The following are copies of some posts made on another list
Wood working it isn't, but you might enjoy.
On 4/26/04, I wrote:
> Definitely warm on Saturday, hit 95F on Sunday and 101F today.
> As a politician currently running for office is fond of saying, "Bring it
> Sure beats the hell out of snow and cold rain.
Today I wrote:
Well, this weekend is sort of a repeat last.
Friday was warm, a record.
Saturday was HOT, another record.
Sunday was 102F, still another record.
Today was 103F before noon, now this is becoming a broken record.
Fire season has been declared here in SoCal, now that is at least 3 weeks
earlier than usual.
I'd bitch about how tough it is to try to work outdoors with glass under
these conditions, but then I look at all the people I drive by who are
bent over all day in the fields these days picking strawberries.
Talk about a reality check.
Or listen to my mother tell me about the weather in Northern Ohio and
100+F looks awfully good.
Still lay glass in this weather, just do it from 5:00PM till sundown.
S/A: Challenge, The Bullet Proof Boat, (Under Construction in the Southland)
Visit: <> for Pictures