Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
=93Like many, I=92ve spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame for
this terrible event,=94 Palin said
There is no way she wrote those words.....
On Jan 12, 1:42=A0pm, "ChairMan" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Robatoy <[email protected]> spewed forth:
> > I HAVE a life, dude. I'd like to keep it for a while longer. Handing
> > Palin the keys is begging for a catastrophe. What the hell is it with
> > you people? So easily startstruck by a set of tits. "Oh yea, Sarah
> > will turn the US around!!"
> > I mean... she's totally doable, I get it, but to run the second most
> > powerful economy on earth?
> Why do so many people think she will or would run for president?
Because it's so blatantly obvious that she loves the attention and
craves the glory and power. She's one of those who believes that any
publicity is good publicity, and that she can sweet talk her way out
of anything. Come to think of it, that describes most politicians.
On Jan 12, 4:36=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> For those who seem to have an isolationist problem with my living on
> this side of the Canadian border, also have no clue that to me, that
> border never existed, with friends, a business, and my sister and her
> brood all living in the States.
Umm, okay, so what does that mean exactly? I have relatives in Italy
and Ireland, and I've paid (airport) taxes and VAT when I'm too lazy
to get it back, but I don't get to vote in their elections, I don't
tell them how to run their country and I don't tell them how stupid
they are for not blithely accepting my unsolicited advice.
BTW, it's not an isolationist problem, it's a guy on the wrong side of
the border with a big mouth problem.
> I know more about the USA geography, history and current day political
> structure than 95% of Americans. Fact, Jack.
Excellent example of the Dunning=96Kruger effect. Thanks.
On Jan 12, 1:41=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 4:26=A0pm, busbus <[email protected]> wrote:
> > On Jan 12, 2:54=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > On Jan 12, 2:41=A0pm, "Lew Hodgett" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > > "Larry Jaques" wrote:
> > > > > Sarah resonates with the American people, who are angy as hell wi=
> > > > > their too-big, too-spendthrift, unlistening, corrupt gov't right =
> > > > > and I don't think the people will be taking it for much longer.
> > > > -----------------------------
> > > > Describes 2000-2008, and yes it was ugly.
> > > > Lew
> > > How soon they forget.
> > > The administration of 2000-2008 created such a big problem that no
> > > matter what, the next administration couldn't fix it.
> > > The GOP didn't WANT this round, in fact they made sure by allowing as
> > > part of their ticket: tits without brains...just to make sure.
> > > Then they simply voted NO on everything. How sporting.
> > > That reminds of that baseball going through Mrs Green's window. When
> > > confronted, the batter said: "I don't even PLAY baseball." Talk about
> > > cowardice.
> > And the Democrats votes YES on everything?
> > Even if the Republicans all voted NO, why did Obama have such a hard
> > time passing legislation whenever he had overwhelming majorities in
> > both the House and the Senate?
> > But whenever the Democrats all vote NO, that is okay because, of
> > course, they are the thinkers and they embrace everything and
> > everybody except for those they disagree with.
> Did you just use the word 'thinkers' and 'democrats' in the same
> sentence? ( I know, you were being sarcastic.)
Hey, there's only one person with brains who is not totally corrupt in
the US senate & that's the junior senator from Vermont.
You state the TP should go, but you've not offered a better idea.
Tea or Third, the initials fit either way.
I'm not at all sure that I know what the Tea Party is for. I've heard
much of what they are against. And, I suspect, heard too much from
FAUX NUES to draw a fair conclusion about what the actual Tea Party
people support. But those I have spoken with in Florida and North
Carolina as well as most of those I've heard speak or read directly
"in the media" impress me as an "anti-" political movement as
evidenced by the first major "accomplishment" of the newly-installed
congress to pass the bill to repeal the "Job Killing" Health Care
Such rhetoric may appeal to the masses, but it is unseemly for the
congress of a great nation. And, given that it has literally no chance
of becoming law, is literally a waste of time and effort - our time
and effort and the taxes we pay to support each of them at the rate of
$170,000/year plus some of the best benefits available in this
Max wrote:
> The political dialog in this country has become more polarized and
> uncivil than it has been since the early days of the country's
> founding. Both parties are equally responsible.
> Let me pose a question to anyone who thinks the diatribes and
> epithets have had no effect on the populace:
> Who would the shooter in Tucson have targeted had the political
> dialog *NOT* been so volatile?
You are so very wrong. The political discourse in the current clime is
extremely tame compared to earlier in our history. Heck, at one point a
sitting Vice President and former Secretary of the Treasury fought a DUEL
(one of whom died as a result)!!
As to your final question, I don't know. There has yet to be any showing of
cause and effect between dialog and mass murder. Did a poisonous dialog
motivate Timothy McVeigh? Did spirited debate drive Nidal Hasan to kill 13
people? Were the 9/11 hijackers driven by outrageous political campaign
There ARE indications that the Tuscon shooter was fixated, and upset, by
poor grammer(!). Who's to say he didn't go over the edge by reading this
Still, you are probably correct in that there are some who become
emotionally irrational where politics are concerned.
They should be, in my view, locked up in a padded room.
'Course the ACLU would never stand for that, so we have people wandering
around with a loose stopper ready to go off at anybody who tells them their
mother smells of elderberries.
On Jan 12, 9:29=A0am, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 11:04=A0am, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> > =A0wrote:
> > > *WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - a=
> > > tell your "tea party" idiots where to go.
> > You're obviously Barking up the Wrong Tree, I'm a Tea Party Organizer!
> Oh COOL! You guys pick out a uniform yet? Something in a nice brown?
And what kind of armband symbol? Real cool!
On Jan 12, 3:03=A0pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> RicodJour wrote:
> > On Jan 12, 2:07 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> RicodJour wrote:
> >> > On Jan 12, 1:41 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> >> Han wrote:
> >> >> > Rich <[email protected]> wrote in
> >> >> >> Thinks you watch to much =A0MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pr=
> >> >> >> Candidate but I do believe she can and has played a large role i=
> >> >> >> changing direction of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thi=
> >> >> >> that not much more damage could be done then has by the Communit=
> >> >> >> Organiser in the WH now.
> >> >> > Sorry, to me this is gobbledygook. =A0For one thing, I don't know=
> >> >> > MSLSD is. =A0Who is miguided over the blotted government? =A0what=
is a
> >> >> > blotted government?
> >> >> > Can anyone make complete, English sentences from this for me?
> >> >> MSLSD =3D MSNBC =A0 =A0 Who is the current politicians that don't l=
isten to
> >> >> the majority of the US citizens and will probably be tossed out on
> >> >> their butts in the next elections. Correction, Blotted =3D Bloated
> >> >> Oversize,fat, excessive gas.
> >> >> Fluid enough? Or should I say, clear enough?
> >> > I'm guessing you work in the computer industry. =A0You use your own
> >> > mental shorthand to communicate and leave other people saying,
> >> > WTF...? =A0Your _explanation_ of your first WTF post leaves me with =
> >> > WTF hangover.
> >> > I don't necessarily disagree with your viewpoint, just taking you to
> >> > task for using mental shorthand when communicating with people you'v=
> >> > never met. =A0It ends up being frustrating for everyone.
> >> > R
> >> > rec.woodworking Executive Officer, Linguistics and Communications
> >> > Division
> >> I'll take that as a joke. I do work with code and scrips and yes I do =
> >> the mental shorthand when on usenet. I'm retired but this is what I do=
> >> my spare time.http://rentmyhusband.biz/
> > Mental shorthand is a convenience and a tool for you. =A0When you use i=
> > with other people that don't know your shorthand, it's obfuscating and
> > makes you a tool. =A0Resist the temptation!
> Ok, I will try. Did you even look at the website?
No, sorry. I'm not looking to rent a man. I'll stick with rending
women. =3D:O
> >> This is my first WTF post and thought it was fairly clear:
> >> One NUT who wanted some attention. Then you have another NUT on MSNBC =
> >> blamed this on Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Bill OReilly, and others, no=
> >> to mention Conservative Hater Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law
> >> Center with his expected RANT! Can't wait to see all the new Bills pus=
> >> through the Congress because of this tragedy.
> > You'll get no argument from me on any of that. =A0People, including
> > politicians, feel that _something_ has to be done, but as they're too
> > busy fencing with their dicks, they are misguided and create misguided
> > laws, comments, etc.
> This is one of the few times on here I responded in a Political way. But =
> can only stay quiet so long. Not happy with Washington for a long time an=
> this Administration has me pulling my hair out!
And this is not an effective place to get something done. Robatoy
does it because he's a bounder who has to cross a border to voice his
opinion on things that barely affect him, and on which he can have no
effect. If you are fed up with things, venting is not the way to
change things. That's just venting - pissing in the ocean. You
should either piss directly on someone's shoes, or help clean up the
piss. These are the only effective ways.
BTW, God and genetics probably has more than a little bit to do with
the loss of your hair - no need to blame it on politics. ;)
On Jan 12, 9:57=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 9:24=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > On Jan 12, 9:17=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > On Jan 12, 9:02=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > > On Jan 12, 8:43=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > > > BTW, it's not an isolationist problem, it's a guy on the wrong si=
de of
> > > > > the border with a big mouth problem.
> > > > And that is why I would like you to stay there.
> > > Let's see...Canada...Canada...yeah, here it is - 38th place on my lis=
> > > of places to emigrate to, so you're safe.
> > Shows that you know nothing about this country.
> I know more about it than 95% of Canadians.
I don't believe you.
"Robatoy" wrote in message
> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
> Like many, Ive spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame for
> this terrible event, Palin said
> There is no way she wrote those words.....
Hey, just because when asked she couldn't name the newspapers she supposedly
reads, and needed to write the answer to a pre-arranged question on the palm
of her hand, and when not reading from a script sounds like a high school
cheerleader--"Awesome!"--doesn't mean she didn't write that. Okay, it's
*extremely* unlikely she wrote it, like 99.99999% unlikely. Pretty much
completely certain, really. But she might have suggested a word or two.
Could have happened.
"HeyBub" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I prefer Famous Grouse myself.
Their 12-year-old is pretty good. However I do like something a bit more
off the beaten path from time to time, like Talisker.
On Jan 12, 3:13=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 3:03=A0pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> > RicodJour wrote:
> > > On Jan 12, 2:07 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> > >> RicodJour wrote:
> > >> > On Jan 12, 1:41 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> > >> >> Han wrote:
> > >> >> > Rich <[email protected]> wrote in
> > >> >> >> Thinks you watch to much =A0MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a =
> > >> >> >> Candidate but I do believe she can and has played a large role=
> > >> >> >> changing direction of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. T=
> > >> >> >> that not much more damage could be done then has by the Commun=
> > >> >> >> Organiser in the WH now.
> > >> >> > Sorry, to me this is gobbledygook. =A0For one thing, I don't kn=
ow what
> > >> >> > MSLSD is. =A0Who is miguided over the blotted government? =A0wh=
at is a
> > >> >> > blotted government?
> > >> >> > Can anyone make complete, English sentences from this for me?
> > >> >> MSLSD =3D MSNBC =A0 =A0 Who is the current politicians that don't=
listen to
> > >> >> the majority of the US citizens and will probably be tossed out o=
> > >> >> their butts in the next elections. Correction, Blotted =3D Bloate=
> > >> >> Oversize,fat, excessive gas.
> > >> >> Fluid enough? Or should I say, clear enough?
> > >> > I'm guessing you work in the computer industry. =A0You use your ow=
> > >> > mental shorthand to communicate and leave other people saying,
> > >> > WTF...? =A0Your _explanation_ of your first WTF post leaves me wit=
h a
> > >> > WTF hangover.
> > >> > I don't necessarily disagree with your viewpoint, just taking you =
> > >> > task for using mental shorthand when communicating with people you=
> > >> > never met. =A0It ends up being frustrating for everyone.
> > >> > R
> > >> > rec.woodworking Executive Officer, Linguistics and Communications
> > >> > Division
> > >> I'll take that as a joke. I do work with code and scrips and yes I d=
o use
> > >> the mental shorthand when on usenet. I'm retired but this is what I =
do in
> > >> my spare time.http://rentmyhusband.biz/
> > > Mental shorthand is a convenience and a tool for you. =A0When you use=
> > > with other people that don't know your shorthand, it's obfuscating an=
> > > makes you a tool. =A0Resist the temptation!
> > Ok, I will try. Did you even look at the website?
> No, sorry. =A0I'm not looking to rent a man. =A0I'll stick with rending
> women. =A0=3D:O
> > >> This is my first WTF post and thought it was fairly clear:
> > >> One NUT who wanted some attention. Then you have another NUT on MSNB=
C who
> > >> blamed this on Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Bill OReilly, and others, =
> > >> to mention Conservative Hater Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law
> > >> Center with his expected RANT! Can't wait to see all the new Bills p=
> > >> through the Congress because of this tragedy.
> > > You'll get no argument from me on any of that. =A0People, including
> > > politicians, feel that _something_ has to be done, but as they're too
> > > busy fencing with their dicks, they are misguided and create misguide=
> > > laws, comments, etc.
> > This is one of the few times on here I responded in a Political way. Bu=
t you
> > can only stay quiet so long. Not happy with Washington for a long time =
> > this Administration has me pulling my hair out!
> And this is not an effective place to get something done. =A0Robatoy
> does it because he's a bounder who has to cross a border to voice his
> opinion on things that barely affect him, and on which he can have no
> effect. =A0
> R
Robatoy pays taxes in the US.
What you're saying is that your antics, thumb on nuclear button,
doesn't affect me in Canada?
The US of A, once the only SuperPower, is starting to open its eyes
and realizing that it is over? Done? No Mo, bro'?
Now THAT's a nice stable neighbour. One with 270 million guns and hurt
A 45 minute drive from my house shows, in no uncertain terms, what you
guys have done with the place. Rust and ruin. Meth and crack
everywhere. Even the cops have thrown in the towel. "fukkit" they say.
Every man for himself.
And now you silly people want to hand The Button over to a
opportunistic douche who has NOTHING to offer but her tits.
If a drug dealer moved in next door to you, would that bother you?
On Jan 12, 2:14=A0pm, Larry Jaques <[email protected]>
> On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 10:40:57 -0800 (PST), Robatoy
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> >On Jan 12, 1:17=A0pm, Steve Turner <[email protected]>
> >wrote:
> >> On 1/12/2011 12:11 PM, Robatoy wrote:
> >> > The Huck! Bring on The Huck! I like Huck.
> >> So do I. =A0He's a likable guy.
> >> --
> >> Free bad advice available here.
> >> To reply, eat the taco.http://www.flickr.com/photos/bbqboyee/
> >I like his stance on being confronted with issues he's not familiar
> >with: "I will find those who have more knowledge than I and I will
> >take a close look at the options."
> OK, that's good.
> >And he plays bass.
> >And has a sense of humour.
> >And his Christian ethic seems well managed.
> You probably think of Revs Wright and Jackson as well managed in
> Christian ethics, too, dontcha? =A0<thud>
ASSume much?
Wrong. I don't. Those two are a example of what can be wrong with
organized religion.
On Jan 13, 12:39=A0am, Luigi Zanasi <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 2:30=A0pm, "Max" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > "Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote
> > >And now you silly people want to hand The Button over to a
> > >opportunistic douche who has NOTHING to offer but her tits.
Three guys are talking about what part of a woman they like to look at
the most.
The first guy says, "I like to see her boobs."
The second buy says, "I like to see her butt."
The third guy says, "I like to see the top of her head."
> > Rob,
> > I think you're shortchanging Palin.
> > Her legs are nice too.
> No they're not.
> http://thedailyfix.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/sarah-palin-12169-5...
Aging beauty queens and aging high school wrestlers often don't keep
their exercise regimens going. Maybe they were lucky when they were
younger and didn't need to work at it, but that woman needs to run
some more, and I'm not talking about for office.
On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 12:42:18 -0600, "ChairMan" <[email protected]> wrote:
>In news:b3aa10b9-b82f-4aa2-89a7-cd4c91a0d0c4@k30g2000vbn.googlegroups.com,
>Robatoy <[email protected]> spewed forth:
>> On Jan 12, 11:26 am, "Steve B" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> "Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:8bd9ab14-84bc-42f0-8743-d4bf3ec56c24@q18g2000vbk.googlegroups.com...
>>> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
>>> Like many, Ive spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
>>> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
>>> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
>>> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame
>>> for this terrible event, Palin said
>>> There is no way she wrote those words.....
>>> Get a life, dude.
>> I HAVE a life, dude. I'd like to keep it for a while longer. Handing
>> Palin the keys is begging for a catastrophe. What the hell is it with
>> you people? So easily startstruck by a set of tits. "Oh yea, Sarah
>> will turn the US around!!"
>> I mean... she's totally doable, I get it, but to run the second most
>> powerful economy on earth?
>Why do so many people think she will or would run for president?
>And what does her statement about the tragedy in AZ have do with anything
>other than what she said?
>I'm no Palin fan, but for the life of me I don't understand why she is
>attacked so much.
>She's an American citizen and has as much right to voice her opinions as any
>other person does.
Sarah resonates with the American people, who are angy as hell with
their too-big, too-spendthrift, unlistening, corrupt gov't right now
and I don't think the people will be taking it for much longer.
Critical mass is building up quickly, whether the govvies want to see
it or not. Giffords was shot by a crazy shooter. Think what would
happen if a actual -thinking- shooter got started. Have you read
_Unintended Consequences_ by John Ross? Something like that could
happen. <shrug>
>Ya'll take what the media puts out way to seriously.
Indeed. Some people actually believe that crap, too. <sigh>
The United States of America is the greatest, the
noblest and, in its original founding principles,
the only moral country in the history of the world.
-- Ayn Rand
On Jan 12, 11:02=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 10:22=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > On Jan 12, 9:57=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > On Jan 12, 9:24=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > > On Jan 12, 9:17=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > > > On Jan 12, 9:02=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > > > > On Jan 12, 8:43=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrot=
> > > > > > > BTW, it's not an isolationist problem, it's a guy on the wron=
g side of
> > > > > > > the border with a big mouth problem.
> > > > > > And that is why I would like you to stay there.
> > > > > Let's see...Canada...Canada...yeah, here it is - 38th place on my=
> > > > > of places to emigrate to, so you're safe.
> > > > Shows that you know nothing about this country.
> > > I know more about it than 95% of Canadians.
> > I don't believe you.
> I was giving you a facetious example of the Dunning=96Kruger effect to
> illustrate how people overestimate their "above average" standing in a
> particular area - so you'll know when you do it again.
> BTW, on another newsgroup we've got a Canadian guy who has nothing
> good to say about Canada. =A0He says the police are corrupt, there are
> druggies everywhere, etc., etc. =A0Takes all types, eh?
> R
Quite a contrast to the fact that there are NO disgruntled Americans.
On Jan 12, 12:38=A0pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> Robatoy wrote:
> > On Jan 12, 11:04 am, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> wrote:
> >> > *WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - =
> >> > tell your "tea party" idiots where to go.
> >> You're obviously Barking up the Wrong Tree, I'm a Tea Party Organizer!
> > Oh COOL! You guys pick out a uniform yet? Something in a nice brown?
> Thinks you watch to much =A0MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres. Candi=
> but I do believe she can and has played a large role in changing directio=
> of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks that not much more damag=
> could be done then has by the Community Organiser in the WH now.
Difference between a Tea Party- and a Community organizer is what?
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 21:25:50 -0600, "Dave In Texas" <[email protected]> wrote:
><[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 23:50:29 -0600, "Dave In Texas" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Paid for, I suspect, with dues paid in by the very union members who
>>>were utilizing said buses?
>> Your point is? It's still *paid* by someone else (as was their time to
>> go).
>The point is that the bylaws of the organization probably provide some
>discretion as to how dues are spent. Maybe they took a vote. Maybe they
>took vacation time to go.
Their payments to the union are fixed. They received money from the union to
go, including time off to do so. They were *paid* protesters.
>What's YOUR point? Who do you think paid for the trip? Why is any
>different than if I get up a group of friends and charter a bus to a casino.
If you can't tell the difference you're dumber than a stump.
>The group paid their own way didn't they?
Of course not! The *union* paid their way.
>Now, be sure to tell me how clueless I am.
I don't have to. It's perfectly clear to anyone with even half a brain
(Democrats need not apply).
On 1/29/2011 1:59 PM, DGDevin wrote:
> "HeyBub" wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> I doubt that - that lawyers are more respectable than goons.
> Not respectable, they just better on the evening news than guys swinging
> clubs. Of course all lawyers are scum--until you need one. A young
> police officer I know recently faced two lawsuits, one from a guy he
> shot, and I can assure you he was very happy to have good legal
> representation.
>> But I'll take your word for it - I have no experience with unions. I
>> live in a right-to-scab state.
> When I wore a much younger man's clothes I belonged to a union for quite
> a few years. There were several benefits for the members: we got paid
> more than the guys at non-union companies; we couldn't be arbitrarily
> fired or disciplined without cause; safety, e.g. they couldn't tell you
> to put a vehicle with bad brakes on the road, if they tried then a call
> to the business agent shut that down in a flash. The downside was
> everybody got the same pay--the good workers and the not so good, which
> IMO can discourage people from trying to excel.
That's only because of the deal your union negotiated. Most unions
don't like merit-based pay scales.
> Unions are like every other human organization, they're subject to
> abuse. But they exist for a reason, namely to counter-balance the power
> of employers, large employers in particular. Believe it or not, but
> companies commit a range of abuses too--no, really, you can look it up.
> The Founding Fathers knew that checks and balances are necessary to keep
> government in line, and the same applies to society at large. I don't
> think many folks (libertarian ko0ks aside) would willingly go back to
> the day when large companies did whatever they pleased and employees
> were little more than disposable troops in the company army.
We now have government regulation to protect workers - minimum wage
rates, OSHA, anti-discrimination laws, etc., that do a lot of the
protecting unions did.
> The unions have been taking in on the chin in recent decades. At one
> time one in three American workers carried a union card, while today
> it's something like 8% and falling. That why I'm amused when people
> raise the specter of big unions throwing their weight around--their
> weight has been getting smaller and smaller at the same time as
> corporations have been getting bigger and bigger--so it's kind of an
> absurd scenario to talk about unions bulldozing society.
Part of the problem is that most of the unions that still exist are
themselves big-business behemoths. They don't care about much more than
their own bottom line.
> Yet any right-wing politician looking for something to scare the voters with
> will raise the threat of the big bad unions. IMO the one area were
> unions do need to be taken down a peg or two is education, the teachers'
> unions do not currently seem to be part of the solution.
On Jan 31, 6:25=A0pm, "HeyBub" <[email protected]> wrote:
> DGDevin wrote:
> > "HeyBub" =A0wrote in message
> >news:[email protected]...
> >> The total deficit for 8 years of the Bush administration was a
> >> staggering $700 billion. The deficit the first YEAR of the Obama
> >> administration was twice the eight-year bush total, eclipsing $1.45
> >> trillion.
> > I'm not disputing that the Obama administration has spent a
> > staggering sum of money, it doesn't make me happy either. =A0My point
> > was that the Tea Partiers sat on their hands while the Bush
> > administration was spending like a drunken sailor, and only
> > discovered what a bad idea huge deficits were when Obama was
> > elected--it's the double-standard I find striking.
> Heh! And just the reverse for the Democrats. Deficits were evil under Bus=
> and necessary under Obama.
> It evens out.
> >> True, Obama had a meltdown of the financial markets with which to
> >> contend.
> > IMO that justified some "pump priming" and according to the CBO much
> > of that spending was effective at saving or creating jobs.
> >> But Bush had two wars, Katrina, and 9-11.
> > I thought one of those wars was justified, i.e. going after Al Qaeda
> > in Afghanistan. =A0Iraq is another story, not only were the
> > justifications offered dubious at best, but the cost of that war when
> > the interest is finally paid will be well over two trillion
> > dollars--Dick Cheney's assertion that the war in Iraq would pay for
> > itself had better be proven true pretty soon 'cause so far it looks
> > like it's going to cost us a giant pile of money.
> Whether the war was justified is irrelevant to this discussion. You disag=
> with one of the Bush wars, I disagree with the "stimulus." Whether we
> approve of each, they were what they were and deficits took place.
> The point I was trying to make was that Bush had demands of a nature simi=
> to those claimed by Obama.
> As for the "war paying for itself," it will. As more and more of Iraq's o=
> comes to market, the price, world-wide, will reflect the increased supply=
> An increased supply equals lower price. This price reduction, of course, =
> almost impossible to measure in that it's a "what if" scenario. But
> reasonable people should agree there'll be some reduction.
That is if Big Oil doesn't do a 1957 number to the economy (recession
'57-'58) for an Egyptian reason? Nothing like a little fear to keep
the oil prices up, eh?
"HeyBub" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> The total deficit for 8 years of the Bush administration was a staggering
> $700 billion. The deficit the first YEAR of the Obama administration was
> twice the eight-year bush total, eclipsing $1.45 trillion.
I'm not disputing that the Obama administration has spent a staggering sum
of money, it doesn't make me happy either. My point was that the Tea
Partiers sat on their hands while the Bush administration was spending like
a drunken sailor, and only discovered what a bad idea huge deficits were
when Obama was elected--it's the double-standard I find striking.
> True, Obama had a meltdown of the financial markets with which to contend.
IMO that justified some "pump priming" and according to the CBO much of that
spending was effective at saving or creating jobs.
> But Bush had two wars, Katrina, and 9-11.
I thought one of those wars was justified, i.e. going after Al Qaeda in
Afghanistan. Iraq is another story, not only were the justifications
offered dubious at best, but the cost of that war when the interest is
finally paid will be well over two trillion dollars--Dick Cheney's assertion
that the war in Iraq would pay for itself had better be proven true pretty
soon 'cause so far it looks like it's going to cost us a giant pile of
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 21:25:50 -0600, "Dave In Texas" <[email protected]> wrote:
>><[email protected]> wrote in message
>>news:[email protected]...
>>> On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 23:50:29 -0600, "Dave In Texas" <[email protected]>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Paid for, I suspect, with dues paid in by the very union members who
>>>>were utilizing said buses?
>>> Your point is? It's still *paid* by someone else (as was their time to
>>> go).
>>The point is that the bylaws of the organization probably provide some
>>discretion as to how dues are spent. Maybe they took a vote. Maybe they
>>took vacation time to go.
> Their payments to the union are fixed. They received money from the union
> to
> go, including time off to do so. They were *paid* protesters.
You make no sense.
>>What's YOUR point? Who do you think paid for the trip? Why is any
>>different than if I get up a group of friends and charter a bus to a
> If you can't tell the difference you're dumber than a stump.
>>The group paid their own way didn't they?
> Of course not! The *union* paid their way.
Members' dues support the union; in the end they paid themselves to go.
>>Now, be sure to tell me how clueless I am.
> I don't have to. It's perfectly clear to anyone with even half a brain
> (Democrats need not apply).
~ : o )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
"HeyBub" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>> Here's an exercise for you. Put some money in one of your pants
>> pockets. Now move it to another pocket. Question: is it still your
>> money, or not?
>> Now here comes the tricky part. If union members pay dues to a union,
>> and the union uses those dues to pay for buses so union members can
>> go to a political rally, whose money paid for the buses? Hint:
>> remember those pants pockets.
> Good analogy. Here's another:
> You've got some money in one of your pants pockets. A hand reaches in,
> takes some of your money, and uses it for purposes of which you
> disapprove, is it still your money?
Did you get your say during the election for officers of the organization
(which you joined of your own free will) that is spending the money? If so,
and if you'll get your say again at the next election, what are you crying
about? Because actually the only hand reaching into your pocket is yours,
you chose to pay dues to an organization that got you better pay, working
conditions and so on, and you get to vote on who runs that organization, so
it's not like somebody you dont know is picking your pocket.
> Now here's the tricky part: If the union forcibly takes your money,
They don't. If you don't like the pay offered by Company X, you don't have
to work there, right? And if Company Y is a union shop and you don't want
to pay union dues to get the higher pay negotiated by the union--same as
above--you don't have to work there. There is no "forcibly" unless you can
document contemporary union press gangs roaming the streets signing up
members and extracting dues at pistol point.
> uses it for busses, free beer, and barbecue, do you have a right to
> complain without being beaten?
The same right you have not to be beaten by company goons trying to keep you
from signing a union card (although lately they prefer lawyers to goons,
less bad publicity).
DGDevin wrote:
> "HeyBub" wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> The total deficit for 8 years of the Bush administration was a
>> staggering $700 billion. The deficit the first YEAR of the Obama
>> administration was twice the eight-year bush total, eclipsing $1.45
>> trillion.
> I'm not disputing that the Obama administration has spent a
> staggering sum of money, it doesn't make me happy either. My point
> was that the Tea Partiers sat on their hands while the Bush
> administration was spending like a drunken sailor, and only
> discovered what a bad idea huge deficits were when Obama was
> elected--it's the double-standard I find striking.
Heh! And just the reverse for the Democrats. Deficits were evil under Bush
and necessary under Obama.
It evens out.
>> True, Obama had a meltdown of the financial markets with which to
>> contend.
> IMO that justified some "pump priming" and according to the CBO much
> of that spending was effective at saving or creating jobs.
>> But Bush had two wars, Katrina, and 9-11.
> I thought one of those wars was justified, i.e. going after Al Qaeda
> in Afghanistan. Iraq is another story, not only were the
> justifications offered dubious at best, but the cost of that war when
> the interest is finally paid will be well over two trillion
> dollars--Dick Cheney's assertion that the war in Iraq would pay for
> itself had better be proven true pretty soon 'cause so far it looks
> like it's going to cost us a giant pile of money.
Whether the war was justified is irrelevant to this discussion. You disagree
with one of the Bush wars, I disagree with the "stimulus." Whether we
approve of each, they were what they were and deficits took place.
The point I was trying to make was that Bush had demands of a nature similar
to those claimed by Obama.
As for the "war paying for itself," it will. As more and more of Iraq's oil
comes to market, the price, world-wide, will reflect the increased supply.
An increased supply equals lower price. This price reduction, of course, is
almost impossible to measure in that it's a "what if" scenario. But
reasonable people should agree there'll be some reduction.
DGDevin wrote:
> "Larry" wrote in message news:[email protected]...
>> At the core of your problem is ignorance. Maybe you should
>> actually attend one of the events.
> I had lunch with a bunch of TP supporters after one rally, folks with
> "Don't Tread On Me" shirts. Mostly seemed like nice folks, if
> ill-informed on a range of issues, e.g. the TARP money is all gone
> and will never be paid back. But a few of them I wouldn't want
> living next door, the kind who *know* Obama was born in Kenya and
> disagreeing leads to a drop in the temperature and some very hard
> looks. As I've said before, they're entitled to be pissed off, but
> it would be nice if they'd figure out who they should really be
> unhappy with. They seemed unaware that the national debt doubled
> while Bush was in office, for another example, but they're furious at
> how those Democrats spend money....
The total deficit for 8 years of the Bush administration was a staggering
$700 billion. The deficit the first YEAR of the Obama administration was
twice the eight-year bush total, eclipsing $1.45 trillion.
Here's a chart.
True, Obama had a meltdown of the financial markets with which to contend.
But Bush had two wars, Katrina, and 9-11.
"DGDevin" <[email protected]> wrote in
> At the core of your problem is the belief that anyone who
> disagrees with you has got to be stupid. Until you get
> past that you'll always be the guy who makes everyone else
> look smart.
At the core of your problem is ignorance. Maybe you should
actually attend one of the events. Everything I've been involved
in has been out of my pocket, just like everyone else that
attended. You have this idea that someone is paying for all of
this when it truly is a grassrotts movement.
Open your eyes....
DGDevin wrote:
> Here's an exercise for you. Put some money in one of your pants
> pockets. Now move it to another pocket. Question: is it still your
> money, or not?
> Now here comes the tricky part. If union members pay dues to a union,
> and the union uses those dues to pay for buses so union members can
> go to a political rally, whose money paid for the buses? Hint:
> remember those pants pockets.
Good analogy. Here's another:
You've got some money in one of your pants pockets. A hand reaches in, takes
some of your money, and uses it for purposes of which you disapprove, is it
still your money?
Now here's the tricky part: If the union forcibly takes your money, uses it
for busses, free beer, and barbecue, do you have a right to complain without
being beaten?
"Larry" wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> At the core of your problem is ignorance. Maybe you should
> actually attend one of the events.
I had lunch with a bunch of TP supporters after one rally, folks with "Don't
Tread On Me" shirts. Mostly seemed like nice folks, if ill-informed on a
range of issues, e.g. the TARP money is all gone and will never be paid
back. But a few of them I wouldn't want living next door, the kind who
*know* Obama was born in Kenya and disagreeing leads to a drop in the
temperature and some very hard looks. As I've said before, they're entitled
to be pissed off, but it would be nice if they'd figure out who they should
really be unhappy with. They seemed unaware that the national debt doubled
while Bush was in office, for another example, but they're furious at how
those Democrats spend money....
> Everything I've been involved
> in has been out of my pocket, just like everyone else that
> attended. You have this idea that someone is paying for all of
> this when it truly is a grassrotts movement.
A) I made a point of saying I was sure there was some grassroots financial
support, so you can't say I'm claiming "all of this" is being paid for by
billionaires with a right-wing agenda. B) When even Tea Party organizations
say they've worked closely with groups like FreedomWorks which is without
question funded by a handful of very rich men with very far-right politics,
it is ludicrous to say there is no connection between the two.
> Open your eyes....
Pot-kettle-black, Larry.
DGDevin wrote:
>> Good analogy. Here's another:
>> You've got some money in one of your pants pockets. A hand reaches
>> in, takes some of your money, and uses it for purposes of which you
>> disapprove, is it still your money?
> Did you get your say during the election for officers of the
> organization (which you joined of your own free will) that is
> spending the money? If so, and if you'll get your say again at the
> next election, what are you crying about? Because actually the only
> hand reaching into your pocket is yours, you chose to pay dues to an
> organization that got you better pay, working conditions and so on,
> and you get to vote on who runs that organization, so it's not like
> somebody you dont know is picking your pocket.
>> Now here's the tricky part: If the union forcibly takes your money,
> They don't. If you don't like the pay offered by Company X, you
> don't have to work there, right? And if Company Y is a union shop
> and you don't want to pay union dues to get the higher pay negotiated
> by the union--same as above--you don't have to work there. There is
> no "forcibly" unless you can document contemporary union press gangs
> roaming the streets signing up members and extracting dues at pistol
> point.
>> uses it for busses, free beer, and barbecue, do you have a right to
>> complain without being beaten?
> The same right you have not to be beaten by company goons trying to
> keep you from signing a union card (although lately they prefer
> lawyers to goons, less bad publicity).
I doubt that - that lawyers are more respectable than goons.
But I'll take your word for it - I have no experience with unions. I live in
a right-to-scab state.
Texas has less than half the union membership as the nation as a whole (5.6
vs. 13.5%). Most of our union members are in government service, with a
smattering more in the oil and chemical industry and in communications.
There are almost no union members in manufacturing (fewer than 2%).
wrote in message news:[email protected]...
>>The group paid their own way didn't they?
> Of course not! The *union* paid their way.
Here's an exercise for you. Put some money in one of your pants pockets.
Now move it to another pocket. Question: is it still your money, or not?
Now here comes the tricky part. If union members pay dues to a union, and
the union uses those dues to pay for buses so union members can go to a
political rally, whose money paid for the buses? Hint: remember those pants
>>Now, be sure to tell me how clueless I am.
> I don't have to. It's perfectly clear to anyone with even half a brain
> (Democrats need not apply).
At the core of your problem is the belief that anyone who disagrees with you
has got to be stupid. Until you get past that you'll always be the guy who
makes everyone else look smart.
"HeyBub" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I doubt that - that lawyers are more respectable than goons.
Not respectable, they just better on the evening news than guys swinging
clubs. Of course all lawyers are scum--until you need one. A young police
officer I know recently faced two lawsuits, one from a guy he shot, and I
can assure you he was very happy to have good legal representation.
> But I'll take your word for it - I have no experience with unions. I live
> in a right-to-scab state.
When I wore a much younger man's clothes I belonged to a union for quite a
few years. There were several benefits for the members: we got paid more
than the guys at non-union companies; we couldn't be arbitrarily fired or
disciplined without cause; safety, e.g. they couldn't tell you to put a
vehicle with bad brakes on the road, if they tried then a call to the
business agent shut that down in a flash. The downside was everybody got
the same pay--the good workers and the not so good, which IMO can discourage
people from trying to excel.
Unions are like every other human organization, they're subject to abuse.
But they exist for a reason, namely to counter-balance the power of
employers, large employers in particular. Believe it or not, but companies
commit a range of abuses too--no, really, you can look it up. The Founding
Fathers knew that checks and balances are necessary to keep government in
line, and the same applies to society at large. I don't think many folks
(libertarian ko0ks aside) would willingly go back to the day when large
companies did whatever they pleased and employees were little more than
disposable troops in the company army.
> Texas has less than half the union membership as the nation as a whole
> (5.6 vs. 13.5%). Most of our union members are in government service, with
> a smattering more in the oil and chemical industry and in communications.
> There are almost no union members in manufacturing (fewer than 2%).
The unions have been taking in on the chin in recent decades. At one time
one in three American workers carried a union card, while today it's
something like 8% and falling. That why I'm amused when people raise the
specter of big unions throwing their weight around--their weight has been
getting smaller and smaller at the same time as corporations have been
getting bigger and bigger--so it's kind of an absurd scenario to talk about
unions bulldozing society. Yet any right-wing politician looking for
something to scare the voters with will raise the threat of the big bad
unions. IMO the one area were unions do need to be taken down a peg or two
is education, the teachers' unions do not currently seem to be part of the
On Jan 13, 5:30=A0am, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
> On Jan 12, 9:48=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > .... and here I thought I was behaving quite well, considering what I
> > have to put up with.......<G>
> Pretty good.
> I always watch with some amusement as you bait the hook with just the
> right amount of smelly bait, and make an easy cast to the right
> place. =A0The bobber settles, the hook and bait go to exactly the right
> place in the water.
> Do you catch fish though? =A0HELL NO!
> After years of doing this they now just jump in the damn boat!
> I have to ask, though. =A0Don't you get tired of catching the same fish
> every trip?
> *chuckle*
> Robert
Sometimes I go fishing for some quality fish. IOW, I do like to find
out what the smarter (the 3 of you<G>) bunch thinks about certain
But, as in real life, sometimes you hope for a quality pickerel/
walleye but what nails your bait is a bottom feeding sucker. And
because they are so smelly, they stink up the whole boat for a while.
THEY think they're real fish too: "Look Gertrude, I got fins and
Yea, sometimes I fish for fun... but not always. Sometimes I have some
time to kill while my cnc is running. Sometimes I actually care what
people have to say. This thread wasn't one of them. <EG>
Now back to our regular programming.
On Jan 12, 9:24=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 9:17=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> > On Jan 12, 9:02=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > On Jan 12, 8:43=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > > BTW, it's not an isolationist problem, it's a guy on the wrong side=
> > > > the border with a big mouth problem.
> > > And that is why I would like you to stay there.
> > Let's see...Canada...Canada...yeah, here it is - 38th place on my list
> > of places to emigrate to, so you're safe.
> Shows that you know nothing about this country.
I know more about it than 95% of Canadians.
> Which country is # 37?
Slovenia. It moved up recently and edged out Croatia. And since you
didn't ask, number 1 on the list is Chile.
On Jan 13, 9:59=A0am, busbus <[email protected]> wrote:
=A0<Again, I am sure I will get blasted for that statement.>
I think you give yourself far too much credit ;-)
"Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote
> Surely that many of you can't be that fucking stupid ... SHAME on ALL you
> sickos, on both sides.
My union went on strike a few years ago. They wanted us to go back with
little gain. The union voted and accepted the contract. I felt for weeks
that the ballot boxes had been stuffed.
Then I went back on the job and talked to a lot of people about how they
Yes, there were that many fucking stupid people.
I retired less than a year later.
On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 15:28:52 -0000, "Disbelief"
<[email protected]> wrote:
>Rich wrote:
>> Robatoy wrote:
>>> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
>>> "Like many, I've spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
>>> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
>>> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
>>> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame
>>> for this terrible event," Palin said
>>> There is no way she wrote those words.....
>> No Obama did
>The typical biggoted American answer - Palin and her ilk are nothing but
>rabble rousers who could be likened to a leader of a certain political party
>in Europe between 1921 and 1945 who caused fear, death and misery for
>millions - yet seldom got his hands dirty himself.
>America, a once proud land, is rapidly going down the dictatorship route
>unless its more sensible citizens take the lead and stop the rot.
>*WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - and tell
>your "tea party" idiots where to go.
Man, you guys are really & truly scared of her, aren't you? <titter>
Since you changed your email address and got through my filters again,
I'll have to replonk you.
Buh bye, again!
P.S: Carry on, Sarah and fellow TeaPartiers! We're still making
The United States of America is the greatest, the
noblest and, in its original founding principles,
the only moral country in the history of the world.
-- Ayn Rand
On Jan 12, 11:08=A0am, Larry Jaques <[email protected]>
> Praise the Lord and Vote for Huck? =A0Pass.
> He's a radical fringe JesusFreakist.
Hey Larry, we agree on something. ;-)
On Jan 12, 7:43=A0am, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
> =93Like many, I=92ve spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame for
> this terrible event,=94 Palin said
> There is no way she wrote those words.....
Speaking of irresponsible statements, how about the illustration on
her web site that put cross-hairs on several politicians and referred
to them as "targets".
One of them got shot this weekend.
I am not liberal but that was irresponsible in this political
On Jan 13, 6:54=A0am, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Jan 13, 5:30=A0am, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
> wrote:
> > On Jan 12, 9:48=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > .... and here I thought I was behaving quite well, considering what I
> > > have to put up with.......<G>
> > Pretty good.
> > I always watch with some amusement as you bait the hook with just the
> > right amount of smelly bait, and make an easy cast to the right
> > place. =A0The bobber settles, the hook and bait go to exactly the right
> > place in the water.
> > Do you catch fish though? =A0HELL NO!
> > After years of doing this they now just jump in the damn boat!
> > I have to ask, though. =A0Don't you get tired of catching the same fish
> > every trip?
> > *chuckle*
> > Robert
> BTW... when something like this comes across my desk, I have to ask:
> "You okay down there??"
> http://tinyurl.com/6yu58pl
Yabbut, it's a lot more dangerous than a Glock with a high capacity
magazine: the Kinder egg might actually kill children. Sheesh, don't
you get it!
On Jan 12, 7:21=A0pm, Swingman <[email protected]> wrote:
> As the initiation of this thread indicates, far be it above Rob to stir
> a bit o' shit now and again (for amusement purposes only, of course) ...
> can't say as I blame him either.
Ok... busted.
> After watching a cnc do all the work you need something to chase away
> the boredom. <g, d & r>
OK.... busted....LOL
On Jan 12, 8:43=A0am, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
> =93Like many, I=92ve spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame for
> this terrible event,=94 Palin said
> There is no way she wrote those words.....
Not sure where you got that from, but it's obviously edited. Note the
absence of "umms' and "you betchyas".
On Jan 12, 2:30=A0pm, "Max" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote
> >And now you silly people want to hand The Button over to a
> >opportunistic douche who has NOTHING to offer but her tits.
> Rob,
> I think you're shortchanging Palin.
> Her legs are nice too.
No they're not.
On 01/12/2011 10:55 AM, Robatoy wrote:
> On Jan 12, 12:38 pm, Rich<[email protected]> wrote:
>> Robatoy wrote:
>>> On Jan 12, 11:04 am, Rich<[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> *WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - and
>>>>> tell your "tea party" idiots where to go.
>>>> You're obviously Barking up the Wrong Tree, I'm a Tea Party Organizer!
>>> Oh COOL! You guys pick out a uniform yet? Something in a nice brown?
>> Thinks you watch to much MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres. Candidate
>> but I do believe she can and has played a large role in changing direction
>> of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks that not much more damage
>> could be done then has by the Community Organiser in the WH now.
> Oh.
> Difference between a Tea Party- and a Community organizer is what?
Tea Party Tenets:
-Fiscal responsibility
-Constitutionally limited government
-Free Markets
-Personal responsibility
Community Organizer Tenets:
-The community is a potential power base
-community issues are a result of lack of power
-creating conflict over issues can gain power
"Robatoy" wrote:
> Oh COOL! You guys pick out a uniform yet? Something in a nice brown?
"Whitey" is running scared.
In less than 40 years, "Whitey" will no longer be in the majority in
the USA and the venom of hatred is being used to fuel the flames of
"Whitey's" uncertainty.
The reference above to brown shirts should serve as a wake up call
least we repeat a very dark part of human history.
"Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote
>And now you silly people want to hand The Button over to a
>opportunistic douche who has NOTHING to offer but her tits.
I think you're shortchanging Palin.
Her legs are nice too.
"Rich" <[email protected]> wrote
> RonB wrote:
>> Speaking of irresponsible statements, how about the illustration on
>> her web site that put cross-hairs on several politicians and referred
>> to them as "targets".
>> One of them got shot this weekend.
>> I am not liberal but that was irresponsible in this political
>> environment.
>> RonB
> Let see, common terms used by both parties. Battleground,campaign,many
> more.
