HandyMan DataBase Over 1,000,000 Specs
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Screen Shots, buying, Specs, etc.
I'm fully aware this spammer is 99.9% unlikely to see this, but I'm bored
and felt like checking him out anyway, after I made the usual useless
complaint to google-groups and your drop-box at AOL; I WAS surprised to see
that it was an actual good address and apparently the spammer's to boot! He
does typify all 4 rules of spammers though, and aches for a 5th to be
created. I wish it all the failure and misery due it. "It" = s/h/it
Scott wrote:
> <Only lies were snipped>
Took a look at your "Database" for grins since I'm bored at the moment.
Not a single requisite link is there for ANY of your supposed "awards".
The three I decided to check on just for grins, didn't seem to exist. Not
very smart to be giving yourself awards.
Inviting possibilities on the opening page: But nothing else. No meat,
nothing even closely related to those things.
All you're looking to do is find suckers to buy from you via PayPal. And
not a single working link in all that pretty hype you worked so hard on
implementing. And why is it vehicle repair when really there's nothign but
a link to anything that could possibly be useful.
The link for the vehicle repair page goes to nothing but a BS almost-copy of
your entrance page - and does nothing but keep sucking around for money.
I see you claim to be part of a Web-ring too, but all that link goes to is a
very spammy looking suck-page having nothing to do with any "ring" of sites.
You're nothing but a typical bottom feeding bass turd as most spammers are.