

09/01/2008 12:11 PM

The Tears Of Finding The Truth

Through The Internet
The following story occurred on the Internet
through one of the chat programs (Freetel) in January 1999. It is a
real dialogue between a Christian and a Muslim. The story centers on
Derek's realization of today's Christianity and his subsequent
conversion to lslam. This Christian-Muslim dialogue has been edited
for readability and for the clarity of its message.

ABDULLAH: Hello there! How are you man?
DEREK: Hello! Well, how are you?
ABDULLAH: I'm fine and you?
DEREK: I'm fine thanks.
ABDULLAH: Where are you from?
DEREK: I'm from L.A. (Los Angeles).
ABDULLAH: The land of Hollywood!
DEREK: Well that's right. Have you ever been to L.A.?
ABDULLAH: No, never. Why are you calling yourself the Black Magic?
DEREK: It's just a nickname, man!
DEREK: Where are you from? Are you an Arab?
ABDULLAH: Yes, I am from Saudi Arabia but I'm in Qatar now. What is
your name?
DEREK: My name is Derek. What's your name?
ABDULLAH: My name is Abdullah.
DEREK: What does Abdullah mean?
ABDULLAH: Abdullah means the servant of Allah and it is the function
of each individual on the face of the earth to serve llah according to
what Allah wants from us. By the way, Allah is the proper name of
DEREK: How do we know what God or Allah wants from us?
ABDULLAH: All of this is outlined in the Qur'an and the Sunnah (Ways
of Prophet Muhammad; his sayings, actions and aprovals). These are the
two major sources of guidance in lslam. Could you please tell me more
about yourself? How ol are you?
DEREK: I am 19 years old, black and very uch interested in
knowing more about lslam. First of all, what should a person do or
believe in to become a Muslim?
ABDULLAH: Very easy, you just say that there is no god worthy of
worshi but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger, and you become
DEREK: You mean Muhammad is his apostle? But a a Christian or non-
Muslim, this sentence is not enough to make it clear to me.
ABDULLAH: Ok Allah sent Muhammad a His last Prophet and Messenger and
revealed the Qur'an to him as the final revelation to mankind. Allah
said that He perected His religion and called it lslam (see Qur'an
5:3). Islam means peaceful submission to the Will of Allah.
DEREK: I see.
ABDULLAH: Yes, and unfortunately most Christians don't know or they
deny that the coming of Prophet Muhammad is foretold in their
scriptures (See Deuternomy 18:18; 21: 21; Psalms 1 18:22-23; Isiah
42:1-13; Habakuk 3:3-4; Matthew 21:42-43; John 14:12-17,15:26,27;
1:5-16). Muslim theologians have stated that the person who is
described by Jesus to come after him (in the above verses) is Mhammed
(peace be upon him).
DEREK: OK Fine, but why was there a need for another prophet after
Jesus and another revelation after the Bible?
ABDULLAH: All of the Prophets came to teach their peoples the Oneness
of God. In the case of Jesus, he was only sent as a Messenger to the
lost sheep of the house of Israel (see Matt. 15:24). What happened was
that all of these prophets were not well received by the majority of
the people. For instance, they started tampering with the teachings of
Moses and Jesus, peace be upon them (see Qur'an 2:79). That is why
Allah sent Muhammad with the last Message, (i.e., the Qur'an), to
bring all of mankind back to the belief in and worship of One God,
without partners or intermediaries.
DEREK: Is the Qur'an similar to the Bible? I mean, what is it composed
ABDULLAH: The Qur'an came as the last code emphasizing the same pure
monotheistic teachings of Jesus peace be upon him, defending all the
previous pure teachings of monotheistic beliefs and clarifying who
Jesus was and who his mother was, showing that they were no more than
great people.
DEREK: OK then, how-can we be sure that the Qur'an has remained the
same since the time of Prophet Muhammad?
ABDULLAH: Allah Himself has guaranteed that He would guard the Qur'an
from corruption (see Qur'an 15:9). Hence, the real and pure words of
Allah are found in the Qur'an, which was revealed in Arabic, the
language of Mohammed's people. Since then, not an iota has changed.
This is unlike what has happened in the other religions. For example,
if you look at the Bible, you find a lot of versions; the name Bible
itself is indicative of those changes because Bible means a collection
of books from different writers.
DEREK: But didn't God call it the Bible?
ABDULLAH: God calls the Scripture revealed to Jesus "Injeel" in the
Qur'an for which the closest name in the Bible would be the word
Gospel. The Bible was written may years after the time of Jesus in a
language that was alien to Jesus; it was Latin Vulgate, a language
that he never spoke. Isn't this strange? Interestingly, most of what
was written in the New Testament was authored by Paul, who, according
to James, the brother of Jesus in the Bible, had a polluted mind
because he changed and contradicted most of the teachings of Jesus.
DEREK: I think you know more about Christianity than the Pope does.
ABDULLAH: You are wrong by saying that I know more than the Pope. I
have simply investigated the Bible with an inquiring mind, which is
something that all Christians should do.
DEREK: Is there any English version of the Holy Qur'an?
