I've got a couple of questions. To answer them you will need to view the
pictures on this page:
1. Does anyone know where I can get the something along the lines of the
brass eye & ring shown in the first picture? It looks like the eye was made
from a flat piece of brass bent to shape and somehow attached to the wood
(maybe by bending over the ends on the other side) so one option would be to
just find a brass ring and then make the eye. The other option would be to
get a complete unit that is a combined screw eye and ring. So, does anyone
know of a good source for the latter especially, but also for simple brass
rings (3/4" diameter)?
2. I'm thinking that the best way to match the finish shown in these
pictures is with shellac. I've been looking at the shellacs available from
Homestead Finishing and debating between "dewaxed orange shellac (light
crop)," "dewaxed dark shellac," and "dewaxed dark garnet shellac" or some
combination thereof. Does anyone with more experience with shellac have any
ideas about which of these (or what layering of a combination of them) is
likely to be right?
Note: For the record, the frame in this picture, which I am trying to copy,
is probably about 200 years old.
Bruce Hooke