I send my condolences and good wishes to not only the woodworkers, but
all of the good people in London and throughout the UK.
I doubt the terrorists realize the extent to which they are
strengthening the bonds between those they attack - and I earnestly
hope they learn that they make themselves brother to no man.
Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA
In article <[email protected]>, Morris Dovey
<[email protected]> wrote:
> I send my condolences and good wishes to not only the woodworkers, but
> all of the good people in London and throughout the UK.
> I doubt the terrorists realize the extent to which they are
> strengthening the bonds between those they attack - and I earnestly
> hope they learn that they make themselves brother to no man.
Terrorizing London with bombs was tried in the past. One A. Hitler
thought it would somehow cow the British people and further his goal of
world domination. I don't understand why the Islamofascists think they
can succeed where he failed.
When Britain first at Heav'n's command
Arose from out the azure main;
This was the charter of the land,
And guardian angels sang this strain;
Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
Britons never will be slaves.
The nations not so blest as thee,
Shall in their turns to tyrants fall;
While thou shalt flourish great and free,
The dread and envy of them all.
Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
Britons never will be slaves.
Still mor majestic shalt thou rise,
More dreadful from each foreign stroke;
As the loud blast that tears the skies,
Serves but to root thy native oak.
Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
Britons never will be slaves.
Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame,
All their attempts to bend thee down
Will but arouse thy generous flame;
But work their woe, and thy renown.
Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
Britons never will be slaves.
To thee belongs the rural reign;
They cities shall with commerce shine;
All thine shall be the subject main,
And every shore it circles thine.
Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
Britons never will be slaves.
The Muses, still with freedom found,
Shall to thy happy coast repair;
Blest Isle! With matchless beauty crowned,
And manly hearts to juide the fair.
Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
Britons never will be slaves.
~ Stay Calm... Be Brave... Wait for the Signs ~
One site: <http://www.balderstone.ca>
The other site, with ww links<http://www.woodenwabbits.com>
On 8 Jul 2005 14:33:49 GMT, Michael Burton
<mhburton@tbird-hardwoodsdotcom> wrote:
> My condolences as well.
And mine as well.
> I also noticed the Egyptian Ambassador was
>kindnapped and killed in Iraq the other day. It seems the Islamofascists
>(to borrow a word) are trying to see if they can piss off the entire world
>at the same time.
It is often claimed that Islam "promotes peace and security to all
mankind ... [and] does not allow lawless action against innocent
BUT, according to the Koran, the only "innocents" are heterosexual
Muslims, and Islamic law permits horrendous acts of brutality against
disbelievers. For example, the Koran instructs believers to:
* scourge (flog) disbelieving women (4:34)
* kill disbelievers wherever they may be found (4:89, 9:5)
* assume all disbelievers hate Muslims (3:118)
* not take Jews or Christians as friends (5:51)
* let disbelievers kill their own children (6:137)
And in particular, every single Muslim who prays for non-Muslim dead
(as happened after the September 11th attacks, for example) has sinned
according to 9:84:
"And never (O Muhammad) pray for one of them who dieth, nor stand by
his grave. Lo! they disbelieved in Allah and His messenger, and they
died while they were evil-doers."
So, it's easy to understand why an individual force-fed this can
readily turn their hand to NYC, Bali, Madrid and London.
I wonder if there's any chance of religions being held accountable for
they evil they can do?
An understanding here can never be reached. Unfortunate to say, but
unless we resort to the tactics of the Mongolian hordes and start
killing the families and loved ones of the perpetrators everytime they
do this, they won't stop. They have no regard for their own life.
Anyway, condolences to the UK, but they WILL prevail...
jtpr wrote:
> An understanding here can never be reached. Unfortunate to say, but
> unless we resort to the tactics of the Mongolian hordes and start
> killing the families and loved ones of the perpetrators everytime they
> do this, they won't stop. They have no regard for their own life.
> Anyway, condolences to the UK, but they WILL prevail...
> -Jim
Their leaders have plenty of regard for their own lives. It's the young
and the stupid who follow those leaders and kill themselves. Kill
enough of the leaders while trying to improve the lives of others and
htings may change, though, in fact, most of this is a Muslim problem.
Have you yet heard of a prominent Muslim cleric condemning these
animals as they condemned Salman Rushdie? No fatwa, no nothing
constructive from the clerics, and until that happens, no matter what
we do, there will be no change.
Robatoy wrote:
> ...
> >
> Democratic as in Democrats or as in Democracy?
> The way I understand it, that Democrats are somewhat like our
> Liberals...our Conservatives are more like Republicans. We also have
> Socialists up here although in a small minority.
It used to be that our Republicans were like your Conservatives and
our Democrats were also like your conservatives.
Nowadays our Democrats are like your Conservatives and I hope you
haven't got anyone like our Republicans.
> ... I'm sure that you are familiar with that phenomena as
> well as Bush ain't no Reagan and Clinton was no LBJ.
Looks like Bush is an LBJ without the redeeming social graces ...
"Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> It has become increasingly difficult to see who is taking what fight to
> whom. The hard part for me is to accept that radical fanaticism only
> exists in Islamic guise. Atrocities are taking place on both sides of
> the fence and 'taking the fight to the terrorists' doesn't seem to be
> working.... in fact (imho) the strengthening of the bonds is a sword
> that cuts both ways.
> Again, I ask myself who benefits from this last action?
> .
> .
Yea, if we would just back off and leave them alone, then they would go
away. Riiiight. Dipshit!
Bill Pounds
It certainly does.
"Badger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Ian wrote:
>> There have been numerous terrorists groups, and they rarely share a
>> religious theame. I can accept that world wide terrorest groups have
>> been few and far between - most are tackling a particular local issue -
>> whether it be something in Ireland, of France (neither of which are
>> linked to the world wide movements, except regarding shared training
>> etc).
> There's the rub, funding from US citizens supported training for the IRA
> and their "brothers-in-arms" in the middle east they trained with...
> What goes around, comes around?
On Fri, 08 Jul 2005 19:52:15 -0400, Robatoy <[email protected]>
>In article <[email protected]>,
> "mike hide" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Presumably we atre talking about the so called Democratic leadership now
>> that the press is inferring the war in Iraq is not popular with the general
>> public.
>Democratic as in Democrats or as in Democracy?
>The way I understand it, that Democrats are somewhat like our
>Liberals...our Conservatives are more like Republicans. We also have
>Socialists up here although in a small minority.
Is *our* Canadian or British here? Either way, the way I understand
it (judging from BBC radio) is that US Democrats are like European
conservatives, and Republicans are far right of anything in other
western societies. I think our Greens are more like your liberals
than the Democrats are, but they're a very weak party.
John B wrote:
>> Please remove splinters before emailing
> I don't have any "Politically correct" answers and I don't reckon our
> Govt's do either.
> However I do have a feeling that the terrorists are really pushing the
> bounds of sanity and the only outcome's are a) Staggering about in the
> dark, as we are, and taking out a few here and there and gritting our
> teeth and suffering our loses, both military and civilian.
> b)Stepping back to a WWII style incarceration of POSSIBLE terrorists and
> an all out war on countries that show any support for these animals.
> Neither option appeals. but we have to do something.
You cannot fight them on our liberal terms or methods. If we are to
fight them then it must be by their methods. I would hope that we in
the US have learned this since Vietnam (the whiney assed crybaby
liberals won't have) and that other countries saw the futility of that
exchange. IOW, shit or get off the pot!
On Fri, 8 Jul 2005 22:59:49 -0500, "Todd Fatheree" <[email protected]>
>"CW" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> "Barry Lennox" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> > I wonder if there's any chance of religions being held accountable for
>> > they evil they can do?
>> Like Christianity?
>That's just about the stupidest thing I've read in a while. Neither Islam
>nor Christianity is killing people today. However, some evil assholes
>operating under the guise of religion have followers who they've convinced
>to do some bad stuff. I'll lay odds that if there was no such thing as
>religion, the evil assholes would just find another way to sell their ideas.
