
[email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson)

14/08/2004 8:32 AM

Applewood Use/Value?

I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those

This topic has 20 replies


dave in fairfax

in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

14/08/2004 7:21 PM

James Cubby Culbertson wrote:
> I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
> recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
> off free of charge providing he could keep the wood.
Now there's an interesting individual. Tell ya what, if your
friend has any winning lotto tickets, I'd be willing to take care
of them for him, assuming I can keep the money, of course. Is
there something wrong with the trees or has your buddy been trying
to get rid of them for some reason? Otherwise you need to take a
long hard look at this helpful person.
Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners


"John Keeney"

in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

15/08/2004 12:41 AM

"James Cubby Culbertson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hiya,
> I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
> recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
> off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
> thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
> cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those
> trees!

Many years ago my father told me that apple was the preferred wood
for shafts and other parts in old water wheel powered grain mills.


[email protected] (Charlie Self)

in reply to "John Keeney" on 15/08/2004 12:41 AM

15/08/2004 8:12 AM

John Keeney notes:

>Many years ago my father told me that apple was the preferred wood
>for shafts and other parts in old water wheel powered grain mills.

It also is good for tool handles, various types of woodenware (spoons, etc.),
and furniture (if you can find large enough pieces). It makes nice looking
bowls, is a good sound (tone) wood often used in dulcimers around here, and is
generally useful. It tends to have odd grain and knots because development is
usually "trained" by growers aiming at fruit production. It is not a commercial
wood, seldom is available except for chance finds, which are worth getting. It
is also fairly difficult to season, because it must come along very slowly to
prevent checking and warping. It does reasonably well when air dried.

For those who live in apple producing areas, check local orchards. When they
clear out trees, they clear out a lot of them, and it may be hard for them to
get rid of the wood. Help them out.

Charlie Self
"Bore, n.: A person who talks when you wish him to listen." Ambrose Bierce, The
Devil's Dictionary


Dennis Arenson

in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

14/08/2004 3:28 PM

Way back when, Eli Terry and Bro. used apple for the gears in their
wooden wheel clocks. I've used apple to replace individual teeth in
these clocks. The Terry clocks occasionally chip out a tooth, but
rarely show gear wear. So the wood must be tough-at least for this

On 14 Aug 2004 08:32:53 -0700, [email protected] (James Cubby
Culbertson) wrote:

>I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
>recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
>off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
>thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
>cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those


"Mike Hide"

in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

14/08/2004 4:34 PM

A kinds of stuff are made from apple and the like trees .....most often
called fruitwood....mjh

"Rob V" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Its great for turning.
> "James Cubby Culbertson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Hiya,
> > I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
> > recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
> > off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
> > thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
> > cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those
> > trees!
> > Cheers,
> > cc


"Todd Fatheree"

in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

14/08/2004 11:43 AM

"James Cubby Culbertson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hiya,
> I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
> recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
> off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
> thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
> cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those
> trees!
> Cheers,
> cc

The body of my ECE reform smoother plane is made from "fruitwood", most
likely apple.



"Mark L."

in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

14/08/2004 5:01 PM

If you like to cook/smoke meat, apple wood is used by some folks for
flavor. Even on a regular BBQ, it gives a nice taste. Mark L.

James Cubby Culbertson wrote:
> Hiya,
> I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
> recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
> off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
> thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
> cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those
> trees!
> Cheers,
> cc


Robert Galloway

in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

14/08/2004 1:40 PM

I commented in another thread about receiving a friends Bradford Pear.
I've also cut up a little apple on the bandsaw. The tree was pretty
small so what I could get out of it was small. My wife used the apple
on the scroll saw for animals, Yaks, I believe. The lighter sapwood
made an interesting head and shoulder with the darker wood for the
posterior. Bradford Pear is hard and durable, grain not real
distinctive. Nice to work. Folks you like are easily pleased with a
gift made from "their" tree. I thinks it's usually worth accepting the
offer of ornamental trees for this reason. Bigger trees, haul to a
sawmill. Smaller ones are easily worked up on a 14" bandsaw with riser

bob g.

Mark L. wrote:
> If you like to cook/smoke meat, apple wood is used by some folks for
> flavor. Even on a regular BBQ, it gives a nice taste. Mark L.
> James Cubby Culbertson wrote:
>> Hiya,
>> I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
>> recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
>> off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
>> thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
>> cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those
>> trees!
>> Cheers,
>> cc


Robert Galloway

in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

14/08/2004 1:39 PM

I commented in another thread about receiving a friends Bradford Pear.
I've also cut up a little apple on the bandsaw. The tree was pretty
small so what I could get out of it was small. My wife used the apple
on the scroll saw for animals, Yaks, I believe. The lighter sapwood
made an intersting head and shoulder with the darker wood for the
posterior. Bradford Pear is hard and durable, grain not real
distinctive. Nice to work. Folks you like are easily pleased with a
gift made from "their" tree. I thinks it's usually worth accepting the
offer of ornamental trees for this reason. Bigger trees, haul to a
sawmill. Smaller ones are easily worked up on a 14" bandsaw with riser

bob g.

