with Rockler. A copy of your order will be sent t=
> >[email protected].
> >Your order may be sent in different shipments. If it is, no additional c=
> >will apply.
> >Order Notes: Must be sent US Postage, Can not receive UPS =A0
> >_________________________________________________________________
> >Your email indicates that the order was shipped by UPS..
> >This order was supposed to go USPS, not UPS..
> >UPS does not deliver to Post Boxes..
> >mac
> >_________________________________________________________________
> >Thank you for your email. =A0I checked our records and show we have a po=
box and a
> >PMB. =A0Is a PMB a physical address? =A0If it's not a physical address, =
> >supply your physical address so we can contact UPS with it.
> >Sincerely, Rockler Order Department
> >__________________________________________________________________
> >The instructions on the order were MUST BE SENT US Postage..
> >A PMB is a personal mail box..
> >We do not have a physical address in the United States..
> >mac
> >_______________________________________________________________
> >Thank you for your email. =A0I apologize the order was shipped by UPS in=
> >Please forward a physical address. =A0Once we have this information we w=
> >contact UPS to update your information for delivery of your package.
> >________________________________________________________________
> >I don't know how much clearer I can make this.. If it COULD be sent to a
> >physical address, one would of been supplied..
> >We live in Mexico and all mail goes to our PO Box in California and is b=
> >down by courier..
> >What part of "Must be shipped by USPS" is not being understood?
> >mac
> >___________________________________________________________________
> >Thank you for your email. =A0I apologize the order was shipped by UPS. =
=A0We are
> >contacting UPS to have the package returned. =A0Once the package is retu=
rned we
> >will reship by USPS to your post office box.
> >mac
> >Please remove splinters before emailing
> well...... at least they didnt hit you with several shipping charges.
> This just happened to me with amazon. Apperently the order [that was
> ordered all at the same time and paid for all at one time with the
> same card] had to be shipped from 3 seperate vendors so I got hit with
> 3 shipping charges! =A0It was cabinet hardware and could have all come
> from the same vendor. 23 bucks for an 87 dollar order? bit much.....
> Care to guess who wont get any more of our business? Be glad rockler
> will work it out for ya cause amazon would not! hope all arrives soon
> mac.

Shipping charges weren't disclosed when you place your order?


mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 11:49 PM

On Mon, 31 Aug 2009 11:28:51 -0500, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
>I could not make this up either.
>Got a new 23" Dell monitor, contacted Dell "Chat" to find out how to
>install the drivers. I was having a mental lapse as I finally woke up and
>took care of the situation my self. But any way after 40 minutes on the
>Chat with Dell Tech support they still could not tell me how to install the
>video driver and I gave up on them. A follow up e-mail from Dell wanted to
>know if every thing was resolved. ROTFL I pasted the entire 40 minute chat
>in the reply box. 1 hour later I got a response to that e-mail indicating
>that my complaint had been escalated and tech support would contact me with
>in 4 business days.
Very much like the one my wife had with Hughesnet on their support chat..
She was complaining about being put on FAP and the internet being too slow to
The person she was chatting with kept asking why it took so long for her to make
each reply.. Duh..


Please remove splinters before emailing



in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 11:28 AM

"mac davis" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I couldn't have made this up but wish I had the talent to:

I could not make this up either.

Got a new 23" Dell monitor, contacted Dell "Chat" to find out how to
install the drivers. I was having a mental lapse as I finally woke up and
took care of the situation my self. But any way after 40 minutes on the
Chat with Dell Tech support they still could not tell me how to install the
video driver and I gave up on them. A follow up e-mail from Dell wanted to
know if every thing was resolved. ROTFL I pasted the entire 40 minute chat
in the reply box. 1 hour later I got a response to that e-mail indicating
that my complaint had been escalated and tech support would contact me with
in 4 business days.



Tom Veatch

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

02/09/2009 9:53 AM

On Wed, 02 Sep 2009 05:48:15 -0700, Ralph E Lindberg
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Both UPS and FedEx has a "deal" they forced on the USPS, where
>the USPS gets to deliver the package

It's called "Basic" service at UPS. If you try to track a UPS shipment
and the type of service shows as Basic, it will be delivered by the
mail carrier. Tracking is a little better than that for Priority Mail,
but not much.

