

23/10/2004 9:11 AM

Thank god for filters...

I think this wreck crap is worse than the spammers. If someone wants to
create a freaking group, let them. You do not need to subscribe to it
and if they are as &(^%#@ up as many seem to think then its doubtful
they'd have anything to contribute that you'd be interested in anyway.
Get a life for christs sake and lets get back to woodworking instead of
sporting a woody because someone wants to do something you don't!

This topic has 1 replies



in reply to Grandpa on 23/10/2004 9:11 AM

24/10/2004 11:25 AM

Hmmmm.............and how do you really feel about this?

"Grandpa" <jsdebooATcomcast.net> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I think this wreck crap is worse than the spammers. If someone wants to
>create a freaking group, let them. You do not need to subscribe to it and
>if they are as &(^%#@ up as many seem to think then its doubtful they'd
>have anything to contribute that you'd be interested in anyway. Get a life
>for christs sake and lets get back to woodworking instead of sporting a
>woody because someone wants to do something you don't!

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