"Nick Bozovich"

15/09/2004 7:29 PM

Cherry & Maple lamination question

I need a 3 3/8" piece of lumber for a vice I'm making. I have a 2 3/4"
piece of maple and a 1" piece of cherry. Has anyone tried laminating these
two wood types together using Gorilla Glue or Titebond? I'm questioning
whether they'll expand and contract at the same rate and break the
lamination bond, split, etc. I could use a piece of 1" maple, but I like
the contrast the cherry gives to the project.

I tried DAGS, but I couldn't seem to hit the right combination of words to
get anything on laminating different species of wood. If anyone knows of a
site on this issue, maybe you could point me to the URL and I can research

Thanks for your advice and help!

Nick B

This topic has 2 replies


"Frank McVey"

in reply to "Nick Bozovich" on 15/09/2004 7:29 PM

16/09/2004 1:25 AM

Hi, Nick.

With those sorts of dimensions, I don't think you'll have a problem, as long
as the two components are at roughly the same MC to start with. Cherry and
hard maple are fairly close as regards stablility. The following website
gives the coefficients and method needed to calculate expansion and
contraction, so you should be reassured.


Last year, I made a tiller for my friend's 38ft yacht. The old one was
laminated from oak and mahogany, about 3 ft long ,2 1/2" width reducing to
about 1"at the handle, and 6" in depth, reducing to 1" at the handle end,
the whole thing having a graceful curve. After many years, it had started
to delaminate.

I made a replica in teak and oak, using West Systems epoxy. The laminations
were about 1/4" thick, and I made up a former to the pattern of the old
tiller, glued the laminations and clamped to the former for 24 hrs. No
problems then or since, after a N Atlantic winter and summer.

Go for it.



"Nick Bozovich" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> I need a 3 3/8" piece of lumber for a vice I'm making. I have a 2 3/4"
> piece of maple and a 1" piece of cherry. Has anyone tried laminating
> two wood types together using Gorilla Glue or Titebond? I'm questioning
> whether they'll expand and contract at the same rate and break the
> lamination bond, split, etc. I could use a piece of 1" maple, but I like
> the contrast the cherry gives to the project.
> I tried DAGS, but I couldn't seem to hit the right combination of words to
> get anything on laminating different species of wood. If anyone knows of
> site on this issue, maybe you could point me to the URL and I can research
> further.
> Thanks for your advice and help!
> Nick B

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"Nick Bozovich"

in reply to "Nick Bozovich" on 15/09/2004 7:29 PM

16/09/2004 1:49 AM

Thanks Frank - both pieces of lumber have been in the same space in my
garage/shop for 5 - 6 months, so the MC should be relatively similiar. The
cherry is Pennsylvania Cherry - it was taken out of the mountains in Central
PA, but it's probably similiar to "Black Cherry".

I'm going to do it - the worst that can happen is that I have to rebuild the
vice - which means I get to do more woodworkin!!!

Thanks again for the help and the web site -

Nick B

"Frank McVey" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi, Nick.
> With those sorts of dimensions, I don't think you'll have a problem, as
> long
> as the two components are at roughly the same MC to start with. Cherry
> and
> hard maple are fairly close as regards stablility. The following website
> gives the coefficients and method needed to calculate expansion and
> contraction, so you should be reassured.
> http://www.mesquitefloors.com/Hardness%20and%20Stabilty%205703.htm
> Last year, I made a tiller for my friend's 38ft yacht. The old one was
> laminated from oak and mahogany, about 3 ft long ,2 1/2" width reducing to
> about 1"at the handle, and 6" in depth, reducing to 1" at the handle end,
> the whole thing having a graceful curve. After many years, it had started
> to delaminate.
> I made a replica in teak and oak, using West Systems epoxy. The
> laminations
> were about 1/4" thick, and I made up a former to the pattern of the old
> tiller, glued the laminations and clamped to the former for 24 hrs. No
> problems then or since, after a N Atlantic winter and summer.
> Go for it.
> Cheers
> Frank
> "Nick Bozovich" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:gK02d.6095$MS1.2404@trnddc02...
>> I need a 3 3/8" piece of lumber for a vice I'm making. I have a 2 3/4"
>> piece of maple and a 1" piece of cherry. Has anyone tried laminating
> these
>> two wood types together using Gorilla Glue or Titebond? I'm questioning
>> whether they'll expand and contract at the same rate and break the
>> lamination bond, split, etc. I could use a piece of 1" maple, but I like
>> the contrast the cherry gives to the project.
>> I tried DAGS, but I couldn't seem to hit the right combination of words
>> to
>> get anything on laminating different species of wood. If anyone knows of
> a
>> site on this issue, maybe you could point me to the URL and I can
>> research
>> further.
>> Thanks for your advice and help!
>> Nick B
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.742 / Virus Database: 495 - Release Date: 19/08/2004

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