We have a bunch of spots open in our Adult Education basic woodworking
classes - Woodworking I - for the Fall semester. For anyone who is
interested, here are some details:
1.Classes meet once per week, except as noted, for three hours
2. Classes start during the week of September 11th
3. Cost is around $70
4. Class schedule
Thursday Evening 6 to 9
Saturday Mornings 9 to 12
Monday and Thursday Afternoon 1 to 4 - this is a "double" class
incorporation both the beginning and intermediate class
5. Call 925-937-1530 for more information
6. Register by fax - go to www.mdusd.k12.ca.us/adulted
7. Walk in registration: One Santa Barbara Road, Room 210, Pleasant
Hill, CA
By the way, there are also openings in other classes:
1. Projects for the Home and Yard [Open Shop class]
2. Router Fundamentals
3. Band Saw - Scroll Saw Techniques
4. Joinery and Jigs
5. Box Making
6. One day class on: Tool Sharpening and Tool Selection
A full description of all these classes is on the web site noted above.