
18/08/2004 1:08 PM

Dismantling/recycling old barn

My husband and I have an old (160 years) barn on our property. We're
interested in having it removed. We've received some quotes (high $$)
but one of the contractors suggested that we might find an
organization interested in dismantling it in exchange for the

We live in Massachusetts -- does anyone have any leads on this sort of
thing? I've done a bit of Googling and will continue ("dismantling
old barns" "salvaging old wood") but was also hoping for a dead on

Thanks in advance,

This topic has 3 replies



in reply to [email protected] (sjl) on 18/08/2004 1:08 PM

19/08/2004 12:11 AM

> My husband and I have an old (160 years) barn on our property. We're
> interested in having it removed. We've received some quotes (high $$)
> but one of the contractors suggested that we might find an
> organization interested in dismantling it in exchange for the
> materials.
> We live in Massachusetts -- does anyone have any leads on this sort of
> thing? I've done a bit of Googling and will continue ("dismantling
> old barns" "salvaging old wood") but was also hoping for a dead on
> lead.
> Thanks in advance,
> Sara

Around here (northern VT), there are several local types who make their
living taking apart unwanted buildings for salvage at no cost. I doubt they
would be willing to travel out of state though. They usually don't
advertise and keep a low profile. I would try asking around some more for
someone in your area. Try asking at antique stores or the like that sell
refurbished materials. Stopping by a residential construction site and
asking some of the guys might also turn up someone.

Good luck.



[email protected] (Richard)

in reply to [email protected] (sjl) on 18/08/2004 1:08 PM

19/08/2004 11:35 AM

[email protected] (sjl) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
We live in Massachusetts -- does anyone have any leads on this sort of
> thing? I've done a bit of Googling and will continue ("dismantling
> old barns" "salvaging old wood") but was also hoping for a dead on
> lead.

Try Bob Peck ( Northern CT ) at 860-668-1956.


"Lee Gordon"

in reply to [email protected] (sjl) on 18/08/2004 1:08 PM

19/08/2004 12:59 AM

Sara ...

<<My husband and I have an old (160 years) barn on our property. We're
interested in having it removed. We've received some quotes (high $$)
but one of the contractors suggested that we might find an
organization interested in dismantling it in exchange for the

Have you asked "This Old House?" Check the "Resources" section on their
website ( ) or maybe even send them an e-mail. Since
you're in Massachusetts, maybe they'll even want it themselves.


To e-mail, replace "bucketofspam" with "dleegordon"

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