"Jim Warman"

12/08/2004 7:47 AM

Does anyone remember.....

- Tom Plamann (sp)?

Been away for a long, long time but I do see a couple of names I recognize.
I've searched every which way I can think of for his website and came up

Just to jog memories, Tom does (did) biz-jet interiors and some really
kick-*ss residential and commercial stuff. If you saw his cherry (?)
staircase, you'd remember.

He'p meh, he'p meh....

While I think about it.... is O'Deen still around????

Jim Warman
[email protected]

This topic has 9 replies


[email protected] (Doug Miller)

in reply to "Jim Warman" on 12/08/2004 7:47 AM

13/08/2004 12:53 AM

In article <[email protected]>, "patrick conroy" <[email protected]> wrote:
>"Frank Campbell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:120820041346588183%[email protected]...
>> Was knocking an oak pallet apart the other day and was thinking to
>> myself, "Wonder what happened to that mechanic guy that used to post so
>> frequently?"
>I never heard the end of the argument between Ed Bennet and I-Furget about
>the table saw cutting to 3 angstroms or sumthin. How did that end?
>I-Furget was going to send some samples in to the NIST, right?

He wouldn't send them to Ed, nor did he want to pony up the bucks to have
them tested at a metrology laboratory. As a disinterested observer and
sometime participant in the debate, with access to some precision gear,
I volunteered to test them. So he sent them to me, and I tested them.

Google for my post titled "Sample Testing Results (long)" on 20 Nov 2002. You
may find some of the followups to be entertaining.

Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)

Get a copy of my NEW AND IMPROVED TrollFilter for NewsProxy/Nfilter
by sending email to autoresponder at filterinfo-at-milmac-dot-com
You must use your REAL email address to get a response.


Frank Campbell

in reply to "Jim Warman" on 12/08/2004 7:47 AM

12/08/2004 8:46 PM

In article <CgFSc.5682$jZ5.3937@clgrps13>, Jim Warman
<[email protected]> wrote:

> - Tom Plamann (sp)?
> Been away for a long, long time but I do see a couple of names I recognize.
> I've searched every which way I can think of for his website and came up
> blank.
Was knocking an oak pallet apart the other day and was thinking to
myself, "Wonder what happened to that mechanic guy that used to post so



"Jim Warman"

in reply to "Jim Warman" on 12/08/2004 7:47 AM

13/08/2004 5:59 AM

Thanks folks...... this is still a great place (in spite of the ever present
electricity questions <BSEG>.

You were using a copy of my world famous PalletBust'r, right???

After a time where I mostly just burned wood, I'm back...... I'm starting a
rather energetic renovation of my mobile home (no, where I live mobile homes
are a respected living option..... there are no starter homes and
fixer-uppers start at $150K CA).

Steel pilings, new rooms, new cabinets, new furniture...... gonna be a h*ll
of a ride for the next couple or so years 8^). But it has given me the
opportunity to acquire (and justify) new toys..... errrmmmm, I meant

If I p*ssed in anyones cornflakes in the past, I am truly sorry... sad part
is, I'll probably do it again...

Jim Warman
[email protected]

"Frank Campbell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:120820041346588183%[email protected]...
> In article <CgFSc.5682$jZ5.3937@clgrps13>, Jim Warman
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> > - Tom Plamann (sp)?
> >
> > Been away for a long, long time but I do see a couple of names I
> > I've searched every which way I can think of for his website and came up
> > blank.
> >
> Snip
> Was knocking an oak pallet apart the other day and was thinking to
> myself, "Wonder what happened to that mechanic guy that used to post so
> frequently?"
> >
> --
> http://sawdustmaking.com


[email protected] (Charlie Self)

in reply to "Jim Warman" on 12/08/2004 7:47 AM

12/08/2004 7:51 AM

Jim Warman asks:

>- Tom Plamann (sp)?
>Been away for a long, long time but I do see a couple of names I recognize.
>I've searched every which way I can think of for his website and came up

Try www.plamman.com

Charlie Self
"Inanimate objects are classified scientifically into three major categories -
those that don't work, those that break down and those that get lost." Russell



in reply to "Jim Warman" on 12/08/2004 7:47 AM

12/08/2004 7:52 PM

Jim Warman apparently said,on my timestamp of 12/08/2004 5:47 PM:
> While I think about it.... is O'Deen still around????

Yup, very much so.

Nuno Souto
[email protected]


Mark and Kim Smith

in reply to "Jim Warman" on 12/08/2004 7:47 AM

13/08/2004 5:06 AM

Morris Dovey wrote:

> Charlie Self wrote:
>> Jim Warman asks:
>>> - Tom Plamann (sp)?
>>> Been away for a long, long time but I do see a couple of
>>> names I recognize. I've searched every which way I can think
>>> of for his website and came up blank.
>> Try www.plamman.com
> And if that doesn't work, try:
> http://plamann.com/sys-tmpl/door/
> ;-)

Wow! I stopped by his web site and....... Wow!


"patrick conroy"

in reply to "Jim Warman" on 12/08/2004 7:47 AM

12/08/2004 11:16 PM

"Frank Campbell" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:120820041346588183%[email protected]...
> Was knocking an oak pallet apart the other day and was thinking to
> myself, "Wonder what happened to that mechanic guy that used to post so
> frequently?"

I never heard the end of the argument between Ed Bennet and I-Furget about
the table saw cutting to 3 angstroms or sumthin. How did that end?
I-Furget was going to send some samples in to the NIST, right?


Fly-by-Night CC

in reply to "Jim Warman" on 12/08/2004 7:47 AM

13/08/2004 1:00 AM

In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] (Doug Miller) wrote:

> >I never heard the end of the argument between Ed Bennet and I-Furget about
> >the table saw cutting to 3 angstroms or sumthin. How did that end?
> >I-Furget was going to send some samples in to the NIST, right?
> >
> He wouldn't send them to Ed, nor did he want to pony up the bucks to have
> them tested at a metrology laboratory

Steve Strickland, puzzlemaker.

(BTW, I won the Starrett dial calipers Ed offered in the
close-tolerance, table saw cutting contest that emerged at the end of
the discussion. Thanks again Ed.)

Owen Lowe and his Fly-by-Night Copper Company
Offering a shim for the Porter-Cable 557 type 2 fence design.


Morris Dovey

in reply to "Jim Warman" on 12/08/2004 7:47 AM

12/08/2004 3:01 AM

Charlie Self wrote:

> Jim Warman asks:
>> - Tom Plamann (sp)?
>> Been away for a long, long time but I do see a couple of
>> names I recognize. I've searched every which way I can think
>> of for his website and came up blank.
> Try www.plamman.com

And if that doesn't work, try:



Morris Dovey
DeSoto, Iowa USA

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