Hello, i am looking for advice from experienced woodworkers on which
finish to use. I am looking for a clear finish (preferably gloss)
which is 100% sealed from the air. Maybe i am expecting too much but
if their is a one coat, titanium hard, 100% impenatrable barrier to
the elements, lasts a long time and will kill any existing worms and
infestation finish out their i would like to here where i can get it.
Maybe someone can share grandads secret recipe with me?.......i once
saw a carving from green mold infested wood covered in a thich
transparent gloss finish which obviosly preserved the piece in that
state. I am looking for something which will effectivly allow me to
preserve a fresh piece of green burr wood (worms mold and all) in its
present state without deteriorating further. I assumed the piece i saw
in the shop was such a good sealer that the worms could not survive
without oxygen nor any life form and that the piece would not continue
to deteriorate under the finish. Forgive me if this is a dumb post and
question...i am a total begginer in woodwork and am prone to being too
optomistic in what is possible and what is not.
thanks in advance for any suggestions that do not include people
laughing or sugesting i try plumbing instead of woodwork
It was somewhere outside Barstow when [email protected]
(alpha) wrote:
>. I assumed the piece i saw
>in the shop was such a good sealer that the worms could not survive
>without oxygen
No such thing. Poison them separately from sealing them in.
If you want unobtainium-hard finishes, look at floor finishes that are
acid-catalysed before applying. But they look very "artificial".