ABDULLAH: There are many translations of the meanings of the Qur'an.
The Qur'an was revealed in Arabic which means that the words of ALLAH
are in Arabic. The translations are the words of human beings relating
to the meanings of the Qur'an to the non-Arabic speaking masses.
DEREK: How does the Qur'an define God to mankind or how does the
Muslim perceive God?
ABDULLAH: GOD is the One and Only True GOD, and the Creator of all. He
does not beget nor is He begotten. He is unlike His creation in every
respect. He is the All-knowing, The Powerful, The Merciful, The
Irresistible, and The King of kings.
DEREK: But it is somehow difficult for me to perceive God as being the
same as His creatures.
ABDULLAH: You are absolutely right to have difficulty perceiving this
because human beings have a limited capacity. This is why ALLAH sent
revelations to His Prophets and Messengers to tell us who He is. So if
you want to know who God is, just read the Qur'an.
DEREK: Christians believe that Jesus was sent for the salvation of all
mankind. If this is not true, then the foundation of Christianity is
faulty. Right? What do you think?
ABDULLAH: That's correct. The Christians of today are following what
Paul taught and also tend to follow what the priests tell them to do
instead of following what Jesus said.
DEREK: Kindly explain the concept of salvation through the
crucifixion of Jesus.
ABDULLAH: In Christianity, the Doctrine of Original Sin is the reason
that there is a need for salvation through Jesus' crucifixion.
However, this doctrine was invented by Paul and it is strongly negated
in the Old Testament (see Ezekial 18:20, Jeremiah 31:30, Deut. 24:16).
This doctrine is an attempt to escape the responsibility of
righteousness with the belief that punishment is given to someone else
to release us from our burden of sins (see Ephesians 1:7, Romans 4:25,
10:9, Corinthians 15:21) In the Qur'an, every soul is responsible for
its own deeds, good or bad (see 74:38,41:46, 3:25, 6:154).
DEREK: What about the crucifixion itself?
ABDULLAH: The Bible says Jesus cried out in a loud voice beseeching
God for help on the cross: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken
me?" (Matt. 27:46) Does that sound like Jesus to you?
DEREK: No, then what about Jesus' appearance to his disciples after
the crucifixion?
ABDULLAH: Jesus didn't die on the cross nor was he resurrected. If he
were resurrected, then he would have come to his disciples in a
spiritual body. As shown in Luke 24:36-43, he met them with his
physical body after the event of his alleged crucifixion. In the
Qur'an, it says that Jesus was not crucified, but it was someone else
who was made to look like him (see 4:157,158).
DEREK: How did the story of the crucifixion of Jesus get into the
Bible then?
ABDULLAH: Once again, Paul was responsible (see Timothy 2:8 and
Romans 5:10).
DEREK: Well, I, very deep in my heart, believe that God can never
look like his creation nor does he do what they do. What I believe is
that God is the perfect one who is very much different from everything
we see or touch. In other words, I think the writer can never look
like his book.
ABDULLAH: You are right. There is nothing comparable to Allah (see
Qur'an 112:4). The prophets came with a very clear message to worship
God alone, without any partners or intercessors.
However, Paul took pagan beliefs and practices from the Romans and
mixed them with the teachings of Jesus. Consequently, Paul was mostly
responsible for elevating Jesus to the status of Son of God (see Acts
9:20) and God.
DEREK: Yes. Now I remember. The first Commandment is, " Hear, O
Israel, the Lord our God is One Lord."
ABDULLAH: You're right. That's in Mark 12:29. Moreover, the Qur'an
confirms that God is One: "Say He is Allah, the One and Only
(God)." (Qur'an 112:1)
DEREK: What you are saying makes perfect sense. This is just
incredible! You mean that for almost 2000 years what the Christians
have been following is wrong?
ABDULLAH: Yes, especially their misunderstanding of who Jesus was.
DEREK: Oh my God! I've been deceived! Really, I feel religiously
raped. I have been fooled simply because I followed blindly the
religion that I was born with and didn't take care to investigate it
thoroughly. But still inside me there is something holding me back
from accepting lslam, even though lslam is clearly the True Religion.
ABDULLAH: Your last comment shows that you are a Muslim not a
Christian and if you really love God and His Messenger Jesus, you will
follow lslam and Prophet Muhammad. Break this barrier inside you and
come back to the way of your ancestors. You are now free because you
are looking for the Truth and our great prophet Jesus told us that we
should look for the Truth and the Truth will set us free. So, you will
be a free man as soon as you accept It. Be strong enough to accept
lslam as the Truth, without any hesitation on your part and you will
taste real freedom and real happiness that you have never tasted
DEREK: Frankly, I am concerned about the negative way lslam and
Muslims are shown in the media. In the West, there is a stigma
attached to being a Muslim and I'm not sure I'm ready to live with
that stigma.
ABDULLAH: This is why I have chosen to tell people about the right
picture of lslam.
DEREK: Then, what is the right picture of lslam?
ABDULLAH: The right picture of lslam is conveyed in the Qur'an, which
is exemplified by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. The reality is
that it is not fair to judge a religion by the actions of its
followers alone because there are good and bad followers in every
religion. The correct thing to do is to judge a religion by its
documented revelation from God and the prophet who brought that
DEREK: I see. I agree with you, but I'm still concerned about the
reaction of my family and friends if they know that I am a Muslim.
ABDULLAH: On Judgement Day, no one will be able to help you, not even
your father, mother or any of your friends (see Qur'an 31:33). So, if
you believe that lslam is the True religion, you should embrace it and
live your life to please the One Who created you. Be an illuminating
torch for them. Do not delay your coming to lslam. If you die before
becoming a Muslim, then it's too late (see Qur'an 2:132, 3:102, 3:85).
So grab this opportunity now. You can only remedy this pain inside you
by becoming a Muslim and being able in the future, God willing, to
come and perform pilgrimage (Hajj).
DEREK: You are very wise man, I want to say that when I sometimes see
on the satellite, especially in the season of Hajj, people of
different colors and different races sitting side by side and praying
to God, I feel pain deep inside my heart and I feel something urging
me to talk with someone to know more about that great religion that
can gather all the races in the same place. Thanks to you, I have
found that person. So please help me become a Muslim!
ABDULLAH: Brother let us take it step by step. First, enter lslam
ABDULLAH: By the way, Jesus' name is not Jesus. It is a latinized
name. His real name is Eisa. Now you will say the same thing in
Arabic, the language of the Qur'an. I will transliterate for you.
ABDULLAH: Brother, say ALLAH is the greatest because you are a Muslim
now. You are not a Christian anymore. Your are in the House of lslam.
If I were with you, I would hug you as my brother in lslam. How do you
feel now? A burden has been removed from you and you feel like you are
so light, isn't this right?
DEREK: If you were with me now, you would have seen my tears reaching
my neck. You are a great brother. I feel that I have just come to
life, This is exactly how I feel from now. I don't have to listen the
silly words of the priests in the church, who knowingly or unknowingly
lead people astray. I hope to be a good servant of ALLAH.
ABDULLAH: You know what came out of you was disbelief and it was
replaced by belief. You are so clean now, because when someone
embraces Islam sincerely, Allah forgives all of his past sins. So, go
to the Islamic center that has Muslims from all over the world and
announce your lslam there, and continue to learn more about lslam from
them. In addition, find a book on prayer in lslam and practice it.
This is essential. Now after you are through with me, you must take a
shower to purify yourself from previous wrong beliefs. Remember to
stay away from bad company and be with righteous Muslim people. Also,
beware of those so-called Muslims who call to nationalistic ideas or
racial thoughts, which are rejected in lslam. I love you as a brother
in lslam and I hope one day I will see you and hear your voice.
DEREK: I will for sure do what you have asked. And tomorrow I will go
to the Islamic center. Thank you for showing me the Truth. I will do
my best to meet people who know about lslam for sure. May God help you
guide more and more people to the true word of God. There is no God
but ALLAH and Muhammad is his Apostle... Well it is as difficult for
me as it is for you to leave you.
ABDULLAH: Well brother, you will not leave me for a long time. I will
soon be with you through my supplications. God willing. Pray for me,
DEREK: Well, I thank you, I love you although I do not know you yet.
But it is enough for me to remember that one day, a very dear man has
picked me up from the mud of life. Please teach me another Islamic
word in Arabic so as to make use of it in the Islamic center.
ABDULLAH: Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu and
DEREK: What do they mean?
ABDULLAH: May the Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you.
This is used as a greeting to all Muslims. The last word means, Allah
forgive me. Well, I have to leave you now but be sure it will not be
for long.
DEREK: Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu and Astaghfirullah
for being astray from the Truth all those years. May God bless you.
You have occupied a great place in my heart and I will never forget
you. Bye and talk to you later. Your brother in lslam, Derek, but I
will call myself Eisa from now on.
ABDULLAH: OK Eisa. I will leave you some final words of inspiration.
Certainly, the ultimate goal of every individual is to be in Paradise
forever. This reward of Paradise is too great to not have a price.
That price is true faith, which is proven obedience to Allah and
following the Sunnah of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh). THIS IS THE ROAD TO
PARADISE. Let's stay in touch! Assalamu Alaikum!
DEREK: O.K. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu

Publication's Source www.islamworld.net


This topic has 27 replies



in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

10/01/2008 10:49 AM

[email protected] wrote:
> *SNIP of a rare combination of pizzle and tripe*

shazbot! Gadzooks! A life ill led.


Mark & Juanita

in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

10/01/2008 7:58 PM

[email protected] wrote:

> *SNIP of a rare combination of pizzle and tripe*
>> PARADISE. Let's stay in touch! Assalamu Alaikum!
>> DEREK: O.K. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu
> OK man, I'm feeling your pain. While we are talking about finding the
> tears of truth, here's some for you.
> - Gorilla glue only sticks well to thinkgs you don't want it to; it
> doesn't expand to fill the voids unless it pushes your work apart or
> foams out stuff that a belt sander can't remove
> *SOB*
... snip of other *SOB* stories

Seems the past two days, I've got a black hole following me around.

Yesterday, I lost my pager, it must have caught on my coat while getting in
my truck and was gone when I got home.


It was only 3 days old, replacing the pager that had stopped working.


Today, somehow, somewhere, I lost my pocket knife.


It was the knife my wife gave me more than 12 years ago when we found out
were were going to have our son.



If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough


"Lew Hodgett"

in reply to Mark & Juanita on 10/01/2008 7:58 PM

11/01/2008 7:08 PM

"Greg G." wrote:

> Hmm... somewhere between $100,000 and $99,999,999?

Somewhere around $5M with room to grow.

After all, P Jackson gets over $10M from the Lakers.

Carroll puts more fannies in the seats than Jackson.

> Pro sports absorb far too much
> peripheral tax money for my taste.

They give new meaning to the term "Carpet bagger".



Greg G.

in reply to Mark & Juanita on 10/01/2008 7:58 PM

11/01/2008 6:46 PM

Lew Hodgett said:

>"Greg G." wrote:
>> So, Lew, to (finally) answer your query, "For the money".
>> (Or perhaps to participte in dog fights?)
>Carroll already gets a 6-8 figure annual package, complete control of
>the program and gets to live in SoCal.

Hmm... somewhere between $100,000 and $99,999,999?
That's a pretty broad ambiguity on the salary, but you do have waaay
better looking women out there. Smarter, too - some of 'em, anyway.

>Doubt Blank can comde up with a package that would appeal to Carroll's
>ego, much less his pocket book.

His decision. I'm ambivalent to it. Pro sports absorb far too much
peripheral tax money for my taste.

Greg G.


"Lew Hodgett"

in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

11/01/2008 1:09 PM

"Greg G." wrote:

> As do I. Mostly because of where I live, though.

Many years ago, an associate had to spend a week in Gainesville, GA,
then the "Chickin Pickin Capitol" of the world.

Upon his return, he mused, "If the world needs an enema, I know where
the good lord will put the hose"

Somehow, that thought seems still current when referring to the SE
area of the US.

As someone recently commented on the possibility of Pete Carroll, USC
football coach, going to the Atlanta Falcons to become head coach,
"Why would he go to Atlanta?"

Seems like a valid question.




Mark & Juanita

in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

11/01/2008 6:27 PM

Mike wrote:

> "Mark & Juanita" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> [email protected] wrote:
>> *SOB*
>> Today, somehow, somewhere, I lost my pocket knife.
>> *SOB*
>> It was the knife my wife gave me more than 12 years ago when we found
>> out
>> were were going to have our son.
>> *SOB*
>> Next?
> This begs the question:
> Why would your wife give you a knife to celebrate the birth of your
> son??????????????????????

Now, now, don't get crazy here. The note that came with the knife was
that every dad needs a pocket knife to show his son how to whittle.

If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough


Mark & Juanita

in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

11/01/2008 7:33 PM

Nova wrote:

> Mark & Juanita wrote:
>> It was the knife my wife gave me more than 12 years ago when we found
>> out
>> were were going to have our son.
>> *SOB*
> Look in the creases of the sofa, arm chair, etc. The last time I lost
> mine I didn't find it until I turned the recliner upside down to make a
> repair.

Good news, it was found today. I lost it at work while sitting in a
conference room chair. Someone found it and set it in a prominent place.

Subtract two sobs from my diatribe. :-)

If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough


in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

11/01/2008 3:49 PM

Wed, Jan 9, 2008, 12:11pm (EST-3) [email protected] posted more of his
usual drivel:

And Allah saw that you are still posting, and tears poured down his
cheeks as he found the truth - you're a dork troll.

10 Out Of 10 Terrorists Prefer Hillary For President
- Bumper Sticker
I quite agree.



in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

11/01/2008 7:39 PM

"Greg G." <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Mike said:
>>> Why to cut the unbiblical cord, you silly boy.
>>They mustn't be religious. <EG>
> LMAO. I have no idea where that came from. Darned speel checker.
> Of course, that was supposed to be "umbilical".
> Greg G.

Glad I could inject a little humor. Haven't posted here in awhile. Had
another battle with The Big "C", which I emerged victorious.....again.

"Anybody can have more birthdays; but it takes
balls to get old!"


Greg G.

in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

11/01/2008 12:56 PM

Mike said:

>"Mark & Juanita" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> [email protected] wrote:
>> *SOB*
>> Today, somehow, somewhere, I lost my pocket knife.
>> *SOB*
>> It was the knife my wife gave me more than 12 years ago when we found out
>> were were going to have our son.
>> *SOB*
>> Next?
>This begs the question:
>Why would your wife give you a knife to celebrate the birth of your

Why to cut the unbiblical cord, you silly boy.

Greg G.



in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

12/01/2008 7:21 AM

"Mark & Juanita" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Mike wrote:
>> "Mark & Juanita" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> [email protected] wrote:
>>> *SOB*
>>> Today, somehow, somewhere, I lost my pocket knife.
>>> *SOB*
>>> It was the knife my wife gave me more than 12 years ago when we found
>>> out
>>> were were going to have our son.
>>> *SOB*
>>> Next?
>> This begs the question:
>> Why would your wife give you a knife to celebrate the birth of your
>> son??????????????????????
> Now, now, don't get crazy here. The note that came with the knife was
> that every dad needs a pocket knife to show how to whittle his son .

Rearranging your last 5 words just caused me to spit hot coffee on my
keyboard. :-)


"Anybody can have more birthdays; but it takes
balls to get old!"



in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

10/01/2008 11:12 AM

On Jan 10, 1:16=A0am, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
> *SNIP of a rare combination of pizzle and tripe*
> > PARADISE. Let's stay in touch! Assalamu Alaikum!
> > =A0DEREK: O.K. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu
> OK man, I'm feeling your pain. =A0While we are talking about finding the
> tears of truth, here's some for you.
> - Gorilla glue only sticks well to thinkgs you don't want it to; it
> doesn't expand to fill the voids unless it pushes your work apart or
> foams out stuff that a belt sander can't remove
> *SOB*
> - $3 a gallon for gas is honestly killing me. =A0For the first time in
> the history of my company I am now forced to charge for repair
> estimates
> *SOB*
> - 24 isn't on TV this year. =A0With Frontline in the toilet, what's that
> point of television?
> *SOB*
> - Put on 6 pounds over the holidays =A0WTF happened there? =A0The only
> "truth" here is that I think I ate too much product from my new
> smokers
> *SOB*
> - My favorite bourbon (Ezra Williams) continues to go up and up. =A0Even
> club soda has gone up... =A0but the truth is I don't drink much anymore
> so this may not be all that important. =A0But anyway -
> *SOB*
> - I only got 57,500 miles out of my 60,000 mile rated tires. =A0Where
> was the truth then? =A0Talk about learning a life lesson...
> *SOB*
> - The truth is that I found that my teeth aren't much whiter than
> before when I used the new super powered Colgate that has every
> whitener, freshner, and flouride additive in it. =A0Talk about a drag.
> I gave it the benefit of using full tube, too, just like the ad said.
> (You were supposed to use it all at once, right?) Liars!
> *SOB*
> - Claims/lies about removing static cling. =A0Jeez.. don't get me going
> on this one. =A0Like a good constuction worker, all my clothes are
> cotton. =A0Since they have all been washed about 1,000 times, I wash
> everything together and no matter what softener I use, my clothes
> still crackle and stick together
> *SOB*
> - I just bought a pile of Bosch jig saw blades (150!) from a jobber
> that must have been sharpened on a concrete curb and the teeth set
> with a brick. =A0They are worth slightly more than I paid for them, but
> that may be my ego talking here and not my brain. =A0I think my tears of
> truth are that I made a bad purchase thinking I was getting "a deal"
> *SOB*
> - I almost had some real tears in my eyes when I found another truth
> out on the job last week. =A0It was really cold, and I was loading 5's
> of roofing mastic in my truck. =A0One slipped out of my freezing
> hands... it landed on my foot at the web of my toes... =A0talk about
> finding truth, seeing the Big Guy, experiencing flashing colors in my
> vision... not to mention breaking my resolution to keep from swearing
> so much. =A0Of course the last part happened when I could actually
> breathe again
> *SOB*
> - I ran across an old wood glue test that pitted Elmers white glue,
> Elmer's yellow carpenter's glue, Titebond (original), and another
> yellow glue like Weldbond. =A0I hope you are sitting down as this one
> will hurt. =A0Elmer's white performed >almost< exactly as the others.
> That hurt... real tears... I mean really, what is the point of being a
> professional if you can't snort that you only use Titebond 2? =A0You are
> reduced to an elementary school kid if his glue holds as well as
> yours. =A0Bet your bones are rattling now, right? =A0I stayed in bed for a=

> week...
> *SOB*
> - Makita NMHi drill batteries don't last like they should. =A0I found
> this truth out over a period of about a month of trying to figure out
> when I could actually use the damn thing
> *SOB*
> - Plywood is getting thinner, again.
> *SOB*
> - Just about every damn band or artist I listened to in the 60's and
> 70's sound like crap now. =A0I guess a constant life of heavy abuse of
> drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and unlimited sex IS bad for you. =A0It's
> heartbreaking.
> All these years I thought those guys were lucky. =A0(OK, face it, they
> WERE lucky - they were probably getting home about the time we were
> all taking a mid morning cig break)
> *SOB*
> - I ruined a really nice watch a few months ago, and re-learned the
> painful lesson of water resistance versus water proof. =A0What in the
> hell is the good of "water resistant to 3M"? =A0How do we know how much
> the watch resisted? =A0Mine was dead and couldn't tell me, but I don't
> think he resisted much... he was kinda old... maybe he just gave up...
> *SOB*
> I could go on, but I won't. =A0It's too painful, kinda like beign on
> Oprah. =A0I hope others will share their tears as well.
> Robert

Only one way to comment...."Farking hilarious!"
*tears* for real!



Doug Winterburn

in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

11/01/2008 5:56 PM

Mike wrote:

> Glad I could inject a little humor. Haven't posted here in awhile. Had
> another battle with The Big "C", which I emerged victorious.....again.

Way to go, Mike! I had a major battle two years ago, and the continuing
minor skirmishes (as in skin). They keep snipping off small parts and
one major part (a foot of colon), but I think I have enough left for a
few more decades - at least that's the plan.

Victory is sweet :-)



in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

12/01/2008 7:22 AM

"Doug Winterburn" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Mike wrote:
>> Glad I could inject a little humor. Haven't posted here in awhile. Had
>> another battle with The Big "C", which I emerged victorious.....again.
> Way to go, Mike! I had a major battle two years ago, and the continuing
> minor skirmishes (as in skin). They keep snipping off small parts and one
> major part (a foot of colon), but I think I have enough left for a few
> more decades - at least that's the plan.
> Victory is sweet :-)


"Anybody can have more birthdays; but it takes
balls to get old!"



in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

12/01/2008 7:22 AM

"Hank" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>>>>> Why to cut the unbiblical cord, you silly boy.
>>>>They mustn't be religious. <EG>
>>> LMAO. I have no idea where that came from. Darned speel checker.
>>> Of course, that was supposed to be "umbilical".
>>> Greg G.
>> Glad I could inject a little humor. Haven't posted here in awhile. Had
>> another battle with The Big "C", which I emerged victorious.....again.
> Good for ya.
> Hank


"Anybody can have more birthdays; but it takes
balls to get old!"



in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

11/01/2008 12:39 PM

"Mark & Juanita" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> [email protected] wrote:
> *SOB*
> Today, somehow, somewhere, I lost my pocket knife.
> *SOB*
> It was the knife my wife gave me more than 12 years ago when we found out
> were were going to have our son.
> *SOB*
> Next?

This begs the question:


Why would your wife give you a knife to celebrate the birth of your


"Anybody can have more birthdays; but it takes
balls to get old!"



in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

12/01/2008 6:04 AM

"Mike" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> "Greg G." <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Mike said:
>>>> Why to cut the unbiblical cord, you silly boy.
>>>They mustn't be religious. <EG>
>> LMAO. I have no idea where that came from. Darned speel checker.
>> Of course, that was supposed to be "umbilical".
>> Greg G.
> Glad I could inject a little humor. Haven't posted here in awhile. Had
> another battle with The Big "C", which I emerged victorious.....again.

Good for ya.



in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

11/01/2008 12:41 PM

<[email protected]> wrote in message
*SNIP of a rare combination of pizzle and tripe*

> PARADISE. Let's stay in touch! Assalamu Alaikum!
> DEREK: O.K. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu

OK man, I'm feeling your pain. While we are talking about finding the
tears of truth, here's some for you.

<el snippo>


Now you owe me a new keyboard and monitor!!!!

"Anybody can have more birthdays; but it takes
balls to get old!"


in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

11/01/2008 12:30 PM

On Jan 11, 12:22=A0pm, Greg G.<[email protected]> wrote:

> >They mustn't be religious. =A0<EG>
> LMAO. I have no idea where that came from. =A0Darned speel checker.
> Of course, that was supposed to be "umbilical".

