Joe AutoDrill Wrote:
> For all reasonable arguments, the 17-900 is identical to the DP-400.
> The
> 17-900 and DP-400 have a larger chuck capacity than the 17-925 yet the
> 17-925 has more easily adjustable RPM rates...
> Basically, they are about dead even. Personally, I'd choose the
> 17-925
> because I HATE changing RPM rates every 10 minutes with belts and
> pulleys
> and I never use a shank larger than .500"
> Thanks for your input, I really appreciate it. I noticed that I made a
> typo when I wrote 17-900X, I meant 17-990X it's part of the Delta X5
> line. I have since edited the error. I will contact Delta as suggested
> but I really apprciate real world advice.
> Greg