>However, if someone claiming to be a Christian blew up a bus, every
>prominent Christian minister would denounce it. Can you say the same for
Of course not, they hide behind the Koran, that's why some of them
should be held accountable.
That raises a rather interesting point that has never been answered.
When they declared that Salmon Rushdie was to be put to death and some
clerics in the UK called for somebody to carry it out, not one of them
was charged with encouraging a person to commit an offence, (That is
an offence under the Crimes Act, and I'll bet there is similar
legislation in most countries).
On Fri, 08 Jul 2005 11:34:07 -0700, mac davis
<[email protected]> wrote:
>On Thu, 7 Jul 2005 18:51:22 -0500, "Morris Dovey" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>I send my condolences and good wishes to not only the woodworkers, but
>>all of the good people in London and throughout the UK.
>>I doubt the terrorists realize the extent to which they are
>>strengthening the bonds between those they attack - and I earnestly
>>hope they learn that they make themselves brother to no man.
>It's a stupid way to promote whatever they're promoting.. and not exactly
>Islamic... FWIK of Islam, taking a non combatant's life, especially the life of
>a women or child, is not cool...
and it was an absolutely brilliant strategic attack --- NOT. Here they
picked a time to attack when the western leaders were meeting to pressure
one another and particularly the US into adopting some policies that could
help derail western civilization (e.g., reducing CO2 emissions by 60% in
the UK by 2010(?) or therebouts) and adopt policies to pay yet more
patronage to dictators and tyrants in Africa where that money could be
funnelled to the cause. Instead, this attack overshadowed the whole G8
party, led to more unity regarding anti-terrorism and basically pissed off
the Brits possibly strengthening their resolve. The attacks in Spain may
have led to complete surrender and capitulation, but Britain doesn't seem
wired that way.
>My guess is that they become terrorists because it works and it's almost
>impossible to stop.. you can't kill every suspect and since most of these wacked
>out assholes are willing to die for their "cause", killing them doesn't do much
While the mullahs and the schools are capable of brainwashing and making
the desperate into angry, resigned, and desperate, it still takes support
to turn those angry desperate brainwashed people into successful terrorists
-- money, training, logistics, equipment, etc. That kind of supply comes
from either tacit support from various governments or other wealthy
supporters -- cut that off and you just have a bunch of angry, desperate,
brainwashed and uneducated people stuck in their country of origin rather
than able to travel to other countries with the appropriate papers and
financial and logistics support. You are right, we can't go after the
animals one at a time as they enter the countries they are going to attack,
we have to find out how and who is funding and supporting them and cut that
>I wish I had an answer to it, but I don't know any more about how to stop it now
>than I did 35 years ago in Nam... the sweet little old lady that does your
>laundry might be leaving a satchel charge while she's doing it, or the kids that
>you give candy to every day might be expert snipers at night, etc... hard to
>fight an invisible enemy, but we have to do something.. YMMV
You have to cut off the supply and source to the terrorists -- yes, they
can decapitate one person at a time if all they have is knives, but they
are also more vulnerable and isolated. Your invisible enemy in Vietnam was
being supplied and you weren't allowed to seriously affect the source of
their support. We can't let that happen with the current situation; those
who are perpetrating these acts are after more than just control of a few
third world countries.
>Please remove splinters before emailing
If you're gonna be dumb, you better be tough
On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 15:39:29 -0400, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>,
> "Vito Kuhn" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Society has
>> become too politically correct.
> Well..let me make a politically correct adjustment, and in the
> meanwhile, why don't you go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
WTF is Vito doing back? I thought he was busy in the .kooks group.
On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 16:55:25 -0400, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>,
> Dave Hinz <[email protected]> wrote:
>> On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 15:39:29 -0400, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
>> > In article <[email protected]>,
>> > "Vito Kuhn" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Society has
>> >> become too politically correct.
>> > Well..let me make a politically correct adjustment, and in the
>> > meanwhile, why don't you go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
>> WTF is Vito doing back? I thought he was busy in the .kooks group.
> Telling Vito to fuck off is terribly immature...but it feels so goooood!
ehhhh.....it's a troll, and a poor one at that. Why bother? Just
killfile the idiot and get on with life. It's not like it ever posted
anything interesting, or even amusing.
Morris Dovey wrote:
> I send my condolences and good wishes to not only the woodworkers, but
> all of the good people in London and throughout the UK.
> I doubt the terrorists realize the extent to which they are
> strengthening the bonds between those they attack - and I earnestly
> hope they learn that they make themselves brother to no man.
I'll echo your condolences, and the bonding. But as for the rest, you
are much nicer than I am.
Dave in Fairfax
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners
Ian wrote:
> As a Brit and fellow Londoner, I feel I should say something.
> We just kind-off accept it. I like many, I think, feel that this has been
> inevitable. ...
Yes, it was, but not for thd reason you ascribe, unfortunately...
> For many people here, the idea of the war would be more palatable without
> the religious connertation. [sic] ....
Well, the fact is that worldwide terrorism over the last 30 years has
been the (almost) exclusive territory of one specific religious group.
There have been local others (N Ireland comes to mind close to you
Brits), but globally, that is an unfortunate fact.
> Cutting off fundiong for extremists, does not seem to work. It takes bugger
> to buy a few Kilos of exposives, or even make your own. Sure, you can't
> wage a war, but you can bring a city to a halt. The real battle has to be a
> combination of avoiding the problem in the first place (!) and cutting off
> access to recruites - which in turn means avoiding the extream
> disenfranchising of the people in the first place. ...
Well, it will certainly put a crimp (eventually) in the large
organizations' ability to make large-scale attacks possible--I think the
reason it isn't obvious yet is more one of simply not enough time for
actions to have taken real effect and still lots more to be done to stop
the flow. As for recruits, eliminating the propoganda of the zealots
would go a long way...if the leaders in the ME were nearly as interested
in develping their peoples' lives as opposed to promoting their own
agendas it would (again, eventually) make a significant difference.
"Morris Dovey" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I send my condolences and good wishes to not only the woodworkers, but
> all of the good people in London and throughout the UK.
> I doubt the terrorists realize the extent to which they are
> strengthening the bonds between those they attack - and I earnestly
> hope they learn that they make themselves brother to no man.
> --
> Morris Dovey
> DeSoto Solar
> DeSoto, Iowa USA
> http://www.iedu.com/DeSoto/solar.html
I have family scattered throughout England, fortunately none live in London
nor were any enroute thereto at the time, and I echo your sentiments
wholeheartedly. I doubt that the perpetrators or their controllers will
learn the lesson, I hope not until it is too late, and they will too late
realize that they have alienated the entire civilized world. I was heartened
to see that the Enlish population, still reeling from the shock of these
dastardly deeds, returned to work today and the country continued on in as
normal a fashion as was possible. The terrorists only gain from the murder
of innocents if their acts cause people to change the way they conduct their
lives as a result of the terrorism. If their acts are ignored and people
carry on, the bombings have no meaning and only point out the immorality of
those that perpetrated the acts. Once again, I am very proud of the
deportment of the English, from the Royals down to the people in the
Dave D
"Nate Perkins" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Mark & Juanita <[email protected]> wrote in
> news:[email protected]:
> (snip yada yada yada)
> This one has about as much to do with woodworking as the baptismal thread.
> Shouldn't y'all be off making pointy sticks or pukey ducks or something?
We could set up a wood lathe to turn out more assholes like you.
Dave D
"Nate Perkins" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Dave D" <[email protected]> wrote in
> news:[email protected]:
>> "Nate Perkins" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> Mark & Juanita <[email protected]> wrote in
>>> news:[email protected]:
>>> (snip yada yada yada)
>>> This one has about as much to do with woodworking as the baptismal
>>> thread. Shouldn't y'all be off making pointy sticks or pukey ducks or
>>> something?
>> We could set up a wood lathe to turn out more assholes like you.
> Predictable. Do you even know how to operate a wood lathe?
Yes dipstick, I was operating both wood and metal lathes probably before you
were out of diapers (oh that would be last year wudnt it)....
Dave D
"Mark & Juanita" <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jul 2005 18:51:22 -0500, "Morris Dovey" <[email protected]>
> wrote:
> > I send my condolences and good wishes to not only the woodworkers, but
> > all of the good people in London and throughout the UK.
> >
> From here as well; I hope none of our British WW colleagues were
> harmed by these animals.
> > I doubt the terrorists realize the extent to which they are
> > strengthening the bonds between those they attack - and I earnestly
> > hope they learn that they make themselves brother to no man.
> ... and hopefully also strengthening our resolve. Terrorists can only
> survive and flourish with the imprimatur of nations or groups that
> coddle and nurture them. Having the free people of the world divided
> against one another while those who would kill and enslave us are
> wandering free to commit more such acts is not the way to stop these
> madmen.
The Moslem "RELIGION" should be treated like the Nazi and Fascist parties
were after the great war. Islam is just a giant think tank for evil, and
it is the number one threat in this world to Christianity. Society has
become too politically correct.
"John Emmons" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Don't check your brain at the door.
As you have.
On Thu, 07 Jul 2005 18:48:50 -0600, Dave Balderstone
<dave@N_O_T_T_H_I_S.balderstone.ca> wrote:
>In article <[email protected]>, Morris Dovey
><[email protected]> wrote:
>> I send my condolences and good wishes to not only the woodworkers, but
>> all of the good people in London and throughout the UK.
>> I doubt the terrorists realize the extent to which they are
>> strengthening the bonds between those they attack - and I earnestly
>> hope they learn that they make themselves brother to no man.
>Terrorizing London with bombs was tried in the past. One A. Hitler
>thought it would somehow cow the British people and further his goal of
>world domination. I don't understand why the Islamofascists think they
>can succeed where he failed.
Because they have the BBC working for them (and many others).
Right now I'm listening to the Mayor of London claiming Muslims are
the victims.
History is nice but what if (save the obvious FEW) the sons and
daughters of Heros are not.
Here we have a nation of 300 million and the Army is unable to fill
it's recruitment quotas. Make all the qualifications you want it
doesn't paint a good picture.
>When Britain first at Heav'n's command
>Arose from out the azure main;
>This was the charter of the land,
>And guardian angels sang this strain;
>Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
>Britons never will be slaves.
>The nations not so blest as thee,
>Shall in their turns to tyrants fall;
>While thou shalt flourish great and free,
>The dread and envy of them all.
>Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
>Britons never will be slaves.
>Still mor majestic shalt thou rise,
>More dreadful from each foreign stroke;
>As the loud blast that tears the skies,
>Serves but to root thy native oak.
>Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
>Britons never will be slaves.
>Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame,
>All their attempts to bend thee down
>Will but arouse thy generous flame;
>But work their woe, and thy renown.
>Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
>Britons never will be slaves.
>To thee belongs the rural reign;
>They cities shall with commerce shine;
>All thine shall be the subject main,
>And every shore it circles thine.
>Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
>Britons never will be slaves.
>The Muses, still with freedom found,
>Shall to thy happy coast repair;
>Blest Isle! With matchless beauty crowned,
>And manly hearts to juide the fair.
>Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
>Britons never will be slaves.
On Thu, 7 Jul 2005 18:51:22 -0500, "Morris Dovey" <[email protected]> wrote:
>I send my condolences and good wishes to not only the woodworkers, but
>all of the good people in London and throughout the UK.
>I doubt the terrorists realize the extent to which they are
>strengthening the bonds between those they attack - and I earnestly
>hope they learn that they make themselves brother to no man.
It's a stupid way to promote whatever they're promoting.. and not exactly
Islamic... FWIK of Islam, taking a non combatant's life, especially the life of
a women or child, is not cool...
My guess is that they become terrorists because it works and it's almost
impossible to stop.. you can't kill every suspect and since most of these wacked
out assholes are willing to die for their "cause", killing them doesn't do much
I wish I had an answer to it, but I don't know any more about how to stop it now
than I did 35 years ago in Nam... the sweet little old lady that does your
laundry might be leaving a satchel charge while she's doing it, or the kids that
you give candy to every day might be expert snipers at night, etc... hard to
fight an invisible enemy, but we have to do something.. YMMV
Please remove splinters before emailing
On Fri, 08 Jul 2005 19:07:20 GMT, jo4hn <[email protected]> wrote:
>We need better intelligence, intelligent interpretation, and imaginative strategists who can devise a reasonable doable plan to
>alleviate the situations.
The problem with that, John, is that Military Intelligence is an oxymoron..
I know, I was an "operations intelligence NCO", better known as a mushroom...
Please remove splinters before emailing
"Patriarch" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > I wonder if there's any chance of religions being held accountable for
> > they evil they can do?
> >
> I pretty much count on it. And individuals as well.
Not so much in the past, but more and more in the present. As far as I'm
concerned, religion has accounted for more strife and misery in the world
than any other human condition. The atrocities that have been committed
under the guise of religious belief are truly abhorrent. Any good that has
been done by way of religious commitment has been overwhelmed by those that
have subverted it to their own purposes.
Ask me if I have any use for religion?
Mark & Juanita wrote:
> and it was an absolutely brilliant strategic attack --- NOT. Here they
> picked a time to attack when the western leaders were meeting to pressure
> one another and particularly the US into adopting some policies that could
> help derail western civilization (e.g., reducing CO2 emissions by 60% in
> the UK by 2010(?)
These assholes could care less about the environment or anything similar
to those types of issues. They are bored, pissed off, & hungry (they
live in a freaking desert where they can't grow food!) have little
water, not future and they want attention. They get it by targeting
places where large gatherings of people are and blowing them up in the
name of Allah. Allah my ass! Allah didn't tell them to do that. If
you could actually sit down and talk with one of the extremists I
suspect they couldn't tell you what would make them happy, except to
kill other people perhaps. Nuke the whole damned place and turn it into
a huge glassland, then shatter it by dropping a large rock on it.
mac davis wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jul 2005 18:51:22 -0500, "Morris Dovey" <[email protected]> wrote:
> It's a stupid way to promote whatever they're promoting.. and not exactly
> Islamic... FWIK of Islam, taking a non combatant's life, especially the life of
> a women or child, is not cool...
> My guess is that they become terrorists because it works and it's almost
> impossible to stop.. you can't kill every suspect and since most of these wacked
> out assholes are willing to die for their "cause", killing them doesn't do much
> good..
> I wish I had an answer to it, but I don't know any more about how to stop it now
> than I did 35 years ago in Nam... the sweet little old lady that does your
> laundry might be leaving a satchel charge while she's doing it, or the kids that
> you give candy to every day might be expert snipers at night, etc... hard to
> fight an invisible enemy, but we have to do something.. YMMV
> mac
Most of the "whackos" are guys with no job and no prospects. There are
tons of these and they are recruiting fodder for clerics who can promise
them better. We need better intelligence, intelligent interpretation,
and imaginative strategists who can devise a reasonable doable plan to
alleviate the situations. War is NOT a good answer unless the bad guys
are on your shores. How does one move people into creating jobs that
pay a fair wage?
curiouser and curiouser,
Morris Dovey wrote:
> I send my condolences and good wishes to not only the woodworkers, but
> all of the good people in London and throughout the UK.
> I doubt the terrorists realize the extent to which they are
> strengthening the bonds between those they attack - and I earnestly
> hope they learn that they make themselves brother to no man.
Thanks Morris,
We've been being bombed by terrorists for years and are fairly resilient
to such things, unfortuneately a large amount of the funding for
terrorism here came from the USA in the past, this lot however are much
harder than the christian extreamists to track down and deal with.
"Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>,
> Michael Burton <mhburton@tbird-hardwoodsdotcom> wrote:
> [snipperified for brevity]
> > Bombing people will do nothing more than strengthen their
> > determination to fight and swing others who were originally against
> > fighting to the "for" column. I also noticed the Egyptian Ambassador was
> > kindnapped and killed in Iraq the other day. It seems the Islamofascists
> > (to borrow a word) are trying to see if they can piss off the entire
> > at the same time
> In a corrupt society, would it be much of a stretch to fan the flames of
> a conflict in order to advance one's political agenda, as well as
> appeasing the campaign donors especially if they include very large
> defense contractors?
Presumably we atre talking about the so called Democratic leadership now
that the press is inferring the war in Iraq is not popular with the general
> I really hate to oversimplify the 'who benefits angle' and I have
> heard/read way too many conspiracy theories to realize there are a lot
> of whackos out there, but with giant oil companies having so much at
> stake, I can't help but wonder.
> I live in a country where the Prime Minister owns Canada Steamship
> Lines. That company moves a LOT of coal (electrical power) grain (food)
> iron ore (industry).. how can there NOT be a conflict of interest?
I fail to see that as a problem unless he is giving them sweetheart deals
,and of course you can prove that....
> Same thing with Chany/Haliburton, Bush Sr./Carlisle Group and on and
> on... Condi Rice has her name on a supertanker..LOL
Same comment as above, in the US if one is serving in the government I was
under the impression that everything was in escrow.On the other hand perhaps
you havea problem with private enterprise
> Boggles my beautiful mind. <G>
> Almost as much as this:
> Bush went AWOL.
I was under the impression that in the end it was proven that Bush did not
go AWOL.
Cheney never served, nor did Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld,
> Paul Wolfowitz, John Ashcroft, Richard Pearle, Rush Limbaugh, Bill
> O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, Condi Rice, John
> Bolton, Bill Bennett, Tom DeLay, Jeb Bush, Trent Lott, Ted Nugent and
> many more people who have no problem ordering your kids to go and die,
> or go on TV and tell the country how great this war is.
You can probably count the number that served in the armed forces in the US
congress on one if not two hands . Some are too young to have been subject
to the draft, women at that time were not drafted and some were serving in
government positions or were deferred because they were working in sensitive
defense contractor positions.
> I was cheering the British all the way to The Falklands...so a
> 'peace-nik' I'm not.
Pity you dont cheer on the Brits and American boys in Iraq , hopefully it
will not take a similar attack on Toronto or Montreal before you do....mjh
In article <[email protected]>, [email protected]
> John B wrote:
> >>
> >> Please remove splinters before emailing
> >
> > I don't have any "Politically correct" answers and I don't reckon our
> > Govt's do either.
> > However I do have a feeling that the terrorists are really pushing the
> > bounds of sanity and the only outcome's are a) Staggering about in the
> > dark, as we are, and taking out a few here and there and gritting our
> > teeth and suffering our loses, both military and civilian.
> > b)Stepping back to a WWII style incarceration of POSSIBLE terrorists and
> > an all out war on countries that show any support for these animals.
> > Neither option appeals. but we have to do something.
> You cannot fight them on our liberal terms or methods. If we are to
> fight them then it must be by their methods. I would hope that we in
> the US have learned this since Vietnam (the whiney assed crybaby
> liberals won't have) and that other countries saw the futility of that
> exchange. IOW, shit or get off the pot!
> John
So when are you shipping out. It'd be nice having someone go over there
who would not be missed in order to support the morraly bankrupt liars
who started this whole mess.
I didn't need to be "convinced" of anything so I don't know what you're
referring to.
I have no idea what "two nations down in the heart of Islam" is in reference
to so I can't comment on that either.
I think that the American people demand results all the time and the current
administration has mastered the art of convincing them that they, and only
they can deliver those results. Which is of course nonsensical. Once the
American people start to understand that there's a whole world outside our
borders and that a lot of people who populate that world are more than a
little comtemptuous of us, maybe things will get better. But I doubt it.
Mr. Bush and his cronies will go down in history as perhaps the worst
president that this country ever had. Quite a legacy for a Yalie pretending
to be a cowboy.
And as for being contemptous, I'm always contemptous of people who's sole
method of dealing with conflict is to try and kill everyone that they're in
conflict with. It hasn't worked yet, if it did, we wouldn't be involved in
so many conflicts around the world.
Don't check your brain at the door.
John Emmons
"Sniffer" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 15:37:10 -0500, Patriarch
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> >"John Emmons" <[email protected]> wrote in
> >news:[email protected]:
> >
> >> Another candidate for secretary of state...where do you people come
> >> from?
> >>
> >> John Emmons
> >>
> >
> >I know where I've filed his future commentary...
> haha so you two world leaders weren't convienced by the results of
> 9/11 ? Two nations down in the heart of Islam and somehow you think
> that after a couple more attacks similar to 9/11 the American people
> won't demand results ?
> comeon guys if you are going to be so contemptuous don't check your
> brain at the door.
"Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>,
> jo4hn <[email protected]> wrote:
> [snip]
> > Most of the "whackos" are guys with no job and no prospects. There are
> > tons of these and they are recruiting fodder for clerics who can promise
> > them better.
> Substitute 'clerics' for 'recruiters'.... and you have a glimpse of
> where the army of today is hoping to get their men for tomorrow.
> That does not mean they cannot become good soldiers, of course.
> I think the real whackos are created in those religious schools and seem
> to be mostly the non-military types. The word 'brainwashing' comes to
> mind. 73 virgins upon death...tell you what..*I* will offer 75 virgins
> PLUS your own fully loaded Boeing 747 for your pimping pleasure if you
> support *my* cause.
Now in these times of political correctness to monitor every mosque, every
mullah and every cleric in this country and if they advocate murder of other
human beings either jail then ,deport them or kill them. they are the
cancers in our societies..
Robatoy wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>,
> "Vito Kuhn" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>Society has
>>become too politically correct.
> Well..let me make a politically correct adjustment, and in the
> meanwhile, why don't you go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
> There...all better now?.
Nope - the politically correct way to state that is as follows: an
aviated intercourse at a motivated perforated pastry.
"Pounds on Wood" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> "Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> It has become increasingly difficult to see who is taking what fight to
>> whom. The hard part for me is to accept that radical fanaticism only
>> exists in Islamic guise. Atrocities are taking place on both sides of
>> the fence and 'taking the fight to the terrorists' doesn't seem to be
>> working.... in fact (imho) the strengthening of the bonds is a sword
>> that cuts both ways.
>> Again, I ask myself who benefits from this last action?
>> .
>> .
> Yea, if we would just back off and leave them alone, then they would go
> away. Riiiight. Dipshit!
That's NOT what I read in Rob's note.
Questioning who benefits from this MIGHT lead to an understanding of
motivation. Knowing who is against you, and why, is key to a resolution,
through whatever means is available.
Retaliate against the wrong 'them', and really lose.
Morris Dovey wrote in news:[email protected]:
> I send my condolences and good wishes to not only the woodworkers, but
> all of the good people in London and throughout the UK.
> I doubt the terrorists realize the extent to which they are
> strengthening the bonds between those they attack - and I earnestly
> hope they learn that they make themselves brother to no man.
> --
> Morris Dovey
> DeSoto Solar
> DeSoto, Iowa USA
> http://www.iedu.com/DeSoto/solar.html
My condolences as well. We have a unique bond with the Brits since a
lot of us are blood kin in the true sense of the word. They are distant
cousins, but nontheless still cousins of ours. My family comes from
Scotland and England originally with a little Cherokee thrown in the mix.
Bombing people will do nothing more than strengthen their
determination to fight and swing others who were originally against
fighting to the "for" column. I also noticed the Egyptian Ambassador was
kindnapped and killed in Iraq the other day. It seems the Islamofascists
(to borrow a word) are trying to see if they can piss off the entire world
at the same time.
