Will be in Clearwater 24-29 April and will have my evenings free to
look around. I've found the Woodcraft near Countryside Mall but
nothing else so far. I'll be staying in a hotel by the St Petersburg
Clearwater airport and attending class on Cleveland Street (hwy 60 on
the map) close to the west side of town. Don't know how mobile I will
be, some one else gets to drive this time. Is there a section with
antique malls that might worth looking through? The fle markets I've
found elsewhere are weekend only and we won't be there diring the right
Dave in Fairfax wrote:
> [email protected] wrote:
> > Thanks, Dave, I hadn't thought of that. Now to convince the
driver, my
> > boss, to let me load down her car with plastic wrapped(grocery
> > chunks of roadside treasure.
> Ask her what she'd like made out of them when you get home.
> Before you leave show her some stuff of the net that shows how
> they look. Should sell themselves. See if you can find someone
> with a BS down there so you don't transport waste and keep more
> usable wood. Anchorseal too, there seems to be a humidity
> differential between FLA and ANYWHERE else...
> Dave in Fairfax
> --
> Dave Leader
> reply-to doesn't work
> use:
> daveldr at att dot net
> American Association of Woodturners
> http://www.woodturner.org
> Capital Area Woodturners
> http://www.capwoodturners.org/
> http://www.Patinatools.org/
Wrong boss Dave, this one signs my timesheets. With the other one it
woldn't be a problem, and we'd be driving the mini van without seats,
not a honda.
[email protected] wrote:
> Will be in Clearwater 24-29 April and will have my evenings free to
> look around. I've found the Woodcraft near Countryside Mall but
> nothing else so far. I'll be staying in a hotel by the St Petersburg
> Clearwater airport and attending class on Cleveland Street (hwy 60 on
> the map) close to the west side of town. Don't know how mobile I will
> be, some one else gets to drive this time. Is there a section with
> antique malls that might worth looking through? The fle markets I've
> found elsewhere are weekend only and we won't be there diring the right
> time.
Look at the sides of the road and beach areas. That's where my
cousin gets the mahogany, rosewood and NIP he trades me for walnut
and curly maple. Not old tools, but if you're a turner, it's a
Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners
[email protected] wrote:
> Thanks, Dave, I hadn't thought of that. Now to convince the driver, my
> boss, to let me load down her car with plastic wrapped(grocery bags)
> chunks of roadside treasure.
Ask her what she'd like made out of them when you get home.
Before you leave show her some stuff of the net that shows how
they look. Should sell themselves. See if you can find someone
with a BS down there so you don't transport waste and keep more
usable wood. Anchorseal too, there seems to be a humidity
differential between FLA and ANYWHERE else...
Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners
[email protected] wrote:
> Wrong boss Dave, this one signs my timesheets. With the other one it
> woldn't be a problem, and we'd be driving the mini van without seats,
> not a honda.
Not necessarily a difference. I hand out my turning as BS boxes
at work. My bosses keep candy, and/or desk supplies in theirs.
She might easily appreciate a whatsis made from some of the wood
the two of you picked up. I don't know about the relationship
between you and your boss, but I get along with all of mine on
personal as well as a professional levels. YMMV.
Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners