10/12/2003 5:45 PM


http://www.toonedin.com/movies/WhiteTrashXmas.html Lonnnng load, but
funny. I think I recognized several people, from here.

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might
as well dance.
- Unknown

Life just ain't life without good music. - JOAT
Web Page Update 9 Dec 2003.
Some tunes I like.

This topic has 4 replies


"Mark Jerde"

in reply to [email protected] (T.) on 10/12/2003 5:45 PM

11/12/2003 7:04 AM

Silvan wrote:

> How funny is it? Should I dick around and figure out why my plugin
> broke, or get on with my life?

Works fine in WinXP... <g> IMO build a jig, not your OS. ;-)

-- Mark



in reply to [email protected] (T.) on 10/12/2003 5:45 PM

11/12/2003 1:13 AM

J.B. Bobbitt wrote:

>> Lonnnng load.....
> .... my ass. Loooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggg
> load. And I have DSL.

2.1 MB. Must have been a slow server. I got it in the background and
forgot about it, so I have no idea how long it took.

My flash plugin is broken, and I can't figure out why. I downloaded it (the
flash in question) separately, and have been trying to play it with a
free-standing player, but the sound is badly mangled.

How funny is it? Should I dick around and figure out why my plugin broke,
or get on with my life?

Michael McIntyre ---- Silvan <[email protected]>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek; registered Linux user #243621


"J.B. Bobbitt"

in reply to [email protected] (T.) on 10/12/2003 5:45 PM

11/12/2003 1:32 AM

> Lonnnng load.....

.... my ass. Loooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggg
load. And I have DSL.

> but funny. I think I recognized several people, from here.

We'll see. Maybe. Maybe not.



in reply to [email protected] (T.) on 10/12/2003 5:45 PM

11/12/2003 8:42 AM

Mark Jerde wrote:

>> How funny is it? Should I dick around and figure out why my plugin
>> broke, or get on with my life?
> Works fine in WinXP... <g> IMO build a jig, not your OS. ;-)

Just FWIW, I don't care anything about building my OS anymore either.
That's why I run Debian, and apt-get my way out of almost every hassle.
(Not this one, obviously.)

Anyway, what, you never upgraded something on Windows only to find a few
things broken? If so, you're in the minority. Used to happen to me all
the time.

This particular matter isn't anything I need to compile. It's a plain text
file somewhere that needs diddling, or maybe deleting. Sure beats the hell
out of wading through the registry in order to accomplish effectively the
same thing.

Michael McIntyre ---- Silvan <[email protected]>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek; registered Linux user #243621

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