

14/09/2008 8:03 AM

OT - Imagine If

Probably every newspaper has a daily (or weekly in smaller towns)
"Police Blotter" article

"Man arrested for being drunk & disorderly in public outside
Fred's Cocktail Lounge."

"Bicycle reported stolen from . . ."

"The Elementry School was vandalized - walls graffittied"

"Cars broken into in the Wareman Area"

But what if there was also a Good Samaritan article every

"Elderly lady driven to doctor's appointment by one of her

"Two neighbors help one of their neighbors skin his addition
roof then come back to help shingle it."

"Friend takes neighbor's kids to and from school while the
neighbor's car was in the shop."

"Man helps police officer subdue drug suspect."

"Kids stop and visit sick classmate on the way home from

"Teens pick up litter at neighborhood park."

Though "The Media" may seem to give the impression that
the world is going to hell - in a handbasket - there are
far more angels than assholes. And daily reminders
wouldn't hurt.

charlie b

This topic has 15 replies



in reply to charlieb on 14/09/2008 8:03 AM

14/09/2008 7:20 PM

charlieb <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> Probably every newspaper has a daily (or weekly in smaller towns)
> "Police Blotter" article


> But what if there was also a Good Samaritan article every
> day?


> Though "The Media" may seem to give the impression that
> the world is going to hell - in a handbasket - there are
> far more angels than assholes. And daily reminders
> wouldn't hurt.
> charlie b

Our local newspaper has a segment that does just that. It's usually one
story, two to three paragraphs long, that describes something someone
else did to help someone. The segment's called "Random acts of

If someone wants something similar in their newspapers, write and ask for
it! Sometimes you get lucky and the editor thinks its a good idea right
away and starts the segment, other times you have to be persistent.

If you're quiet, your teeth never touch your ankles.

To email me directly, send a message to puckdropper (at)


in reply to charlieb on 14/09/2008 8:03 AM

14/09/2008 2:32 PM

On Sun, 14 Sep 2008 08:03:30 -0700, charlieb <[email protected]>

>Probably every newspaper has a daily (or weekly in smaller towns)
>"Police Blotter" article
>"Man arrested for being drunk & disorderly in public outside
>Fred's Cocktail Lounge."
>"Bicycle reported stolen from . . ."
>"The Elementry School was vandalized - walls graffittied"
>"Cars broken into in the Wareman Area"
>But what if there was also a Good Samaritan article every
>"Elderly lady driven to doctor's appointment by one of her
>"Two neighbors help one of their neighbors skin his addition
>roof then come back to help shingle it."
>"Friend takes neighbor's kids to and from school while the
>neighbor's car was in the shop."
>"Man helps police officer subdue drug suspect."
>"Kids stop and visit sick classmate on the way home from
>"Teens pick up litter at neighborhood park."
>Though "The Media" may seem to give the impression that
>the world is going to hell - in a handbasket - there are
>far more angels than assholes. And daily reminders
>wouldn't hurt.
>charlie b

This didn't make the newspaper or the 6PM News - but as I'm
recovering from back surgery (3 weeks down, 6+ monhs to go) so far
we've had a half dozen people bring food (good homemade Southern
stick-to-your-ribs meals), one who brought dinner from the local
steakhouse and stayed to eat with us, one has mowed and trimmed the
yard (that's 1/4 acre of grass), and another has offerred to mow if

The good people are out there, we just don't hear about them...



"Lew Hodgett"

in reply to charlieb on 14/09/2008 8:03 AM

15/09/2008 12:26 AM

"charlieb" wrote:

> But what if there was also a Good Samaritan article every
> day?

Not exactly a G/S article, but the following is a letter to the editor
I wrote to a small town newspaper back in Ohio after my mother died.

It was an attempt to provide info about local nursing homes to others
who may need it suddenly, but may not have had the time to prepare.

Yes, it was published.

An open letter to the citizens of Wayne County.

After graduating from Wooster High School in 1955, I left to pursue my
fortune; however, my parents remained.

My father died many years ago, but my mother continued to make her
home in Wayne County until her death at 103, on 2008/06/28.

The last 17 months of her life were spent as a resident of either
Smithville-Western Care Center or the Wayne County Care Center.