> And yes the Democrats have used the same map on their campaigns,oh there's
> that word again. And who was that Dem that actually shot at the Cap and
> Trade bill with a 30 30 and hit it dead center. This argument is
> ridiculous!
> --
The political dialog in this country has become more polarized and uncivil
than it has been since the early days of the country's founding.
Both parties are equally responsible.
Let me pose a question to anyone who thinks the diatribes and epithets have
had no effect on the populace:
Who would the shooter in Tucson have targeted had the political dialog *NOT*
been so volatile?
"ChairMan" wrote:
> You forget that those cities just across the border have been run by
> democrats for decades.
> Coincidence..I think not
> Again, I ask, why do so many people think she will or would run for
> president?
"Whitey" bailed out on Detroit as a result of the 1966 riots.
The very events that triggered the riots in the first place were only
exacerbated after the riots.
The business community, largely white, fled to the suburbs and left
Detroit to rot.
It had nothing to do with politics, it had everything to do with race
and money.
If you travel the country, you will find that no one from metro
Detroit will admit it, rather they will identify some Detroit suburb
as home city.
Today, Detroit has less than half the buildings it had in the 1960s,
and nothing has been solved.
As a country, we have lost a great city.
As far as Palin is concerned, ".. and this to shall pass."
"busbus" wrote:
> Describes 2000-2008, and yes it was ugly.
> It doesn't describe what happened after 2008? Or prior to 2000?
What has happened since 2008 IYO.
We are still paying the bills for the absolute rape of the middle
class by Reagan.
Bush was not the best president we ever had but there is no way one
individual and his cabinet are to blame for absolutely everything that
is wrong with the United States.
Why not?
They are the ones charged with running the country.
They managed to funnel funds to their friends/contributors and screw
the rest of the country in spades.
>The problems did not start with that administration--they started a
long, long time ago.
Try Reagan.
I believe we have a generation of mostly
narcissistic people out there who are getting of the age of bringing
up the next generation of narcissistic people.
Oh rubbish, spare me the party line.
Today's youth will do just fine, given a chance.
Given the complexity of today's society, they have a challenge, but
then so did we, at least my generation did.
Mine was the generation that was given the A-bomb, the H-bomb, and the
Cold War.
My generation was also going to go to the devil, led by Elvis, but
somehow we survived and so will my grand kids.
"HeyBub" <> wrote
> Max wrote:
>> The political dialog in this country has become more polarized and
>> uncivil than it has been since the early days of the country's
>> founding. Both parties are equally responsible.
>> Let me pose a question to anyone who thinks the diatribes and
>> epithets have had no effect on the populace:
>> Who would the shooter in Tucson have targeted had the political
>> dialog *NOT* been so volatile?
> You are so very wrong. The political discourse in the current clime is
> extremely tame compared to earlier in our history. Heck, at one point a
> sitting Vice President and former Secretary of the Treasury fought a DUEL
> (one of whom died as a result)!!
Then there was the little matter of the civil war. Nothing civil about
Somebody wrote:
>>> 180 degrees? Tea Partiers are working FOR the people in the
>>> community, without regard to race or color.
Charley Self wrote:
"Larry Jaques" wrote:
> Why, here in the USA, sir.
Typical response from someone who is blind in one eye and can't see
out of the other one.
On 1/12/2011 4:07 PM, Steve B wrote:
> "Swingman"<[email protected]> wrote
>> Surely that many of you can't be that fucking stupid ... SHAME on ALL you
>> sickos, on both sides.
> My union went on strike a few years ago. They wanted us to go back with
> little gain. The union voted and accepted the contract. I felt for weeks
> that the ballot boxes had been stuffed.
> Then I went back on the job and talked to a lot of people about how they
> voted.
> Yes, there were that many fucking stupid people.
> I retired less than a year later.
> Steve
I don't know your specifics. However, NLRB rules prohibit management
(that is, the company)from telling the labor rank and file (that is,
their workers) what is often the truth, which is that if management gave
labor what the union bigwigs demanded, it could make the company
non-competitive, even put the company out of business.
On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 13:36:44 -0800 (PST), Robatoy
<[email protected]> wrote:
>he whole Arizona issue seems to be working as a catalyst for those
>who are tripping all over each other coming to Palin's defence. No way
>did Palin put those cross-hairs on the map with the intent for someone
>to attempt assassination.
>For a (any) news organization to make hay out of this is despicable as
>are those who are making hay out of trying to legitimizing Palins
>It is a clusterfuck, my friend.
>For those who seem to have an isolationist problem with my living on
>this side of the Canadian border, also have no clue that to me, that
>border never existed, with friends, a business, and my sister and her
>brood all living in the States.
>I know more about the USA geography, history and current day political
>structure than 95% of Americans. Fact, Jack.
>How willing are the Americans to meddle in shit that isn't any of
>their business, but holy hell, if somebody say anything about their
>problems, look out.
>Business as usual, I say.
The business of politics though is to put your opposition in as bad a
light as possible though. Whether you lie, cheat, or steal to do that
does not matter. It goes way back and is not likely to change. Sucks
but that is it.
Of course getting caught with dirt on your hands after throwing it can
be problematic.
"HeyBub" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> The Libertarian view - to which I do not necessarily subscribe - is that
> there should be no interference between a willing buyer and a willing
> seller and that the sanctity of contract should be enforced.
> This means that the government's role is to provide a legal system to
> enforce contracts and sanction violators, not to "regulate" the
> transaction.
Alan Greenspan believed for most of his adult life that the less govt.
regulation, the better. He thought that even in cases of outright fraud the
govt. should not get involved, that the market was self-correcting,
self-regulating, and self-policing. After the recent unpleasantness in the
market, a shattered-looking Greenspan admitted to Congress that his lifelong
belief that the market was self-correcting etc. had turned out to have some
serious flaws.
Among other things, it is absurd to imagine that individual citizens can do
legal battle with giant corporations on anything like a level field. To
address that problem We The People direct the govt. we elect to regulate
many business dealings and take action against such companies when
necessary, just to make it fair. If you dont like that approach, I hear
Somalia has done a good job of getting govt. off the back of business, you
should consider moving there.
On Jan 12, 10:22=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 9:57=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> > On Jan 12, 9:24=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > On Jan 12, 9:17=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > > On Jan 12, 9:02=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > > > On Jan 12, 8:43=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > > > > BTW, it's not an isolationist problem, it's a guy on the wrong =
side of
> > > > > > the border with a big mouth problem.
> > > > > And that is why I would like you to stay there.
> > > > Let's see...Canada...Canada...yeah, here it is - 38th place on my l=
> > > > of places to emigrate to, so you're safe.
> > > Shows that you know nothing about this country.
> > I know more about it than 95% of Canadians.
> I don't believe you.
I was giving you a facetious example of the Dunning=96Kruger effect to
illustrate how people overestimate their "above average" standing in a
particular area - so you'll know when you do it again.
BTW, on another newsgroup we've got a Canadian guy who has nothing
good to say about Canada. He says the police are corrupt, there are
druggies everywhere, etc., etc. Takes all types, eh?
On Jan 22, 5:02=A0pm, "HeyBub" <[email protected]> wrote:
> DGDevin wrote:
> > "Rich" =A0wrote in message
> >news:[email protected]...
> >> Nice try. Could write a book on it. Tea Party=3D less government,less
> >> spending, less taxes. Community Organizer =3D big government, more
> >> spending, more taxes.
> > Tea Party =3D Pissed Off. =A0They're not exactly sure just why, or at
> > who, but they know they're not happy with something and/or somebody. An=
> > just wait 'til they find out some of their leaders want to do
> > away with Medicare and Social Security--"What, MY Medicare and Social
> > Security?!?!"
> Oh, there's always some crackpot who wants to do away with Social Securit=
> Gitmo, guns, or apple pie. They are way noisier than successful. Most
> everybody ignores them.
> > They should be pissed off, everyone should be, but it would be nice
> > if they put a little effort into figuring out who they should be
> > upset with. =A0The billionaire Republicans who have bankrolled the Tea
> > Party must be laughing themselves silly.
> Uh, if you mean by "billionaire" George Soros, et al, they are bankrollin=
> the mainstream Democrats.
> So far as I can find, nobody is bankrolling the Tea Party. Or, they could=
> so successful at keeping it a secret, that it just hasn't come out yet.
It would actually be pretty clever for Soros to fund and support the
TeaParty. Nothing like divide and conquer. Make the fundies fight
amongst themselves... the extremists like Phelps et al. vs the more
rational republicans. It doesn't matter, it seems, _how_ you
neutralize a vote, as long as it gives you (Soros' bunch) an advantage.
On Jan 12, 11:12=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 11:02=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> > BTW, on another newsgroup we've got a Canadian guy who has nothing
> > good to say about Canada. =A0He says the police are corrupt, there are
> > druggies everywhere, etc., etc. =A0Takes all types, eh?
> Quite a contrast to the fact that there are NO disgruntled Americans.
And how many of them populate Canadian forums and spout off about
things Canadian? Before you say that Usenet is international and not
American, let's have a show of hands - how many Canadians out there?
Okay, and how many Americans? I see we have a few Brits. But the
fact of the matter is that rec.ww is primarily an American forum.
Tell you what - put your sister on. I already know your opinion on
how much this country sucks, but she is raising her family here and I
would like to know if she shares your opinion.
On Jan 12, 2:07=A0pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> RicodJour wrote:
> > On Jan 12, 1:41 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> Han wrote:
> >> > Rich <[email protected]> wrote in
> >> >> Thinks you watch to much =A0MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres.
> >> >> Candidate but I do believe she can and has played a large role in
> >> >> changing direction of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks
> >> >> that not much more damage could be done then has by the Community
> >> >> Organiser in the WH now.
> >> > Sorry, to me this is gobbledygook. =A0For one thing, I don't know wh=
> >> > MSLSD is. =A0Who is miguided over the blotted government? =A0what is=
> >> > blotted government?
> >> > Can anyone make complete, English sentences from this for me?
> >> MSLSD =3D MSNBC =A0 =A0 Who is the current politicians that don't list=
en to the
> >> majority of the US citizens and will probably be tossed out on their
> >> butts in the next elections. Correction, Blotted =3D Bloated Oversize,=
> >> excessive gas.
> >> Fluid enough? Or should I say, clear enough?
> > I'm guessing you work in the computer industry. =A0You use your own
> > mental shorthand to communicate and leave other people saying,
> > WTF...? =A0Your _explanation_ of your first WTF post leaves me with a
> > WTF hangover.
> > I don't necessarily disagree with your viewpoint, just taking you to
> > task for using mental shorthand when communicating with people you've
> > never met. =A0It ends up being frustrating for everyone.
> > R
> > rec.woodworking Executive Officer, Linguistics and Communications
> > Division
> I'll take that as a joke. I do work with code and scrips and yes I do use
> the mental shorthand when on usenet. I'm retired but this is what I do in=
> spare time.http://rentmyhusband.biz/
Mental shorthand is a convenience and a tool for you. When you use it
with other people that don't know your shorthand, it's obfuscating and
makes you a tool. Resist the temptation!
> This is my first WTF post and thought it was fairly clear:
> One NUT who wanted some attention. Then you have another NUT on MSNBC who
> blamed this on Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Bill OReilly, and others, not t=
> mention Conservative Hater Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center
> with his expected RANT! Can't wait to see all the new Bills pushed throug=
> the Congress because of this tragedy.
You'll get no argument from me on any of that. People, including
politicians, feel that _something_ has to be done, but as they're too
busy fencing with their dicks, they are misguided and create misguided
laws, comments, etc.
On Jan 12, 8:43=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> I don't
> tell them how to run their country and I don't tell them how stupid
> they are for not blithely accepting my unsolicited advice.
I don't either. I merely share my observations.
Where did I tell you how to run your country?
On Jan 12, 9:35=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 8:43=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> > I don't
> > tell them how to run their country and I don't tell them how stupid
> > they are for not blithely accepting my unsolicited advice.
> I don't either. I merely share my observations.
> Where did I tell you how to run your country?
A d-wad husband that constantly criticizes his wife's cooking can at
least use the excuse that he's married to her.
Please tell me where you said something positive about this country.
If you posted it I must've missed it. Link?
On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 10:40:57 -0800 (PST), Robatoy
<[email protected]> wrote:
>On Jan 12, 1:17 pm, Steve Turner <[email protected]>
>> On 1/12/2011 12:11 PM, Robatoy wrote:
>> > The Huck! Bring on The Huck! I like Huck.
>> So do I. He's a likable guy.
>> --
>> Free bad advice available here.
>> To reply, eat the taco.http://www.flickr.com/photos/bbqboyee/
>I like his stance on being confronted with issues he's not familiar
>with: "I will find those who have more knowledge than I and I will
>take a close look at the options."
OK, that's good.
>And he plays bass.
>And has a sense of humour.
>And his Christian ethic seems well managed.
You probably think of Revs Wright and Jackson as well managed in
Christian ethics, too, dontcha? <thud>
The United States of America is the greatest, the
noblest and, in its original founding principles,
the only moral country in the history of the world.
-- Ayn Rand
On Jan 12, 2:05=A0pm, Larry Jaques <[email protected]>
> On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 09:55:10 -0800 (PST), Robatoy
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> >On Jan 12, 12:38=A0pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> Robatoy wrote:
> >> > On Jan 12, 11:04 am, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> >> wrote:
> >> >> > *WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP*=
- and
> >> >> > tell your "tea party" idiots where to go.
> >> >> You're obviously Barking up the Wrong Tree, I'm a Tea Party Organiz=
> >> > Oh COOL! You guys pick out a uniform yet? Something in a nice brown?
> >> Thinks you watch to much =A0MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres. Ca=
> >> but I do believe she can and has played a large role in changing direc=
> >> of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks that not much more da=
> >> could be done then has by the Community Organiser in the WH now.
> >Oh.
> >Difference between a Tea Party- and a Community organizer is what?
> 180 degrees? =A0Tea Partiers are working FOR the people in the
> community, without regard to race or color.
On Jan 12, 11:48=A0am, Larry Jaques <[email protected]>
> On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 15:28:52 -0000, "Disbelief"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> >Rich wrote:
> >> Robatoy wrote:
> >>> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
> >>> "Like many, I've spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
> >>> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
> >>> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
> >>> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame
> >>> for this terrible event," Palin said
> >>> There is no way she wrote those words.....
> >> No Obama did
> >Rich
> >The typical biggoted American answer - Palin and her ilk are nothing but
> >rabble rousers who could be likened to a leader of a certain political p=
> >in Europe between 1921 and 1945 who caused fear, death and misery for
> >millions - yet seldom got his hands dirty himself.
> >America, a once proud land, is rapidly going down the dictatorship route
> >unless its more sensible citizens take the lead and stop the rot.
> >*WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - and =
> >your "tea party" idiots where to go.
> Man, you guys are really & truly scared of her, aren't you? =A0<titter>
> Since you changed your email address and got through my filters again,
> I'll have to replonk you.
> Buh bye, again!
> P.S: Carry on, Sarah and fellow TeaPartiers! We're still making
> headway.
Et tu, C-Less?
Really? You'd give the keys to your nuclear arsenal to that woman?
Lobby Dosser wrote:
>> Typical response from someone who is blind in one eye and can't see
>> out of the other one.
>> Lew
> Didn't Obama ask you to lighten up on the Vitriol?
Inasmuch as you capitalized "Vitriol," I assume it's a product you can buy
over the counter? Or do you need a prescription? Maybe it's home-made?
Wherever, perhaps both sides are drinking something (Kool-Aid or Vitriol).
I prefer Famous Grouse myself.
"Han" wrote in message news:[email protected]...
>> Tea Party Tenets:
>> -Fiscal responsibility
>> -Constitutionally limited government
>> -Free Markets
>> -Personal responsibility
>> Community Organizer Tenets:
>> -The community is a potential power base
>> -community issues are a result of lack of power
>> -creating conflict over issues can gain power
> That would make me a TeaPartier.
Me too, if that was really what they stood for Unfortunately the Tea Party
legislators recently arrived in Washington are going to discover the party
they actually belong to never met a corporate lobbyist it didn't like, and
what's good for mom & pop hardware store owners in middle America is so far
down the list that it is invisible. Remember, the Republican version of
health care reform half a decade ago was to pass an unfunded
deficit-increasing prescription drug bill that prohibited Medicare from
negotiating lower drug prices with the pharmaceutical companies the way the
VA does. It's brilliant how the Republican Party is able to persuade
millions of Americans it is the party of family values etc. while in
practice its real constituency is corporate America.
> However, I am also for Responsible
> regulation of corporations, communities, taxes.
Exactly, as Wall St. demonstrated recently, there has to be a cop on the
beat. I believe in free enterprise, but that doesn't mean corporations
operating without regulation at all as that is a formula for disaster.
On Jan 12, 1:17=A0pm, Steve Turner <[email protected]>
> On 1/12/2011 12:11 PM, Robatoy wrote:
> > On Jan 12, 1:08 pm, Larry Jaques<[email protected]>
> > wrote:
> >> I like Sarah in her role as a motivational leader. She's doing quite
> >> wonderfully, if you haven't noticed with your unleashed hatred toward
> >> her.
> >> But I want someone else to run for President. I'm not happy with the
> >> short list of Republicans so far, either, but wouldn't even -think- of
> >> voting for a Demonrat. =A0Most of the Libertarians and Greenies are to=
> >> far out there for me, too.<sigh> =A0What's a 'Murrican to do?
> > The Huck! Bring on The Huck! I like Huck.
> So do I. =A0He's a likable guy.
> --
> Free bad advice available here.
> To reply, eat the taco.http://www.flickr.com/photos/bbqboyee/
I like his stance on being confronted with issues he's not familiar
with: "I will find those who have more knowledge than I and I will
take a close look at the options."
And he plays bass.
And has a sense of humour.
And his Christian ethic seems well managed.
On Jan 13, 11:56=A0pm, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
> On Jan 13, 8:54=A0am, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > BTW... when something like this comes across my desk, I have to ask:
> > "You okay down there??"
> >http://tinyurl.com/6yu58pl
> Well, likewise.
> When I saw this you were the first one I thought of:
> http://preview.tinyurl.com/4jaqkhw
> Come on... <<ONE>> guy can get a 25 year old song banned from airplay?
> Sheesh.
> Robert
I wear no earring. I am NOT gay.... so why think of me?
BTW.. I never claimed you guys down there had an exclusive on idiotic
behaviour. We can teach you a thing or two when it comes to PC gone
On Jan 12, 3:04=A0pm, Swingman <[email protected]> wrote:
> On 1/12/2011 12:26 PM, RonB wrote:
> > Speaking of irresponsible statements, how about the illustration on
> > her web site that put cross-hairs on several politicians and referred
> > to them as "targets".
> > One of them got shot this weekend.
> > I am not liberal but that was irresponsible in this political
> > environment.
> I was going to stay out of this but the above is just too much to ignore.
> You gotta really be a sick puppy to attempt to take political advantage
> of a tragedy, and then stretch this into a justification for doing so:
> http://independentkansan.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/palin-crosshairs...
> Surely that many of you can't be that fucking stupid ... SHAME on ALL
> you sickos, on both sides.
> --www.e-woodshop.net
> Last update: 4/15/2010
> KarlC@ (the obvious)
Good Lord! Take a breath before you hyperventilate!
I am not trying to take advantage of anything. But you gotta admit
her little chart took on new meaning Saturday. Maybe politicians, in
general, need to rethink how the take figurative shots at one another.
Maybe all of us need to settle a little.
On Jan 12, 3:36 pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> The whole Arizona issue seems to be working as a catalyst for those
> who are tripping all over each other coming to Palin's defence. No way
> did Palin put those cross-hairs on the map with the intent for someone
> to attempt assassination.
> For a (any) news organization to make hay out of this is despicable as
> are those who are making hay out of trying to legitimizing Palins
> carelessness.
> It is a clusterfuck, my friend.
Personally, I couldn't agree more. Palin isn't a favorite of mine.
Too many missteps, too much inexperience (YIKES>>>>> she just put out
an 8 minute diatribe when silence would have done her a lot better)
and too much attention seeking. Palin may be something besides a
rabble rouser in a few years, but as they were called years ago, I
would have to put her in the "Not Ready for Prime Time" cast now.
As for the gun sight business, both sides have used that device over
the years. I don' t think for an instant any politician, regardless
of their political stripe, was actually advocating cold blooded
murder and butchery.
Personally, I think all the teeth gnashing about Palin is a waste of
time. Musing over a cigar and bbq chicken last night with a friend of
mine, I have decided that she is doing a right smart job of doing
herself in. And it seems the more she opens her mouth, the deeper the
hole is she digs.
Really.... REALLY???? A "blood libel"? Where did that come from.
(Rest assured Google students and pundits... I know.... no need to
inform me)
> For those who seem to have an isolationist problem with my living on
> this side of the Canadian border, also have no clue that to me, that
> border never existed, with friends, a business, and my sister and her
> brood all living in the States.
> I know more about the USA geography, history and current day political
> structure than 95% of Americans. Fact, Jack.
Hey.... screw off you Commie/Fag/Junkie!!
Lordy, I do miss Carlin....
Seriously, I wouldn't be one tiny bit surprised if you knew more about
our United States than most do. Too many posts of exacting
information about our recent history from you for me to think
otherwise. And whether I agree with what you say or not, you rarely
miss a detail. (It may have a bit of spin on it.... maybe on
purpose.... eh?) And it seems to me that most of the more strident
opinions here you encounter when tilting at your windmills (allegory
intended!) are no more than television/talk radio typing parrots.
From both sides of the political spectrum.
I must say though, that I am surprised how easily you turn to
profanity these days. After all, << ALL >> of these threads wind up
the same way with the same participants, no?
On Jan 13, 5:30=A0am, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
> On Jan 12, 9:48=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > .... and here I thought I was behaving quite well, considering what I
> > have to put up with.......<G>
> Pretty good.
> I always watch with some amusement as you bait the hook with just the
> right amount of smelly bait, and make an easy cast to the right
> place. =A0The bobber settles, the hook and bait go to exactly the right
> place in the water.
> Do you catch fish though? =A0HELL NO!
> After years of doing this they now just jump in the damn boat!
> I have to ask, though. =A0Don't you get tired of catching the same fish
> every trip?
> *chuckle*
> Robert
BTW... when something like this comes across my desk, I have to ask:
"You okay down there??"
On Jan 12, 1:26=A0pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> Robatoy wrote:
> > On Jan 12, 12:38 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> Robatoy wrote:
> >> > On Jan 12, 11:04 am, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> >> wrote:
> >> >> > *WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP*=
> >> >> > and tell your "tea party" idiots where to go.
> >> >> You're obviously Barking up the Wrong Tree, I'm a Tea Party Organiz=
> >> > Oh COOL! You guys pick out a uniform yet? Something in a nice brown?
