[email protected] writes:
> Was at the pet supply store and saw heaters for lizard cages. "Bulb" was
>ceramic. It had a standard bulb base, but instead of a glass bulb it was a
>ceramic disk. Special fixtures recommended. Imagine one of those
>aluminum-reflector clip-on work lights.
> Might work for localized shop heat, or perhaps as a warmer for finishing
>or gluing, apropos of a couple of recent threads.
> Just wanted to pass the idea along, in case someone can make use of this
>heater. Lizards as pets? Ugh.
Thank you for posting that. I need a different heat source for my
tomcat's bed than the heating pad I'm now using. This will work very
well! (Tomcat has been sent to the "doghouse" because of spraying in the
house, thought the "doghouse" is really the covered/enclosed patio. It is
*not* true that neutered toms don't spray; he was neutered at 6 months old
and started these nonsense at 3 years old. I miss him in the house; like
many toms, he's extra affectionate. Summer's nicer 'cuz I'm outside so
much and he gets ample attention, but not so much this time of year.)
I did check out the heating mats at Lowe's and will be getting the small
one ($128) when that portion of the garage is cleared out and trying that
on the floor for shop heat. If it works, I'll add another. More later on