"David F. Eisan"

20/06/2004 3:10 AM

Sighs Blacksheep Woodworking... (Sy Kaplan)?

Evening everyone,

I am trying to find Sy Kaplan's Back Sheep Woodworks website and all I am
coming up with is,


But all it shows is one table and not an entire web site. Does anyone know a
different web address for the entire site? I would like to look at more of
Sigh's work and see what he is up to but I cannot.



This topic has 17 replies


Dave Balderstone

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

19/06/2004 9:56 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
David F. Eisan <[email protected]> wrote:

> But all it shows is one table and not an entire web site. Does anyone know a
> different web address for the entire site? I would like to look at more of
> Sigh's work and see what he is up to but I cannot.

Um, have you emailed him?



in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

20/06/2004 10:34 AM

"David F. Eisan" wrote:

> Evening everyone,
> I am trying to find Sy Kaplan's Back Sheep Woodworks website and all I am
> coming up with is,
> http://www.blacksheepwoodworks.com/
> But all it shows is one table and not an entire web site. Does anyone know a
> different web address for the entire site? I would like to look at more of
> Sigh's work and see what he is up to but I cannot.
> Thanks,
> David.

Hi Dave,

I pinged Sy on the back channel. Perhaps he will respond here. If I hear
from him I'll let you know.

Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA
(Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply)



in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

20/06/2004 5:45 PM

"David F. Eisan" wrote:

> Evening everyone,
> I am trying to find Sy Kaplan's Back Sheep Woodworks website and all I am
> coming up with is,
> http://www.blacksheepwoodworks.com/
> But all it shows is one table and not an entire web site. Does anyone know a
> different web address for the entire site? I would like to look at more of
> Sigh's work and see what he is up to but I cannot.

I heard from Sy on the back channel. He says he and his cousin are in the
process of redoing the web site and he hasn't had enough time to finish it yet.
He was happy to hear that people from the "wreck" are interested in his work.

Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA
(Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply)


"Phil Laird"

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

21/06/2004 10:40 AM

The Nannup Furniture Gallery
Support small business ~ Save a Species Today ~ ME!
[email protected]

Gudday youse blokes . . ..

I get the odd email from Sigh - but anything I send to him comes back . . .

Whats the back channel? - you blokes havent been reading those Gay Mags
while I have been in hibernation have you?

Had a line from Dave Fleming this morning to say hi - and he has inspired me
to have a quick dekko on the old group to see who is still bouncing around -
good to see that a lot of you still are . . . ..


"David F. Eisan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Evening everyone,
> I am trying to find Sy Kaplan's Back Sheep Woodworks website and all I am
> coming up with is,
> http://www.blacksheepwoodworks.com/
> But all it shows is one table and not an entire web site. Does anyone know
> different web address for the entire site? I would like to look at more of
> Sigh's work and see what he is up to but I cannot.
> Thanks,
> David.


"Phil Laird"

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

21/06/2004 1:07 PM

The Nannup Furniture Gallery
Support small business ~ Save a Species Today ~ ME!
[email protected]

I always like it on top Lazza . . .

Be careful of all them vegies mate - you dont know whats in some of that
soil they grow in .. . . ..

Winter is trying to kick in - not too bad though. Cool mornings and
evenings. Had a bit of rain and the river is over the crossing - and we have
had to pull two idiots out of the river already . . . at least the fire
truck gets logged out so that it looks good for our funding revenue . . . .

Flat out with work - and still drinking, only a body weight or two a day
though - in fact I am even feeling a bit better after last nights sesh at
th' boozer in town.

And no, I dont have a problem - . . .. . . . well not with drinking
anyway - dodging the Roo's on the way home is a bit ordinary though . . . .
. .

If I get a chance I'll bung a bit of my latest stuff up . .. ( thats
work, up on the alt.binaries - not latest stuff up .. . ) ah ... bugguer
it. never mind.

Good to see that you are enjoying yer self out there in Oregano Lassa.


