A short while back, some kind soul alerted the rec to the fact that the
History Channel was showing all the episodes of Toolbox back-to-back.
Thank you. I snapped into action, in an uncharactoristic timely fashion,
and captured them all.
I've just finished watching them. They are interesting, but for me, once
was enough. I'd be happy to mail this VSH tape to whoever would like it. I
don't wish it returned.
So, it goes to whomever asks for it first. Perhaps they'll pass it on when
finished, but that's up to them.
Bill Leonhardt
I would love to have it - I sent some NYW videos to another wrecker and this
stuff works out well. I'd be happy to pay shipping and would forward them
to the next person because I would make a DVD of it. Hope I'm not too late.
"Bill Leonhardt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> A short while back, some kind soul alerted the rec to the fact that the
> History Channel was showing all the episodes of Toolbox back-to-back.
> Thank you. I snapped into action, in an uncharactoristic timely fashion,
> and captured them all.
> I've just finished watching them. They are interesting, but for me, once
> was enough. I'd be happy to mail this VSH tape to whoever would like it.
> don't wish it returned.
> So, it goes to whomever asks for it first. Perhaps they'll pass it on
> finished, but that's up to them.
> Bill Leonhardt
I wasn't first to request, therefore didn't get it, Sorry.
"Larry Jaques" <novalidaddress@di\/ersify.com> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 18:12:39 -0500, "D. J. Dorn" <[email protected]>
> calmly ranted:
> >I would love to have it - I sent some NYW videos to another wrecker and
> >stuff works out well. I'd be happy to pay shipping and would forward
> >to the next person because I would make a DVD of it. Hope I'm not too
> Now that it's yours, will you be making copies? How much
> for a copy of the DVD, Don? (They're cheaper to make/ship.)
> ==============================================================
> Like peace and quiet? Buy a phoneless cord.
> http://www/diversify.com/stees.html Hilarious T-shirts online
> ==============================================================
I have a taker...therefore, it's gone!
"Bill Leonhardt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> A short while back, some kind soul alerted the rec to the fact that the
> History Channel was showing all the episodes of Toolbox back-to-back.
> Thank you. I snapped into action, in an uncharactoristic timely fashion,
> and captured them all.
> I've just finished watching them. They are interesting, but for me, once
> was enough. I'd be happy to mail this VSH tape to whoever would like it.
> don't wish it returned.
> So, it goes to whomever asks for it first. Perhaps they'll pass it on
> finished, but that's up to them.
> Bill Leonhardt
On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 18:12:39 -0500, "D. J. Dorn" <[email protected]>
calmly ranted:
>I would love to have it - I sent some NYW videos to another wrecker and this
>stuff works out well. I'd be happy to pay shipping and would forward them
>to the next person because I would make a DVD of it. Hope I'm not too late.
Now that it's yours, will you be making copies? How much
for a copy of the DVD, Don? (They're cheaper to make/ship.)
Like peace and quiet? Buy a phoneless cord.
http://www/diversify.com/stees.html Hilarious T-shirts online