"David O'H" <.>

12/09/2004 12:08 PM

Amazingly amazing service, was re: Lee Valley, crowbars, catalog, etc.

I seem to keep falling off the Lee Valley mailing list, in spite of regular
purchases big enough to fill the requirements. So, feeling morose about the
fact that all you folks are drooling over their new catalog and I haven't
got mine yet, I sent a brief note to Robin Lee on Friday afternoon. I fully
expected to get a note back next week from a secretary or somebody, telling
me that they would look into it.

Well, less than an hour and a half later, I had an email message *from
Robin*, telling me that he was looking into it and would get back to me,
though that might take 'til Monday; and a catalog was on its way manually.
Less than an hour and a half after *that*, another email from Robin saying
that the problem had been tracked down and fixed.

These are the same folks who sent me a check because I'd mistakenly been
charged PST on a book. They caught the incorrect charge, and refunded the

This is the kind of service that keeps me going back and depositing my
paycheck in their store. If they make a mistake, they own up and do their
best to fix it. If they see *me* about to make a mistake, they tell me so
that I don't have to go back and fix it.

Dang, these folks are good.

Dave O'Heare (just a very happy customer)