Michael Burton
Thunderbird Hardwoods
mhburton at tbird-hardwoods dot com
"jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote in news:1120842327.827374.270710
> An understanding here can never be reached. Unfortunate to say, but
> unless we resort to the tactics of the Mongolian hordes and start
> killing the families and loved ones of the perpetrators everytime they
> do this, they won't stop. They have no regard for their own life.
> Anyway, condolences to the UK, but they WILL prevail...
> -Jim
Agree with the second.
You may have misunderstood the first. An understanding, as in we
understand their motives and goals. Not an understanding, as in an
agreement or treaty.
I have no idea as to what constitutes an appropriate, or effective
response. Clearly, my value system differs greatly from theirs in many
significant ways.
Barry Lennox <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> I wonder if there's any chance of religions being held accountable for
> they evil they can do?
I pretty much count on it. And individuals as well.
"Upscale" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> Not so much in the past, but more and more in the present. As far as
> I'm concerned, religion has accounted for more strife and misery in
> the world than any other human condition. The atrocities that have
> been committed under the guise of religious belief are truly
> abhorrent. Any good that has been done by way of religious commitment
> has been overwhelmed by those that have subverted it to their own
> purposes.
> Ask me if I have any use for religion?
More importantly, are you one who is willing to misuse religion? To meet
your own goals?
Those folks are the enemy of good, however you define it.
"Dave D" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> "Nate Perkins" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Mark & Juanita <[email protected]> wrote in
>> news:[email protected]:
>> (snip yada yada yada)
>> This one has about as much to do with woodworking as the baptismal
>> thread. Shouldn't y'all be off making pointy sticks or pukey ducks or
>> something?
> We could set up a wood lathe to turn out more assholes like you.
Predictable. Do you even know how to operate a wood lathe?
Mark & Juanita <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
(snip yada yada yada)
This one has about as much to do with woodworking as the baptismal thread.
Shouldn't y'all be off making pointy sticks or pukey ducks or something?
"Dave D" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
>> Predictable. Do you even know how to operate a wood lathe?
> Yes dipstick, I was operating both wood and metal lathes probably
> before you were out of diapers (oh that would be last year wudnt
> it).... Dave D
"John Emmons" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> Another candidate for secretary of state...where do you people come
> from?
> John Emmons
I know where I've filed his future commentary...
mac davis wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jul 2005 18:51:22 -0500, "Morris Dovey" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>I send my condolences and good wishes to not only the woodworkers, but
>>all of the good people in London and throughout the UK.
>>I doubt the terrorists realize the extent to which they are
>>strengthening the bonds between those they attack - and I earnestly
>>hope they learn that they make themselves brother to no man.
> It's a stupid way to promote whatever they're promoting.. and not exactly
> Islamic... FWIK of Islam, taking a non combatant's life, especially the life of
> a women or child, is not cool...
> My guess is that they become terrorists because it works and it's almost
> impossible to stop.. you can't kill every suspect and since most of these wacked
> out assholes are willing to die for their "cause", killing them doesn't do much
> good..
> I wish I had an answer to it, but I don't know any more about how to stop it now
> than I did 35 years ago in Nam... the sweet little old lady that does your
> laundry might be leaving a satchel charge while she's doing it, or the kids that
> you give candy to every day might be expert snipers at night, etc... hard to
> fight an invisible enemy, but we have to do something.. YMMV
> mac
> Please remove splinters before emailing
I don't have any "Politically correct" answers and I don't reckon our
Govt's do either.
However I do have a feeling that the terrorists are really pushing the
bounds of sanity and the only outcome's are a) Staggering about in the
dark, as we are, and taking out a few here and there and gritting our
teeth and suffering our loses, both military and civilian.
b)Stepping back to a WWII style incarceration of POSSIBLE terrorists and
an all out war on countries that show any support for these animals.
Neither option appeals. but we have to do something.
As for the Poms, They like a good blue and know how to face up to the
seemingly impossible. If there is one country that can soldier on it's them.
My condolences and thoughts to all who suffered loses and will continue
to do so to these useless bastards.
"CW" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Barry Lennox" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > I wonder if there's any chance of religions being held accountable for
> > they evil they can do?
> Like Christianity?
That's just about the stupidest thing I've read in a while. Neither Islam
nor Christianity is killing people today. However, some evil assholes
operating under the guise of religion have followers who they've convinced
to do some bad stuff. I'll lay odds that if there was no such thing as
religion, the evil assholes would just find another way to sell their ideas.
However, if someone claiming to be a Christian blew up a bus, every
prominent Christian minister would denounce it. Can you say the same for
On Fri, 08 Jul 2005 22:55:05 -0700, Mark & Juanita <[email protected]> wrote:
> You have to cut off the supply and source to the terrorists -- yes, they
>can decapitate one person at a time if all they have is knives, but they
>are also more vulnerable and isolated. Your invisible enemy in Vietnam was
>being supplied and you weren't allowed to seriously affect the source of
>their support. We can't let that happen with the current situation; those
>who are perpetrating these acts are after more than just control of a few
>third world countries.
yep.. I agree completely... just wish I knew (or someone did) how to stop their
Please remove splinters before emailing
On 11 Jul 2005 20:39:16 +0200, in rec.woodworking, "Vito Kuhn"
<[email protected]> wrote:
>The Moslem "RELIGION" should be treated like the Nazi and Fascist parties
>were after the great war. Islam is just a giant think tank for evil, and
>it is the number one threat in this world to Christianity. Society has
>become too politically correct.
Vito how is any religion better than the next?
Man would be far better off without the evil of religion...
God save me from your followers...
Badger wrote:
> Ian wrote:
>> There have been numerous terrorists groups, and they rarely share a
>> religious theame. I can accept that world wide terrorest groups have
>> been few and far between - most are tackling a particular local issue
>> - whether it be something in Ireland, of France (neither of which are
>> linked to the world wide movements, except regarding shared training
>> etc).
> There's the rub, funding from US citizens supported training for the IRA
> and their "brothers-in-arms" in the middle east they trained with...
> What goes around, comes around?
Yes, we in the US have done some pretty pathetic shit in the past, but
it certainly doesn't deter others from coming to us in their time of
need(?) with their hands out begging for money, support and us to help
fight their war for them. Many are quick to condem but even quicker to
put their hands out for the freebies.
In article <[email protected]>,
Michael Burton <mhburton@tbird-hardwoodsdotcom> wrote:
[snipperified for brevity]
> Bombing people will do nothing more than strengthen their
> determination to fight and swing others who were originally against
> fighting to the "for" column. I also noticed the Egyptian Ambassador was
> kindnapped and killed in Iraq the other day. It seems the Islamofascists
> (to borrow a word) are trying to see if they can piss off the entire world
> at the same time
In a corrupt society, would it be much of a stretch to fan the flames of
a conflict in order to advance one's political agenda, as well as
appeasing the campaign donors especially if they include very large
defense contractors?
I really hate to oversimplify the 'who benefits angle' and I have
heard/read way too many conspiracy theories to realize there are a lot
of whackos out there, but with giant oil companies having so much at
stake, I can't help but wonder.
I live in a country where the Prime Minister owns Canada Steamship
Lines. That company moves a LOT of coal (electrical power) grain (food)
iron ore (industry).. how can there NOT be a conflict of interest?
Same thing with Chany/Haliburton, Bush Sr./Carlisle Group and on and
on... Condi Rice has her name on a supertanker..LOL
Boggles my beautiful mind. <G>
Almost as much as this:
Bush went AWOL. Cheney never served, nor did Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld,
Paul Wolfowitz, John Ashcroft, Richard Pearle, Rush Limbaugh, Bill
O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, Condi Rice, John
Bolton, Bill Bennett, Tom DeLay, Jeb Bush, Trent Lott, Ted Nugent and
many more people who have no problem ordering your kids to go and die,
or go on TV and tell the country how great this war is.
I was cheering the British all the way to The Falklands...so a
'peace-nik' I'm not.