> >> Thinks you watch to much =A0MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres.
> >> Candidate but I do believe she can and has played a large role in
> >> changing direction of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks th=
> >> not much more damage could be done then has by the Community Organiser=
> >> the WH now.
> > Oh.
> > Difference between a Tea Party- and a Community organizer is what?
> If you don't know, then you will never know. Won't waste my time explaini=
> it to you because its obvious to me you support the Community Organizer
> concept.
> --
> "You can lead them to LINUX
> but you can't make them THINK"
> Man. 2010.1 Spring
> KDE4.4
That is SUCH a weak-assed cop-out. Can't you just admit you don't have
a clue?
On 1/23/2011 8:35 PM, Larry Jaques wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 14:51:18 -0600, Swingman<[email protected]> wrote:
>> In a word: "fractional interest banking", and a privately owned central
>> bank not beholden to any branch of the government:
>> Start here:
>> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-466210540567002553#
> Thankee, sir. I'll check those out on the mornings of all the days
> this week. Eek, 3 vids, 4 hours and 22 minutes worth...
Challenged for time? ... to better understand "fractional reserve
banking" and how the Federal Reserve and Commercial banks play this
device into our routine, ongoing financial "business cycles", with the
consequent, creeping consolidation of financial and governmental power
over your everyday life, go to 22:00 of the first link (above) and just
spend fifteen minutes.
The fact that most folks will never make the effort to understand what
has, and is, happening guarantees your eventual subjugation to the whims
of a few.
A nation of purposely ill educated fools deserves nothing more ...
Last update: 4/15/2010
KarlC@ (the obvious)
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 14:51:18 -0600, Swingman <[email protected]> wrote:
>On 1/23/2011 1:28 PM, Bill wrote:
>> Larry Jaques wrote:
>>> On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 08:34:41 -0600, Swingman<[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> On 1/22/2011 4:39 PM, Robatoy wrote:
>>>>> It would actually be pretty clever for Soros to fund and support the
>>>>> TeaParty. Nothing like divide and conquer. Make the fundies fight
>>>>> amongst themselves... the extremists like Phelps et al. vs the more
>>>>> rational republicans. It doesn't matter, it seems, _how_ you
>>>>> neutralize a vote, as long as it gives you (Soros' bunch) an advantage.
>>>> Was watching Ralph Nader and Ron Paul agreeing with each on more than
>>>> one issue the other night, often times for different reasons, but
>>>> agreeing nonetheless.
>>>> The one issue on which they were in absolute agreement ... they both
>>>> want to dismantle the Federal Reserve.
>>>> Alas, we Yanks can only wish ...
>>> What do you see as the up and downsides of its removal, Swingy?
>> My name isn't Swingy, but I think that the existence of a Federal
>> Reserve is a little like the existence of a captain on a ship.
>> The problem I suppose is that authority should come with responsibility.
>> I guess that's a recurring issue in history...
>In a word: "fractional interest banking", and a privately owned central
>bank not beholden to any branch of the government:
>Start here:
>Then do yourself a big favor and watch BOTH of the following:
>Then ask the Canadians here why their banking institutions have not
>suffered the same financial collapse that required baling out by you and
>me. An article that explains it is still operative today for the most part:
Thankee, sir. I'll check those out on the mornings of all the days
this week. Eek, 3 vids, 4 hours and 22 minutes worth...
"I probably became a libertarian through exposure to tough-minded
professors" James Buchanan, Armen Alchian, Milton Friedman "who
encouraged me to think with my brain instead of my heart. I
learned that you have to evaluate the effects of public policy
as opposed to intentions."
-- Walter E. Williams
On Jan 12, 3:04=A0pm, Swingman <[email protected]> wrote:
> I was going to stay out of this but the above is just too much to ignore.
> You gotta really be a sick puppy to attempt to take political advantage
> of a tragedy, and then stretch this into a justification for doing so:
> http://independentkansan.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/palin-crosshairs...
> Surely that many of you can't be that fucking stupid ...
Damnit Karl.... give them some credit. Sure they can. Read their
> you sickos, on both sides.
Amen. Couldn't have said it better.
On Jan 12, 9:02=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 8:43=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> > BTW, it's not an isolationist problem, it's a guy on the wrong side of
> > the border with a big mouth problem.
> And that is why I would like you to stay there.
Let's see...Canada...Canada...yeah, here it is - 38th place on my list
of places to emigrate to, so you're safe.
BTW, YOU could move to another part of Canada, say over the border
from Vermont, and you'd be right happy with the environmentally aware,
sane citizenry that lives just South of your new home.
DGDevin wrote:
> Let's change the labels. If protestors were bused to a Moveon.org
> rally in buses paid for by Organization A, and Organization A gets
> money from Organization B, and Organization B is the recipient of
> funding from George Soros, how many microseconds would it take you to
> make the connection? Yet no amount of evidence that billionaire
> bankrollers of various right-wing causes working hand in glove with
> Tea Party leadership has a similar result, you are philosophically
> opposed to seeing it, you'd rather not know who paid for buses that
> hauled protestors to a Tea Party event. Oh well, free country, no
> law against tunnel vision, is there?
Good point, even though your hypothetical is seriously flawed. George Soros
gives money DIRECTLY to moveon.org.
As for busses, I'd be interested in the situation where some third-party
paid to bus tea-partiers to an event.
I know in my town, some enthusiasts came to a rally from an outlying
community, but they pooled their money and hired their own bus. This may not
be the norm, but I'd be interested in a contrary situation.
"Rich" <[email protected]> wrote
> Nice try. Could write a book on it. Tea Party= less government,less
> spending, less taxes. Community Organizer = big government, more spending,
> more taxes.
Both are the same ----- my way, the only way. That is the problem, there
is no middle ground no compromise, no getting things done to benefit the
"Disbelief" <[email protected]> wrote
> America, a once proud land, is rapidly going down the dictatorship route
> unless its more sensible citizens take the lead and stop the rot.
> *WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - and
> tell your "tea party" idiots where to go.
Fact is, we really need a Tea Party or similar organization to stop the
dictatorship route. The two party system we've had for many years is
broken. Both major parties need a good shakeup and so far, the Tea Party is
the only one doing it. I'd like to see more action from the other lesser
parties that just cannot get the action (and reaction) the TP has.
You state the TP should go, but you've not offered a better idea.
"HeyBub" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> You're thinking of the other party where busses, signs, t-shirts, box
> lunches, buttons, balloons, and baloney are provided by the SEIU and their
> colleagues.
Well maybe we should ban such activities. Of course that would include the
DGDevin wrote:
> "HeyBub" wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>> Difference between a Tea Party- and a Community organizer is what?
>> The Tea Party doesn't agitate for government funds.
> Those Tea Partiers who showed up at town hall meetings to yell at
> politicians to keep the government's hands off their Medicare, who do
> you suppose they think sends out the checks that pay their Medicare
> bills? Isn't demanding an existing govt. program like Medicare be
> left alone a form of agitating for govt. funds?
Medicare is an INSURANCE program. Agitatiors, if you can call them that,
paid premiums most or all of their working life and, in their mind, are
entitled to the promised annuity. Same with Social Security.
Now if the agitators were demanding more benefits or no cuts in MEDICAID,
I'd be with you in condemning the thuggish mob.
In article <6a1cd086-74a2-4026-9ba3-e47625dbe7a1
@w29g2000vba.googlegroups.com>, [email protected] says...
> On Jan 12, 2:05 pm, Larry Jaques <[email protected]>
> wrote:
> > On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 09:55:10 -0800 (PST), Robatoy
> >
> >
> >
> > <[email protected]> wrote:
> > >On Jan 12, 12:38 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> > >> Robatoy wrote:
> > >> > On Jan 12, 11:04 am, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> > >> >> wrote:
> > >> >> > *WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - and
> > >> >> > tell your "tea party" idiots where to go.
> >
> > >> >> You're obviously Barking up the Wrong Tree, I'm a Tea Party Organizer!
> >
> > >> > Oh COOL! You guys pick out a uniform yet? Something in a nice brown?
> >
> > >> Thinks you watch to much MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres. Candidate
> > >> but I do believe she can and has played a large role in changing direction
> > >> of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks that not much more damage
> > >> could be done then has by the Community Organiser in the WH now.
> >
> > >Oh.
> >
> > >Difference between a Tea Party- and a Community organizer is what?
> >
> > 180 degrees? Tea Partiers are working FOR the people in the
> > community, without regard to race or color.
> >
> Where?
Ronald Reagan responded to a recession with lower taxes
and increased government spending, sending the national
debt on a steep curve upward.
DGDevin wrote:
> "Rich" wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Nice try. Could write a book on it. Tea Party= less government,less
>> spending, less taxes. Community Organizer = big government, more
>> spending, more taxes.
> Tea Party = Pissed Off. They're not exactly sure just why, or at
> who, but they know they're not happy with something and/or somebody. And
> just wait 'til they find out some of their leaders want to do
> away with Medicare and Social Security--"What, MY Medicare and Social
> Security?!?!"
Oh, there's always some crackpot who wants to do away with Social Security,
Gitmo, guns, or apple pie. They are way noisier than successful. Most
everybody ignores them.
> They should be pissed off, everyone should be, but it would be nice
> if they put a little effort into figuring out who they should be
> upset with. The billionaire Republicans who have bankrolled the Tea
> Party must be laughing themselves silly.
Uh, if you mean by "billionaire" George Soros, et al, they are bankrolling
the mainstream Democrats.
So far as I can find, nobody is bankrolling the Tea Party. Or, they could be
so successful at keeping it a secret, that it just hasn't come out yet.
"HeyBub" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Thank you for the links - of course David Rich and the NY Times are hardly
> the poster boys for objective reporting on the subject.
The NY Times has an agenda, one I sometimes find reprehensible, e.g. the
paper has an editorial policy against the private ownership of handguns, but
the publisher has a NY pistol permit. Their coverage of the Duke lacrosse
team rape case was also not one of their shining moments, their coverage was
heavily slanted until they could no longer ignore the mounting evidence that
there had been no gang rape. However, when the NYT or any media outlet says
this person has contributed this much money to this organization, that's not
a matter of editorial spin, either that person wrote those checks or they
didn't. If they did, then saying that the Times isn't objective amounts to
sidestepping the issue of whether that person financially supported that
> That said, I find no mention of any fat-cat financial support for tea
> party organizations. There is much overlap between the organizations
> funded by the Koch brothers and tea party membership, but they seem to be
> separate entities.
Former Republican Congressman Dick Armey is the founder of FreedomWorks, and
the parent group of FreedomWorks is Citizens For A Sound Economy, and CFASE
gets donations from various sources, the single biggest of which is the Koch
family--$13,000,000 worth as of a few years ago. FreedomWorks works closely
with the Tea Party Patriots (FreedomWorks will tell you so), the TPP used
its membership to agitate against health care reform. Dick Armey is a
former consultant to a Washington lobbying firm that represents drug
companies, health insurance companies and other health care corporations.
Now, you're a smart fellow, putting aside your political philosophy for a
moment, how would you connect those dots?
Even imagining that there is no connection is laughable, although not
actually funny. You don't have to take my word for this, you have internet
access, you can use the same search engines I do, read the same articles.
If you don't, well that suggests you'd rather not know.
> You are correct in that Fox News, for example, tends to give favorable
> coverage to tea party activities and I grant that counts for quite a bit
> in the grand scheme of things.
Lots of media outlets have a history of leaning one way or the other. For
many years the Los Angeles Times was the de facto voice of the Republican
Party in southern California, they wouldn't even mention the names of
Democratic candidates for office. By the end of the Nixon era they were
changing largely because younger management not tied to the Republican Party
put journalism ahead of political allegiance, which of course led the right
to label the LA Times "liberal". The Chicago Tribune is a conservative
paper (which was what made their endorsement of Obama in 2008 so striking)
while the San Francisco Chronicle is liberal. The Washington Post used to
be quite liberal, not so much these days. The Wall St. Journal is clearly
right-wing on its editorial pages, yet its news reporting tends to be very
good. And then there is Fox, which so consistently supports the Republican
Party in a thousand ways great and small that anyone claiming that network
isn't heavily biased should expect to hear only laughter.
> Still, the tea party activities are not, to my knowledge, a beard for
> protests as much as SEIU, the teamsters, the teacher's unions, and the
> like.
"To my knowledge" is an interesting phrase to use here. You don't have to
look to hard to find the links, but you have to want to do that.
"FreedomWorks and dontGO seem to have taken ownership of the bulk of this
coordination. The homepage of FreedomWorks' website now offers visitors a
Google map of protests taking place across the country. They say they know
of 600 Tax Day protests for which they are providing resources. The group
has used its e-mail list to augment the work of dontGO, which created the
website www.taxdayteaparty.com in February. dontGO, which was formed as an
online rapid response team during the House of Representatives oil drilling
debate last year, says it is "tracking" 700 events under its aegis.
Americans for Prosperity says it has 24 state chapters that are organizing
events. Overlap between all those numbers is quite likely: FreedomWorks told
me a lot of its activity has been clueing its members to other protests in
the area, so protesters can cooperate and conglomerate their events."
"The Pittsburgh Tea Party Movement has arranged for buses from Pittsburgh to
Washington, DC for the April 15th FreedomWorks' Tax Day Tea Party at 7:00pm.
Because we have lined up outstanding speakers for our local event in
downtown Pittsburgh, we planned our buses so you could attend both events."
Let's change the labels. If protestors were bused to a Moveon.org rally in
buses paid for by Organization A, and Organization A gets money from
Organization B, and Organization B is the recipient of funding from George
Soros, how many microseconds would it take you to make the connection? Yet
no amount of evidence that billionaire bankrollers of various right-wing
causes working hand in glove with Tea Party leadership has a similar result,
you are philosophically opposed to seeing it, you'd rather not know who paid
for buses that hauled protestors to a Tea Party event. Oh well, free
country, no law against tunnel vision, is there?
"Larry Jaques" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>>Difference between a Tea Party- and a Community organizer is what?
> 180 degrees? Tea Partiers are working FOR the people in the
> community, without regard to race or color.
Tea Partiers don't have a clue who they're working for, who paid for the
buses bringing them to rallies, who foots the bills to run the various
groups composing the Tea Party, and many of them probably wouldn't care even
if they knew.
wrote in message news:[email protected]...
>>Here's an exercise for you. Put some money in one of your pants pockets.
>>Now move it to another pocket. Question: is it still your money, or not?
> Ah, so when the government reaches in your pocket and takes money, then
> gives
> that money to someone else, it's still your money.
Only if he's wearing your pants--was this too complex for you?
>>At the core of your problem is the belief that anyone who disagrees with
>>has got to be stupid. Until you get past that you'll always be the guy
>>makes everyone else look smart.
> You *are* stupid. You demonstrate that fact daily.
I should probably stop responding to your posts before someone accuses me of
teasing the developmentally challenged kid.
On Fri, 28 Jan 2011 12:42:27 -0800, "DGDevin" <[email protected]> wrote:
>wrote in message news:[email protected]...
>>>The group paid their own way didn't they?
>> Of course not! The *union* paid their way.
>Here's an exercise for you. Put some money in one of your pants pockets.
>Now move it to another pocket. Question: is it still your money, or not?
Ah, so when the government reaches in your pocket and takes money, then gives
that money to someone else, it's still your money.
>Now here comes the tricky part. If union members pay dues to a union, and
>the union uses those dues to pay for buses so union members can go to a
>political rally, whose money paid for the buses? Hint: remember those pants
Yes, remember that pocket.
>>>Now, be sure to tell me how clueless I am.
>> I don't have to. It's perfectly clear to anyone with even half a brain
>> (Democrats need not apply).
>At the core of your problem is the belief that anyone who disagrees with you
>has got to be stupid. Until you get past that you'll always be the guy who
>makes everyone else look smart.
You *are* stupid. You demonstrate that fact daily.
On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 23:31:16 -0600, "Dave In Texas" <[email protected]> wrote:
><[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 21:25:50 -0600, "Dave In Texas" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>><[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>news:[email protected]...
>>>> On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 23:50:29 -0600, "Dave In Texas" <[email protected]>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Paid for, I suspect, with dues paid in by the very union members who
>>>>>were utilizing said buses?
>>>> Your point is? It's still *paid* by someone else (as was their time to
>>>> go).
>>>The point is that the bylaws of the organization probably provide some
>>>discretion as to how dues are spent. Maybe they took a vote. Maybe they
>>>took vacation time to go.
>> Their payments to the union are fixed. They received money from the union
>> to
>> go, including time off to do so. They were *paid* protesters.
> You make no sense.
You clearly have no sense.
>>>What's YOUR point? Who do you think paid for the trip? Why is any
>>>different than if I get up a group of friends and charter a bus to a
>> If you can't tell the difference you're dumber than a stump.
>>>The group paid their own way didn't they?
>> Of course not! The *union* paid their way.
> Members' dues support the union; in the end they paid themselves to go.
Nonsense. They paid *dues*. These dues were used to pay them to attend. It's
no different than paying a professional protester.
>>>Now, be sure to tell me how clueless I am.
>> I don't have to. It's perfectly clear to anyone with even half a brain
>> (Democrats need not apply).
>~ : o )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
On 1/13/2011 8:54 AM, Robatoy wrote:
> BTW... when something like this comes across my desk, I have to ask:
> "You okay down there??"
> http://tinyurl.com/6yu58pl
And some people would obviously be tickled with more government?
... go figure.
Everyone should read Dickens' "Little Dorrit", starting with Chapter 10:
Last update: 4/15/2010
KarlC@ (the obvious)
Lew Hodgett wrote:
> "Larry Jaques" wrote:
>> Sarah resonates with the American people, who are angy as hell with
>> their too-big, too-spendthrift, unlistening, corrupt gov't right now
>> and I don't think the people will be taking it for much longer.
> -----------------------------
> Describes 2000-2008, and yes it was ugly.
The first six years of the Bush administration were lovely: unemployment
below 5%, 26 consecutive quarters of economic growth, stock market above
12,000, low inflation, significant reduction in poverty, and more. All this
in spite of 9/11, Katrina, and two wars.
Then the Democrats took control of Congress in 2006...
Rich <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> Thinks you watch to much MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres.
> Candidate but I do believe she can and has played a large role in
> changing direction of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks
> that not much more damage could be done then has by the Community
> Organiser in the WH now.
Sorry, to me this is gobbledygook. For one thing, I don't know what MSLSD
is. Who is miguided over the blotted government? what is a blotted
Can anyone make complete, English sentences from this for me?
Best regards
email address is invalid
"Ed Pawlowski" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> Fact is, we really need a Tea Party or similar organization to stop
> the dictatorship route. The two party system we've had for many years
> is broken. Both major parties need a good shakeup and so far, the Tea
> Party is the only one doing it. I'd like to see more action from the
> other lesser parties that just cannot get the action (and reaction)
> the TP has.
> You state the TP should go, but you've not offered a better idea.
I hate the US 2 party system. It forces both parties to go to the center
and buy (yes, buy) votes there in order to get a workable Congress and
executive branch. It would be much better if there were more nuanced
parties that could negotiate a coalition to govern. Then the whole
country would know where we all stood on the very big scale from left to
right. Unfortunately, then gvernments would fall because some minor
party, that was necessary to get the coalition going, would feel excluded
at some point, and make the government fail. This is not that bad for
countries like Italy, or Israel, or Holland, but would be unworkable (I
think) in the US.
However, the current problem is one of rhetoric, and solid stances
against something or another. While there is WAY too much waste in
government, just jettisoning health care or unemployment compensation and
laying off all local governments and school systems isn't really going to
help. There is a need for someone to establish priorities in all these
areas and to look at the need for more revenue and where it should come
from. The commission that did just that was booed away without any real
discussion. That was too bad. As a basis for starting discussions of
what could be done, I thought it was pretty good.
Best regards
email address is invalid
Rich <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> Nice try. Could write a book on it. Tea Party= less government,less
> spending, less taxes. Community Organizer = big government, more
> spending, more taxes.
Who will keep BP honest and clean?
Best regards
email address is invalid
Rich <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> MSLSD = MSNBC Who is the current politicians that don't listen to
> the majority of the US citizens and will probably be tossed out on
> their butts in the next elections. Correction, Blotted = Bloated
> Oversize,fat, excessive gas.
> Fluid enough? Or should I say, clear enough?
Don't do MSNBC. Sorry.
Majority of US citizens? What does that have to do with anything? Or do
you mean eligible voters? Or riled up enough voters?
Best regards
email address is invalid
Rich <[email protected]> wrote in news:[email protected]
> Han wrote:
>> Rich <[email protected]> wrote in
>> news:[email protected]:
>>> Nice try. Could write a book on it. Tea Party= less government,less
>>> spending, less taxes. Community Organizer = big government, more
>>> spending, more taxes.
>> Who will keep BP honest and clean?
> Well Obama didn't did he. Again nice try.
That does not answer my question, Poor. If there is going to be less
regulation (which in itself would be good), then we are expecting BP (or
whoever, fill in your choice) to do the right thing by themselves. What if
BP doesn't? Shouldn't existing laws be sufficient to correct things? Or
should we have effective regulation, rather than that cozy relationship
between oil drillers and the Minerals people dating from before Obama?
Best regards
email address is invalid
Doug Winterburn <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> On 01/12/2011 10:55 AM, Robatoy wrote:
>> On Jan 12, 12:38 pm, Rich<[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Robatoy wrote:
>>>> On Jan 12, 11:04 am, Rich<[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> *WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP*
>>>>>> - and tell your "tea party" idiots where to go.
>>>>> You're obviously Barking up the Wrong Tree, I'm a Tea Party
>>>>> Organizer!
>>>> Oh COOL! You guys pick out a uniform yet? Something in a nice
>>>> brown?
>>> Thinks you watch to much MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres.
>>> Candidate but I do believe she can and has played a large role in
>>> changing direction of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks
>>> that not much more damage could be done then has by the Community
>>> Organiser in the WH now.
>> Oh.
>> Difference between a Tea Party- and a Community organizer is what?
> Tea Party Tenets:
> -Fiscal responsibility
> -Constitutionally limited government
> -Free Markets
> -Personal responsibility
> Community Organizer Tenets:
> -The community is a potential power base
> -community issues are a result of lack of power
> -creating conflict over issues can gain power
That would make me a TeaPartier. However, I am also for Responsible
regulation of corporations, communities, taxes.
Best regards
email address is invalid
Rich <[email protected]> wrote in news:[email protected]
> Did you even look at the website
I just did. Seems like good work, although not all my style.
Best regards
email address is invalid
"HeyBub" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> The Libertarian view - to which I do not necessarily subscribe - is
> that there should be no interference between a willing buyer and a
> willing seller and that the sanctity of contract should be enforced.