Mark L. wrote:
> If you like to cook/smoke meat, apple wood is used by some folks for
> flavor. Even on a regular BBQ, it gives a nice taste. Mark L.
> James Cubby Culbertson wrote:
>> Hiya,
>> I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
>> recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
>> off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
>> thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
>> cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those
>> trees!
>> Cheers,
>> cc


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

14/08/2004 8:02 PM

"James Cubby Culbertson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hiya,
> I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
> recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
> off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
> thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
> cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those
> trees!
> Cheers,
> cc

I don't know about woodworking aspect, but it is great for barbecue and
smoking meats. I think of it as "hickory light" I've used it for grilling
and making Canadian bacon.
[email protected]


Robert Galloway

in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

14/08/2004 7:17 PM

My recollection that the stuff marketted under the name "Apply Ply"
doesn't really contain apple wood. I could be wrong.

bob g.

sr_wood wrote:

> From what I've heard apple plywood is extremely stable and is used, at
> least in California, for drawers.
> [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
>>I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
>>recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
>>off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
>>thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
>>cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those


"Rob V"

in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

14/08/2004 4:24 PM

Its great for turning.

"James Cubby Culbertson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hiya,
> I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
> recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
> off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
> thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
> cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those
> trees!
> Cheers,
> cc


"J. Clarke"

in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

14/08/2004 1:45 PM

Todd Fatheree wrote:

> "James Cubby Culbertson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Hiya,
>> I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
>> recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
>> off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
>> thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
>> cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those
>> trees!

If you google "apple wood properties" you'll find a variety of uses. I seem
to recall that it was also used to make the gears in wooden clocks.

>> Cheers,
>> cc
> The body of my ECE reform smoother plane is made from "fruitwood", most
> likely apple.
> todd

Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)


"J. Clarke"

in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

15/08/2004 1:53 AM

sr_wood wrote:

> From what I've heard apple plywood is extremely stable and is used, at
> least in California, for drawers.

If you're talking about the Appleply brand, that is made from birch and
alder. <http://www.statesind.com/prod/ind_2a2.html>

> [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) wrote in message
> news:<[email protected]>...
>> Hiya,
>> I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
>> recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
>> off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
>> thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
>> cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those
>> trees!
>> Cheers,
>> cc

Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)


in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

14/08/2004 9:15 PM

On Sat, 14 Aug 2004 19:17:34 -0500, Robert Galloway
<[email protected]> wrote:

>My recollection that the stuff marketted under the name "Apply Ply"
>doesn't really contain apple wood. I could be wrong.
>bob g.

birch face, alder core....

>sr_wood wrote:
>> From what I've heard apple plywood is extremely stable and is used, at
>> least in California, for drawers.
>> [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
>>>I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
>>>recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
>>>off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
>>>thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
>>>cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those


[email protected] (sr_wood)

in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

14/08/2004 2:39 PM

From what I've heard apple plywood is extremely stable and is used, at
least in California, for drawers.
[email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Hiya,
> I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
> recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
> off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
> thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
> cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those
> trees!
> Cheers,
> cc


"J.B. Bobbitt"

in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

15/08/2004 12:31 AM

I had an ucnle once who replaced the back of a fiddle w/ apple wood. I
don't know how apple or other fruit woods (specifically poms) rank in
quality among "tone woods", but he was the kind of guy that did things for a
good reason.


"James Cubby Culbertson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hiya,
> I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
> recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
> off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
> thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
> cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those
> trees!
> Cheers,
> cc



in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

14/08/2004 2:36 PM

> Hiya,
> I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
> recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
> off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
> thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
> cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those
> trees!

It's great for smoking bacon and pastrami from corned beef, also used
as tool handles other than the striking type like chisels.


"M Wingett"

in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

15/08/2004 1:58 AM

"Robert Galloway" <[email protected]> wrote
> My recollection that the stuff marketted under the name "Apply Ply"
> doesn't really contain apple wood. I could be wrong.
> bob g.
> sr_wood wrote:
> > From what I've heard apple plywood is extremely stable and is used, at
> > least in California, for drawers.

My understanding is it was marketed as "American as apple pie" to compete
with the European plys. Nothing to do with wood species. I have no idea
how sandeply is marketed...
San De is cantonese for orange.
Thousandeply does't really work, referring to the .001 thickness of the
Sand through the first ply and buy a replacement.
Backwards, it's Early Death to North American Sawyers.
The assimilation is nearly complete, marketing is no longer needed. Sandy
is the daughter of the former HD CEO.



in reply to [email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson) on 14/08/2004 8:32 AM

14/08/2004 6:40 PM

On 14 Aug 2004 08:32:53 -0700, [email protected] (James Cubby
Culbertson) wrote:

>I've got a friend who's got 5 apple trees in his front yard. He was
>recently approached by someone willing to cut them down and haul them
>off free of charge providing he could keep the wood. This got me
>thinking a little. What is Applewood used for and what sort of
>cost/value goes along with it. I may just have to take one of those

I made several wooden spoons from apple wood. Very strong, dense, and

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