Scott Lurndal wrote:
>Max <[email protected]> writes:
>>On 2/13/2015 3:17 AM, Just Wondering wrote:
>>> On 2/12/2015 4:10 PM, Lew Hodgett wrote:
>>>> Since food stamps directly impact overall food consumption
>>>> by creating more food customers, ...
>>> That doesn't even make sense. With or without food stamps, people still
>>> consume food.
>>> (BTW, there are no food stamps any more. People receiving assistance
>>> get electronic debit cards.)
>>Which they use to buy groceries to sell at a discount for cash and use
>>the cash to buy beer. Ain't capitalism wonderful! ;-)
>Just because it is possible, doesn't make it likely. Do you have
>any actual data that supports your supposition? Or is it more likely
>that the vast majority of folks receiving assistence actually need it
>and actually use it to buy food so they can spend what little cash they
>have on essentials like rent, transportation and toilet paper?
>I've no doubt that there are people that abuse AFDC and other
>assistance programs. I doubt that the number of those people
>is significant on any scale that matters.
Are you serious? The abuse is off the charts!
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