Both of these facilities kept me updated on my mother's condition, at
least weekly, if not more often.

These days I make my home in Southern California, so that meant a lot
of long distance telephone time.

These organizations did a great job.

Many nursing homes have not, in the past, gotten high marks for the
service they provided.

There have been many "horror" stories told about the industry in the

Such is not the case for Smithville-Western Care Center or the Wayne
County Care Center.

The people of Wayne County can be very proud to have both these
facilities located here.


Lew Hodgett
Whittier, Ca


Morris Dovey

in reply to charlieb on 14/09/2008 8:03 AM

14/09/2008 4:46 PM

charlieb wrote:

> Though "The Media" may seem to give the impression that
> the world is going to hell - in a handbasket - there are
> far more angels than assholes. And daily reminders
> wouldn't hurt.

If you think about it, the media wants to report the bizarre and the
unusual. It'll be when they switch to reporting good/kind acts that
we'll have cause for concern.

Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA


Frank Boettcher

in reply to charlieb on 14/09/2008 8:03 AM

14/09/2008 11:47 AM

On Sun, 14 Sep 2008 08:03:30 -0700, charlieb <[email protected]>

>Probably every newspaper has a daily (or weekly in smaller towns)
>"Police Blotter" article
>"Man arrested for being drunk & disorderly in public outside
>Fred's Cocktail Lounge."
>"Bicycle reported stolen from . . ."
>"The Elementry School was vandalized - walls graffittied"
>"Cars broken into in the Wareman Area"
>But what if there was also a Good Samaritan article every
>"Elderly lady driven to doctor's appointment by one of her
>"Two neighbors help one of their neighbors skin his addition
>roof then come back to help shingle it."
>"Friend takes neighbor's kids to and from school while the
>neighbor's car was in the shop."
>"Man helps police officer subdue drug suspect."
>"Kids stop and visit sick classmate on the way home from
>"Teens pick up litter at neighborhood park."
>Though "The Media" may seem to give the impression that
>the world is going to hell - in a handbasket - there are
>far more angels than assholes. And daily reminders
>wouldn't hurt.
>charlie b

Certainly a good idea. The vast majority of people are good souls.
and the media focuses on the sensational, the ratings driver, the
career building anecdotal regardless of statistical relevance

Unfortunately, the non anecdotal, that is, the statistically relevant
might indicate we're losing ground.

An example, I went through my whole school career in the fifties and
sixties, and never saw or saw the need for a policeman on campus. My
youngest son had an armed policeman patroling his public school campus
and they had a guard gate at the entrance. Small town America and a
well thought of and supported school system. Not a sign of progress
of the civilization in my view.



Charlie Self

in reply to charlieb on 14/09/2008 8:03 AM

15/09/2008 7:06 AM

On Sep 14, 7:18=A0pm, Mark & Juanita <[email protected]> wrote:
> charlieb wrote:
> ... snip
> > But what if there was also a Good Samaritan article every
> > day?
> ... snip
> > Though "The Media" may seem to give the impression that
> > the world is going to hell - in a handbasket - there are
> > far more angels than assholes. =A0And daily reminders
> > wouldn't hurt.
> > charlie b
> =A0 We've disagreed on a lot of things in the past, but on this, I absolu=
> agree. =A0This idea of "if it bleeds, it leads" and finding the worst thi=
> as news stories is a continuing downward spiral. =A0Stories that show thi=
> being done and people being helped or how people can help -- those storie=
> build up a community and enrich our society.
> --
> If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough

Big problem, though: no one reads them.


