
"P van Rijckevorsel"

15/09/2005 7:49 PM

*** Mini-FAQ for rec.woodworking # 138 - For want of somebody else posting this

* Welcome to rec.woodworking, known locally as the wreck *
This is an informal group with users of all levels of knowledge, from those
who have yet to pick up a tool, professional woodworkers, authors of books
on woodworking, woodworking magazine editors, principals of tool companies,
and every level in between.
This group is a collection of people with a common interest in woodworking
(ww'ing, also woodDorking), and as such the topics discussed sometimes
wander away. Think of this NG as if having a number of friends over to the
shop to discuss wooddorking; 90% of the discussion will revolve around
woodworking, but may also hit on other things going on, like the shop dog
dying, gloating about the vintage minty fresh Unisaur found at $100, a new
job, etc. That is what happens in this NG.

** The full FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for this newsgroup ** is at
http://www.robson.org/woodfaq/ (Note1: includes acronyms, Note2: yes, I know
that the Full-FAQ has not been updated for quite awhile and not all links
work. Don't tell me, tell the keeper of the Full-FAQ)

*** Pictures accompanying a post can be posted on a website (do provide a
link) or on alt.binaries.pictures.woodworking (or

**** One of the traditions of Usenet Newsgroups (NG) that is encouraged, is
the tradition of "lurking", or hanging around for a while, taking in the
local culture before posting to the NG. While not mandatory, it is asked
that newcomers just sit back and read the NG for a short time before a first
posting. This will allow gradual familiarization with how things are done in
this neck of the woods, become familiar with the locals, etc.
Sometimes some members of this NG can be a little harsh, but this is to be
taken it in stride. The timid don't survive NG's for very long. However,
politeness does matter, this is one of the few NG's left on Usenet where
decorum is still common practice rather than the exception.
Posting off-topic is not encouraged. If done anyway it greatly helps if the
subjectline is prefaced with "OT", so that those not interested in OT posts
can skip them.

**** One resource that is even greater than this NG is this NG's archives.
This link http://groups.google.com/advanced_group_search
leads to a page where any specific topic can be entered, together with
"rec.woodworking" as the newsgroup to search.
Some people say that if everyone were to use Google before they posted a
question, this NG would be dead, but this is a pessimistic point of view.
Likely all that would happen is that many of the common repetitive posts
would disappear and people would get better advice. Some of the most
knowledgeable people from this NG have left due to the high noise-to-signal
A less user-friendly engine is Usenet Replayer, http://usenet-replayer.com

***** A note about advice received here on the wreck
While much of the advice given here will be top notch, the use of common
sense is to be recommended: something that does not feel/sound safe should
not be put into practice. Just because someone else does something one way
does not mean that is the only or even the correct way. Your safety is your

***** * A note on Trolls
People, *PLEASE* do not reply to the trolls, leave them under their pitiful
bridge to starve. And they will starve, and go away if people stop feeding
them with replies.


# The full FAQ (frequently asked questions) for this newsgroup,
# Dust Collection FAQ, everything you wanted to know about dust
collection, http://mypeoplepc.com/members/dstig/dustfaq_1.html
# Steambending FAQ, http://www.wcha.org/tidbits/steamfaq.html

# Free Plans, http://absolutelyfreeplans.com
# Loads of Free Plans and Links,
# WoodShop Demos, lots of ww'ing demos and info,
# Woodworker's Central, where you can find reviews of equipment, FREE plans
and much much more, http://www.woodworking.org/
# WoodBin Plan Finder, http://www.woodbin.com/calcs/planfinder.htm
# Internet Woodworking.com W5, Free plans, much reference material,
# Plans Now, pay ww'ing plans, http://www.plansnow.com/index.html
# Free Woodworking Plans, http://www.freeplans.com/
# More Free Woodworking Plans, http://plans.the3house.com/
# Woodweb, lots of ww'ing industry info, http://www.woodweb.com/
# Woodworking.com, http://www.woodworking.com/
# The Oak Factory, general ww'ing info, http://theoak.com/
# Portal: The Woodworking Industry Internet Directory,
# The Old Woodworking Machinery Website. Everything you wanted to
know about buying, restoring and using vintage woodworking machinery,
# Bernie Hunt's Porter-Cable 557 plate joiner FAQ's,

