Looking for your creative ideas on how best to contain dust from a 12"
Dewalt dual-bevel miter saw.
It will be stationary on a bench. I will run a 6" DC line to it (S&D
most of the way, short flex the rest of the way)
I was thinking to build a hood around it and a single 6" port at the
back bottom. It miters 50 degrees L and R.
>Looking for your creative ideas on how best to contain dust from a 12"
>Dewalt dual-bevel miter saw.
Penn State sells something called a "Big Gulp" hood for $20. I have
used it with great success on a RAS.
I imagine it would work as well on a miter saw and should be deep
enough to handle a SCMS.
Try this link:
On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 14:49:59 -0700,
[email protected] wrote:
>Looking for your creative ideas on how best to contain dust from a 12"
>Dewalt dual-bevel miter saw.
>It will be stationary on a bench. I will run a 6" DC line to it (S&D
>most of the way, short flex the rest of the way)
>I was thinking to build a hood around it and a single 6" port at the
>back bottom. It miters 50 degrees L and R.
I would recommend the Shroud o' Manco. <tm me>
_If_ I lived north of where I do now, I'd have bought a clear plastic
window-well cover. (The "deep-dish" kind, not the sexy new
low-profile type.) Cut your hole in the back to fit your hose, epoxy
to bench and you should be good to go.
However, I live in North Carolina, (state motto: "Basements? Yew
plannin' on raisin' yersef sum cave crickets???") and there's _no_
call for the borgs to carry window-well covers.
So I duct-taped the hell out of a bunch of precisely cut pieces of
1/4" ply and formed a shell. Duct-taped that to the bench, drilled a
4-inch hole in the bench, shoved a PVC elbow through it, ran a bit of
pipe out the bottom and to the front of the bench, and when ready, I
just shove on the 4" flex hose let 'er rip.
It doesn't look pretty (1), but _nothing_ escapes the "Shroud o'
I'll dig up a photo if you need one.
Michael Baglio
(1) Actually, I think it looks snazzy as hell.
That looks pretty impressive.
I'm hoping I can fabricate something very similar. In the process I
plan to use 6" ducting vs 4". The airflow is double. I'll be taping
into my DC line.
I agree about the health concerns. If not already, you may want to
consider a good back for your DC. Those stock bags are not very good
at stopping the <10 micron particles which happen to be the ones that
lodge most deeply into your lungs. Much has been said about this
lately. DC mfgs really need to step up their efforts to start
collecting the small stuff.
I have one of those Jet canister DCs. It's suppose to be 2 micron,
but even that is not so whippy. I think their are after market
filters now in the 0.5 micron range.
You might want to check out
On 31 Jan 2005 16:12:31 -0800, [email protected] wrote: