Please forgive this shameless plug for my friend AJ Hamler. During the past
couple of weeks, he shared with me a major article on table saw safety that
he wrote for the current issue of Woodshop News, a magazine many of you are
aware he used to edit. It's a very informative article and I highly
recommend it.
However, when I cracked open the magazine, I was surprised and pleased to
read in Tod Riggio's "Taking Stock" column that, in addition to contributing
articles, AJ will also be offering his comments on-line a couple of times a
week in a new Blog on the Woodshop News home page. Somehow he had forgotten
to mention it to me.
I first got to know AJ during his previous life as a radio talk show host,
so I know he is not shy about offering opinions. Unlike many of his talk
show brethren, however, AJ's opinions are generally thoughful and
intelligent. And because his was a call-in talk show, I suppose it is only
natural that his new blog is not a monologue but a dialog in which we are
invited to add our own comments.
If you'd like to check it out (and I recommend you do) and even add your own
comments, here's the link to AJ's blog:
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Lee Gordon