In article <[email protected]>,
"Vito Kuhn" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Society has
> become too politically correct.
Well..let me make a politically correct adjustment, and in the
meanwhile, why don't you go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
There...all better now?.
In article <[email protected]>,
"Morris Dovey" <[email protected]> wrote:
> I send my condolences and good wishes to not only the woodworkers, but
> all of the good people in London and throughout the UK.
> I doubt the terrorists realize the extent to which they are
> strengthening the bonds between those they attack - and I earnestly
> hope they learn that they make themselves brother to no man.
I also am deeply disgusted by this last batch of senseless killing.
My condolences to all the families and the entire UK as a whole.
It has become increasingly difficult to see who is taking what fight to
whom. The hard part for me is to accept that radical fanaticism only
exists in Islamic guise. Atrocities are taking place on both sides of
the fence and 'taking the fight to the terrorists' doesn't seem to be
working.... in fact (imho) the strengthening of the bonds is a sword
that cuts both ways.
Again, I ask myself who benefits from this last action?
I do not intend to start a flame war, and I'm always open to the
viewpoints of others. Remove the BULL from my addy.
In article <[email protected]>,
"Upscale" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Ask me if I have any use for religion?
I do not believe in organized religion.
I do not believe in organized crime.
I do not believe in organized tours.
I think religion is a personal decision. No need to attach it to a
building with a dozen committees configuring pie-fests.
In article <[email protected]>,
jo4hn <[email protected]> wrote:
> Most of the "whackos" are guys with no job and no prospects. There are
> tons of these and they are recruiting fodder for clerics who can promise
> them better.
Substitute 'clerics' for 'recruiters'.... and you have a glimpse of
where the army of today is hoping to get their men for tomorrow.
That does not mean they cannot become good soldiers, of course.
I think the real whackos are created in those religious schools and seem
to be mostly the non-military types. The word 'brainwashing' comes to
mind. 73 virgins upon death...tell you what..*I* will offer 75 virgins
PLUS your own fully loaded Boeing 747 for your pimping pleasure if you
support *my* cause.
In article <[email protected]>,
Dave Hinz <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 16:55:25 -0400, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > In article <[email protected]>,
> > Dave Hinz <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> >> On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 15:39:29 -0400, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> > In article <[email protected]>,
> >> > "Vito Kuhn" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> Society has
> >> >> become too politically correct.
> >>
> >> > Well..let me make a politically correct adjustment, and in the
> >> > meanwhile, why don't you go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
> >>
> >> WTF is Vito doing back? I thought he was busy in the .kooks group.
> >
> > Telling Vito to fuck off is terribly immature...but it feels so goooood!
> ehhhh.....it's a troll, and a poor one at that. Why bother? Just
> killfile the idiot and get on with life. It's not like it ever posted
> anything interesting, or even amusing.
I'll try to behave... *hauling Vito off to the Kill file*
In article <[email protected]>,
Dave Hinz <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 15:39:29 -0400, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > In article <[email protected]>,
> > "Vito Kuhn" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> >> Society has
> >> become too politically correct.
> > Well..let me make a politically correct adjustment, and in the
> > meanwhile, why don't you go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
> WTF is Vito doing back? I thought he was busy in the .kooks group.
Telling Vito to fuck off is terribly immature...but it feels so goooood!
In article <[email protected]>,
"mike hide" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Presumably we atre talking about the so called Democratic leadership now
> that the press is inferring the war in Iraq is not popular with the general
> public.
Democratic as in Democrats or as in Democracy?
The way I understand it, that Democrats are somewhat like our
Liberals...our Conservatives are more like Republicans. We also have
Socialists up here although in a small minority.
As a private entrepreneur, I certainly don't subscribe to the socialist
agenda. The Liberals have produced a few decent Prime Ministers as have
the Conservatives. Both parties have produced PM's that completely
screwed us over... I'm sure that you are familiar with that phenomena as
well as Bush ain't no Reagan and Clinton was no LBJ.
> I fail to see that as a problem unless he is giving them sweetheart deals
> ,and of course you can prove that....
The fact that an ordinary citizen can't get close enough to prove or
disprove anything like that has occurred to you?
> > Same thing with Chany/Haliburton, Bush Sr./Carlisle Group and on and
> > on... Condi Rice has her name on a supertanker..LOL
> Same comment as above, in the US if one is serving in the government I was
> under the impression that everything was in escrow.On the other hand perhaps
> you havea problem with private enterprise
You are just full of assumptions, eh?
Haliburton got the no-bid contracts, so therefore I have NO problem with
private enterprise... wish I could land gigs that way. They are being
investigated for being too accurate and honest in their business
practises. And Chany doesn't care where his checks are coming from. It
is all lilly white and on the up-'n-up, right?
If you believe that, I have 73 virgins.. free... actually 72, I got rid
of one because she liked Country & Western music.
> > Boggles my beautiful mind. <G>
> >
> > Almost as much as this:
> >
> > Bush went AWOL.
> I was under the impression that in the end it was proven that Bush did not
> go AWOL.
He didn't get any fast-track treatment either. I know this for a fact,
as we get FOX News up here too.
> Pity you dont cheer on the Brits and American boys in Iraq , hopefully it
> will not take a similar attack on Toronto or Montreal before you do....mjh
You seem so sure that Iraq was the right country to invade.
My cheering on the Brits on the way to the Falklands does not preclude
my support for the guys in Iraq or our Canadian boys in Afghanistan. Not
their fault they're there. Just following orders. I understand.
As far as attacks on Montreal or Toronto go, I'm with you hoping that it
will never happen. Last thing this planet needs is a bunch of pissed-off
In article <[email protected]>,
"Pounds on Wood" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Yea, if we would just back off and leave them alone, then they would go
> away. Riiiight. Dipshit!
..and who suggested that?
On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 03:35:12 GMT, "John Emmons"
<[email protected]> wrote:
>I didn't need to be "convinced" of anything so I don't know what you're
>referring to.
>I have no idea what "two nations down in the heart of Islam" is in reference
>to so I can't comment on that either.
That's because you are willful idiot. Thanks for confirming my
original opinion of you
>I think that the American people demand results all the time and the current
>administration has mastered the art of convincing them that they, and only
>they can deliver those results. Which is of course nonsensical. Once the
you are delusional. Your problem with this admin is they are not
Democrats. End of story.
>American people start to understand that there's a whole world outside our
>borders and that a lot of people who populate that world are more than a
>little comtemptuous of us, maybe things will get better. But I doubt it.
So the "American people" are stupid ? Are you an American? But YOU
aren't stupid are you? YOU are worldly and sophisticated. YOU know
what others think? How can you tell the difference between the
contempt you perceive and the one you have ?
>Mr. Bush and his cronies will go down in history as perhaps the worst
>president that this country ever had. Quite a legacy for a Yalie pretending
>to be a cowboy.
Next you'll say it was only a blowjob. Yes well, it's not at all the
same as pretending to be adolescent horndog with astroturf in the back
of his el camino eh? Now there is a president with a pedigree.
>And as for being contemptous, I'm always contemptous of people who's sole
>method of dealing with conflict is to try and kill everyone that they're in
>conflict with. It hasn't worked yet, if it did, we wouldn't be involved in
it hasn't? now you are just lying. Ask the germans and japanese if
it worked. But hey whatever, I'm contemptuous of those who want to
pause and try to understand those that are killing us NOW, then spend
years trying to open a meaningful dialog, while constantly berating
the USA for being ... name your fav sin here ..
>so many conflicts around the world.
yup, on 9/10 that was true ... unless you would like make a bill of
indictments against the US now ... plz do
>Don't check your brain at the door.
what difference does it make you did
>John Emmons
>"Sniffer" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 15:37:10 -0500, Patriarch
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >"John Emmons" <[email protected]> wrote in
>> >news:[email protected]:
>> >
>> >> Another candidate for secretary of state...where do you people come
>> >> from?