Charlie Self

in reply to charlieb on 14/09/2008 8:03 AM

15/09/2008 7:05 AM

On Sep 14, 12:47=A0pm, Frank Boettcher <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Sep 2008 08:03:30 -0700, charlieb <[email protected]>
> wrote:
> >Probably every newspaper has a daily (or weekly in smaller towns)
> >"Police Blotter" article
> >"Man arrested for being drunk & disorderly in public outside
> >Fred's Cocktail Lounge."
> >"Bicycle reported stolen from . . ."
> >"The Elementry School was vandalized - walls graffittied"
> >"Cars broken into in the Wareman Area"
> >But what if there was also a Good Samaritan article every
> >day?
> >"Elderly lady driven to doctor's appointment by one of her
> >neighbors."
> >"Two neighbors help one of their neighbors skin his addition
> >roof then come back to help shingle it."
> >"Friend takes neighbor's kids to and from school while the
> >neighbor's car was in the shop."
> >"Man helps police officer subdue drug suspect."
> >"Kids stop and visit sick classmate on the way home from
> >school."
> >"Teens pick up litter at neighborhood park."
> >Though "The Media" may seem to give the impression that
> >the world is going to hell - in a handbasket - there are
> >far more angels than assholes. =A0And daily reminders
> >wouldn't hurt.
> >charlie b
> Certainly a good idea. =A0The vast majority of people are good souls.
> and the media focuses on the sensational, the ratings driver, the
> career building anecdotal regardless of statistical relevance
> Unfortunately, the non anecdotal, that is, the statistically relevant
> might indicate we're losing ground.
> An example, I went through my whole school career in the fifties and
> sixties, and never saw or saw the need for a policeman on campus. =A0My
> youngest son had an armed policeman patroling his public school campus
> and they had a guard gate at the entrance. Small town America and a
> well thought of and supported school system. =A0Not a sign of progress
> of the civilization in my view.
> Frank

I believe at one time in the late '60s, early '70s, several "good
news" publications were started. They all quickly folded, whther for
lack of reader support or content, I don't know.

Today, we have one local TV station looking for "hometown heroes,"
which gets an occasional run. One problem there seems to be the
classical idea of "hero" versus the modern idea. Classically, a hero
was somebody who went well above and beyond the call of duty,
friendship, love, whatever. Today, a hero is someone who helps an old
lady across the street, or does something similar that, in fact should
be a part of every day life done without conscious need for though--
civility, I guess. We call every military service member a hero,
which, as anyone who has ever served can tell you, simply isn't not

Like you, I went through high school in the '50s, graduating in '57. I
attnded elemntary (grade) school just outside NYC, and a copy would
have been distinctly out of place, as he would have at New Rochelle
HS, and at my junior high. It would have stunned us to find a cop on
campus after we moved upstate a bit...and newly erected schools were
just then starting to be built to the "campus" approach in New York
and other areas. I spent a few years working and in the USMC, and then
went to college during the '60s. By that time, there were occasional
cops on campus, but only at special events.

Is civilization improving, or is it just more heavily policed? When I
read some of the responses and comments on blogs, especially
political, these days, I don't notice a lot of civility. I also spend
a good deal of time wondering just WTF they're teaching in schools,
because English and anything that demands linear thought isn't part of
the curriculum.



in reply to charlieb on 14/09/2008 8:03 AM

04/11/2008 9:29 AM

"Rick Corey" wrote

> On the other hand, Rome did fall ...


Last update: 10/22/08
KarlC@ (the obvious)



in reply to charlieb on 14/09/2008 8:03 AM

15/09/2008 10:20 AM

Today's "Oh shit":

You've probably heard about the MetroLink train wreck in L.A. A
spokeswoman for the train folks came on TV and admitted that it was
their fault (the engineer was distracted and ran a red light). The
national news described that as "unprecedented" and "amazing" that they
would admit fault like that. I thought it was great that she would fess
up in front of God and man.

Today she "resigned" her position following "actions by the board".


"Rick Corey"

in reply to charlieb on 14/09/2008 8:03 AM

04/11/2008 9:35 AM

I read a rant once, complaining that "youth now-a-days" lacked any respect
or wisdom. The author beleived that, if the trend continued, civilization
was bound to fall. The rant sounded identical to complaints that I had
heard all my life.

Well, he was Pliny the Elder.

So maybe we're all worng. Maybe it only seems that way to older people.

On the other hand, Rome did fall ...