Tom Veatch
Wichita, KS



in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 10:13 AM

Chris Friesen wrote:

> On 08/31/2009 10:28 AM, Leon wrote:
>> I could not make this up either.
>> Got a new 23" Dell monitor, contacted Dell "Chat" to find out how to
>> install the drivers. I was having a mental lapse as I finally woke up
>> and
>> took care of the situation my self. But any way after 40 minutes on the
>> Chat with Dell Tech support they still could not tell me how to install
>> the
>> video driver and I gave up on them. A follow up e-mail from Dell wanted
>> to
>> know if every thing was resolved. ROTFL I pasted the entire 40 minute
>> chat
>> in the reply box. 1 hour later I got a response to that e-mail
>> indicating that my complaint had been escalated and tech support would
>> contact me with in 4 business days.
> I bought a really nice 24" widescreen lcd monitor from Dell. Had
> problems getting it from their website so went through the call center.
> The gentleman with the indian accent took my order and my credit card
> number. I received the monitor but saw on my credit card statement that
> I'd also been billed for something else--turns out it was the next
> person's order from the same customer service guy. After much time on
> the phone sorting things out they promised to refund it. Next statement
> they refunded both charges. Being a nice guy I called them up and said
> that they'd screwed up and removed the charges for the monitor that I'd
> actually received. Their response...."I'm sorry sir but I have no
> record of you purchasing a monitor."
> Oh well, I tried.
> Chris
Yes and the sad fact is, all these jobs shipped overseas are to save $$$$
Why bother?
"You can lead them to LINUX
but you can't make them THINK"
Running Mandriva release 2008.0 free-i586 using KDE on i586
Website Address


Steve Turner

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 8:40 PM

Lew Hodgett wrote:
> RE: Subject
> When it comes to HP, they make decent printers, the rest of the
> product line can go straight to the old bit bucket.
> I dumped their crap long ago.
> Lew

Their printers are "decent" I suppose, but I'm not sure they're that much better than
anything else out there. The software they package with those printers, on the other hand,
is some of the worst crap I've ever used. Bloated, slow, buggy, and downright inoperable.
Oh, you just want to install the basic drivers without all the other crap? Sorry, there's
no option for that.

Free bad advice available here.
To reply, eat the taco.



in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

01/09/2009 10:53 AM

<[email protected]> wrote in message
On Aug 31, 1:07 pm, skeez <[email protected]> wrote:
> well...... at least they didnt hit you with several shipping charges.
> This just happened to me with amazon. Apperently the order [that was
> ordered all at the same time and paid for all at one time with the
> same card] had to be shipped from 3 seperate vendors so I got hit with
> 3 shipping charges! It was cabinet hardware and could have all come
> from the same vendor. 23 bucks for an 87 dollar order? bit much.....
> Care to guess who wont get any more of our business? Be glad rockler
> will work it out for ya cause amazon would not! hope all arrives soon
> mac.

Shipping charges weren't disclosed when you place your order?

Amazon is usually pretty good about doing that. The only bad surprise I got
in the past few years was a vendor that slapped on sales tax after the order
was completed. It seems everyone is a bit more strident these days, more
ready to nickel and dime you. I very seldom pay shipping on Amazon. Or maybe
you might say I pre-pay the entire year's shipping costs up front every
October. I order enough from Amazon that the $80 Prime membership pays for
itself a few times over.


Steve Turner

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

01/09/2009 12:06 PM

Leon wrote:
> I have had 3 HPs, 6 Canons, and a 3 Panasonics. The Canons are as simple
> and user frinedly as I have ever had.

I have a Canon MF4150 multi-function laser printer - best printer I've ever owned, and the
accompanying software is unobtrusive, functional, and bug-free (at least in my experience).

"Even if your wife is happy but you're unhappy, you're still happier
than you'd be if you were happy and your wife was unhappy." - Red Green
To reply, eat the taco.



in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

01/09/2009 6:15 PM

<[email protected]> wrote in message
On Sep 1, 10:53 am, "MikeWhy" <[email protected]> wrote:
> I very seldom pay shipping on Amazon. Or maybe
> you might say I pre-pay the entire year's shipping costs up front every
> October. I order enough from Amazon that the $80 Prime membership pays for
> itself a few times over.

Really? How so? I looked at their "Prime" membership and didn't see
an advantage, no matter how much I bought from them. ...and I do buy
quite a bit from Amazon (the Unisaw is the biggie this year).