>> >>
>> >> John Emmons
>> >>
>> >
>> >I know where I've filed his future commentary...
>> haha so you two world leaders weren't convienced by the results of
>> 9/11 ? Two nations down in the heart of Islam and somehow you think
>> that after a couple more attacks similar to 9/11 the American people
>> won't demand results ?
>> comeon guys if you are going to be so contemptuous don't check your
>> brain at the door.
On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 20:12:53 -0400, the opaque Robatoy
<[email protected]> clearly wrote:
>> ehhhh.....it's a troll, and a poor one at that. Why bother? Just
>> killfile the idiot and get on with life. It's not like it ever posted
>> anything interesting, or even amusing.
>I'll try to behave...
Yeah, you said that the last time, too...
I drive way too fast to worry about my cholesterol.
http://www.diversify.com Refreshing Graphic Design
There have been numerous terrorists groups, and they rarely share a
religious theame. I can accept that world wide terrorest groups have been
few and far between - most are tackling a particular local issue - whether
it be something in Ireland, of France (neither of which are linked to the
world wide movements, except regarding shared training etc). The same could
be said for terrorists in manyh parts of Africa.
"Duane Bozarth" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Ian wrote:
>> As a Brit and fellow Londoner, I feel I should say something.
> ....
>> We just kind-off accept it. I like many, I think, feel that this has
>> been
>> inevitable. ...
> Yes, it was, but not for thd reason you ascribe, unfortunately...
>> For many people here, the idea of the war would be more palatable without
>> the religious connertation. [sic] ....
> Well, the fact is that worldwide terrorism over the last 30 years has
> been the (almost) exclusive territory of one specific religious group.
> There have been local others (N Ireland comes to mind close to you
> Brits), but globally, that is an unfortunate fact.
>> Cutting off fundiong for extremists, does not seem to work. It takes
>> bugger
>> to buy a few Kilos of exposives, or even make your own. Sure, you can't
>> wage a war, but you can bring a city to a halt. The real battle has to
>> be a
>> combination of avoiding the problem in the first place (!) and cutting
>> off
>> access to recruites - which in turn means avoiding the extream
>> disenfranchising of the people in the first place. ...
> Well, it will certainly put a crimp (eventually) in the large
> organizations' ability to make large-scale attacks possible--I think the
> reason it isn't obvious yet is more one of simply not enough time for
> actions to have taken real effect and still lots more to be done to stop
> the flow. As for recruits, eliminating the propoganda of the zealots
> would go a long way...if the leaders in the ME were nearly as interested
> in develping their peoples' lives as opposed to promoting their own
> agendas it would (again, eventually) make a significant difference.
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 15:37:10 -0500, Patriarch
<[email protected]> wrote:
>"John Emmons" <[email protected]> wrote in
>news:[email protected]:
>> Another candidate for secretary of state...where do you people come
>> from?
>> John Emmons
>I know where I've filed his future commentary...
haha so you two world leaders weren't convienced by the results of
9/11 ? Two nations down in the heart of Islam and somehow you think
that after a couple more attacks similar to 9/11 the American people
won't demand results ?
comeon guys if you are going to be so contemptuous don't check your
brain at the door.
On Fri, 08 Jul 2005 19:57:39 -0400, Robatoy <[email protected]>
>In article <[email protected]>,
> "Upscale" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Ask me if I have any use for religion?
>I do not believe in organized religion.
>I do not believe in organized crime.
>I do not believe in organized tours.
>I think religion is a personal decision. No need to attach it to a
>building with a dozen committees configuring pie-fests.
Agreed. I quit my church several years ago, after realizing that not
only did I not care what anyone else thought about my beliefs, but
having a group of people haggling over the whole deal was turning some
of them into wild-eyed zealots. I figure a good religion should have
no more than 3 or 4 members- there's a lot lower chance of crusades
that way.
"Barry Lennox" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I wonder if there's any chance of religions being held accountable for
> they evil they can do?
Like Christianity?
On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 15:39:29 -0400, Robatoy <[email protected]>
>In article <[email protected]>,
> "Vito Kuhn" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Society has
>> become too politically correct.
>Well..let me make a politically correct adjustment, and in the
>meanwhile, why don't you go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
>There...all better now?.
I don't know where or how you boys grew up, but in my neighborhood, we
didn't pick on cripples.
Vito is obviously challenged, in more ways than one.
I'd let the man alone.
(This wasn't directed particularly at you Rob, it was just a
convenient place to put this into the thread.)
Tom Watson - WoodDorker
tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (email)
http://home.comcast.net/~tjwatson1/ (website)
Another candidate for secretary of state...where do you people come from?
John Emmons
"Sniffer" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Fri, 08 Jul 2005 11:30:53 -0500, Patriarch
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> >"Pounds on Wood" <[email protected]> wrote in
> >news:[email protected]:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> "Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> news:[email protected]...
> >>> It has become increasingly difficult to see who is taking what fight
> >>> whom. The hard part for me is to accept that radical fanaticism only
> >>> exists in Islamic guise. Atrocities are taking place on both sides of
> >>> the fence and 'taking the fight to the terrorists' doesn't seem to be
> >>> working.... in fact (imho) the strengthening of the bonds is a sword
> >>> that cuts both ways.
> >>> Again, I ask myself who benefits from this last action?
> >>> .
> >>> .
> >>
> >>
> >> Yea, if we would just back off and leave them alone, then they would go
> >> away. Riiiight. Dipshit!
> >
> >That's NOT what I read in Rob's note.
> >
> >Questioning who benefits from this MIGHT lead to an understanding of
> >motivation. Knowing who is against you, and why, is key to a resolution,
> >through whatever means is available.
> >
> >Retaliate against the wrong 'them', and really lose.
> >
> >Patriarch
> sounds like the bleeding heart liberal refrain of "if we can only
> understand them" We need only understand them enough to know the most
> effective ways to kill them. It would be to their benefit that we did
> cuz there will come a day, after another 9/11 or two, that Americans
> demand millions die and not be to particular about who they are.
On Fri, 8 Jul 2005 20:34:42 -0400, "mike hide" <[email protected]>
>Now in these times of political correctness to monitor every mosque, every
>mullah and every cleric in this country and if they advocate murder of other
>human beings either jail then ,deport them or kill them.
You'd wipe out half of country music too. For every Imam crying for
Jihad there's just as many good ol' boys with "nuke 'em till they glow"
bumper stickers.
On Fri, 08 Jul 2005 11:30:53 -0500, Patriarch
<[email protected]> wrote:
>"Pounds on Wood" <[email protected]> wrote in
>news:[email protected]:
>> "Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> It has become increasingly difficult to see who is taking what fight to
>>> whom. The hard part for me is to accept that radical fanaticism only
>>> exists in Islamic guise. Atrocities are taking place on both sides of
>>> the fence and 'taking the fight to the terrorists' doesn't seem to be
>>> working.... in fact (imho) the strengthening of the bonds is a sword
>>> that cuts both ways.
>>> Again, I ask myself who benefits from this last action?
>>> .
>>> .
>> Yea, if we would just back off and leave them alone, then they would go
>> away. Riiiight. Dipshit!
>That's NOT what I read in Rob's note.
>Questioning who benefits from this MIGHT lead to an understanding of
>motivation. Knowing who is against you, and why, is key to a resolution,
>through whatever means is available.
>Retaliate against the wrong 'them', and really lose.
sounds like the bleeding heart liberal refrain of "if we can only
understand them" We need only understand them enough to know the most
effective ways to kill them. It would be to their benefit that we did
cuz there will come a day, after another 9/11 or two, that Americans
demand millions die and not be to particular about who they are.
As a Brit and fellow Londoner, I feel I should say something.
Whilst people here are of course upset and maybe angry, its really not a
tremendously strong feeling, unless one is really closely connected with
what happened.