Damnit... you guys aren't helping me. Now I have more tears...

I missed the joke because I didn't have my glasses on and didn't read
the words correctly.

(After a reread, it was pretty funny though.)



in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

09/01/2008 10:16 PM

*SNIP of a rare combination of pizzle and tripe*

> PARADISE. Let's stay in touch! Assalamu Alaikum!
> =A0DEREK: O.K. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu

OK man, I'm feeling your pain. While we are talking about finding the
tears of truth, here's some for you.

- Gorilla glue only sticks well to thinkgs you don't want it to; it
doesn't expand to fill the voids unless it pushes your work apart or
foams out stuff that a belt sander can't remove


- $3 a gallon for gas is honestly killing me. For the first time in
the history of my company I am now forced to charge for repair


- 24 isn't on TV this year. With Frontline in the toilet, what's that
point of television?


- Put on 6 pounds over the holidays WTF happened there? The only
"truth" here is that I think I ate too much product from my new


- My favorite bourbon (Ezra Williams) continues to go up and up. Even
club soda has gone up... but the truth is I don't drink much anymore
so this may not be all that important. But anyway -


- I only got 57,500 miles out of my 60,000 mile rated tires. Where
was the truth then? Talk about learning a life lesson...


- The truth is that I found that my teeth aren't much whiter than
before when I used the new super powered Colgate that has every
whitener, freshner, and flouride additive in it. Talk about a drag.
I gave it the benefit of using full tube, too, just like the ad said.
(You were supposed to use it all at once, right?) Liars!


- Claims/lies about removing static cling. Jeez.. don't get me going
on this one. Like a good constuction worker, all my clothes are
cotton. Since they have all been washed about 1,000 times, I wash
everything together and no matter what softener I use, my clothes
still crackle and stick together


- I just bought a pile of Bosch jig saw blades (150!) from a jobber
that must have been sharpened on a concrete curb and the teeth set
with a brick. They are worth slightly more than I paid for them, but
that may be my ego talking here and not my brain. I think my tears of
truth are that I made a bad purchase thinking I was getting "a deal"


- I almost had some real tears in my eyes when I found another truth
out on the job last week. It was really cold, and I was loading 5's
of roofing mastic in my truck. One slipped out of my freezing
hands... it landed on my foot at the web of my toes... talk about
finding truth, seeing the Big Guy, experiencing flashing colors in my
vision... not to mention breaking my resolution to keep from swearing
so much. Of course the last part happened when I could actually
breathe again


- I ran across an old wood glue test that pitted Elmers white glue,
Elmer's yellow carpenter's glue, Titebond (original), and another
yellow glue like Weldbond. I hope you are sitting down as this one
will hurt. Elmer's white performed >almost< exactly as the others.
That hurt... real tears... I mean really, what is the point of being a
professional if you can't snort that you only use Titebond 2? You are
reduced to an elementary school kid if his glue holds as well as
yours. Bet your bones are rattling now, right? I stayed in bed for a


- Makita NMHi drill batteries don't last like they should. I found
this truth out over a period of about a month of trying to figure out
when I could actually use the damn thing


- Plywood is getting thinner, again.


- Just about every damn band or artist I listened to in the 60's and
70's sound like crap now. I guess a constant life of heavy abuse of
drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and unlimited sex IS bad for you. It's

All these years I thought those guys were lucky. (OK, face it, they
WERE lucky - they were probably getting home about the time we were
all taking a mid morning cig break)


- I ruined a really nice watch a few months ago, and re-learned the
painful lesson of water resistance versus water proof. What in the
hell is the good of "water resistant to 3M"? How do we know how much
the watch resisted? Mine was dead and couldn't tell me, but I don't
think he resisted much... he was kinda old... maybe he just gave up...


I could go on, but I won't. It's too painful, kinda like beign on
Oprah. I hope others will share their tears as well.



"Lew Hodgett"

in reply to "[email protected]" on 09/01/2008 10:16 PM

11/01/2008 3:09 PM

"Greg G." wrote:

> So, Lew, to (finally) answer your query, "For the money".
> (Or perhaps to participte in dog fights?)

Carroll already gets a 6-8 figure annual package, complete control of
the program and gets to live in SoCal.

Doubt Blank can comde up with a package that would appeal to Carroll's
ego, much less his pocket book.