The big advantage is never having to worry about shipping charges. Some
external vendors take part in the free shipping, but many do not. Very
often, I prefer to buy from Amazon if they offer it with Prime shipping. I
remember a time when I obsessed over adding a few more little things to the
cart to hit their "free" shipping special du jour. Maybe I save money; maybe
I don't. Now, I just click the "Two Day 1-click -- FREE" button when I see
something that strikes my interest. In the past 2 years, I bought a 5 hp
chipper, rototiller, 2-stage snowblower, and a drillpress. Those are the big
items. For the shop... plenty, come to think of it. A new Woodworker II,
Kreg bs fence, CMT router bit set; even little things like a quart of
Titebond. The prices are competitive, and it would be hard to beat the
shipping and convenience.



in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

02/09/2009 7:03 PM

Ralph wrote:
> On Sep 2, 6:38 am, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> How do you suppose the PO was forced?
> Political pressure (per a retired Postal offical I know)
> The USPS gets paid a small amount to execute delivery, per the same
> person the USPS loses money on the transaction. Just like "bulk" mail
> and "media" mail. But the Congress doesn't let them raise their rates

Why should they be able to, we're already paying the higher rate through
our taxes.



"Playing is not something I do at night, it's my function in life"
--Elvin Jones (1927-2004)
[email protected]
---remove "DOT" ^^^^ to reply


"J. Clarke"

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

02/09/2009 8:46 PM

-MIKE- wrote:
> Ralph wrote:
>> On Sep 2, 6:38 am, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> How do you suppose the PO was forced?
>> Political pressure (per a retired Postal offical I know)
>> The USPS gets paid a small amount to execute delivery, per the same
>> person the USPS loses money on the transaction. Just like "bulk" mail
>> and "media" mail. But the Congress doesn't let them raise their rates
> Why should they be able to, we're already paying the higher rate
> through our taxes.

???? The US Postal Service is a quasi-governmental agency that does not
receive taxpayer funding. Further, postage rates are not set by Congress.
There was an agreement in 2003 that the postal service would not raise rates
for 3 years, but that agreement expired three years ago.


"J. Clarke"

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

03/09/2009 5:47 PM

HeyBub wrote:
> J. Clarke wrote:
>> -MIKE- wrote:
>>> Ralph wrote:
>>>> On Sep 2, 6:38 am, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> How do you suppose the PO was forced?
>>>> Political pressure (per a retired Postal offical I know)
>>>> The USPS gets paid a small amount to execute delivery, per the same
>>>> person the USPS loses money on the transaction. Just like "bulk"
>>>> mail and "media" mail. But the Congress doesn't let them raise
>>>> their rates
>>> Why should they be able to, we're already paying the higher rate
>>> through our taxes.
>> ???? The US Postal Service is a quasi-governmental agency that does
>> not receive taxpayer funding. Further, postage rates are not set by
>> Congress. There was an agreement in 2003 that the postal service
>> would not raise rates for 3 years, but that agreement expired three
>> years ago.
> The USPS DOES get taxpayer money.
> The government pays the postal service for the mail it sends and to
> support programs such as mail for the blind and election ballots for
> members of the armed services.

And UPS gets taxpayer money for the packages the government sends too.
You're nitpicking pointlessly.


mac davis

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 11:46 PM

On Mon, 31 Aug 2009 10:20:21 -0400, "Lee Michaels"
<leemichaels*nadaspam*> wrote:

>"mac davis" wrote
>>I couldn't have made this up but wish I had the talent to:
>Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,, eventually they got it right.
>Serves ya right for being a four-in-er. <G>

Yeah, except we're talking about a $27 order including shipping.. You'd think
they could have just shipped another one to me without waiting for the one they
shipped wrong to come back..


Please remove splinters before emailing



in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

01/09/2009 10:42 PM

On Tue, 1 Sep 2009 18:15:57 -0500, "MikeWhy"
<[email protected]> wrote:

><[email protected]> wrote in message
>On Sep 1, 10:53 am, "MikeWhy" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> I very seldom pay shipping on Amazon. Or maybe
>> you might say I pre-pay the entire year's shipping costs up front every
>> October. I order enough from Amazon that the $80 Prime membership pays for
>> itself a few times over.
>Really? How so? I looked at their "Prime" membership and didn't see
>an advantage, no matter how much I bought from them. ...and I do buy
>quite a bit from Amazon (the Unisaw is the biggie this year).
>The big advantage is never having to worry about shipping charges. Some
>external vendors take part in the free shipping, but many do not.