> This means that the government's role is to provide a legal system to
> enforce contracts and sanction violators, not to "regulate" the
> transaction.
That legal system will inherently have regulation - laws need
interpretation. Complete, full disclosure by the seller is only one of the
necessary "regulatables".
That Libertarian view is somewhat utopian, then.
Best regards
email address is invalid
DGDevin wrote:
>> However, I am also for Responsible
>> regulation of corporations, communities, taxes.
> Exactly, as Wall St. demonstrated recently, there has to be a cop on
> the beat. I believe in free enterprise, but that doesn't mean
> corporations operating without regulation at all as that is a formula
> for disaster.
The Libertarian view - to which I do not necessarily subscribe - is that
there should be no interference between a willing buyer and a willing seller
and that the sanctity of contract should be enforced.
This means that the government's role is to provide a legal system to
enforce contracts and sanction violators, not to "regulate" the transaction.
DGDevin wrote:
> "Larry Jaques" wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>> Difference between a Tea Party- and a Community organizer is what?
>> 180 degrees? Tea Partiers are working FOR the people in the
>> community, without regard to race or color.
> Tea Partiers don't have a clue who they're working for, who paid for
> the buses bringing them to rallies, who foots the bills to run the
> various groups composing the Tea Party, and many of them probably
> wouldn't care even if they knew.
You're confused. There are no busses bringing Tea Partiers to rallies. What
little expenses there are for a Tea Party event are born by the organizers
or small donations. There simply is no "man behind the curtain."
You're thinking of the other party where busses, signs, t-shirts, box
lunches, buttons, balloons, and baloney are provided by the SEIU and their
On Jan 12, 2:54=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 2:41=A0pm, "Lew Hodgett" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > "Larry Jaques" wrote:
> > > Sarah resonates with the American people, who are angy as hell with
> > > their too-big, too-spendthrift, unlistening, corrupt gov't right now
> > > and I don't think the people will be taking it for much longer.
> > -----------------------------
> > Describes 2000-2008, and yes it was ugly.
> > Lew
> How soon they forget.
> The administration of 2000-2008 created such a big problem that no
> matter what, the next administration couldn't fix it.
> The GOP didn't WANT this round, in fact they made sure by allowing as
> part of their ticket: tits without brains...just to make sure.
> Then they simply voted NO on everything. How sporting.
> That reminds of that baseball going through Mrs Green's window. When
> confronted, the batter said: "I don't even PLAY baseball." Talk about
> cowardice.
And the Democrats votes YES on everything?
Even if the Republicans all voted NO, why did Obama have such a hard
time passing legislation whenever he had overwhelming majorities in
both the House and the Senate?
But whenever the Democrats all vote NO, that is okay because, of
course, they are the thinkers and they embrace everything and
everybody except for those they disagree with.
On Jan 12, 11:26=A0am, "Steve B" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:8bd9ab14-84bc-42f0-8743-d4bf3ec56c24@q18g2000vbk.googlegroups.com...
> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
> =93Like many, I=92ve spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame for
> this terrible event,=94 Palin said
> There is no way she wrote those words.....
> Get a life, dude.
I HAVE a life, dude. I'd like to keep it for a while longer. Handing
Palin the keys is begging for a catastrophe. What the hell is it with
you people? So easily startstruck by a set of tits. "Oh yea, Sarah
will turn the US around!!"
I mean... she's totally doable, I get it, but to run the second most
powerful economy on earth?
On Jan 12, 4:26=A0pm, busbus <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 2:54=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > On Jan 12, 2:41=A0pm, "Lew Hodgett" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > "Larry Jaques" wrote:
> > > > Sarah resonates with the American people, who are angy as hell with
> > > > their too-big, too-spendthrift, unlistening, corrupt gov't right no=
> > > > and I don't think the people will be taking it for much longer.
> > > -----------------------------
> > > Describes 2000-2008, and yes it was ugly.
> > > Lew
> > How soon they forget.
> > The administration of 2000-2008 created such a big problem that no
> > matter what, the next administration couldn't fix it.
> > The GOP didn't WANT this round, in fact they made sure by allowing as
> > part of their ticket: tits without brains...just to make sure.
> > Then they simply voted NO on everything. How sporting.
> > That reminds of that baseball going through Mrs Green's window. When
> > confronted, the batter said: "I don't even PLAY baseball." Talk about
> > cowardice.
> And the Democrats votes YES on everything?
> Even if the Republicans all voted NO, why did Obama have such a hard
> time passing legislation whenever he had overwhelming majorities in
> both the House and the Senate?
> But whenever the Democrats all vote NO, that is okay because, of
> course, they are the thinkers and they embrace everything and
> everybody except for those they disagree with.
Did you just use the word 'thinkers' and 'democrats' in the same
sentence? ( I know, you were being sarcastic.)
On Jan 12, 4:09=A0pm, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
> On Jan 12, 3:04=A0pm, Swingman <[email protected]> wrote:
> > I was going to stay out of this but the above is just too much to ignor=
> > You gotta really be a sick puppy to attempt to take political advantage
> > of a tragedy, and then stretch this into a justification for doing so:
> >http://independentkansan.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/palin-crosshairs...
> > Surely that many of you can't be that fucking stupid ...
> Damnit Karl.... give them some credit. =A0Sure they can. =A0Read their
> posts!
> > SHAME on ALL
> > you sickos, on both sides.
> Amen. Couldn't have said it better.
> Robert
The whole Arizona issue seems to be working as a catalyst for those
who are tripping all over each other coming to Palin's defence. No way
did Palin put those cross-hairs on the map with the intent for someone
to attempt assassination.
For a (any) news organization to make hay out of this is despicable as
are those who are making hay out of trying to legitimizing Palins
It is a clusterfuck, my friend.
For those who seem to have an isolationist problem with my living on
this side of the Canadian border, also have no clue that to me, that
border never existed, with friends, a business, and my sister and her
brood all living in the States.
I know more about the USA geography, history and current day political
structure than 95% of Americans. Fact, Jack.
How willing are the Americans to meddle in shit that isn't any of
their business, but holy hell, if somebody say anything about their
problems, look out.
Business as usual, I say.
On Jan 12, 9:17=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 9:02=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > On Jan 12, 8:43=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > BTW, it's not an isolationist problem, it's a guy on the wrong side o=
> > > the border with a big mouth problem.
> > And that is why I would like you to stay there.
> Let's see...Canada...Canada...yeah, here it is - 38th place on my list
> of places to emigrate to, so you're safe.
Shows that you know nothing about this country.
Which country is # 37?
On Jan 12, 11:04=A0am, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> =A0wrote:
> > *WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - and
> > tell your "tea party" idiots where to go.
> You're obviously Barking up the Wrong Tree, I'm a Tea Party Organizer!
Oh COOL! You guys pick out a uniform yet? Something in a nice brown?
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 23:50:29 -0600, "Dave In Texas" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Paid for, I suspect, with dues paid in by the very union members who
>>were utilizing said buses?
> Your point is? It's still *paid* by someone else (as was their time to
> go).
The point is that the bylaws of the organization probably provide some
discretion as to how dues are spent. Maybe they took a vote. Maybe they
took vacation time to go.
What's YOUR point? Who do you think paid for the trip? Why is any
different than if I get up a group of friends and charter a bus to a casino.
The group paid their own way didn't they?
Now, be sure to tell me how clueless I am.
Dave in Houston
On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 23:50:29 -0600, "Dave In Texas" <[email protected]> wrote:
><[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 12:47:14 -0800, "DGDevin" <[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>> The area Tea Party organized busses to go to Washington rallies but
>> everyone
>> paid their share of the costs. Unlike the other side, there were no
>> unions
>> paying for transportation.
> Paid for, I suspect, with dues paid in by the very union members who
>were utilizing said buses?
Your point is? It's still *paid* by someone else (as was their time to go).
On Jan 12, 2:41=A0pm, "Lew Hodgett" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Larry Jaques" wrote:
> > Sarah resonates with the American people, who are angy as hell with
> > their too-big, too-spendthrift, unlistening, corrupt gov't right now
> > and I don't think the people will be taking it for much longer.
> -----------------------------
> Describes 2000-2008, and yes it was ugly.
> Lew
It doesn't describe what happened after 2008? Or prior to 2000?
Bush was not the best president we ever had but there is no way one
individual and his cabinet are to blame for absolutely everything that
is wrong with the United States. that is a very myopic view.
The problems did not start with that administration--they started a
long, long time ago. I believe we have a generation of mostly
narcissistic people out there who are getting of the age of bringing
up the next generation of narcissistic people. Society, as a whole,
believes everything they wantor desire is their "right" and if
somebody else has something they covet, they start bitching and
moaning and do their damnable best to get that thing handed to them
without having to exert the effort.
I am not saying all the younger people are like that, far from it. I
know a lot of good, responsible people that are, say, in their 30's
and younger. But there is simply a sense of entitlement in them that
they can't escape, even if they want to, because it is so prevalent in
their peers all around them. Hell, I see it in my own kids. We
worked very hard at them taking responsiblity for their actions and
yet they still slide into the "blame game" and we need to rattle
their cages again. I thought we more-or-less had my sone straightened
out and then he goes off to college and it pops up again. It isn't
HIS fault he got a 65% on that test--it's the professor's fault
because he didn't explain the material well or the book sucks or it
was too noisy in the dorm or he was up too late the night before the
The thing is, we are all pissed off at the government (the one Lew
hated as well as the current one), but they are not the big problem.
I do believe we need to wrestle control from the central government
and hand as much back tot each individual State as possible and weaken
the Federal government quite a bit.
But that is NOT going to fix a darn thing, in the long run.
We need to change our culture, right down to the core. We need to
hold individual's responsible. We can't have this nonsense that I
swear started how many years ago whenever those two boys killed their
rich parents and said it was because they ate too many Twinkies?! And
it has gone on from there. Or how about the lady who sues McDonald's
because she spilled hot coffee on herself? It McDonald's fault, you
know. I am sure there were things like that that happened before
those incidents but we have become a whiny, moany, needy people and
have created a government that will cater to those needs.
Sorry for the explosion.
On Jan 13, 8:54=A0am, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> BTW... when something like this comes across my desk, I have to ask:
> "You okay down there??"
> http://tinyurl.com/6yu58pl
Well, likewise.
When I saw this you were the first one I thought of:
Come on... <<ONE>> guy can get a 25 year old song banned from airplay?
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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> The only US politician who doesn't have a prepared statement is Joe
> Biden, and it shows.
Biden has professionally written and perfectly prepared statements as do
all the others ... he's simply too stupid to read them !!!
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cite="mid:[email protected]"
type="cite">The only US politician who doesn't have a prepared
statement is Joe Biden, and it shows.
Biden has professionally written and perfectly prepared statements
as do all the others ... he's simply too stupid to read them !!!<br>
On Jan 12, 7:06=A0pm, Larry Jaques <[email protected]>
> The United States of America is the greatest, the
> noblest and, in its original founding principles,
> the only moral country in the history of the world.
> =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =
=A0 =A0-- Ayn Rand
No, it's not! France is. They are "la patrie des droits de
l'homme" (the homeland of the rights of man). The Declaration of the
Rights of Man and of the Citizen was passed two years before the US
Bill of Rights.
But then neither abolished slavery. That was done first by the Brits.
On Jan 12, 2:41=A0pm, "Lew Hodgett" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Larry Jaques" wrote:
> > Sarah resonates with the American people, who are angy as hell with
> > their too-big, too-spendthrift, unlistening, corrupt gov't right now
> > and I don't think the people will be taking it for much longer.
> -----------------------------
> Describes 2000-2008, and yes it was ugly.
> Lew
How soon they forget.
The administration of 2000-2008 created such a big problem that no
matter what, the next administration couldn't fix it.
The GOP didn't WANT this round, in fact they made sure by allowing as
part of their ticket: tits without brains...just to make sure.
Then they simply voted NO on everything. How sporting.
That reminds of that baseball going through Mrs Green's window. When
confronted, the batter said: "I don't even PLAY baseball." Talk about
DGDevin wrote:
> "HeyBub" wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Medicare is an INSURANCE program.
> Really? Then why does Medicare subsidize teaching hospitals (with
> taxpayer's money) by paying for residencies for medical students? What
> kind of insurance does stuff like that? And hands up everyone
> who thinks what Medicare spends is or will remain funded purely by
> payroll deductions....
Uh, ALL insurance companies provide seminars, continuing education, grants,
and the like. For example, here's just one instance:
The largest (and only) registry for automobile information on VINs, part
serial numbers, historical registrations, and so forth is run by a
consortium of auto insurance companies. Almost all police departments hook
directly into their database.
On Jan 12, 9:48=A0pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> .... and here I thought I was behaving quite well, considering what I
> have to put up with.......<G>
Pretty good.
I always watch with some amusement as you bait the hook with just the
right amount of smelly bait, and make an easy cast to the right
place. The bobber settles, the hook and bait go to exactly the right
place in the water.
Do you catch fish though? HELL NO!
After years of doing this they now just jump in the damn boat!
I have to ask, though. Don't you get tired of catching the same fish
every trip?
"Thinks that not much more damage could be done then has by the
Community Organiser in the WH now."
Since when did one of the thousand points of light President Bush
hailed as part of the American Way become a derogatory term? Aren't
those who volunteer their efforts to help their communities considered
"the good guys" anymore?
BTW Professional speech writers have been part and parcel of our
political system for as long as I can remember - indeed, my dad worked
for Stuart Symington and Charles Brown (MO) in such a capacity.
On Jan 12, 7:37=A0pm, Swingman <[email protected]> wrote:
> On 1/12/2011 7:15 PM, RonB wrote:
> > I am not trying to take advantage of anything. =A0But you gotta admit
> > her little chart took on new meaning Saturday.
> Only to a DESPICABLE idiot looking to politicize a tragic event.
> Said chart had _nothing_ to do with the actions of the mentally
> disturbed perpetrator. His fixation with the politican PROVABLY started
> in 2007 ... even a blithering idiot can comprehend the chronology.
Turn on the TV or read the paper.
As a DESPICABLE idiot, I have a hell of a lot if company. Hell, with
responses like this, it is no wonder we are killin' one another.
On Jan 12, 1:41=A0pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
> Han wrote:
> > Rich <[email protected]> wrote in
> >> Thinks you watch to much =A0MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres.
> >> Candidate but I do believe she can and has played a large role in
> >> changing direction of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks
> >> that not much more damage could be done then has by the Community
> >> Organiser in the WH now.
> > Sorry, to me this is gobbledygook. =A0For one thing, I don't know what =
> > is. =A0Who is miguided over the blotted government? =A0what is a blotte=
> > government?
> > Can anyone make complete, English sentences from this for me?
> MSLSD =3D MSNBC =A0 =A0 Who is the current politicians that don't listen =
to the
> majority of the US citizens and will probably be tossed out on their butt=
> in the next elections. Correction, Blotted =3D Bloated Oversize,fat, exce=
> gas.
> Fluid enough? Or should I say, clear enough?
I'm guessing you work in the computer industry. You use your own
mental shorthand to communicate and leave other people saying,
WTF...? Your _explanation_ of your first WTF post leaves me with a
WTF hangover.
I don't necessarily disagree with your viewpoint, just taking you to
task for using mental shorthand when communicating with people you've
never met. It ends up being frustrating for everyone.
rec.woodworking Executive Officer, Linguistics and Communications
On Jan 12, 8:25=A0pm, "Lew Hodgett" <[email protected]> wrote:
> =A0I believe we have a generation of mostly
> narcissistic people out there who are getting of the age of bringing
> up the next generation of narcissistic people.
> -----------------------------------
> Oh rubbish, spare me the party line.
> Today's youth will do just fine, given a chance.
> Given the complexity of today's society, they have a challenge, but
> then so did we, at least my generation did.
> Mine was the generation that was given the A-bomb, the H-bomb, and the
> Cold War.
> My generation was also going to go to the devil, led by Elvis, but
> somehow we survived and so will my grand kids.
> Lew
I am not spewing some party line. What? If you are not a liberal
minded person, your opinion always follows the party line? I guess I
am a minion. Only repeating what I hear. Because Fox News only tells
lies and the other news organizations only tell the truth?
Conservative talk radio is always twisting the truth but liberal
talking heads are always truthful and above board?
Am I wrong because you can find some examples that are 180-degrees
opposite of the generalization I made? Hell, I think I said we worked
like crazy to try and make sure our kids don't fall into that trap and
they still slip every once in a while.
I guess I am a cruel person because I try to be logical and not
emotional. <I am ready for a huge fallout from that statement!!>
Sorry. I think this all started out whenever somebody made the
suggestion that this debacle was caused by talk radio and the
political strife that is going on in this country. But for some
reason, only the conservatives are to blame. I'm sorry, but it all
comes down to personal responsibility. It was his own fault. Sorry.
Don't make something political whenever it isn't.
Finally, it is a shame that we cannot have different points of view
and express them without belittling the other person. Like I said
before: Liberals want all points of view to be allowed except for the
things that they disagree with--we are never allowed to think
differently. <Again, I am sure I will get blasted for that statement.>
On Jan 12, 10:11=A0am, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 8:43=A0am, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
> > =93Like many, I=92ve spent the past few days reflecting on what happene=
> > and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
> > first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
> > irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame for
> > this terrible event,=94 Palin said
> > There is no way she wrote those words.....
> Not sure where you got that from, but it's obviously edited. =A0Note the
> absence of "umms' and "you betchyas".
> R
From her website. It took 3 days for it to appear.
On Jan 12, 6:51=A0pm, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
> I must say though, that I am surprised how easily you turn to
> profanity these days. =A0After all, << ALL >> of these threads wind up
> the same way with the same participants, no?
.... and here I thought I was behaving quite well, considering what I
have to put up with.......<G>
On Jan 12, 10:06=A0pm, Larry Jaques <[email protected]>
> On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 11:41:13 -0800, "Lew Hodgett"
> >"Larry Jaques" wrote:
> >> Sarah resonates with the American people, who are angy as hell with
> >> their too-big, too-spendthrift, unlistening, corrupt gov't right now
> >> and I don't think the people will be taking it for much longer.
> >-----------------------------
> >Describes 2000-2008, and yes it was ugly.
> Crikey, Lew. Do you really feel that this Obama administration is
> pure as the driven snow (uncorrupt), thrifty, listening to Americans,
> and smaller than the last admin, or any in recent decades? =A0If so, lay
> off that KoolAid. =A0You're blasted! =A0And find a new newsfeed. Yours is
> entirely corrupted and feeding you bullshit at a 100% rate.
> Just Say No to the DailyKOZ.
How much have you traveled? I mean on your own as an adult, not
military service or with your parents as a kid.
> The United States of America is the greatest, the
> noblest and, in its original founding principles,
> the only moral country in the history of the world.
> =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =
=A0 =A0-- Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand was the most myopic visionary that ever lived in the history
of the world.
Both of those last are equally idiotic statements. Thought you should
On Jan 12, 11:55=A0am, "<<<__ B=F8b __>>>" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > The only US politician who doesn't have a prepared statement is Joe
> > Biden, and it shows.
> Biden has professionally written and perfectly prepared statements as do
> all the others ... he's simply too stupid to read them !!!
I guess that after 8 years of Bush, you'd recognize stupid if you saw
it, eh?
On 1/12/2011 7:15 PM, RonB wrote:
> I am not trying to take advantage of anything. But you gotta admit
> her little chart took on new meaning Saturday.
Only to a DESPICABLE idiot looking to politicize a tragic event.
Said chart had _nothing_ to do with the actions of the mentally
disturbed perpetrator. His fixation with the politican PROVABLY started
in 2007 ... even a blithering idiot can comprehend the chronology.
Last update: 4/15/2010
KarlC@ (the obvious)
On 1/12/2011 12:26 PM, RonB wrote:
> Speaking of irresponsible statements, how about the illustration on
> her web site that put cross-hairs on several politicians and referred
> to them as "targets".
> One of them got shot this weekend.
> I am not liberal but that was irresponsible in this political
> environment.
I was going to stay out of this but the above is just too much to ignore.
You gotta really be a sick puppy to attempt to take political advantage
of a tragedy, and then stretch this into a justification for doing so:
Surely that many of you can't be that fucking stupid ... SHAME on ALL
you sickos, on both sides.
Last update: 4/15/2010
KarlC@ (the obvious)
On Thu, 13 Jan 2011 06:54:31 -0800 (PST), Robatoy
<[email protected]> wrote:
>On Jan 13, 5:30 am, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
>> On Jan 12, 9:48 pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
>> > .... and here I thought I was behaving quite well, considering what I
>> > have to put up with.......<G>
>> Pretty good.
>> I always watch with some amusement as you bait the hook with just the
>> right amount of smelly bait, and make an easy cast to the right
>> place. The bobber settles, the hook and bait go to exactly the right
>> place in the water.
>> Do you catch fish though? HELL NO!
>> After years of doing this they now just jump in the damn boat!
>> I have to ask, though. Don't you get tired of catching the same fish
>> every trip?
>> *chuckle*
>> Robert
>BTW... when something like this comes across my desk, I have to ask:
>"You okay down there??"
Perhaps it's yet another one of The Chosen One's progressive new ways
of bringing in capital for the country while making our Border Patrol
officers (who are denied real work which is in front of their faces on
the southern border if not there, too) feel better about themselves.
You do him a disservice, Toy.
A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on.
-- William S. Burroughs
On 1/12/2011 5:51 PM, [email protected] wrote:
> Personally, I think all the teeth gnashing about Palin is a waste of
> time. Musing over a cigar and bbq chicken last night with a friend of
> mine, I have decided that she is doing a right smart job of doing
> herself in. And it seems the more she opens her mouth, the deeper the
> hole is she digs.
> Lordy, I do miss Carlin....
LOL ... and couldn't agree more about Palin. If that is all we have to
offer, Lord, gawd help us (and I look over the right shoulder of Atilla
the Hun on more than a few issues).
> Seriously, I wouldn't be one tiny bit surprised if you knew more about
> our United States than most do. Too many posts of exacting
> information about our recent history from you for me to think
> otherwise. And whether I agree with what you say or not, you rarely
> miss a detail. (It may have a bit of spin on it.... maybe on
> purpose.... eh?) And it seems to me that most of the more strident
> opinions here you encounter when tilting at your windmills (allegory
> intended!) are no more than television/talk radio typing parrots.
> From both sides of the political spectrum.
As the initiation of this thread indicates, far be it above Rob to stir
a bit o' shit now and again (for amusement purposes only, of course) ...
can't say as I blame him either.
After watching a cnc do all the work you need something to chase away
the boredom. <g, d & r>
Last update: 4/15/2010
KarlC@ (the obvious)
On Jan 12, 5:25=A0pm, "Lew Hodgett" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "busbus" wrote:
> > Describes 2000-2008, and yes it was ugly.
