Tom wrote:
> Does anyone have the Ecogate automatic blast gate system.
> If yes, how do you like it.
I have the basic system (controller and four gates) and am very happy
with it. I have the earlier (original?) style gates...the new ones look
to be better-built. I have one manual circuit that I use for a floor
sweep and for my lathe. The other four circuits are automatic and serve
my tablesaw, jointer, planer and thicknessing sander. All the automatic
gates use the vibration sensors to activate the circuit. The tablesaw (a
Unisaw) was a bit tricky, as it really doesn't vibrate all that much. I
finally found a spot on the cabinet that vibrates just enough to
activate the controller.
The Ecogate system is expensive, but I managed to snarf one on eBay, new
in the original unopened box for half-price (is this a gloat?). Even at
full price, knowing what I know now, I'd do it again.
Walt Novinger
Raleigh, NC