20/07/2014 3:25 PM


What do you REALLY know?
Islam is one of the world's largest religions yet it is also one of the mos=
t misunderstood. For various reasons - be they political, economic, biased =
media or fear of the "other" - mistruths and misconceptions have been sprea=
d about Islam. The key to understanding Islam and Muslims is to resist ster=
eotypes and examine each situation according to Islamic teachings and authe=
ntic sources.
Misconception 1 - "Muslims Do Not Share Good and Noble Values with non-Musl=
"The best among you are those who have the best manners and character." - P=
rophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Some people allege that Islamic values are somehow incompatible with decent=
"Western" values. Such claims could not be further from the truth.
Muslims cherish noble and universal values such as:
=B7 being honest and just
=B7 keeping one's word
=B7 allowing freedom of religion
=B7 respecting parents, relatives, neighbours, and the elderly
=B7 being charitable, generous, and looking after the poor and need=
=B7 not lying, cheating, swearing or backbiting anyone
Muslims are required to contribute positively towards society and to always=
conduct themselves with the highest of morals and best of actions.
Misconception 2 - "Muslims Worship a New God Called Allah"
Muslims worship the same God worshipped by Prophets Noah, Abraham, Moses an=
d Jesus. The word "Allah" is simply the Arabic word for Almighty God - an A=
rabic word of rich meaning, denoting the one and only God. Allah is also th=
e same word that Arabic speaking Christians and Jews use to refer to God.
However, although Muslims, Jews and Christians believe in the same God (the=
Creator), their concepts regarding Him differ significantly. For example, =
Muslims reject the idea of God having any partners or being part of a 'trin=
ity', and ascribe perfection only to God, the Almighty.
Misconception 3 - "Islam Permits Terrorism"
The media generally portrays any Muslim who fights as a terrorist, regardle=
ss of whether they fight justly or unjustly, or whether they are oppressing=
others or being oppressed.
In war, the targeting of innocent non-combatants is a despicable act which =
Islam clearly prohibits. In fact, Muslims are not allowed to destroy plants=
and animals unnecessarily, let alone innocent humans. However, it is impor=
tant to distinguish between terrorism and legitimate resistance to occupati=
on, as the two are very different.
The Quran clearly demonstrates the seriousness of killing an innocent perso=
n, and emphasises the value of human life.
"If anyone murders an innocent person, it will be as if he has murdered the=
whole of humanity. And if anyone saves a person it will be as if he has sa=
ved the whole of humanity."Quran 5:32
Misconception 4 - "Islam Oppresses Women"
In Islam, men and women are viewed as equals before God, in terms of both r=
eceiving equal reward and accountability for their actions. The only thing =
that distinguishes people in the sight of God is their level of piety.
"Verily the most honourable of you in the sight of Allah is the most God co=
nscious."Quran 49:13
This verse proves that real honour and status is not attained because a per=
son is rich or poor, black or white, male or female, but attained through p=
iety and devoutness.
Allah, the Creator of both genders, has assigned different roles and respon=
sibilities for each, taking into account their differences. Women are given=
the utmost respect and honour, such as the right to equal pay, choice of s=
pouse, pursuit of education, and the right to divorce and inheritance.
Unfortunately, there are some Muslim women who are oppressed and not given =
their rights. This is not the fault of Islam. The problem is that in some c=
ountries, people follow certain cultural practices and traditions which hav=
e nothing to do with Islam.
Misconception 5 - "The Quran is Just another History or Poetry Book"
The Quran is the divine literal word of God Almighty, revealed to Prophet M=
uhammad (peace be upon him), through the angel Gabriel. It is a criterion f=
or the truth, containing guidance for humanity to live by. The Quran cites =
lessons from preceding generations and the history of the Prophets in order=
that we may learn from their experiences. It further teaches us about ours=
elves and our Creator, as well as the purpose of our existence which is to =
acknowledge God, worshipping Him alone.
God did not create humans to simply wander aimlessly. The test of one's fai=
th is in using one's intellect, free will and reasoning abilities to contem=
plate and recognise God's signs - one of the greatest signs being The Quran=
The Quran contains within it many miracles, so that we can have no doubt ab=
out its authenticity. The best way to discover what the Quran is actually a=
bout, is to read it for yourself.
Misconception 6 - "Hijab is Oppressive"
To observe the hijab, Muslim women are required to modestly cover their bod=
y with clothes that do not reveal their figure in front of non-closely rela=
ted males. However, hijab is not just about outer appearances; it is also a=
bout noble speech, modesty, and dignified conduct.
Although there are many benefits of the hijab, the key reason Muslim women =
observe hijab is because it is a command from Allah (God), and He knows wha=
t is best for His creation.
The hijab empowers a woman by emphasising her inner spiritual beauty, rathe=
r than her superficial appearance. It gives women the freedom to be active =
members of society, while maintaining their modesty.
The hijab does not symbolize suppression, oppression or silence. Rather, it=
is a guard against degrading remarks, unwanted advances and unfair discrim=
ination. So the next time you see a Muslim woman, know that she covers her =
physical appearance, not her mind or intellect.
Misconception 7 - "All Muslims are Arabs"
Only about 20% of Muslims in the world are Arabs, meaning that up to about =
80% of Muslims are non-Arabs. For example, there are more Indian and Indone=
sian Muslims than Arab Muslims.
Islam teaches that an individual is not superior to another because of race=
or colour, and is strictly against any form of racism. Islam has a univers=
al message for all of mankind - that is, that everyone can gain peace and s=
uccess only by acknowledging and worshipping the One True God.
Misconception 8 - "Jihad is Terrorism"
The essence of Jihad is to struggle and sacrifice for one's religion in a m=
anner which is pleasing to God. Linguistically, it means to "struggle" and =
can refer to one's striving to do good deeds, give charity, or to join an I=
slamic military action. The most commonly known form is the military Jihad =
which is permitted in order to preserve the well being of society, to preve=
nt oppression from spreading, and to promote justice. This can be either de=
fensive or offensive, depending on the circumstance.
Misconception 9 - "Muslims Worship Muhammad or the Moon God"
Yet another misconception is that Muslims worship Prophet Muhammad (peace b=
e upon him). This is entirely untrue, and is easily refuted by the actual s=
aying of the Prophet (peace be upon him): "Do not over-praise me as the Chr=
istians over-praised Jesus, the son of Mary. I am His slave, so refer to me=
as 'God's slave and Messenger.' "
Islam teaches Muslims to respect all of God's Prophets and Messengers - but=
respecting and loving them does not mean worshipping them.
A related claim is that Muslims worship the "moon God" which is also totall=
y incorrect. Worshipping the moon, or anything other than Allah, is strictl=
y prohibited in Islam:
"Do not prostrate to the sun or to the moon, but prostrate to Allah Who cre=
ated them, if you really worship Him."Quran 41:37
Islam acknowledges the complete perfection, greatness and uniqueness of God=
with absolutely no compromises. He is the Most Just and the Most Merciful.=
Worshipping Him alone is the most important belief in Islam, as mentioned =
in the Quran in numerous places.
Misconception 10 - "Islam Permits Forced Marriages"
Arranged marriages are cultural practices which are predominant in certain =
countries throughout the world. Although not restricted to Muslims, forced =
marriages have become incorrectly associated with Islam.
In Islam, both males and females have the right to choose or reject their p=
otential spouse, and a marriage is considered null and void if a woman's ge=
nuine approval is not granted prior to the marriage.
Misconception 11 - "Islam Forces People to Become Muslim"
God says, "Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clea=
r from error."Quran 2:256
Although it is a duty on Muslims to convey and share the beautiful message =
of Islam to others, no one can be compelled to accept Islam. To accept Isla=
m, a person must sincerely and voluntarily believe and obey God, so, by def=
inition, no one can (or should) be forced to accept Islam.
Consider the following:
=B7 Indonesia has the largest Muslim population yet no battles were=
fought to bring Islam there.
=B7 There are around 14 million Arab Coptic Christians that have be=
en living in the heart of Arabia for generations.
=B7 Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the western wo=
rld today.
=B7 Although fighting oppression and promoting justice are valid re=
asons for waging jihad, forcing people to accept Islam is not one of them.
=B7 Muslims ruled Spain for around 800 years yet never coerced peop=
le to convert.
Learning about Islam from unqualified sources without verification is dange=
rous and leads to misunderstandings. Do not be misled into accepting miscon=
ceptions and false information about Islam - the belief shared by more than=
a quarter of mankind.
Does not the guidance for all humanity, the message of Islam, deserve to be=
carefully pondered over and reflected on?
Thank you

This topic has 3 replies


in reply to BV BV on 20/07/2014 3:25 PM

23/07/2014 6:32 PM

On Sunday, July 20, 2014 5:25:04 PM UTC-5, BV BV wrote:
> =20
> =20
> What do you REALLY know?
> Islam is one of the world's largest religions yet it is also one of the m=
ost misunderstood. For various reasons - be they political, economic, biase=
d media or fear of the "other" - mistruths and misconceptions have been spr=
ead about Islam. The key to understanding Islam and Muslims is to resist st=
ereotypes and examine each situation according to Islamic teachings and aut=
hentic sources.
> =20
> Misconception 1 - "Muslims Do Not Share Good and Noble Values with non-Mu=
> "The best among you are those who have the best manners and character." -=
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
> Some people allege that Islamic values are somehow incompatible with dece=
nt "Western" values. Such claims could not be further from the truth.
> Muslims cherish noble and universal values such as:
> =B7 being honest and just
> =B7 keeping one's word
> =B7 allowing freedom of religion
> =B7 respecting parents, relatives, neighbours, and the elderly
> =B7 being charitable, generous, and looking after the poor and ne=
> =B7 not lying, cheating, swearing or backbiting anyone
> Muslims are required to contribute positively towards society and to alwa=
ys conduct themselves with the highest of morals and best of actions.
> Misconception 2 - "Muslims Worship a New God Called Allah"
> Muslims worship the same God worshipped by Prophets Noah, Abraham, Moses =
and Jesus. The word "Allah" is simply the Arabic word for Almighty God - an=
Arabic word of rich meaning, denoting the one and only God. Allah is also =
the same word that Arabic speaking Christians and Jews use to refer to God.
> However, although Muslims, Jews and Christians believe in the same God (t=
he Creator), their concepts regarding Him differ significantly. For example=
, Muslims reject the idea of God having any partners or being part of a 'tr=
inity', and ascribe perfection only to God, the Almighty.
> Misconception 3 - "Islam Permits Terrorism"
> The media generally portrays any Muslim who fights as a terrorist, regard=
less of whether they fight justly or unjustly, or whether they are oppressi=
ng others or being oppressed.
> In war, the targeting of innocent non-combatants is a despicable act whic=
h Islam clearly prohibits. In fact, Muslims are not allowed to destroy plan=
ts and animals unnecessarily, let alone innocent humans. However, it is imp=
ortant to distinguish between terrorism and legitimate resistance to occupa=
tion, as the two are very different.
> The Quran clearly demonstrates the seriousness of killing an innocent per=
son, and emphasises the value of human life.
> "If anyone murders an innocent person, it will be as if he has murdered t=
he whole of humanity. And if anyone saves a person it will be as if he has =
saved the whole of humanity."Quran 5:32
> Misconception 4 - "Islam Oppresses Women"
> In Islam, men and women are viewed as equals before God, in terms of both=
receiving equal reward and accountability for their actions. The only thin=
g that distinguishes people in the sight of God is their level of piety.
> "Verily the most honourable of you in the sight of Allah is the most God =
conscious."Quran 49:13
> This verse proves that real honour and status is not attained because a p=
erson is rich or poor, black or white, male or female, but attained through=
piety and devoutness.
> Allah, the Creator of both genders, has assigned different roles and resp=
onsibilities for each, taking into account their differences. Women are giv=
en the utmost respect and honour, such as the right to equal pay, choice of=
spouse, pursuit of education, and the right to divorce and inheritance.
> Unfortunately, there are some Muslim women who are oppressed and not give=
n their rights. This is not the fault of Islam. The problem is that in some=
countries, people follow certain cultural practices and traditions which h=
ave nothing to do with Islam.
> Misconception 5 - "The Quran is Just another History or Poetry Book"
> The Quran is the divine literal word of God Almighty, revealed to Prophet=
Muhammad (peace be upon him), through the angel Gabriel. It is a criterion=
for the truth, containing guidance for humanity to live by. The Quran cite=
s lessons from preceding generations and the history of the Prophets in ord=
er that we may learn from their experiences. It further teaches us about ou=
rselves and our Creator, as well as the purpose of our existence which is t=
o acknowledge God, worshipping Him alone.
> God did not create humans to simply wander aimlessly. The test of one's f=
aith is in using one's intellect, free will and reasoning abilities to cont=
emplate and recognise God's signs - one of the greatest signs being The Qur=
> The Quran contains within it many miracles, so that we can have no doubt =
about its authenticity. The best way to discover what the Quran is actually=
about, is to read it for yourself.
> Misconception 6 - "Hijab is Oppressive"
> To observe the hijab, Muslim women are required to modestly cover their b=
ody with clothes that do not reveal their figure in front of non-closely re=
lated males. However, hijab is not just about outer appearances; it is also=
about noble speech, modesty, and dignified conduct.
> Although there are many benefits of the hijab, the key reason Muslim wome=
n observe hijab is because it is a command from Allah (God), and He knows w=
hat is best for His creation.
> The hijab empowers a woman by emphasising her inner spiritual beauty, rat=
her than her superficial appearance. It gives women the freedom to be activ=
e members of society, while maintaining their modesty.
> The hijab does not symbolize suppression, oppression or silence. Rather, =
it is a guard against degrading remarks, unwanted advances and unfair discr=
imination. So the next time you see a Muslim woman, know that she covers he=
r physical appearance, not her mind or intellect.
> Misconception 7 - "All Muslims are Arabs"
> Only about 20% of Muslims in the world are Arabs, meaning that up to abou=
t 80% of Muslims are non-Arabs. For example, there are more Indian and Indo=
nesian Muslims than Arab Muslims.
> Islam teaches that an individual is not superior to another because of ra=
ce or colour, and is strictly against any form of racism. Islam has a unive=
rsal message for all of mankind - that is, that everyone can gain peace and=
success only by acknowledging and worshipping the One True God.
> Misconception 8 - "Jihad is Terrorism"
> The essence of Jihad is to struggle and sacrifice for one's religion in a=
manner which is pleasing to God. Linguistically, it means to "struggle" an=
d can refer to one's striving to do good deeds, give charity, or to join an=
Islamic military action. The most commonly known form is the military Jiha=
d which is permitted in order to preserve the well being of society, to pre=
vent oppression from spreading, and to promote justice. This can be either =
defensive or offensive, depending on the circumstance.
> Misconception 9 - "Muslims Worship Muhammad or the Moon God"
> Yet another misconception is that Muslims worship Prophet Muhammad (peace=
be upon him). This is entirely untrue, and is easily refuted by the actual=
saying of the Prophet (peace be upon him): "Do not over-praise me as the C=
hristians over-praised Jesus, the son of Mary. I am His slave, so refer to =
me as 'God's slave and Messenger.' "
> Islam teaches Muslims to respect all of God's Prophets and Messengers - b=
ut respecting and loving them does not mean worshipping them.
> A related claim is that Muslims worship the "moon God" which is also tota=
lly incorrect. Worshipping the moon, or anything other than Allah, is stric=
tly prohibited in Islam:
> "Do not prostrate to the sun or to the moon, but prostrate to Allah Who c=
reated them, if you really worship Him."Quran 41:37
> Islam acknowledges the complete perfection, greatness and uniqueness of G=
od with absolutely no compromises. He is the Most Just and the Most Mercifu=
l. Worshipping Him alone is the most important belief in Islam, as mentione=
d in the Quran in numerous places.
> Misconception 10 - "Islam Permits Forced Marriages"
> Arranged marriages are cultural practices which are predominant in certai=
n countries throughout the world. Although not restricted to Muslims, force=
d marriages have become incorrectly associated with Islam.
> In Islam, both males and females have the right to choose or reject their=
potential spouse, and a marriage is considered null and void if a woman's =
genuine approval is not granted prior to the marriage.
> Misconception 11 - "Islam Forces People to Become Muslim"
> God says, "Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made cl=
ear from error."Quran 2:256
> Although it is a duty on Muslims to convey and share the beautiful messag=
e of Islam to others, no one can be compelled to accept Islam. To accept Is=
lam, a person must sincerely and voluntarily believe and obey God, so, by d=
efinition, no one can (or should) be forced to accept Islam.
> Consider the following:
> =B7 Indonesia has the largest Muslim population yet no battles we=
re fought to bring Islam there.
> =B7 There are around 14 million Arab Coptic Christians that have =
been living in the heart of Arabia for generations.
> =B7 Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the western =
world today.
> =B7 Although fighting oppression and promoting justice are valid =
reasons for waging jihad, forcing people to accept Islam is not one of them=
> =B7 Muslims ruled Spain for around 800 years yet never coerced pe=
ople to convert.
> Conclusion
> Learning about Islam from unqualified sources without verification is dan=
gerous and leads to misunderstandings. Do not be misled into accepting misc=
onceptions and false information about Islam - the belief shared by more th=
an a quarter of mankind.
> Does not the guidance for all humanity, the message of Islam, deserve to =
be carefully pondered over and reflected on?
> Thank you

Don't make me puke!! There is no misconception about my conceptions about i=
slam - nothing good!


"Phil Kangas"

in reply to BV BV on 20/07/2014 3:25 PM

23/07/2014 9:48 PM


> Does not the guidance for all humanity, the
> message of Islam, deserve to be carefully
> pondered over and reflected on?
> Thank you

The silent majority is irrelevant... get off your
butt and
do something about the jackasses preaching islam.


Larry Blanchard

in reply to BV BV on 20/07/2014 3:25 PM

24/07/2014 4:24 PM

On Wed, 23 Jul 2014 18:32:09 -0700, a2rjh wrote:

>> Thank you
> Don't make me puke!! There is no misconception about my conceptions
> about islam - nothing good!

And you *repeated* over 200 lines of BS to add that comment?

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