"Larry Jaques" <novalidaddress@di\/ersify.com> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 10:40:59 +0800, "Phil Laird"
> <[email protected]> calmly ranted:
> >
> >The Nannup Furniture Gallery
> >Support small business ~ Save a Species Today ~ ME!
> >www.swanriverfurniture.com.au
> >[email protected]
> Still upsidedowning the sig, are ya? <tsk tsk tsk>
> >Gudday youse blokes . . ..
> G'day, mate. 'Ow the 'ell are ya?
> >I get the odd email from Sigh - but anything I send to him comes back . .
> >..
> His website is in rejection as well, but he's said to be
> working on it.
> >Whats the back channel? - you blokes havent been reading those Gay Mags
> >while I have been in hibernation have you?
> Testosterone City. The annual antique steam and gas engine
> show was held in Pottsville, OR today. 'Twas fun until the
> temps hit 90+ (32C in Ozspeak.)
> >Had a line from Dave Fleming this morning to say hi - and he has inspired
> >to have a quick dekko on the old group to see who is still bouncing
around -
> >good to see that a lot of you still are . . . ..
> Ayup, those of us who are left (who weren't driven off by the
> herds of peccaries) are having fun.
> I'm still trying to get enough of the other projects out of my
> shop to get to woodworking. the drip irrigation is in, Grandpa's
> old .22 is reblued, some plumbing is reworked, and the spring
> shrubbery has been trimmed and burnt before fire season started.
> The garden's in and I'm having fresh lettuce (3 kinds) and spinach
> leaves for my salad every evening now. Cukes, cantaloupe, acorn
> and spagetti squarshies are all flowering for me, and some green
> beans are now sprouted. How's the first day of winter treating
> you? (Ours shows up in 3 hours but you're ahead of us.)
> --
> STOP THE SLAUGHTER! || http://diversify.com
> Boycott Baby Oil! || Programmed Websites


"Phil Laird"

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

21/06/2004 1:08 PM

The Nannup Furniture Gallery
Support small business ~ Save a Species Today ~ ME!
[email protected]

I always like it on top Lazza . . .

Be careful of all them vegies mate - you dont know whats in some of that
soil they grow in .. . . ..

Winter is trying to kick in - not too bad though. Cool mornings and
evenings. Had a bit of rain and the river is over the crossing - and we have
had to pull two idiots out of the river already . . . at least the fire
truck gets logged out so that it looks good for our funding revenue . . . .

Flat out with work - and still drinking, only a body weight or two a day
though - in fact I am even feeling a bit better after last nights sesh at
th' boozer in town.

And no, I dont have a problem - . . .. . . . well not with drinking
anyway - dodging the Roo's on the way home is a bit ordinary though . . . .
. .

If I get a chance I'll bung a bit of my latest stuff up . .. ( thats
work, up on the alt.binaries - not latest stuff up .. . ) ah ... bugguer
it. never mind.

Good to see that you are enjoying yer self out there in Oregano Lassa.


"Larry Jaques" <novalidaddress@di\/ersify.com> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 10:40:59 +0800, "Phil Laird"
> <[email protected]> calmly ranted:
> >
> >The Nannup Furniture Gallery
> >Support small business ~ Save a Species Today ~ ME!
> >www.swanriverfurniture.com.au
> >[email protected]
> Still upsidedowning the sig, are ya? <tsk tsk tsk>
> >Gudday youse blokes . . ..
> G'day, mate. 'Ow the 'ell are ya?
> >I get the odd email from Sigh - but anything I send to him comes back . .
> >..
> His website is in rejection as well, but he's said to be
> working on it.
> >Whats the back channel? - you blokes havent been reading those Gay Mags
> >while I have been in hibernation have you?
> Testosterone City. The annual antique steam and gas engine
> show was held in Pottsville, OR today. 'Twas fun until the
> temps hit 90+ (32C in Ozspeak.)
> >Had a line from Dave Fleming this morning to say hi - and he has inspired
> >to have a quick dekko on the old group to see who is still bouncing
around -
> >good to see that a lot of you still are . . . ..
> Ayup, those of us who are left (who weren't driven off by the
> herds of peccaries) are having fun.
> I'm still trying to get enough of the other projects out of my
> shop to get to woodworking. the drip irrigation is in, Grandpa's
> old .22 is reblued, some plumbing is reworked, and the spring
> shrubbery has been trimmed and burnt before fire season started.
> The garden's in and I'm having fresh lettuce (3 kinds) and spinach
> leaves for my salad every evening now. Cukes, cantaloupe, acorn
> and spagetti squarshies are all flowering for me, and some green
> beans are now sprouted. How's the first day of winter treating
> you? (Ours shows up in 3 hours but you're ahead of us.)
> --
> STOP THE SLAUGHTER! || http://diversify.com
> Boycott Baby Oil! || Programmed Websites


Phil Hansen

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

22/06/2004 7:09 PM

In article <[email protected]>, Larry Jaques
<novalidaddress@di\/ersify.com> says...
> In my nice, composted riverbed soil, lots of good vits and
> mins. All the nice earthworms see to part of that.

Got a nice recipe for the earthworms? How do you clean out the gunk in
their intestines before cooking?