Many don't participate in the "free shipping", either. Grizzley

>often, I prefer to buy from Amazon if they offer it with Prime shipping. I
>remember a time when I obsessed over adding a few more little things to the
>cart to hit their "free" shipping special du jour. Maybe I save money; maybe
>I don't. Now, I just click the "Two Day 1-click -- FREE" button when I see
>something that strikes my interest. In the past 2 years, I bought a 5 hp
>chipper, rototiller, 2-stage snowblower, and a drillpress. Those are the big
>items. For the shop... plenty, come to think of it. A new Woodworker II,
>Kreg bs fence, CMT router bit set; even little things like a quart of
>Titebond. The prices are competitive, and it would be hard to beat the
>shipping and convenience.

I'm sure my Unisaw had hefty shipping charges too, but it was bought
from Amazon with "free shipping". Again, I don't see the purpose, for
another $80.


Mark & Juanita

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 10:49 PM

Lew Hodgett wrote:

> RE: Subject
> When it comes to HP, they make decent printers, the rest of the
> product line can go straight to the old bit bucket.
> I dumped their crap long ago.
> Lew

Maybe decent, but high-priced ink cartridges that come with an expiration
date. Theoretically to make sure the ink is of proper quality and doesn't
degrade. Realistically to prevent you from refilling the cartridges. There
are instances of people stocking up on cartridges and not being able to use
them because they have expired and the printer refused to use them. [My
information is a couple years old, maybe they've changed, I haven't
bothered to check recently. I'm using a Brother printer because it has
full support for Linux, Windows, and Mac -- a necessity for my household]


There is never a situation where having more rounds is a disadvantage

Rob Leatham


"Ed Pawlowski"

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

03/09/2009 9:56 PM

"HeyBub" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> If you think I jest, this was about the time that one of the Rothschild's
> sons was kidnapped in Rome. The kidnappers mailed one of the son's EARS to
> the family to demonstrate their resolve.
> The ear took TEN DAYS to be delivered in the same city.

They should have earmarked the address label.


Ralph E Lindberg

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

02/09/2009 5:48 AM

In article <[email protected]>,
mac davis <[email protected]> wrote:

> I couldn't have made this up but wish I had the talent to:
> Thank you for shopping with Rockler. A copy of your order will be sent to
> [email protected].
> Your order may be sent in different shipments. If it is, no additional
> charges
> will apply.
> Order Notes: Must be sent US Postage, Can not receive UPS
> _________________________________________________________________
> Your email indicates that the order was shipped by UPS..
> This order was supposed to go USPS, not UPS..
> UPS does not deliver to Post Boxes..
> mac
> _________________________________________________________________
> Thank you for your email. I checked our records and show we have a po box
> and a
> PMB. Is a PMB a physical address? If it's not a physical address, please
> supply your physical address so we can contact UPS with it.
> Sincerely, Rockler Order Department
> __________________________________________________________________
> The instructions on the order were MUST BE SENT US Postage..
> A PMB is a personal mail box..
> We do not have a physical address in the United States..
> mac
> _______________________________________________________________
> Thank you for your email. I apologize the order was shipped by UPS in error.
> Please forward a physical address. Once we have this information we will
> contact UPS to update your information for delivery of your package.
> ________________________________________________________________
> I don't know how much clearer I can make this.. If it COULD be sent to a
> physical address, one would of been supplied..
> We live in Mexico and all mail goes to our PO Box in California and is
> brought
> down by courier..
> What part of "Must be shipped by USPS" is not being understood?
> mac
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Thank you for your email. I apologize the order was shipped by UPS. We are
> contacting UPS to have the package returned. Once the package is returned we
> will reship by USPS to your post office box.
> mac
> Please remove splinters before emailing

Mac, check the web-site, this one
might be a go there.

PS, just because it was shipped UPS doesn't mean it will get delivered
via UPS. Both UPS and FedEx has a "deal" they forced on the USPS, where
the USPS gets to deliver the package (at a discount). I just this week
got a box from Harbor Freight, that was shipped via FedEx and delivered
by the USPS to my PO Box

Personal e-mail is the n7bsn but at
This posting address is a spam-trap and seldom read
RV and Camping FAQ can be found at


Larry Blanchard

in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 6:30 PM

On Mon, 31 Aug 2009 11:28:51 -0500, Leon wrote:

> 1 hour later I got a response to that
> e-mail indicating that my complaint had been escalated and tech support
> would contact me with in 4 business days.