Rick Corey

"Upscale" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Charlie Self" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Is civilization improving, or is it just more heavily policed? When I
> read some of the responses and comments on blogs, especially
> political, these days, I don't notice a lot of civility. I also spend
> a good deal of time wondering just WTF they're teaching in schools,
> because English and anything that demands linear thought isn't part of
> the curriculum.
> I'm sure you're right in everything you've said, but I think it's always
> been that way. I remember my father once telling me that *his* father had
> a
> similar opinion about the younger generation and their "liberties" and how
> the world was going to hell in a hand-basket.
> Maybe it's going to end in absolute anarchy somewhere down the line, but
> it
> might also end up as simply a new way to deal with everyday life.



in reply to charlieb on 14/09/2008 8:03 AM

15/09/2008 10:42 AM

On Sep 15, 1:20=A0pm, jo4hn <[email protected]> wrote:
> Today's "Oh shit":
> You've probably heard about the MetroLink train wreck in L.A. =A0A
> spokeswoman for the train folks came on TV and admitted that it was
> their fault (the engineer was distracted and ran a red light). =A0The
> national news described that as "unprecedented" and "amazing" that they
> would admit fault like that. =A0I thought it was great that she would fes=
> up in front of God and man.
> Today she "resigned" her position following "actions by the board".
> Shit.
> =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 sigh,
> =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 jo4hn

Pardon my French... but how idiotic is that? The say they have a text
message from the train driver dated one minute before the crash. The
idiot was texting as he blew through a red signal!!



in reply to charlieb on 14/09/2008 8:03 AM

16/09/2008 4:46 AM

"Charlie Self" <[email protected]> wrote in message
Is civilization improving, or is it just more heavily policed? When I
read some of the responses and comments on blogs, especially
political, these days, I don't notice a lot of civility. I also spend
a good deal of time wondering just WTF they're teaching in schools,
because English and anything that demands linear thought isn't part of
the curriculum.

I'm sure you're right in everything you've said, but I think it's always
been that way. I remember my father once telling me that *his* father had a
similar opinion about the younger generation and their "liberties" and how
the world was going to hell in a hand-basket.

Maybe it's going to end in absolute anarchy somewhere down the line, but it
might also end up as simply a new way to deal with everyday life.



in reply to charlieb on 14/09/2008 8:03 AM

14/09/2008 8:13 AM

On Sep 14, 11:03=A0am, charlieb <[email protected]> wrote:
> Probably every newspaper has a daily (or weekly in smaller towns)
> "Police Blotter" article
> "Man arrested for being drunk & disorderly in public outside
> Fred's Cocktail Lounge."
> "Bicycle reported stolen from . . ."
> "The Elementry School was vandalized - walls graffittied"
> "Cars broken into in the Wareman Area"
> But what if there was also a Good Samaritan article every
> day?
> "Elderly lady driven to doctor's appointment by one of her
> neighbors."
> "Two neighbors help one of their neighbors skin his addition
> roof then come back to help shingle it."
> "Friend takes neighbor's kids to and from school while the
> neighbor's car was in the shop."
> "Man helps police officer subdue drug suspect."
> "Kids stop and visit sick classmate on the way home from
> school."
> "Teens pick up litter at neighborhood park."
> Though "The Media" may seem to give the impression that
> the world is going to hell - in a handbasket - there are
> far more angels than assholes. =A0And daily reminders
> wouldn't hurt.
> charlie b

Excellent idea.


Charlie Groh

in reply to charlieb on 14/09/2008 8:03 AM

04/11/2008 9:46 AM

On Tue, 4 Nov 2008 09:29:56 -0600, "Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote:

>"Rick Corey" wrote
>> On the other hand, Rome did fall ...

...well, 400 years after Pliny the Elder checked-out.
Socrates was also known to not favor the "new" generation, 400 years
or so before Pliny...hey, they both missed some good stuff, eh?!



Mark & Juanita

in reply to charlieb on 14/09/2008 8:03 AM

14/09/2008 4:18 PM

charlieb wrote:

... snip
> But what if there was also a Good Samaritan article every
> day?
... snip
> Though "The Media" may seem to give the impression that
> the world is going to hell - in a handbasket - there are
> far more angels than assholes. And daily reminders
> wouldn't hurt.
> charlie b

We've disagreed on a lot of things in the past, but on this, I absolutely
agree. This idea of "if it bleeds, it leads" and finding the worst things
as news stories is a continuing downward spiral. Stories that show things
being done and people being helped or how people can help -- those stories
build up a community and enrich our society.

If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough

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