Greg G.

in reply to "[email protected]" on 09/01/2008 10:16 PM

11/01/2008 5:30 PM

Lew Hodgett said:

>"Greg G." wrote:
>> As do I. Mostly because of where I live, though.
>Many years ago, an associate had to spend a week in Gainesville, GA,
>then the "Chickin Pickin Capitol" of the world.
>Upon his return, he mused, "If the world needs an enema, I know where
>the good lord will put the hose"
>Somehow, that thought seems still current when referring to the SE
>area of the US.
>As someone recently commented on the possibility of Pete Carroll, USC
>football coach, going to the Atlanta Falcons to become head coach,
>"Why would he go to Atlanta?"
>Seems like a valid question.

Boy, I'll tell you - it's a hell of a situation to be in. I grew up
here, born of transplanted parents. Atlanta used to be quite the
exception to the rule for the south - very progressive. The current
political climate combined with the influx of profiteers has damaged
much of that. Engineers from MIT and Chicago had more of an influence
over my youth than your average southerner.

Most of my contacts and girlfriends were northern transplants due to
the growing regional influence of "Terminus". My customers were
mostly well educated, well-oiled CEO's and professors from the north
and Europe. One of my friends from childhood is a microbiology prof
at a TN college, another used to be the head of the nuclear physics
department in Florida. Add a German/Canadian garage owner, a French
shopkeeper, an Iranian mechanic, a fireman and an electronics tech
from Afghanistan, and a couple of Indian programmers. Yet the first
time I ventured out of the metro Atlanta area, I was appalled at the
thinking, or lack thereof, that I found. It isn't that the people are
evil, but they are fearful of the unknown, and not well educated.
Being a white dude from GA, however, they would invite you to dinner,
and take you fishing. Generally, they go to work and are honest. But
inevitably, the classic stereotypes would rear their ugly heads.

I know smart people and utter asshats of every color and nationality.
If I could be considered a bigot about anything, it is arrogant,
baseless xenophobia - and there is certainly a lot of that left here.
It is still 1865 in many parts of the south, and these maggot southern
politicos stoke and feed off of it. They used to call Atlanta the LA
of the south, but it's seeming more like Lower Alabama these days...

So, Lew, to (finally) answer your query, "For the money".
(Or perhaps to participte in dog fights?)

Greg G.



in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

11/01/2008 7:12 PM

Mark & Juanita wrote:

> It was the knife my wife gave me more than 12 years ago when we found out
> were were going to have our son.
> *SOB*

Look in the creases of the sofa, arm chair, etc. The last time I lost
mine I didn't find it until I turned the recliner upside down to make a

Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA
[email protected]



in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

11/01/2008 12:58 PM

"Greg G." <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Mike said:
>>"Mark & Juanita" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>news:[email protected]...
>>> [email protected] wrote:
>>> *SOB*
>>> Today, somehow, somewhere, I lost my pocket knife.
>>> *SOB*
>>> It was the knife my wife gave me more than 12 years ago when we found
>>> out
>>> were were going to have our son.
>>> *SOB*
>>> Next?
>>This begs the question:
>>Why would your wife give you a knife to celebrate the birth of your
> Why to cut the unbiblical cord, you silly boy.
> Greg G.

They mustn't be religious. <EG>

"Anybody can have more birthdays; but it takes
balls to get old!"


Greg G.

in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

11/01/2008 1:22 PM

Mike said:

>"Greg G." <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Mike said:
>>>"Mark & Juanita" <[email protected]> wrote in message

>>>> It was the knife my wife gave me more than 12 years ago when we found
>>>> out were were going to have our son.
>>>This begs the question:
>>>Why would your wife give you a knife to celebrate the birth of your
>> Why to cut the unbiblical cord, you silly boy.
>They mustn't be religious. <EG>

LMAO. I have no idea where that came from. Darned speel checker.
Of course, that was supposed to be "umbilical".

Greg G.


Greg G.

in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

11/01/2008 4:01 PM

J T said:

>Wed, Jan 9, 2008, 12:11pm (EST-3) [email protected] posted more of his
>usual drivel:
> And Allah saw that you are still posting, and tears poured down his
>cheeks as he found the truth - you're a dork troll.

JOAT, you're a card. Things wouldn't be the same without you.

Greg G.


Greg G.

in reply to abdo911 on 09/01/2008 12:11 PM

11/01/2008 3:44 PM

[email protected] said:

>On Jan 11, 12:22 pm, Greg G.<[email protected]> wrote:
>> >They mustn't be religious.  <EG>
>> LMAO. I have no idea where that came from.  Darned speel checker.
>> Of course, that was supposed to be "umbilical".
>Damnit... you guys aren't helping me. Now I have more tears...

As do I. Mostly because of where I live, though.

>I missed the joke because I didn't have my glasses on and didn't read
>the words correctly.

Which is how I missed it as well. I had to do a double take to see
what the hell he was talking about. Then I crumpled.

BTW, good info from you and Lew on the post bottom/sealing materials.

Greg G.

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