Hey Everybody,
If you'd like some great stick advice, visit
http://www.stickmakers.org We are a group of about 320 stickmakers,
have been online 5 years, and would love to have you "drop by". The
eMail list is free as is the gallery and swap pages.
We have just added Classifieds and a Carving Shop for those of you
that would like to sell your carvings, tools, etc.
Dan T
ASA list moderator
On 11 Aug 2003 16:11:29 -0700, [email protected] (Dan T) wrote:
>If you'd like some great stick advice, visit
Here's a question (on behalf of a friend really).
Friend of mine has trouble walking. Uses 1 or 2 sticks from time to
time. Wants some better ones. Any advice ?
They don't need carved moose-heads. They need to _work_,to be
lightweight, and to have comfortable grips. What's a goos start for
materials (I'm thinking titanium and carbon fibre !)
Can't say I've ever worked with either carbon fiber or titanium :)
They both would be light and strong. I ran into a wood from down south
once that was the lightest I've ever seen and amazingly stout. It has
a dense grain, very white colored wood. Unfortunately the guy didn't
know what type of wood it was and there really was no identifying
features. Wasn't Basswood. Maybe some Gum of some description. Up
north here we have a limited number of species. Get below that
Mason-Dixon line and ya' got a slew of different trees and shrubs
(comparitively). Ask the ASA list. Happy Carvin'
> Here's a question (on behalf of a friend really).
> Friend of mine has trouble walking. Uses 1 or 2 sticks from time to
> time. Wants some better ones. Any advice ?
> They don't need carved moose-heads. They need to _work_,to be
> lightweight, and to have comfortable grips. What's a goos start for
> materials (I'm thinking titanium and carbon fibre !)