# Old Tools Mailing List FAQ, info for collectors and users of old hand
tools, http://www.brendlers.net/oldtools/oldtools.html
# The Electronic Neanderthal, traditional ww'ing info,
# Patrick's Blood and Gore,
Everything you ever wanted to know about Stanley hand plans,
and much more, http://www.supertool.com/StanleyBG/stan0.htm
# The Stanley Bench Plane Dating Page
# Scary Sharp, find out what all the fuss is about, how to sharpen tools
with sandpaper, http://www.shavings.net/SCARY.HTM#original
# crowbar FAQ http://www.klownhammer.org/crowbar

** Links to Woodworking Magazines **
- Fine Woodworking, http://www.taunton.com/fw/
- Popular Woodworking, http://www.popularwoodworking.com/
- Wood Magazine, http://www.woodmagazine.com
- Woodworkers Journal, http://www.woodworkersjournal.com/
- Canadian Woodworking magazine, http://www.canadianwoodworking.com/
- Shop Notes Magazine, http://www.shopnotes.com/
- Woodsmith Magazine, http://www.woodsmith.com/
- Workbench Magazine, http://www.workbenchmagazine.com/

** Links to online retailers **
- Canadian lumber suppliers,
- Lee Valley (great tools), http://www.leevalley.com/home/main.asp
- Lie-Nielsen (top of the line hand planes), http://www.lie-nielsen.com/
- Knight-Toolworks & Custom Planes (top of the line wooden hand planes)
- Grizzly, http://www.grizzly.com
- Rockler, http://www.rockler.com
- Woodcraft, http://shop.woodcraft.com
- Garrett Wade, http://www.garrettwade.com
- Amazon, Tool Crib of the North, http://www.amazon.com/
- Jeff Jewit's Homestead Finishing, great finishing advice and finishing
products, http://www.homesteadfinishing.com/
- Paddy O'deens (Patrick Olguin) Shellac.net, best Shellac on the net,

** Links to Woodworking Equipment manufacturers **
- General and General International, http://www.general.ca/
- Delta, http://www.deltawoodworking.com
- Jet USA, http://www.jettools.com/
- Jet Canada, http://www.jetequipment.com/
- Toolex International, http://www.toolex.ca
- Performax Sanders, http://www.performaxproducts.com/
- Powermatic, http://www.powermatic.com/
- Wilke Machinery Company (Bridgewood), http://www.wilkemachinery.com
- Dewalt, http://www.dewalt.com/us/core/
- Porter Cable, http://www.porter-cable.com/
- Hitachi Power Tools,
- Makita, http://www.makita.com/
- Bosch, http://www.boschtools.com/
- Milwaukee, http://www.mil-electric-tool.com/
- Northfield Foundry & Machine Co., Serious Big Iron, in the old iron
tradition, http://www.northfieldwoodworking.com
- Forrest Saw Blades (makers of the famous WWII blade),
- Leigh Dovetail Jig, best DT jig on the market, http://www.leighjigs.com
- Carter, the famous bandsaw guide company, http://www.carterproducts.com/

** Links to Woodworking shows on TV **
- New Yankee Workshop, http://www.newyankee.com/
- The Woodwright's Shop with Roy Underhill,
- The American Woodshop with Scott Phillips,
- In the Workshop with John Silloats, (Canadian),
- The Router Workshop, http://www.routerworkshop.com/

** Related News Groups **
- alt.binaries.pictures.furniture
- alt.binaries.pictures.woodworking
- rec.crafts.woodturning
- rec.crafts.carving
- alt.home.repair

rec.ww FAQ http://www.robson.org/woodfaq/
Archives http://groups.google.com/advanced_group_search