I had the same kind of problems with HP support concerning a Compaq
monitor. Unfortunately, when tech support called, the gentleman on the
other end had such a heavy Indian accent I couldn't understand him. I
could understand enough to know he got very angry when I politely asked
if I could speak to someone with less of an accent.

Intelligence is an experiment that failed - G. B. Shaw



in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 10:50 PM

"Steve Turner" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> Their printers are "decent" I suppose, but I'm not sure they're that much
> better than anything else out there. The software they package with those
> printers, on the other hand, is some of the worst crap I've ever used.
> Bloated, slow, buggy, and downright inoperable. Oh, you just want to
> install the basic drivers without all the other crap? Sorry, there's no
> option for that.

Agreed, a couple of years ago we upgraded our home printer to a HP L7780
network job. Its a pretty good printer and does not use too much ink but ht
einstall instructions failed to point out that you cannot hook up the
printer USB AND wirelessly. If you want a combination of printing
wirelessly and hard wired it has to be installed "wired" to the router.
No if only the manual would have said that I and the tech would not have
spent half a day screwing with it. Finally the tech asked how the printer
was hooked up? And do you really need 3 hp file managers to be installed???

I have had 3 HPs, 6 Canons, and a 3 Panasonics. The Canons are as simple
and user frinedly as I have ever had.



in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 2:21 PM

On 2009-08-31, mac davis <[email protected]> wrote:
> I couldn't have made this up but wish I had the talent to:

> Thank you for your email. I apologize the order was shipped by UPS. We are
> contacting UPS to have the package returned. Once the package is returned we
> will reship by USPS to your post office box.

No biggie. A misunderstanding. Be grateful they WILL accommodate you
by shipping via USPS. Some just will not.




in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

01/09/2009 6:48 AM

On 2009-09-01, Mark & Juanita <[email protected]> wrote:

>> I dumped their crap long ago.

Dump the printers, too. They're crap.

> I'm using a Brother printer because it has full support for Linux,
> Windows, and Mac -- a necessity for my household]


Get a b/w Brother laser printer. You don't really need a color
inkjet. If ya wanna get a print of a color picture, put the file on
portable media and go to Walmart or a printshop and get a couple
prints. Use the b/w printer for everything else. Brother makes a
killer laser printer for little money and they're damn near bullet
proof. I've had mine for four yrs, moved across 4 states, dropped it,
banged it, it's been in an auto accident..... Still works as good as
the day I bought it. I use linux too. Took all of about 30 secs to
set up.




in reply to mac davis on 31/08/2009 7:04 AM

31/08/2009 4:01 PM

"Chris Friesen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On 08/31/2009 10:28 AM, Leon wrote:
>> I could not make this up either.
>> Got a new 23" Dell monitor, contacted Dell "Chat" to find out how to
>> install the drivers. I was having a mental lapse as I finally woke up
>> and
>> took care of the situation my self. But any way after 40 minutes on the
>> Chat with Dell Tech support they still could not tell me how to install
>> the
>> video driver and I gave up on them. A follow up e-mail from Dell wanted
>> to
>> know if every thing was resolved. ROTFL I pasted the entire 40 minute
>> chat
>> in the reply box. 1 hour later I got a response to that e-mail
>> indicating
>> that my complaint had been escalated and tech support would contact me
>> with
>> in 4 business days.
> I bought a really nice 24" widescreen lcd monitor from Dell. Had
> problems getting it from their website so went through the call center.
> The gentleman with the indian accent took my order and my credit card
> number. I received the monitor but saw on my credit card statement that
> I'd also been billed for something else--turns out it was the next
> person's order from the same customer service guy. After much time on
> the phone sorting things out they promised to refund it. Next statement
> they refunded both charges. Being a nice guy I called them up and said
> that they'd screwed up and removed the charges for the monitor that I'd
> actually received. Their response...."I'm sorry sir but I have no
> record of you purchasing a monitor."

I have been using a NEC 18.1 5/4 since June 2001 and paid $1,100 for it. It
still works fine, can't say that for either of the Trinitrons that preceded
it. I never regretted spending the money, I was done with CRT's.
I was really wanting a 24" 16/10 this time but for $172 with tax and
shipping included the 23" 16/9 is just fine.

If you have a big monitor you don't need a lot of money. ;~)

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