I live near Wimbledon, which is some 12 miles or so from where the bombs
went off - and yet it feels a long way away (I happen not to travel into
London). Having said that, one of my collegue's wife normally works in one
of the london mainline train stations, but she happen to be taking a day
My sister in law came round today. First time I've seen her for a couple of
months - she lives about 6 miles away. So, what was the topic of
conversation, room decoration, and the blooming relationships her offspring
were experiencing - normal stuff. Not anger and what had been happening in
We just kind-off accept it. I like many, I think, feel that this has been
inevitable. Together with the USA, Britain has made a considerable number
of enemies around the world over the last years. Its clearly regretable,
but at the time, the outcry from the population when the invasion was
started, was not sufficiently strong to change the mind of our politiions.
I'm not sure what would have changed our prime minister's thoughts, as
clearly his commitment to support the USA was a powerful one, although his
does project himself as a man of principle in his own right.
For many people here, the idea of the war would be more palatable without
the religious connertation. I, as many indeed most people in the UK, are
very relaxed about religion - I don't believe in it myself, and I see much
bigotry and damage that it does to close people's minds. Yet, in the UK,
church attendence is probably at its lowest ebb of all time - maybe due to
the laxk of hardship being felt by the population - maybe religions thrive
when one wants to believe in something better. Non-christian religions have
faired better in the UK, and certainly one does not see the strong religious
feels within the Christian communities - but one does, in the non-christian
Cutting off fundiong for extremists, does not seem to work. It takes bugger
to buy a few Kilos of exposives, or even make your own. Sure, you can't
wage a war, but you can bring a city to a halt. The real battle has to be a
combination of avoiding the problem in the first place (!) and cutting off
access to recruites - which in turn means avoiding the extream
disenfranchising of the people in the first place. Of course, you will
still get loonies, who will flip out, and use whatever weapons they can in
their local church, school or what have you. THe birts really don't
understand this USA thing about firearms. We've removed them all from
general curculation - clearly criminals can still get them, but at least
loonies are limited to a machety or chain saw.
Enough rambling. I'm off to make a nice library chair -
"Prometheus" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Fri, 08 Jul 2005 22:55:05 -0700, Mark & Juanita
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>On Fri, 08 Jul 2005 11:34:07 -0700, mac davis
>><[email protected]> wrote:
>> and it was an absolutely brilliant strategic attack --- NOT. Here they
>>picked a time to attack when the western leaders were meeting to pressure
>>one another and particularly the US into adopting some policies that could
>>help derail western civilization (e.g., reducing CO2 emissions by 60% in
>>the UK by 2010(?) or therebouts) and adopt policies to pay yet more
>>patronage to dictators and tyrants in Africa where that money could be
>>funnelled to the cause. Instead, this attack overshadowed the whole G8
>>party, led to more unity regarding anti-terrorism and basically pissed off
>>the Brits possibly strengthening their resolve. The attacks in Spain may
>>have led to complete surrender and capitulation, but Britain doesn't seem
>>wired that way.
> That's what I like about the British- most of them are people with
> some steel in their spines. I was damn sorry to hear about the
> attacks in London, but you guys just took it on the chin and went back
> to work- really inspiring, and I mean that.
In article <[email protected]>,
Bob Officer <[email protected]> wrote:
> On 11 Jul 2005 20:39:16 +0200, in rec.woodworking, "Vito Kuhn"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> >The Moslem "RELIGION" should be treated like the Nazi and Fascist parties
> >were after the great war. Islam is just a giant think tank for evil, and
> >it is the number one threat in this world to Christianity. Society has
> >become too politically correct.
> Vito how is any religion better than the next?
> Man would be far better off without the evil of religion...
im sure a few million corpses in siberia and cambodia would agree
humanity would be far better off without the dogma
declaring what it would be better off without
arf meow arf - dogs and cats living together
the erisian constancy - though chaos is transformed
but never lost to sea - grey ordered ranks are swarmed
in 1222921 20050728 010140 Sniffer <[email protected]> wrote:
>Right now I'm listening to the Mayor of London claiming Muslims are
>the victims.
He's referring to the anti-Asian backlash among whites.
Mosques have been subject to arson attacks.
"> Most of the "whackos" are guys with no job and no prospects. There are
> tons of these and they are recruiting fodder for clerics who can promise
> them better. We need better intelligence, intelligent interpretation,
> and imaginative strategists who can devise a reasonable doable plan to
> alleviate the situations. War is NOT a good answer unless the bad guys
> are on your shores. How does one move people into creating jobs that
> pay a fair wage?
> curiouser and curiouser,
> jo4
Why not ask the dam clerics and the mullas , what do they offer other than 4
and 20 virgins......
On Thu, 7 Jul 2005 18:51:22 -0500, "Morris Dovey" <[email protected]> wrote:
>I send my condolences and good wishes to not only the woodworkers, but
>all of the good people in London and throughout the UK.
From here as well; I hope none of our British WW colleagues were harmed
by these animals.
>I doubt the terrorists realize the extent to which they are
>strengthening the bonds between those they attack - and I earnestly
>hope they learn that they make themselves brother to no man.
... and hopefully also strengthening our resolve. Terrorists can only
survive and flourish with the imprimatur of nations or groups that coddle
and nurture them. Having the free people of the world divided against one
another while those who would kill and enslave us are wandering free to
commit more such acts is not the way to stop these madmen.
If you're gonna be dumb, you better be tough
Prometheus wrote:
>>The way I understand it, that Democrats are somewhat like our
>>Liberals...our Conservatives are more like Republicans. We also have
>>Socialists up here although in a small minority.
> Is *our* Canadian or British here? Either way, the way I understand
> it (judging from BBC radio) is that US Democrats are like European
> conservatives, and Republicans are far right of anything in other
> western societies. I think our Greens are more like your liberals
> than the Democrats are, but they're a very weak party.
US Political Parties:
On Fri, 08 Jul 2005 22:55:05 -0700, Mark & Juanita
<[email protected]> wrote:
>On Fri, 08 Jul 2005 11:34:07 -0700, mac davis
><[email protected]> wrote:
> and it was an absolutely brilliant strategic attack --- NOT. Here they
>picked a time to attack when the western leaders were meeting to pressure
>one another and particularly the US into adopting some policies that could
>help derail western civilization (e.g., reducing CO2 emissions by 60% in
>the UK by 2010(?) or therebouts) and adopt policies to pay yet more
>patronage to dictators and tyrants in Africa where that money could be
>funnelled to the cause. Instead, this attack overshadowed the whole G8
>party, led to more unity regarding anti-terrorism and basically pissed off
>the Brits possibly strengthening their resolve. The attacks in Spain may
>have led to complete surrender and capitulation, but Britain doesn't seem
>wired that way.
That's what I like about the British- most of them are people with
some steel in their spines. I was damn sorry to hear about the
attacks in London, but you guys just took it on the chin and went back
to work- really inspiring, and I mean that.
On Thu, 7 Jul 2005 18:51:22 -0500, "Morris Dovey" <[email protected]>
>I send my condolences and good wishes to not only the woodworkers, but
>all of the good people in London and throughout the UK.
>I doubt the terrorists realize the extent to which they are
>strengthening the bonds between those they attack - and I earnestly
>hope they learn that they make themselves brother to no man.
I second you in your condolences and wish fervently for the day when
the progeny of both Isaac and Ishmael will sit at the same table, in
peace, understanding, and forgiveness.
It seems a long way off, these days.
Tom Watson - WoodDorker
tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (email)
http://home.comcast.net/~tjwatson1/ (website)
Ian wrote:
> There have been numerous terrorists groups, and they rarely share a
> religious theame. I can accept that world wide terrorest groups have been
> few and far between - most are tackling a particular local issue - whether
> it be something in Ireland, of France (neither of which are linked to the
> world wide movements, except regarding shared training etc).
There's the rub, funding from US citizens supported training for the IRA
and their "brothers-in-arms" in the middle east they trained with...
What goes around, comes around?