[email protected] (J T) wrote in news:3558-40FB8A09-28@storefull-
> http://www.pdracer.com/
> We've got a lot of experience of not having any experience.
> - Nanny Ogg
And using Titebond II, no less. ;-)
Mon, Jul 19, 2004, 3:53pm (EDT+4) patriarch
([email protected]>) spoted:
And using Titebond II, no less. ;-)
Didn't even notice that, If I had, I would've posted it for that.
But, it was the fine lines and excellent engineering that made me post
it. Stretch it out a few feet, and there's your transportation to
Europe this summer.
We've got a lot of experience of not having any experience.
- Nanny Ogg