> ----------------------------
> > It doesn't describe what happened after 2008? =A0Or prior to 2000?
> What has happened since 2008 IYO.
> -------------------------------
> We are still paying the bills for the absolute rape of the middle
> class by Reagan.
> Bush was not the best president we ever had but there is no way one
> individual and his cabinet are to blame for absolutely everything that
> is wrong with the United States.
> ------------------------------------
> Why not?
> They are the ones charged with running the country.
> They managed to funnel funds to their friends/contributors and screw
> the rest of the country in spades.
> ----------------------------------
> >The problems did not start with that administration--they started a
> long, long time ago.
> --------------------------------
> Try Reagan.
> ------------------------------
> =A0I believe we have a generation of mostly
> narcissistic people out there who are getting of the age of bringing
> up the next generation of narcissistic people.
> -----------------------------------
> Oh rubbish, spare me the party line.
> Today's youth will do just fine, given a chance.
> Given the complexity of today's society, they have a challenge, but
> then so did we, at least my generation did.
> Mine was the generation that was given the A-bomb, the H-bomb, and the
> Cold War.
> My generation was also going to go to the devil, led by Elvis, but
> somehow we survived and so will my grand kids.
Finally. some rational analysis.
On Jan 12, 1:08=A0pm, Larry Jaques <[email protected]>
> On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 08:56:56 -0800 (PST), Robatoy
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> >On Jan 12, 11:48=A0am, Larry Jaques <[email protected]>
> >wrote:
> >> On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 15:28:52 -0000, "Disbelief"
> >> <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> >Rich wrote:
> >> >> Robatoy wrote:
> >> >>> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
> >> >>> "Like many, I've spent the past few days reflecting on what happen=
> >> >>> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened =
> >> >>> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
> >> >>> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame
> >> >>> for this terrible event," Palin said
> >> >>> There is no way she wrote those words.....
> >> >> No Obama did
> >> >Rich
> >> >The typical biggoted American answer - Palin and her ilk are nothing =
> >> >rabble rousers who could be likened to a leader of a certain politica=
l party
> >> >in Europe between 1921 and 1945 who caused fear, death and misery for
> >> >millions - yet seldom got his hands dirty himself.
> >> >America, a once proud land, is rapidly going down the dictatorship ro=
> >> >unless its more sensible citizens take the lead and stop the rot.
> >> >*WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - a=
nd tell
> >> >your "tea party" idiots where to go.
> >> Man, you guys are really & truly scared of her, aren't you? =A0<titter=
> >> Since you changed your email address and got through my filters again,
> >> I'll have to replonk you.
> >> Buh bye, again!
> >> P.S: Carry on, Sarah and fellow TeaPartiers! We're still making
> >> headway.
> >Et tu, C-Less?
> >Really? You'd give the keys to your nuclear arsenal to that woman?
> I like Sarah in her role as a motivational leader. She's doing quite
> wonderfully, if you haven't noticed with your unleashed hatred toward
> her.
> But I want someone else to run for President. I'm not happy with the
> short list of Republicans so far, either, but wouldn't even -think- of
> voting for a Demonrat. =A0Most of the Libertarians and Greenies are too
> far out there for me, too. <sigh> What's a 'Murrican to do?
> --
> The United States of America is the greatest, the
> noblest and, in its original founding principles,
> the only moral country in the history of the world.
> =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =
=A0 =A0-- Ayn Rand
The Huck! Bring on The Huck! I like Huck.
"Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
Like many, Ive spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame for
this terrible event, Palin said
There is no way she wrote those words.....
Get a life, dude.
On Jan 12, 8:43=A0pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
> BTW, it's not an isolationist problem, it's a guy on the wrong side of
> the border with a big mouth problem.
And that is why I would like you to stay there.
On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 09:55:10 -0800 (PST), Robatoy
<[email protected]> wrote:
>On Jan 12, 12:38 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Robatoy wrote:
>> > On Jan 12, 11:04 am, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > *WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - and
>> >> > tell your "tea party" idiots where to go.
>> >> You're obviously Barking up the Wrong Tree, I'm a Tea Party Organizer!
>> > Oh COOL! You guys pick out a uniform yet? Something in a nice brown?
>> Thinks you watch to much MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres. Candidate
>> but I do believe she can and has played a large role in changing direction
>> of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks that not much more damage
>> could be done then has by the Community Organiser in the WH now.
>Difference between a Tea Party- and a Community organizer is what?
180 degrees? Tea Partiers are working FOR the people in the
community, without regard to race or color.
The United States of America is the greatest, the
noblest and, in its original founding principles,
the only moral country in the history of the world.
-- Ayn Rand
"HeyBub" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>> Difference between a Tea Party- and a Community organizer is what?
> The Tea Party doesn't agitate for government funds.
Those Tea Partiers who showed up at town hall meetings to yell at
politicians to keep the government's hands off their Medicare, who do you
suppose they think sends out the checks that pay their Medicare bills?
Isn't demanding an existing govt. program like Medicare be left alone a form
of agitating for govt. funds?
In news:b3aa10b9-b82f-4aa2-89a7-cd4c91a0d0c4@k30g2000vbn.googlegroups.com,
Robatoy <[email protected]> spewed forth:
> On Jan 12, 11:26 am, "Steve B" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> "Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:8bd9ab14-84bc-42f0-8743-d4bf3ec56c24@q18g2000vbk.googlegroups.com...
>> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
>> Like many, Ive spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
>> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
>> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
>> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame
>> for this terrible event, Palin said
>> There is no way she wrote those words.....
>> Get a life, dude.
> I HAVE a life, dude. I'd like to keep it for a while longer. Handing
> Palin the keys is begging for a catastrophe. What the hell is it with
> you people? So easily startstruck by a set of tits. "Oh yea, Sarah
> will turn the US around!!"
> I mean... she's totally doable, I get it, but to run the second most
> powerful economy on earth?
Why do so many people think she will or would run for president?
And what does her statement about the tragedy in AZ have do with anything
other than what she said?
I'm no Palin fan, but for the life of me I don't understand why she is
attacked so much.
She's an American citizen and has as much right to voice her opinions as any
other person does.
Ya'll take what the media puts out way to seriously.
On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 11:37:05 -0800, "Steve B"
<[email protected]> wrote:
>"ChairMan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> In news:b3aa10b9-b82f-4aa2-89a7-cd4c91a0d0c4@k30g2000vbn.googlegroups.com,
>> Robatoy <[email protected]> spewed forth:
>>> On Jan 12, 11:26 am, "Steve B" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> "Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>> news:8bd9ab14-84bc-42f0-8743-d4bf3ec56c24@q18g2000vbk.googlegroups.com...
>>>> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
>>>> "Like many, I've spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
>>>> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
>>>> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
>>>> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame
>>>> for this terrible event," Palin said
>>>> There is no way she wrote those words.....
>>>> Get a life, dude.
>>> I HAVE a life, dude. I'd like to keep it for a while longer. Handing
>>> Palin the keys is begging for a catastrophe. What the hell is it with
>>> you people? So easily startstruck by a set of tits. "Oh yea, Sarah
>>> will turn the US around!!"
>>> I mean... she's totally doable, I get it, but to run the second most
>>> powerful economy on earth?
>> Why do so many people think she will or would run for president?
>> And what does her statement about the tragedy in AZ have do with anything
>> other than what she said?
>> I'm no Palin fan, but for the life of me I don't understand why she is
>> attacked so much.
>> She's an American citizen and has as much right to voice her opinions as
>> any other person does.
>> Ya'll take what the media puts out way to seriously.
>And will someone please explain to me how the current spenders in office are
>doing any better than Ms. Palin, who at least demonstrated some fiscal and
>financial responsibility in her time as governor. Greatly increasing our
>debt, having hundreds of billions of extra money laying around allocated,
>but not assigned, and being eaten away slowly by the rats in Washington, and
>going into private coffers, evaporating every day. At least she has SOME
>political experience, took a stand, and didn't merely vote PRESENT hundreds
>of times. And has some idea that one must spend within their income.
>Unlike Barry who spends millions a day to travel with Bertha, all on the
>taxpayer's dime, acting like someone who has never had anything, and
>suddenly is awash in money. At least the gal has some class.
Hey, if Barry stopped riding Bertha (oops, I mean Air Force 1) a
gazillion miles every day, we just might not have to import ANY oil
next year.
The United States of America is the greatest, the
noblest and, in its original founding principles,
the only moral country in the history of the world.
-- Ayn Rand
"HeyBub" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> You're confused. There are no busses bringing Tea Partiers to rallies.
Odd, in another post I linked to a Tea Party website describing the buses
that would be hauling their members to a FreedomWorks event. I wonder how
even the Tea Party is wrong about this?
<[email protected]> wrote in message
> You're teasing yourself. See, that *IS* stupid.
Such a wonderful vernacular you have with people. Obviously, you're
attempting to become the newsgroup troll. It's just as obvious that you lack
any type of informational woodworking knowledge, so all you can do is
respond with some childish type of name calling.
"Upscale" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> You're teasing yourself. See, that *IS* stupid.
> Such a wonderful vernacular you have with people. Obviously, you're
> attempting to become the newsgroup troll. It's just as obvious that you
> lack any type of informational woodworking knowledge, so all you can do is
> respond with some childish type of name calling.
Here, here.
"You're stupid."
"Your clueless."
"Anyone with half a brain . . ."
I particularly like that last one; it certainly qualifies him.
On Sat, 29 Jan 2011 13:11:58 -0800, "DGDevin" <[email protected]> wrote:
>wrote in message news:[email protected]...
>>>Here's an exercise for you. Put some money in one of your pants pockets.
>>>Now move it to another pocket. Question: is it still your money, or not?
>> Ah, so when the government reaches in your pocket and takes money, then
>> gives
>> that money to someone else, it's still your money.
>Only if he's wearing your pants--was this too complex for you?
It obviously was for you.
>>>At the core of your problem is the belief that anyone who disagrees with
>>>has got to be stupid. Until you get past that you'll always be the guy
>>>makes everyone else look smart.
>> You *are* stupid. You demonstrate that fact daily.
>I should probably stop responding to your posts before someone accuses me of
>teasing the developmentally challenged kid.
You're teasing yourself. See, that *IS* stupid.
Robatoy wrote:
> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
> âLike many, Iâve spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame for
> this terrible event,â Palin said
> There is no way she wrote those words.....
No Obama did
"You can lead them to LINUX
but you can't make them THINK"
Man. 2010.1 Spring
On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 21:49:43 -0800 (PST), Luigi Zanasi
<[email protected]> wrote:
>On Jan 12, 11:08 am, Larry Jaques <[email protected]>
>> Praise the Lord and Vote for Huck? Pass.
>> He's a radical fringe JesusFreakist.
>Hey Larry, we agree on something. ;-)
'Bout _time_, WeeGee.
Some people hear voices. Some see invisible people.
Others have no imagination whatsoever.
Rich wrote:
> Robatoy wrote:
>> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
>> "Like many, I've spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
>> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
>> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
>> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame
>> for this terrible event," Palin said
>> There is no way she wrote those words.....
> No Obama did
The typical biggoted American answer - Palin and her ilk are nothing but
rabble rousers who could be likened to a leader of a certain political party
in Europe between 1921 and 1945 who caused fear, death and misery for
millions - yet seldom got his hands dirty himself.
America, a once proud land, is rapidly going down the dictatorship route
unless its more sensible citizens take the lead and stop the rot.
*WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - and tell
your "tea party" idiots where to go.
"DGDevin" <[email protected]> writes:
>"HeyBub" wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> The GOP picked up 63 house seats in 2010. This is more than any mid-term
>> since 1938 (FDR, 71).
>And yet the approval rating for Congressional Democrats is in the basement,
>lower than that of Congressional Democrats, and way lower than that of the
>President. The mid-terms were overwhelmingly about the economy, the claim
>that Republicans have broad philosophical support is dubious. Public
>support for the Repub's centerpiece--repealing the health care law--is
>falling and yet Repubs will continue to insist they were elected largely to
>repeal that law.
And then there are people like Boehner, who claims that there will be
job losses from the Health Care law, but when one digs into those
claims, they're based on a CBO report that simply stated that as a
result of the health care law, fewer folks will feel the need to work
just to get health care from an employer.
Note that this isn't saying that employers will reduce hiring, but rather
folks who don't want to work now, and who only work for the health benefits,
will remove themselves from the workforce.
I won't claim that he is lying, but he is being quite disingenous.
"HeyBub" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Dismantling the Health Care law will have a tremendous, positive, effect
> on the economy.
NEWSMAX?!?! Are you serious? You sniff that the NY Times isn't an
objective news source, and then you post a link to Newsmax, which is so far
out on the right wing it's a miracle it hasn't fallen off the edge. I'm
somewhat astonished you would link to a story from Newsmax, they make
DailyKOS look neutral. Yikes. But I suppose it could have been worse, it
could have been World Net Daily.
On 23 Jan 2011 19:49:19 GMT, [email protected] (Scott Lurndal)
>"DGDevin" <[email protected]> writes:
>>"HeyBub" wrote in message
>>news:[email protected]...
>>> The GOP picked up 63 house seats in 2010. This is more than any mid-term
>>> since 1938 (FDR, 71).
>>And yet the approval rating for Congressional Democrats is in the basement,
>>lower than that of Congressional Democrats, and way lower than that of the
>>President. The mid-terms were overwhelmingly about the economy, the claim
>>that Republicans have broad philosophical support is dubious. Public
>>support for the Repub's centerpiece--repealing the health care law--is
>>falling and yet Repubs will continue to insist they were elected largely to
>>repeal that law.
>And then there are people like Boehner, who claims that there will be
>job losses from the Health Care law, but when one digs into those
>claims, they're based on a CBO report that simply stated that as a
>result of the health care law, fewer folks will feel the need to work
>just to get health care from an employer.
Bzzzt! You're not looking nearly deeply enough.
>Note that this isn't saying that employers will reduce hiring, but rather
>folks who don't want to work now, and who only work for the health benefits,
>will remove themselves from the workforce.
>I won't claim that he is lying, but he is being quite disingenous.
It's Obama who is being disingenuous when he states that there won't
be any job loss from this and that costs will drop. That absolutely
cannot happen, period.
Scott, doctors all over America (I've heard of 7 here in Grants Pass
alone. One neighbor is losing THREE!) are either retiring or refusing
to do any more insurance patients due to the new Obamacare regs, and
the program hasn't even -started- yet.
The massive amount of new gov't hiring to handle the paperwork of the
bill is staggering. That alone guarantees to raise prices and cause
more sickness and more loss of time, resulting in more loss of
Crom, just ask anyone with a small business who is affected by it if
you want to hear a horror story. They'll have to fire people to bring
their insurance costs down to a manageable level, then figure out how
much business they'll lose from the loss of productivity, etc. It's an
absolute nightmare.
I can't afford to put out 25% of my annual pay for insurance, then
have the other 75% sucked up in deductible, should I get sick. How
many people near minimum wage do you know who could?
That's just 4 of probably 150 points which can be made against the new
laws. Scared yet? You'd better be. I'm certain that if and when this
law goes into effect, and Americans finally come to grips with the
reality of it, it will trigger a second American revolution.
Stock your cupboards.
"I probably became a libertarian through exposure to tough-minded
professors" James Buchanan, Armen Alchian, Milton Friedman "who
encouraged me to think with my brain instead of my heart. I
learned that you have to evaluate the effects of public policy
as opposed to intentions."
-- Walter E. Williams
sam wrote:
>> You're just pissed that your party got decked in the last election,
>> Lew. Get conservative. It'll do your heart some real good.
> Every lead party gets decked in the midterms.
> Grow up.
Not every. FDR gained 9 house seats in 1934, Clinton picked up 5 seats in
1998, and Bush picked up 8 seats in 2002.
The GOP picked up 63 house seats in 2010. This is more than any mid-term
since 1938 (FDR, 71).
The next election, in 2012, will be interesting inasmuch as the GOP controls
the redistricting effort in almost all the states that will have their
congressional boundaries moved around.
The Republican Party picked up 693 state legislative seats and will have
complete control over 193 congressional districts.
Texas +4 (GOP controls both houses & governorship)
Florida +2 (legislature not involved - redistricting done by bipartisan
Arizona +2 (same as Texas)
S. Carolina, Georgia, Utah, Nevada, and Oregon + 1
New York -2
Ohio -2
Massachusetts, NJ, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa,
Missouri, Louisiana, & California -1
To make the 2010 election even MORE interesting, the Democrats will be
defending 23 Senate seats to the Republicans 11. Three senators have already
announced they will not run: Lieberman(I) of Connecticut (probable Dem
replacement), Conrad(D) of N.Dakota (almost certain GOP replacement), and
Hutchinson(R) of Texas (certain GOP hold).
wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> The area Tea Party organized busses to go to Washington rallies but
> everyone
> paid their share of the costs. Unlike the other side, there were no
> unions
> paying for transportation.
You can of course document that, that buses to TP events have always been
paid for by the folks riding those buses.
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 12:47:14 -0800, "DGDevin" <[email protected]>
> wrote:
> The area Tea Party organized busses to go to Washington rallies but
> everyone
> paid their share of the costs. Unlike the other side, there were no
> unions
> paying for transportation.
Paid for, I suspect, with dues paid in by the very union members who
were utilizing said buses?
Dave in Houston
In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] says...
> On Fri, 21 Jan 2011 12:44:57 -0800, "Lew Hodgett"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> >Somebody wrote:
> >
> >>>> 180 degrees? Tea Partiers are working FOR the people in the
> >>>> community, without regard to race or color.
> >-------------------------------
> >Charley Self wrote:
> >
> >>>Where?
> >---------------------------------
> >
> >"Larry Jaques" wrote:
> >
> >> Why, here in the USA, sir.
> >-----------------------------
> >Typical response from someone who is blind in one eye and can't see
> >out of the other one.
> You're just pissed that your party got decked in the last election,
> Lew. Get conservative. It'll do your heart some real good.
Every lead party gets decked in the midterms.
Grow up.
"HeyBub" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> The GOP picked up 63 house seats in 2010. This is more than any mid-term
> since 1938 (FDR, 71).
And yet the approval rating for Congressional Democrats is in the basement,
lower than that of Congressional Democrats, and way lower than that of the
President. The mid-terms were overwhelmingly about the economy, the claim
that Republicans have broad philosophical support is dubious. Public
support for the Repub's centerpiece--repealing the health care law--is
falling and yet Repubs will continue to insist they were elected largely to
repeal that law. As for the next election being interesting, yes, it will
be. It will be fun watching the Republican leadership try to get their new
Tea Party representatives to color inside the lines, that sort of internal
feuding is usually confined to the Democrats.
On Fri, 21 Jan 2011 12:44:57 -0800, "Lew Hodgett"
<[email protected]> wrote:
>Somebody wrote:
>>>> 180 degrees? Tea Partiers are working FOR the people in the
>>>> community, without regard to race or color.
>Charley Self wrote:
>"Larry Jaques" wrote:
>> Why, here in the USA, sir.
>Typical response from someone who is blind in one eye and can't see
>out of the other one.
You're just pissed that your party got decked in the last election,
Lew. Get conservative. It'll do your heart some real good.
Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air...
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Scott Lurndal" wrote in message
news:3D%[email protected]...
> And then there are people like Boehner, who claims that there will be
> job losses from the Health Care law, but when one digs into those
> claims, they're based on a CBO report that simply stated that as a
> result of the health care law, fewer folks will feel the need to work
> just to get health care from an employer.
The Repubs (and Dems) love the CBO when its findings support their position,
and ignore it or badmouth it when they don't like what it has to say. It's
a big game, with the goal being to win elections rather than do what is good
for the nation.
> I won't claim that he is lying, but he is being quite disingenous.
He's lying, he knows he's lying too, but it's all part of the game in
On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 12:47:14 -0800, "DGDevin" <[email protected]> wrote:
>"HeyBub" wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> You're confused. There are no busses bringing Tea Partiers to rallies.
>Odd, in another post I linked to a Tea Party website describing the buses
>that would be hauling their members to a FreedomWorks event. I wonder how
>even the Tea Party is wrong about this?
The area Tea Party organized busses to go to Washington rallies but everyone
paid their share of the costs. Unlike the other side, there were no unions
paying for transportation.
On Fri, 28 Jan 2011 20:56:16 -0600, "HeyBub" <[email protected]> wrote:
>DGDevin wrote:
>>> Good analogy. Here's another:
>>> You've got some money in one of your pants pockets. A hand reaches
>>> in, takes some of your money, and uses it for purposes of which you
>>> disapprove, is it still your money?
>> Did you get your say during the election for officers of the
>> organization (which you joined of your own free will) that is
>> spending the money? If so, and if you'll get your say again at the
>> next election, what are you crying about? Because actually the only
>> hand reaching into your pocket is yours, you chose to pay dues to an
>> organization that got you better pay, working conditions and so on,
>> and you get to vote on who runs that organization, so it's not like
>> somebody you dont know is picking your pocket.
>>> Now here's the tricky part: If the union forcibly takes your money,
>> They don't. If you don't like the pay offered by Company X, you
>> don't have to work there, right? And if Company Y is a union shop
>> and you don't want to pay union dues to get the higher pay negotiated
>> by the union--same as above--you don't have to work there. There is
>> no "forcibly" unless you can document contemporary union press gangs
>> roaming the streets signing up members and extracting dues at pistol
>> point.
>>> uses it for busses, free beer, and barbecue, do you have a right to
>>> complain without being beaten?
>> The same right you have not to be beaten by company goons trying to
>> keep you from signing a union card (although lately they prefer
>> lawyers to goons, less bad publicity).
>I doubt that - that lawyers are more respectable than goons.
>But I'll take your word for it - I have no experience with unions. I live in
>a right-to-scab state.
>Texas has less than half the union membership as the nation as a whole (5.6
>vs. 13.5%). Most of our union members are in government service, with a
>smattering more in the oil and chemical industry and in communications.
>There are almost no union members in manufacturing (fewer than 2%).
Union membership is lower than that. According to the BLS, union membership
was 11.9% last year, including both government and private employees. Private
sector union membership is down to 6.9% (and falling like a rock). Government
workers, OTOH, have a 36.2% union membership. Any surprises?
DGDevin wrote:
> "HeyBub" wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> The GOP picked up 63 house seats in 2010. This is more than any
>> mid-term since 1938 (FDR, 71).
> And yet the approval rating for Congressional Democrats is in the
> basement, lower than that of Congressional Democrats, and way lower
> than that of the President. The mid-terms were overwhelmingly about
> the economy, the claim that Republicans have broad philosophical
> support is dubious. Public support for the Repub's
> centerpiece--repealing the health care law--is falling and yet Repubs
> will continue to insist they were elected largely to repeal that law.
