Can you be more specific like what kind of trouble are you having ?
"Kate" <[email protected]> wrote in message =
news:%[email protected]...
> I have a Dremel Scrollsaw station and am having difficulty putting on =
> spiral blade (no pin). Can anyone give me any suggestions? This is a =
new saw=20
> to me and the first time I have worked with the no pin variety of =
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Kathy=20
This Newsgroup has only a few scrollers to come by.
My suggestion is to go to one of the several moderated forums
on the web that are dedicated to scrollsaw work. For example:
you may need to use pliers to flatten the ends before inserting
blade into blade chuck. You also should wipe ends with mineral
spirits soaked rag to remove manufacturing oils.
I would recommend:
or Wood magazine's
(watch for wrap of web address)
there are several others.
I don't recommend MSN, or Yahoo groups due to the spam you
end up with. Those places are dedicated for the exchange of free
patterns anyway.
"Kate" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:%[email protected]...
>I have a Dremel Scrollsaw station and am having difficulty putting on the
>spiral blade (no pin). Can anyone give me any suggestions? This is a new
>saw to me and the first time I have worked with the no pin variety of
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Kathy
I use a Dewalt and I hold the bottom of the blade at the bottom of the
holder with my left index finger and back with my thumb. Tighten the screw
with the right hand. The top is easy because you can see what your doing.
"Kate" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:%[email protected]...
>I have a Dremel Scrollsaw station and am having difficulty putting on the
>spiral blade (no pin). Can anyone give me any suggestions? This is a new
>saw to me and the first time I have worked with the no pin variety of
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Kathy
Those spiral blades are much thicker than the standard scroll saw blades.
You are going to have to adjust the blade clamps for this difference
(adjusting nut in the side of the clamp if it's the same as my Delta saw),
and you will probably have them pull out of the clamps a couple of times
while you are using them before you figure out just how tight they have to
be adjusted to get them to hold OK. Experience is the best teacher in this
While spiral blades seem like a great idea, I was less than impressed with
the results that I got from them. I gave up and went back to standard blades
because the cut is smoother, I can steer the cutting line better, and the
clamps on my saw (Delta Q3) don't let go of the blade as often.
"tdup2" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I use a Dewalt and I hold the bottom of the blade at the bottom of the
> holder with my left index finger and back with my thumb. Tighten the screw
> with the right hand. The top is easy because you can see what your doing.
> "Kate" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:%[email protected]...
> >I have a Dremel Scrollsaw station and am having difficulty putting on the
> >spiral blade (no pin). Can anyone give me any suggestions? This is a new
> >saw to me and the first time I have worked with the no pin variety of
> >blade.
> >
> > Thank you in advance for your help.
> >
> > Kathy
> >