Phillip Hansen
Skil-Phil Solutions


[email protected] (WebsterSteve)

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

20/06/2004 7:06 PM

"David F. Eisan" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Evening everyone,
> I am trying to find Sy Kaplan's Back Sheep Woodworks website and all I am
> coming up with is,
> http://www.blacksheepwoodworks.com/
> But all it shows is one table and not an entire web site. Does anyone know a
> different web address for the entire site? I would like to look at more of
> Sigh's work and see what he is up to but I cannot.
> Thanks,
> David.

Hey David,

Any luck in finding a crack house yet?


"Norman D. Crow"

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

22/06/2004 7:03 PM

"Fly-by-Night CC" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>,
> Larry Jaques <novalidaddress@di\/ersify.com> wrote:


>I grew up believing the worms were
> valuable assets to a yard but I'm not so sure anymore. (Commented to my
> daughter that we could open a nightcrawler stand as we live near the
> Willamette R.)

Just means you have a very healthy yard Owen.(G,D,&R)

The first myth of management is that management exists.

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
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"Greg Millen"

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

21/06/2004 5:37 AM

<rubs eyes>

Phully? That really you? I thort the Nannuptians got you! Looking forward to
seeing some more of your work.




Larry Jaques

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

19/06/2004 10:22 PM

On Sun, 20 Jun 2004 03:10:44 GMT, "David F. Eisan"
<[email protected]> calmly ranted:

>Evening everyone,
>I am trying to find Sy Kaplan's Back Sheep Woodworks website and all I am
>coming up with is,
>But all it shows is one table and not an entire web site. Does anyone know a
>different web address for the entire site? I would like to look at more of
>Sigh's work and see what he is up to but I cannot.

Man, Sheepy must be doing a LOT of work to have taken the rest
of his site down and leaving that terse page. Have you tried
the into@ email yet?

STOP THE SLAUGHTER! || http://diversify.com
Boycott Baby Oil! || Programmed Websites


Larry Jaques

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

22/06/2004 12:42 PM

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 19:09:22 +0200, Phil Hansen <[email protected]> calmly

>In article <[email protected]>, Larry Jaques
><novalidaddress@di\/ersify.com> says...
>> In my nice, composted riverbed soil, lots of good vits and
>> mins. All the nice earthworms see to part of that.
>Got a nice recipe for the earthworms? How do you clean out the gunk in
>their intestines before cooking?

I don't fish and I don't harm the lovely little wormies, Phil.
They crap in my garden that it might thrive. Makes you want
to go out and eat something fresh out of the soil, doesn't it?

No matter how hard you try, you cannot baptize a cat.
http://www.diversify.com Comprehensive Website Development


Larry Jaques

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

20/06/2004 9:10 PM

On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 10:40:59 +0800, "Phil Laird"
<[email protected]> calmly ranted:

>The Nannup Furniture Gallery
>Support small business ~ Save a Species Today ~ ME!
>[email protected]

Still upsidedowning the sig, are ya? <tsk tsk tsk>

>Gudday youse blokes . . ..

G'day, mate. 'Ow the 'ell are ya?

>I get the odd email from Sigh - but anything I send to him comes back . . .

His website is in rejection as well, but he's said to be
working on it.

>Whats the back channel? - you blokes havent been reading those Gay Mags
>while I have been in hibernation have you?

Testosterone City. The annual antique steam and gas engine
show was held in Pottsville, OR today. 'Twas fun until the
temps hit 90+ (32C in Ozspeak.)

>Had a line from Dave Fleming this morning to say hi - and he has inspired me
>to have a quick dekko on the old group to see who is still bouncing around -
>good to see that a lot of you still are . . . ..

Ayup, those of us who are left (who weren't driven off by the
herds of peccaries) are having fun.

I'm still trying to get enough of the other projects out of my
shop to get to woodworking. the drip irrigation is in, Grandpa's
old .22 is reblued, some plumbing is reworked, and the spring
shrubbery has been trimmed and burnt before fire season started.
The garden's in and I'm having fresh lettuce (3 kinds) and spinach
leaves for my salad every evening now. Cukes, cantaloupe, acorn
and spagetti squarshies are all flowering for me, and some green
beans are now sprouted. How's the first day of winter treating
you? (Ours shows up in 3 hours but you're ahead of us.)

STOP THE SLAUGHTER! || http://diversify.com
Boycott Baby Oil! || Programmed Websites


Larry Jaques

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

22/06/2004 7:30 PM

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 14:27:48 -0700, Fly-by-Night CC
<[email protected]> calmly ranted:

>In article <[email protected]>,
> Larry Jaques <novalidaddress@di\/ersify.com> wrote:
>> I don't fish and I don't harm the lovely little wormies, Phil.
>> They crap in my garden that it might thrive. Makes you want
>> to go out and eat something fresh out of the soil, doesn't it?
>I'm ready to poison the slimy things to rid my yard of them. Last
>evening my daughter and I were doing a little garden hose playing and we
>ended up soaking some bare ground with a low spot. At least 15 worms
>came to the surface, some as big as my pinky in diameter and 8" long -
>all within an area of only 18"x18". Damn worms create hard piles about
>3" in diameter and 1" tall in the yard. Makes for very bumpy mowing and
>uncomfortable barefoot walking. I grew up believing the worms were
>valuable assets to a yard but I'm not so sure anymore. (Commented to my
>daughter that we could open a nightcrawler stand as we live near the
>Willamette R.)

I don't have NCs. Mine are nice, friendly, quiet, unassuming
earthworms. Condolences on the giants, Owie.

I'm finding gopher holes under my garden but no missing plants
since I killed the family of slugs. Time for the nice metal
trap with sharp pincers. <bwahahahaha>

No matter how hard you try, you cannot baptize a cat.
http://www.diversify.com Comprehensive Website Development


Larry Jaques

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

21/06/2004 4:01 PM

On Mon, 21 Jun 2004 13:07:12 +0800, "Phil Laird"
<[email protected]> calmly ranted:

>The Nannup Furniture Gallery
>Support small business ~ Save a Species Today ~ ME!
>[email protected]
>I always like it on top Lazza . . .
>Be careful of all them vegies mate - you dont know whats in some of that
>soil they grow in .. . . ..

In my nice, composted riverbed soil, lots of good vits and
mins. All the nice earthworms see to part of that.

>Winter is trying to kick in - not too bad though. Cool mornings and
>evenings. Had a bit of rain and the river is over the crossing - and we have
>had to pull two idiots out of the river already . . . at least the fire
>truck gets logged out so that it looks good for our funding revenue . . . .

Is your river a constant flow like our little Rogue, or does
it dry up in the summer? You ought to offer to build a nice
bridge out of that Oregon Pine you boast about. Put a nice
tar and turp stain on it, and replace it every 3 years when
it rots out. Yeah, your many elves would be busy with THAT
one, alright. Mark it up to half a mil at a go and you 'n
Jean could actually afford a Winter Palace. (Or did you want
a Summer Chateau? I forgot.)

>Flat out with work - and still drinking, only a body weight or two a day
>though - in fact I am even feeling a bit better after last nights sesh at
>th' boozer in town.

I never doubted you for that, ya lush. ;)
Right, about the work, either. Are you still finding those
dirt-cheap boatloads of jarrah every weekend?

>And no, I dont have a problem - . . .. . . . well not with drinking
>anyway - dodging the Roo's on the way home is a bit ordinary though . . . .

Nope. You drink, you fall down, you get back up. No problem.

>If I get a chance I'll bung a bit of my latest stuff up . .. ( thats
>work, up on the alt.binaries - not latest stuff up .. . ) ah ... bugguer
>it. never mind.
>Good to see that you are enjoying yer self out there in Oregano Lassa.

I ADORE it here. Right nowk it's settling into the weather I
used to have in LoCal. Hot (but a lot drier), sunny, and no
change for months. It does cool off at night up here, tho ugh,
so it's a lot more comfy even if I didn't have an A/C unit.

Take care, Phulls.

"Excess regulation and government spending destroy jobs and increase
unemployment. Every regulator we fire results in the creation of over
150 new jobs, enough to hire the ex-regulator, the unemployed, and
the able-bodied poor." -Michael Badnarik


Fly-by-Night CC

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

22/06/2004 2:27 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
Larry Jaques <novalidaddress@di\/ersify.com> wrote:

> I don't fish and I don't harm the lovely little wormies, Phil.
> They crap in my garden that it might thrive. Makes you want
> to go out and eat something fresh out of the soil, doesn't it?

I'm ready to poison the slimy things to rid my yard of them. Last
evening my daughter and I were doing a little garden hose playing and we
ended up soaking some bare ground with a low spot. At least 15 worms
came to the surface, some as big as my pinky in diameter and 8" long -
all within an area of only 18"x18". Damn worms create hard piles about
3" in diameter and 1" tall in the yard. Makes for very bumpy mowing and
uncomfortable barefoot walking. I grew up believing the worms were
valuable assets to a yard but I'm not so sure anymore. (Commented to my
daughter that we could open a nightcrawler stand as we live near the
Willamette R.)

Owen Lowe and his Fly-by-Night Copper Company
Offering a shim for the Porter-Cable 557 type 2 fence design.


"David F. Eisan"

in reply to "David F. Eisan" on 20/06/2004 3:10 AM

22/06/2004 10:33 PM


> Any luck in finding a crack house yet?

Not yet, still looking. Nice new addition to your house recently! Congrats


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