> As for the next election being interesting, yes, it will be. It will
> be fun watching the Republican leadership try to get their new Tea
> Party representatives to color inside the lines, that sort of
> internal feuding is usually confined to the Democrats.
Paraphrasing Will Rogers: "I don't belong to an organized political party -
I'm a Republican."
Dismantling the Health Care law will have a tremendous, positive, effect on
the economy. Businesses will no longer face the uncertainity of new
regulations, expenses, and taxes. They'll be able to better predict their
future obligations and that should result in expansion. Many individuals
will see a net increase in their disposable income.
There are some two dozen new taxes aleady called for in the legislation.
Regulations yet to be written my very well add new fees and the like.
* Individual mandate excise tax: up to 2.5% of adjusted gross income
* Employer mandate tax: $2000 for each employee not covered by the company
* Excise tax on comprehensive ("Cadillac") health plans
* Discontinuance of MHA for over-the-counter drugs
* Tax on "medical devices"
* Tax on indoor tanning salons
and more...
DGDevin wrote:
> "HeyBub" wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Dismantling the Health Care law will have a tremendous, positive,
>> effect on the economy.
> NEWSMAX?!?! Are you serious? You sniff that the NY Times isn't an
> objective news source, and then you post a link to Newsmax, which is
> so far out on the right wing it's a miracle it hasn't fallen off the
> edge. I'm somewhat astonished you would link to a story from
> Newsmax, they make DailyKOS look neutral. Yikes. But I suppose it
> could have been worse, it could have been World Net Daily.
Yeah, I know. They are not the most objective of sources. Still, the facts
presented in the article are verifiable and indisputable. So, look at the
message, not the messenger.
Correction--that should have read "Republicans" rather than "Democrats".
There are times when the two parties seem interchangeable, but this wasn't
one of them.
"HeyBub" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> The GOP picked up 63 house seats in 2010. This is more than any mid-term
> since 1938 (FDR, 71).
And yet the approval rating for Congressional ***Republicans*** is in the
lower than that of Congressional Democrats, and way lower than that of the
President. The mid-terms were overwhelmingly about the economy, the claim
that Republicans have broad philosophical support is dubious. Public
support for the Repub's centerpiece--repealing the health care law--is
falling and yet Repubs will continue to insist they were elected largely to
repeal that law. As for the next election being interesting, yes, it will
be. It will be fun watching the Republican leadership try to get their new
Tea Party representatives to color inside the lines, that sort of internal
feuding is usually confined to the Democrats.
On Fri, 21 Jan 2011 20:46:05 -0800, "Lobby Dosser"
<[email protected]> wrote:
>"Lew Hodgett" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> Somebody wrote:
>>>>> 180 degrees? Tea Partiers are working FOR the people in the
>>>>> community, without regard to race or color.
>> -------------------------------
>> Charley Self wrote:
>> ---------------------------------
>> "Larry Jaques" wrote:
>>> Why, here in the USA, sir.
>> -----------------------------
>> Typical response from someone who is blind in one eye and can't see out of
>> the other one.
>> Lew
>Didn't Obama ask you to lighten up on the Vitriol?
You owe me a new screen and keyboard, Lob. <snort>
Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air...
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
On 1/12/2011 9:28 AM, Disbelief wrote:
> Rich wrote:
>> Robatoy wrote:
>>> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
>>> "Like many, I've spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
>>> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
>>> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
>>> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame
>>> for this terrible event," Palin said
>>> There is no way she wrote those words.....
>> No Obama did
> Rich
> The typical biggoted American answer - Palin and her ilk are nothing but
> rabble rousers who could be likened to a leader of a certain political party
> in Europe between 1921 and 1945 who caused fear, death and misery for
> millions - yet seldom got his hands dirty himself.
> America, a once proud land, is rapidly going down the dictatorship route
> unless its more sensible citizens take the lead and stop the rot.
> *WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - and tell
> your "tea party" idiots where to go.
Are you a woodworker? If not, then why don't you go find some other group to
pester? If so, then why don't you try posting on-topic for once?
See Nad. See Nad go. Go Nad!
To reply, eat the taco.
Robatoy wrote:
> On Jan 12, 11:04 am, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
>> wrote:
>> > *WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - and
>> > tell your "tea party" idiots where to go.
>> You're obviously Barking up the Wrong Tree, I'm a Tea Party Organizer!
> Oh COOL! You guys pick out a uniform yet? Something in a nice brown?
Thinks you watch to much MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres. Candidate
but I do believe she can and has played a large role in changing direction
of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks that not much more damage
could be done then has by the Community Organiser in the WH now.
"You can lead them to LINUX
but you can't make them THINK"
Man. 2010.1 Spring
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 08:34:41 -0600, Swingman <[email protected]> wrote:
>On 1/22/2011 4:39 PM, Robatoy wrote:
>> It would actually be pretty clever for Soros to fund and support the
>> TeaParty. Nothing like divide and conquer. Make the fundies fight
>> amongst themselves... the extremists like Phelps et al. vs the more
>> rational republicans. It doesn't matter, it seems, _how_ you
>> neutralize a vote, as long as it gives you (Soros' bunch) an advantage.
>Was watching Ralph Nader and Ron Paul agreeing with each on more than
>one issue the other night, often times for different reasons, but
>agreeing nonetheless.
>The one issue on which they were in absolute agreement ... they both
>want to dismantle the Federal Reserve.
>Alas, we Yanks can only wish ...
What do you see as the up and downsides of its removal, Swingy?
"I probably became a libertarian through exposure to tough-minded
professors" James Buchanan, Armen Alchian, Milton Friedman "who
encouraged me to think with my brain instead of my heart. I
learned that you have to evaluate the effects of public policy
as opposed to intentions."
-- Walter E. Williams
On 1/23/2011 1:28 PM, Bill wrote:
> Larry Jaques wrote:
>> On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 08:34:41 -0600, Swingman<[email protected]> wrote:
>>> On 1/22/2011 4:39 PM, Robatoy wrote:
>>>> It would actually be pretty clever for Soros to fund and support the
>>>> TeaParty. Nothing like divide and conquer. Make the fundies fight
>>>> amongst themselves... the extremists like Phelps et al. vs the more
>>>> rational republicans. It doesn't matter, it seems, _how_ you
>>>> neutralize a vote, as long as it gives you (Soros' bunch) an advantage.
>>> Was watching Ralph Nader and Ron Paul agreeing with each on more than
>>> one issue the other night, often times for different reasons, but
>>> agreeing nonetheless.
>>> The one issue on which they were in absolute agreement ... they both
>>> want to dismantle the Federal Reserve.
>>> Alas, we Yanks can only wish ...
>> What do you see as the up and downsides of its removal, Swingy?
> My name isn't Swingy, but I think that the existence of a Federal
> Reserve is a little like the existence of a captain on a ship.
> The problem I suppose is that authority should come with responsibility.
> I guess that's a recurring issue in history...
In a word: "fractional interest banking", and a privately owned central
bank not beholden to any branch of the government:
Start here:
Then do yourself a big favor and watch BOTH of the following:
Then ask the Canadians here why their banking institutions have not
suffered the same financial collapse that required baling out by you and
me. An article that explains it is still operative today for the most part:
Last update: 4/15/2010
KarlC@ (the obvious)
Larry Jaques wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 08:34:41 -0600, Swingman<[email protected]> wrote:
>> On 1/22/2011 4:39 PM, Robatoy wrote:
>>> It would actually be pretty clever for Soros to fund and support the
>>> TeaParty. Nothing like divide and conquer. Make the fundies fight
>>> amongst themselves... the extremists like Phelps et al. vs the more
>>> rational republicans. It doesn't matter, it seems, _how_ you
>>> neutralize a vote, as long as it gives you (Soros' bunch) an advantage.
>> Was watching Ralph Nader and Ron Paul agreeing with each on more than
>> one issue the other night, often times for different reasons, but
>> agreeing nonetheless.
>> The one issue on which they were in absolute agreement ... they both
>> want to dismantle the Federal Reserve.
>> Alas, we Yanks can only wish ...
> What do you see as the up and downsides of its removal, Swingy?
My name isn't Swingy, but I think that the existence of a Federal
Reserve is a little like the existence of a captain on a ship.
The problem I suppose is that authority should come with responsibility.
I guess that's a recurring issue in history...
> --
> "I probably became a libertarian through exposure to tough-minded
> professors" James Buchanan, Armen Alchian, Milton Friedman "who
> encouraged me to think with my brain instead of my heart. I
> learned that you have to evaluate the effects of public policy
> as opposed to intentions."
> -- Walter E. Williams
On Sat, 22 Jan 2011 01:17:57 -0600, sam <[email protected]> wrote:
>In article <[email protected]>,
>[email protected] says...
>> On Fri, 21 Jan 2011 12:44:57 -0800, "Lew Hodgett"
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >
>> >Somebody wrote:
>> >
>> >>>> 180 degrees? Tea Partiers are working FOR the people in the
>> >>>> community, without regard to race or color.
>> >-------------------------------
>> >Charley Self wrote:
>> >
>> >>>Where?
>> >---------------------------------
>> >
>> >"Larry Jaques" wrote:
>> >
>> >> Why, here in the USA, sir.
>> >-----------------------------
>> >Typical response from someone who is blind in one eye and can't see
>> >out of the other one.
>> You're just pissed that your party got decked in the last election,
>> Lew. Get conservative. It'll do your heart some real good.
>Every lead party gets decked in the midterms.
>Grow up.
;) See advice above. Ta!
Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air...
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
On 1/12/2011 12:11 PM, Robatoy wrote:
> On Jan 12, 1:08 pm, Larry Jaques<[email protected]>
> wrote:
>> I like Sarah in her role as a motivational leader. She's doing quite
>> wonderfully, if you haven't noticed with your unleashed hatred toward
>> her.
>> But I want someone else to run for President. I'm not happy with the
>> short list of Republicans so far, either, but wouldn't even -think- of
>> voting for a Demonrat. Most of the Libertarians and Greenies are too
>> far out there for me, too.<sigh> What's a 'Murrican to do?
> The Huck! Bring on The Huck! I like Huck.
So do I. He's a likable guy.
Free bad advice available here.
To reply, eat the taco.
Robatoy wrote:
> On Jan 12, 12:38 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Robatoy wrote:
>> > On Jan 12, 11:04 am, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > *WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* -
>> >> > and tell your "tea party" idiots where to go.
>> >> You're obviously Barking up the Wrong Tree, I'm a Tea Party Organizer!
>> > Oh COOL! You guys pick out a uniform yet? Something in a nice brown?
>> Thinks you watch to much MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres.
>> Candidate but I do believe she can and has played a large role in
>> changing direction of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks that
>> not much more damage could be done then has by the Community Organiser in
>> the WH now.
> Oh.
> Difference between a Tea Party- and a Community organizer is what?
If you don't know, then you will never know. Won't waste my time explaining
it to you because its obvious to me you support the Community Organizer
"You can lead them to LINUX
but you can't make them THINK"
Man. 2010.1 Spring
On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 14:28:41 -0500, Bill <[email protected]> wrote:
>Larry Jaques wrote:
>> On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 08:34:41 -0600, Swingman<[email protected]> wrote:
>>> On 1/22/2011 4:39 PM, Robatoy wrote:
>>>> It would actually be pretty clever for Soros to fund and support the
>>>> TeaParty. Nothing like divide and conquer. Make the fundies fight
>>>> amongst themselves... the extremists like Phelps et al. vs the more
>>>> rational republicans. It doesn't matter, it seems, _how_ you
>>>> neutralize a vote, as long as it gives you (Soros' bunch) an advantage.
>>> Was watching Ralph Nader and Ron Paul agreeing with each on more than
>>> one issue the other night, often times for different reasons, but
>>> agreeing nonetheless.
>>> The one issue on which they were in absolute agreement ... they both
>>> want to dismantle the Federal Reserve.
>>> Alas, we Yanks can only wish ...
>> What do you see as the up and downsides of its removal, Swingy?
>My name isn't Swingy, but I think that the existence of a Federal
>Reserve is a little like the existence of a captain on a ship.
>The problem I suppose is that authority should come with responsibility.
>I guess that's a recurring issue in history...
So, Bill, what do you see as the up and downsides of its removal?
Your comment didn't address the question.
"I probably became a libertarian through exposure to tough-minded
professors" James Buchanan, Armen Alchian, Milton Friedman "who
encouraged me to think with my brain instead of my heart. I
learned that you have to evaluate the effects of public policy
as opposed to intentions."
-- Walter E. Williams
Larry Jaques wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 14:28:41 -0500, Bill<[email protected]> wrote:
>> Larry Jaques wrote:
>>> On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 08:34:41 -0600, Swingman<[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> On 1/22/2011 4:39 PM, Robatoy wrote:
>>>>> It would actually be pretty clever for Soros to fund and support the
>>>>> TeaParty. Nothing like divide and conquer. Make the fundies fight
>>>>> amongst themselves... the extremists like Phelps et al. vs the more
>>>>> rational republicans. It doesn't matter, it seems, _how_ you
>>>>> neutralize a vote, as long as it gives you (Soros' bunch) an advantage.
>>>> Was watching Ralph Nader and Ron Paul agreeing with each on more than
>>>> one issue the other night, often times for different reasons, but
>>>> agreeing nonetheless.
>>>> The one issue on which they were in absolute agreement ... they both
>>>> want to dismantle the Federal Reserve.
>>>> Alas, we Yanks can only wish ...
>>> What do you see as the up and downsides of its removal, Swingy?
>> My name isn't Swingy, but I think that the existence of a Federal
>> Reserve is a little like the existence of a captain on a ship.
>> The problem I suppose is that authority should come with responsibility.
>> I guess that's a recurring issue in history...
> So, Bill, what do you see as the up and downsides of its removal?
Well, you CAN'T remove it. But congress could change the rules (keeping
it from debasing the currency--which ain't likely). As long as you're
going to have a currency, you need to manage it--and I'm not talking
about the Bureau of Printing and Engraving. A lot of it comes down to
discipline...and no one seems to want to have it...not even TS owners! ; )
> Your comment didn't address the question.
> --
> "I probably became a libertarian through exposure to tough-minded
> professors" James Buchanan, Armen Alchian, Milton Friedman "who
> encouraged me to think with my brain instead of my heart. I
> learned that you have to evaluate the effects of public policy
> as opposed to intentions."
> -- Walter E. Williams
Han wrote:
> Rich <[email protected]> wrote in
> news:[email protected]:
>> Thinks you watch to much MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres.
>> Candidate but I do believe she can and has played a large role in
>> changing direction of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks
>> that not much more damage could be done then has by the Community
>> Organiser in the WH now.
> Sorry, to me this is gobbledygook. For one thing, I don't know what MSLSD
> is. Who is miguided over the blotted government? what is a blotted
> government?
> Can anyone make complete, English sentences from this for me?
MSLSD = MSNBC Who is the current politicians that don't listen to the
majority of the US citizens and will probably be tossed out on their butts
in the next elections. Correction, Blotted = Bloated Oversize,fat, excessive
Fluid enough? Or should I say, clear enough?
"You can lead them to LINUX
but you can't make them THINK"
Man. 2010.1 Spring
Robatoy wrote:
> On Jan 12, 1:26 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Robatoy wrote:
>> > On Jan 12, 12:38 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >> Robatoy wrote:
>> >> > On Jan 12, 11:04 am, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >> >> wrote:
>> >> >> > *WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP*
>> >> >> > - and tell your "tea party" idiots where to go.
>> >> >> You're obviously Barking up the Wrong Tree, I'm a Tea Party
>> >> >> Organizer!
>> >> > Oh COOL! You guys pick out a uniform yet? Something in a nice brown?
>> >> Thinks you watch to much MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres.
>> >> Candidate but I do believe she can and has played a large role in
>> >> changing direction of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks
>> >> that not much more damage could be done then has by the Community
>> >> Organiser in the WH now.
>> > Oh.
>> > Difference between a Tea Party- and a Community organizer is what?
>> If you don't know, then you will never know. Won't waste my time
>> explaining it to you because its obvious to me you support the Community
>> Organizer concept.
>> --
>> "You can lead them to LINUX
>> but you can't make them THINK"
>> Man. 2010.1 Spring
>> KDE4.4
> That is SUCH a weak-assed cop-out. Can't you just admit you don't have
> a clue?
Nice try. Could write a book on it. Tea Party= less government,less
spending, less taxes. Community Organizer = big government, more spending,
more taxes.
"You can lead them to LINUX
but you can't make them THINK"
Man. 2010.1 Spring
On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 09:17:43 -0600, Swingman <[email protected]> wrote:
>On 1/23/2011 8:35 PM, Larry Jaques wrote:
>> On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 14:51:18 -0600, Swingman<[email protected]> wrote:
>>> In a word: "fractional interest banking", and a privately owned central
>>> bank not beholden to any branch of the government:
>>> Start here:
>>> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-466210540567002553#
>> Thankee, sir. I'll check those out on the mornings of all the days
>> this week. Eek, 3 vids, 4 hours and 22 minutes worth...
>Challenged for time? ... to better understand "fractional reserve
>banking" and how the Federal Reserve and Commercial banks play this
>device into our routine, ongoing financial "business cycles", with the
>consequent, creeping consolidation of financial and governmental power
>over your everyday life, go to 22:00 of the first link (above) and just
>spend fifteen minutes.
No, I believe it would be best to watch them through. Thanks. I want
to finish W.E.B. Griffin's _By Order of the President_ first, though.
(Very entertaining fiction)
>The fact that most folks will never make the effort to understand what
>has, and is, happening guarantees your eventual subjugation to the whims
>of a few.
>A nation of purposely ill educated fools deserves nothing more ...
Indeed. My sister still likes Obama and refuses to learn anything more
in depth about him or any other political issue. I don't know where
she gets her info, but she lives in the SF Bay Area, a liberal
People would rather play video games (or drink beer and watch the boob
tube) than learn how their country is decaying and how to stop it.
"I probably became a libertarian through exposure to tough-minded
professors" James Buchanan, Armen Alchian, Milton Friedman "who
encouraged me to think with my brain instead of my heart. I
learned that you have to evaluate the effects of public policy
as opposed to intentions."
-- Walter E. Williams
On Jan 24, 1:35=A0pm, Swingman <[email protected]> wrote:
> On 1/24/2011 9:58 AM, Larry Jaques wrote:
> > On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 09:17:43 -0600, Swingman<[email protected]> =A0wrote:
> > Indeed. My sister still likes Obama and refuses to learn anything more
> > in depth about him or any other political issue. I don't know where
> > she gets her info, but she lives in the SF Bay Area, a liberal
> > bastion.
> This has nothing to do with just one political party, they are both
> culpable.
> Instead, we bicker amongst ourselves over the contrived machination of
> politicians in a two party system, mistaking our manipulated opinions
> for knowledge.
> > People would rather play video games (or drink beer and watch the boob
> > tube) than learn how their country is decaying and how to stop it.
> > Amazing.
> > Sad.
> As I said re a nation of purposely ill educated fools ...
Keep them stupid. Allow them to keep 'just' enough of their income not
to cause riots, but constantly trying to push the envelope of how much
tax those poor working bastards will tolerate. The fact that the IRS
(or Revenue Canada) and the Federal Reserve are privately held
companies is the most corrupt set-up I have ever seen.
I know I have posted this before, but as always: "follow the money."
Back to this document again:
Revealed by US Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. from Minnesota
before the US Congress sometime during his term of office between the
years of 1907 and 1917 to warn the citizens.
"We (the bankers) must proceed with caution and guard every move made,
for the lower order of people are already showing signs of restless
commotion. Prudence will therefore show a policy of apparently
yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated
that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized
resistance. The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations in
the United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and
we must take immediate steps to control these organizations in our
interest or disrupt them.
At the coming Omaha Convention to be held July 4th (1892), our men
must attend and direct its movement, or else there will be set on foot
such antagonism to our designs as may require force to overcome. This
at the present time would be premature. We are not yet ready for such
a crisis. Capital must protect itself in every possible manner through
combination ( conspiracy) and legislation.
The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds
and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible.
When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their
homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the
influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central
power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers.
People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.
History repeats itself in regular cycles. This truth is well known
among our principal men who are engaged in forming an imperialism of
the world. While they are doing this, the people must be kept in a
state of political antagonism.
The question of tariff reform must be urged through the organization
known as the Democratic Party, and the question of protection with the
reciprocity must be forced to view through the Republican Party.
By thus dividing voters, we can get them to expand their energies in
fighting over questions of no importance to us, except as teachers to
the common herd. Thus, by discrete action, we can secure all that has
been so generously planned and successfully accomplished."
Revealed by Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. to the U.S. Congress
sometime between 1907 and 1917.
Capital must protect itself in every way, through combination and
through legislation. Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages
foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law, the
common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and
more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the
central power of wealth, under control of leading financiers. People
without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known
among our principle men now engaged in forming an IMPERIALISM of
capital to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to
expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to
us except as teachers of the common herd. Thus by discrete action we
can secure for ourselves what has been generally planned and
successfully accomplished.
On 1/24/2011 9:58 AM, Larry Jaques wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 09:17:43 -0600, Swingman<[email protected]> wrote:
> Indeed. My sister still likes Obama and refuses to learn anything more
> in depth about him or any other political issue. I don't know where
> she gets her info, but she lives in the SF Bay Area, a liberal
> bastion.
This has nothing to do with just one political party, they are both
Instead, we bicker amongst ourselves over the contrived machination of
politicians in a two party system, mistaking our manipulated opinions
for knowledge.
> People would rather play video games (or drink beer and watch the boob
> tube) than learn how their country is decaying and how to stop it.
> Amazing.
> Sad.
As I said re a nation of purposely ill educated fools ...
Last update: 4/15/2010
KarlC@ (the obvious)
RicodJour wrote:
> On Jan 12, 1:41 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Han wrote:
>> > Rich <[email protected]> wrote in
>> >> Thinks you watch to much MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres.
>> >> Candidate but I do believe she can and has played a large role in
>> >> changing direction of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks
>> >> that not much more damage could be done then has by the Community
>> >> Organiser in the WH now.
>> > Sorry, to me this is gobbledygook. For one thing, I don't know what
>> > MSLSD is. Who is miguided over the blotted government? what is a
>> > blotted government?
>> > Can anyone make complete, English sentences from this for me?
>> MSLSD = MSNBC Who is the current politicians that don't listen to the
>> majority of the US citizens and will probably be tossed out on their
>> butts in the next elections. Correction, Blotted = Bloated Oversize,fat,
>> excessive gas.
>> Fluid enough? Or should I say, clear enough?
> I'm guessing you work in the computer industry. You use your own
> mental shorthand to communicate and leave other people saying,
> WTF...? Your _explanation_ of your first WTF post leaves me with a
> WTF hangover.
> I don't necessarily disagree with your viewpoint, just taking you to
> task for using mental shorthand when communicating with people you've
> never met. It ends up being frustrating for everyone.
> R
> rec.woodworking Executive Officer, Linguistics and Communications
> Division
I'll take that as a joke. I do work with code and scrips and yes I do use
the mental shorthand when on usenet. I'm retired but this is what I do in my
spare time.
This is my first WTF post and thought it was fairly clear:
One NUT who wanted some attention. Then you have another NUT on MSNBC who
blamed this on Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Bill OReilly, and others, not to
mention Conservative Hater Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center
with his expected RANT! Can't wait to see all the new Bills pushed through
the Congress because of this tragedy.
"You can lead them to LINUX
but you can't make them THINK"
Man. 2010.1 Spring
RonB wrote:
> On Jan 12, 7:43 am, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
>> âLike many, Iâve spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
>> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
>> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
>> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame for
>> this terrible event,â Palin said
>> There is no way she wrote those words.....
> Speaking of irresponsible statements, how about the illustration on
> her web site that put cross-hairs on several politicians and referred
> to them as "targets".
> One of them got shot this weekend.
> I am not liberal but that was irresponsible in this political
> environment.
> RonB
Let see, common terms used by both parties. Battleground,campaign,many more.
And yes the Democrats have used the same map on their campaigns,oh there's
that word again. And who was that Dem that actually shot at the Cap and
Trade bill with a 30 30 and hit it dead center. This argument is ridiculous!
"You can lead them to LINUX
but you can't make them THINK"
Man. 2010.1 Spring
Han wrote:
> Rich <[email protected]> wrote in
> news:[email protected]:
>> Nice try. Could write a book on it. Tea Party= less government,less
>> spending, less taxes. Community Organizer = big government, more
>> spending, more taxes.
> Who will keep BP honest and clean?
Well Obama didn't did he. Again nice try.
"You can lead them to LINUX
but you can't make them THINK"
Man. 2010.1 Spring
RicodJour wrote:
> On Jan 12, 2:07 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
>> RicodJour wrote:
>> > On Jan 12, 1:41 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >> Han wrote:
>> >> > Rich <[email protected]> wrote in
>> >> >> Thinks you watch to much MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres.
>> >> >> Candidate but I do believe she can and has played a large role in
>> >> >> changing direction of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks
>> >> >> that not much more damage could be done then has by the Community
>> >> >> Organiser in the WH now.
>> >> > Sorry, to me this is gobbledygook. For one thing, I don't know what
>> >> > MSLSD is. Who is miguided over the blotted government? what is a
>> >> > blotted government?
>> >> > Can anyone make complete, English sentences from this for me?
>> >> MSLSD = MSNBC Who is the current politicians that don't listen to
>> >> the majority of the US citizens and will probably be tossed out on
>> >> their butts in the next elections. Correction, Blotted = Bloated
>> >> Oversize,fat, excessive gas.
>> >> Fluid enough? Or should I say, clear enough?
>> > I'm guessing you work in the computer industry. You use your own
>> > mental shorthand to communicate and leave other people saying,
>> > WTF...? Your _explanation_ of your first WTF post leaves me with a
>> > WTF hangover.
>> > I don't necessarily disagree with your viewpoint, just taking you to
>> > task for using mental shorthand when communicating with people you've
>> > never met. It ends up being frustrating for everyone.
>> > R
>> > rec.woodworking Executive Officer, Linguistics and Communications
>> > Division
>> I'll take that as a joke. I do work with code and scrips and yes I do use
>> the mental shorthand when on usenet. I'm retired but this is what I do in
>> my spare time.http://rentmyhusband.biz/
> Mental shorthand is a convenience and a tool for you. When you use it
> with other people that don't know your shorthand, it's obfuscating and
> makes you a tool. Resist the temptation!
Ok, I will try. Did you even look at the website?
>> This is my first WTF post and thought it was fairly clear:
>> One NUT who wanted some attention. Then you have another NUT on MSNBC who
>> blamed this on Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Bill OReilly, and others, not
>> to mention Conservative Hater Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law
>> Center with his expected RANT! Can't wait to see all the new Bills pushed
>> through the Congress because of this tragedy.
> You'll get no argument from me on any of that. People, including
> politicians, feel that _something_ has to be done, but as they're too
> busy fencing with their dicks, they are misguided and create misguided
> laws, comments, etc.
> R
This is one of the few times on here I responded in a Political way. But you
can only stay quiet so long. Not happy with Washington for a long time and
this Administration has me pulling my hair out!
"You can lead them to LINUX
but you can't make them THINK"
Man. 2010.1 Spring
Rich wrote:
> wrote:
>> and tell your "tea party" idiots where to go.
> You're obviously Barking up the Wrong Tree, I'm a Tea Party Organizer!
I'd already guessed that you were one of those "[a]typical biggoted
Americans" who's too thick to see any sense!
" *WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - and
tell your "tea party" idiots where to go."
That was to all the sensible Americans out there (of which you are *not*
one) who don't want to see their country turned into one run by a
dictatorship where people shoot politicians if they disagree with their
views - but America already has a history of that hasn't it?
It's just getting worse because you have a president who's trying to rectify
the shit left by Dumbya Bush and his Republicans, along with the American
bankers who caused most of the problems that you are having now (in the
chase of the fast buck) - which has dominoed around the rest of the world -
and the idiotic "tea party" members in cahoots with the GOP just can't
stomach someone sensible in power.
RicodJour wrote:
> BTW, God and genetics probably has more than a little bit to do with
> the loss of your hair - no need to blame it on politics. ;)
> R
Well I did forget that Rob toy enjoys drawing you in, then enjoys it more
when he's put the bait out, you (I) grab and run with it. I have to remember
that and not fall into the trap. Besides what really gets solved here,
except of course woodworking/finishing problems.
"You can lead them to LINUX
but you can't make them THINK"
Man. 2010.1 Spring
"Lew Hodgett" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Somebody wrote:
>>>> 180 degrees? Tea Partiers are working FOR the people in the
>>>> community, without regard to race or color.
> -------------------------------
> Charley Self wrote:
> ---------------------------------
> "Larry Jaques" wrote:
>> Why, here in the USA, sir.
> -----------------------------
> Typical response from someone who is blind in one eye and can't see out of
> the other one.
> Lew
Didn't Obama ask you to lighten up on the Vitriol?
"He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy! "
Brian's Mum
"HeyBub" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Lobby Dosser wrote:
>>> Typical response from someone who is blind in one eye and can't see
>>> out of the other one.
>>> Lew
>> Didn't Obama ask you to lighten up on the Vitriol?
> Inasmuch as you capitalized "Vitriol," I assume it's a product you can buy
> over the counter? Or do you need a prescription? Maybe it's home-made?
> Wherever, perhaps both sides are drinking something (Kool-Aid or Vitriol).
> I prefer Famous Grouse myself.
Keeps me awake.
"He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy! "
Brian's Mum
"HeyBub" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> DGDevin wrote:
>> "Larry Jaques" wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>>> Difference between a Tea Party- and a Community organizer is what?
>>> 180 degrees? Tea Partiers are working FOR the people in the
>>> community, without regard to race or color.
>> Tea Partiers don't have a clue who they're working for, who paid for
>> the buses bringing them to rallies, who foots the bills to run the
>> various groups composing the Tea Party, and many of them probably
>> wouldn't care even if they knew.
> You're confused. There are no busses bringing Tea Partiers to rallies.
> What little expenses there are for a Tea Party event are born by the
> organizers or small donations. There simply is no "man behind the
> curtain."
> You're thinking of the other party where busses, signs, t-shirts, box
> lunches, buttons, balloons, and baloney are provided by the SEIU and their
> colleagues.
And bottled water to throw from the podium to the Professional Fainters.
"He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy! "
Brian's Mum
"HeyBub" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>> They should be pissed off, everyone should be, but it would be nice
>> if they put a little effort into figuring out who they should be
>> upset with. The billionaire Republicans who have bankrolled the Tea
>> Party must be laughing themselves silly.
> Uh, if you mean by "billionaire" George Soros, et al, they are bankrolling
> the mainstream Democrats.
> So far as I can find, nobody is bankrolling the Tea Party. Or, they could
> be so successful at keeping it a secret, that it just hasn't come out yet.
Or you could be doing such a good job of avoiding information that might
disturb your tunnel-vision view of the world that it wouldn't matter if it
was on the front page of your local paper, you still wouldn't see it (it
isn't like it's hard to find for anyone who actually looks). Or once it's
brought to your attention you could insist that anything that appears in a
news source that doesn't meet your approval is safe to ignore, that's common
with extremists of both wings, they prefer living in their respective echo
chambers. So no doubt you'll go on pointing at George Soros while happily
ignoring Dick Armey and the Koch brothers doing exactly what Soros does
except on the other wing--they just don't count because you approve of their
brand of agitprop.
The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party
Published: August 28, 2010
ANOTHER weekend, another grass-roots demonstration starring Real Americans
who are mad as hell and want to take back their country from you-know-who.
Last Sunday the site was Lower Manhattan, where they jeered the ground zero
mosque. This weekend, the scene shifted to Washington, where the avatars of
oppressed white Tea Party America, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, were slated
to reclaim the civil rights movement (Becks words) on the same spot where
the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. had his dream exactly 47 years earlier.
Vive la révolution!
Theres just one element missing from these snapshots of Americas
ostensibly spontaneous and leaderless populist uprising: the sugar daddies
who are bankrolling it, and have been doing so since well before the death
panel warm-up acts of last summer. Three heavy hitters rule. Youve heard
of one of them, Rupert Murdoch. The other two, the brothers David and
Charles Koch, are even richer, with a combined wealth exceeded only by that
of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett among Americans. But even those carrying
the Kochs banner may not know who these brothers are.
Their self-interested and at times radical agendas, like Murdochs, go well
beyond, and sometimes counter to, the interests of those who serve as spear
carriers in the political pageants hawked on Fox News. The country will be
in for quite a ride should these potentates gain power, and given the
recession-battered electorates unchecked anger and the Obama White Houses
unfocused political strategy, they might.
All three tycoons are the latest incarnation of what the historian Kim
Phillips-Fein labeled Invisible Hands in her prescient 2009 book of that
title: those corporate players who have financed the far right ever since
the du Pont brothers spawned the American Liberty League in 1934 to bring
down F.D.R. You can draw a straight line from the Liberty Leagues crusade
against the New Deal socialism of Social Security, the Securities and
Exchange Commission and child labor laws to the John Birch Society-Barry
Goldwater assault on J.F.K. and Medicare to the Koch-Murdoch-backed
juggernaut against our socialist president.
Only the fat cats change not their methods and not their pet bugaboos
(taxes, corporate regulation, organized labor, and government handouts to
the poor, unemployed, ill and elderly). Even the sources of their fortunes
remain fairly constant. Koch Industries began with oil in the 1930s and now
also spews an array of industrial products, from Dixie cups to Lycra, not
unlike DuPonts portfolio of paint and plastics. Sometimes the biological
DNA persists as well. The Koch brothers father, Fred, was among the select
group chosen to serve on the Birch Societys top governing body. In a
recorded 1963 speech that survives in a University of Michigan archive, he
can be heard warning of a takeover of America in which Communists would
infiltrate the highest offices of government in the U.S. until the
president is a Communist, unknown to the rest of us. That rant could be
delivered as is at any Tea Party rally today.
Last week the Kochs were shoved unwillingly into the spotlight by the most
comprehensive journalistic portrait of them yet, written by Jane Mayer of
The New Yorker. Her article caused a stir among those in Manhattans liberal
elite who didnt know that David Koch, widely celebrated for his cultural
philanthropy, is not merely another rich conservative Republican but the
founder of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, which, as Mayer writes
with some understatement, has worked closely with the Tea Party since the
movements inception. To New Yorkers who associate the David H. Koch
Theater at Lincoln Center with the New York City Ballet, its startling to
learn that the Texas branch of that foundations political arm, known simply
as Americans for Prosperity, gave its Blogger of the Year Award to an
activist who had called President Obama cokehead in chief.
The other major sponsor of the Tea Party movement is Dick Armeys
FreedomWorks, which, like Americans for Prosperity, is promoting events in
Washington this weekend. Under its original name, Citizens for a Sound
Economy, FreedomWorks received $12 million of its own from Koch family
foundations. Using tax records, Mayer found that Koch-controlled foundations
gave out $196 million from 1998 to 2008, much of it to conservative causes
and institutions. That figure doesnt include $50 million in Koch Industries
lobbying and $4.8 million in campaign contributions by its political action
committee, putting it first among energy company peers like Exxon Mobil and
Chevron. Since tax law permits anonymous personal donations to nonprofit
political groups, these figures may understate the case. The Kochs surely
match the in-kind donations the Tea Party receives in free promotion 24/7
from Murdochs Fox News, where both Beck and Palin are on the payroll.
The New Yorker article stirred up the right, too. Some of Mayers blogging
detractors unwittingly upheld the premise of her article (titled Covert
Operations) by conceding that they have been Koch grantees. None of them
found any factual errors in her 10,000 words. Many of them tried to change
the subject to George Soros, the billionaire backer of liberal causes. But
Soros is a publicity hound who is transparent about where he shovels his
money. And like many liberals selflessly or foolishly, depending on your
point of view he supports causes that are unrelated to his business
interests and that, if anything, raise his taxes.
This is hardly true of the Kochs. When David Koch ran to the right of Reagan
as vice president on the 1980 Libertarian ticket (it polled 1 percent), his
campaign called for the abolition not just of Social Security, federal
regulatory agencies and welfare but also of the F.B.I., the C.I.A., and
public schools in other words, any government enterprise that would either
inhibit his business profits or increase his taxes. He hasnt changed. As
Mayer details, Koch-supported lobbyists, foundations and political
operatives are at the center of climate-science denial a cause that
forestalls threats to Koch Industries vast fossil fuel business. While Koch
foundations donate to cancer hospitals like Memorial Sloan-Kettering in New
York, Koch Industries has been lobbying to stop the Environmental Protection
Agency from classifying another product important to its bottom line,
formaldehyde, as a known carcinogen in humans (which it is).
Tea Partiers may share the Kochs detestation of taxes, big government and
Obama. But theres a difference between mainstream conservatism and a fringe
agenda that tilts completely toward big business, whether on Wall Street or
in the Gulf of Mexico, while dismantling fundamental government safety nets
designed to protect the unemployed, public health, workplace safety and the
subsistence of the elderly.
Yet inexorably the Koch agenda is morphing into the G.O.P. agenda, as
articulated by current Republican members of Congress, including the
putative next speaker of the House, John Boehner, and Tea Party Senate
candidates like Rand Paul, Sharron Angle, and the new kid on the block,
Alaskas anti-Medicaid, anti-unemployment insurance Palin protégé, Joe
Miller. Their program opposes a federal deficit, but has no objection to
running up trillions in red ink in tax cuts to corporations and the
superrich; apologizes to corporate malefactors like BP and derides money put
in escrow for oil spill victims as a slush fund; opposes the extension of
unemployment benefits; and calls for a freeze on federal regulations in an
era when abuses in the oil, financial, mining, pharmaceutical and even egg
industries (among others) have been outrageous.
The Koch brothers must be laughing all the way to the bank knowing that
working Americans are aiding and abetting their selfish interests. And
surely Murdoch is snickering at those protesting the ground zero mosque.
Last week on Fox and Friends, the Bush administration flacks Dan Senor and
Dana Perino attacked a supposedly terrorism-tainted Saudi prince whose
foundation might contribute to the Islamic center. But as The Daily Show
keeps pointing out, these Fox bloviators never acknowledge that the evil
prince theyre bashing, Walid bin Talal, is not only the biggest non-Murdoch
shareholder in Fox Newss parent company (he owns 7 percent of News
Corporation) and the recipient of Murdoch mammoth investments in Saudi
Arabia but also the subject of lionization elsewhere on Fox.
No less a Murdoch factotum than Neil Cavuto slobbered over bin Talal in a
Fox Business Channel interview as recently as January, with nary a question
about his supposed terrorist ties. Instead, bin Talal praised Obamas stance
on terrorism and even endorsed the Democrats goal of universal health
insurance. Do any of the Fox-watching protestors at the ground zero mosque
know that Foxs profits are flowing to a Obama-sympathizing Saudi
billionaire in bed with Murdoch? As Jon Stewart summed it up, the protestors
who want to cut off funding to the terror mosque are aiding that
funding by watching Fox and enhancing bin Talals News Corp. holdings.
When wolves of Murdochs ingenuity and the Kochs stealth have been at the
door of our democracy in the past, Democrats have fought back fiercely.
Franklin Roosevelts triumphant 1936 re-election campaign pummeled the
Liberty League as a Republican ally eager to squeeze the worker dry in his
old age and cast him like an orange rind into the refuse pail. When John
Kennedys patriotism was assailed by Birchers calling for impeachment, he
gave a major speech denouncing their crusades of suspicion.
And Obama? So far, sadly, this question answers itself.
A Reporter at Large
Covert Operations
The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama.
by Jane Mayer
August 30, 2010
On May 17th, a black-tie audience at the Metropolitan Opera House applauded
as a tall, jovial-looking billionaire took the stage. It was the seventieth
annual spring gala of American Ballet Theatre, and David H. Koch was being
celebrated for his generosity as a member of the board of trustees; he had
recently donated $2.5 million toward the companys upcoming season, and had
given many millions before that. Koch received an award while flanked by two
of the galas co-chairs, Blaine Trump, in a peach-colored gown, and Caroline
Kennedy Schlossberg, in emerald green. Kennedys mother, Jacqueline Kennedy
Onassis, had been a patron of the ballet and, coincidentally, the previous
owner of a Fifth Avenue apartment that Koch had bought, in 1995, and then
sold, eleven years later, for thirty-two million dollars, having found it
too small.
The gala marked the social ascent of Koch, who, at the age of seventy, has
become one of the citys most prominent philanthropists. In 2008, he donated
a hundred million dollars to modernize Lincoln Centers New York State
Theatre building, which now bears his name. He has given twenty million to
the American Museum of Natural History, whose dinosaur wing is named for
him. This spring, after noticing the decrepit state of the fountains outside
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Koch pledged at least ten million dollars
for their renovation. He is a trustee of the museum, perhaps the most
coveted social prize in the city, and serves on the board of Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, where, after he donated more than forty
million dollars, an endowed chair and a research center were named for him.
One dignitary was conspicuously absent from the gala: the events third
honorary co-chair, Michelle Obama. Her office said that a scheduling
conflict had prevented her from attending. Yet had the First Lady shared the
stage with Koch it might have created an awkward tableau. In Washington,
Koch is best known as part of a family that has repeatedly funded stealth
attacks on the federal government, and on the Obama Administration in
With his brother Charles, who is seventy-four, David Koch owns virtually all
of Koch Industries, a conglomerate, headquartered in Wichita, Kansas, whose
annual revenues are estimated to be a hundred billion dollars. The company
has grown spectacularly since their father, Fred, died, in 1967, and the
brothers took charge. The Kochs operate oil refineries in Alaska, Texas, and
Minnesota, and control some four thousand miles of pipeline. Koch Industries
owns Brawny paper towels, Dixie cups, Georgia-Pacific lumber, Stainmaster
carpet, and Lycra, among other products. Forbes ranks it as the
second-largest private company in the country, after Cargill, and its
consistent profitability has made David and Charles Kochwho, years ago,
bought out two other brothersamong the richest men in America. Their
combined fortune of thirty-five billion dollars is exceeded only by those of
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.
The Kochs are longtime libertarians who believe in drastically lower
personal and corporate taxes, minimal social services for the needy, and
much less oversight of industryespecially environmental regulation. These
views dovetail with the brothers corporate interests. In a study released
this spring, the University of Massachusetts at Amhersts Political Economy
Research Institute named Koch Industries one of the top ten air polluters in
the United States. And Greenpeace issued a report identifying the company as
a kingpin of climate science denial. The report showed that, from 2005 to
2008, the Kochs vastly outdid ExxonMobil in giving money to organizations
fighting legislation related to climate change, underwriting a huge network
of foundations, think tanks, and political front groups. Indeed, the
brothers have funded opposition campaigns against so many Obama
Administration policiesfrom health-care reform to the economic-stimulus
programthat, in political circles, their ideological network is known as
the Kochtopus.
In a statement, Koch Industries said that the Greenpeace report distorts
the environmental record of our companies. And David Koch, in a recent,
admiring article about him in New York, protested that the radical press
had turned his family into whipping boys, and had exaggerated its
influence on American politics. But Charles Lewis, the founder of the Center
for Public Integrity, a nonpartisan watchdog group, said, The Kochs are on
a whole different level. Theres no one else who has spent this much money.
The sheer dimension of it is what sets them apart. They have a pattern of
lawbreaking, political manipulation, and obfuscation. Ive been in
Washington since Watergate, and Ive never seen anything like it. They are
the Standard Oil of our times.
A few weeks after the Lincoln Center gala, the advocacy wing of the
Americans for Prosperity Foundationan organization that David Koch started,
in 2004held a different kind of gathering. Over the July 4th weekend, a
summit called Texas Defending the American Dream took place in a chilly
hotel ballroom in Austin. Though Koch freely promotes his philanthropic
ventures, he did not attend the summit, and his name was not in evidence.
And on this occasion the audience was roused not by a dance performance but
by a series of speakers denouncing President Barack Obama. Peggy Venable,
the organizer of the summit, warned that Administration officials have a
socialist vision for this country.
Five hundred people attended the summit, which served, in part, as a
training session for Tea Party activists in Texas. An advertisement cast the
event as a populist uprising against vested corporate power. Today, the
voices of average Americans are being drowned out by lobbyists and special
interests, it said. But you can do something about it. The pitch made no
mention of its corporate funders. The White House has expressed frustration
that such sponsors have largely eluded public notice. David Axelrod, Obamas
senior adviser, said, What they dont say is that, in part, this is a
grassroots citizens movement brought to you by a bunch of oil
[snip--this is page one of ten--anyone not terrified of reading something
they don't want to believe can follow the link to the source]
On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 11:41:13 -0800, "Lew Hodgett"
<[email protected]> wrote:
>"Larry Jaques" wrote:
>> Sarah resonates with the American people, who are angy as hell with
>> their too-big, too-spendthrift, unlistening, corrupt gov't right now
>> and I don't think the people will be taking it for much longer.
>Describes 2000-2008, and yes it was ugly.
Crikey, Lew. Do you really feel that this Obama administration is
pure as the driven snow (uncorrupt), thrifty, listening to Americans,
and smaller than the last admin, or any in recent decades? If so, lay
off that KoolAid. You're blasted! And find a new newsfeed. Yours is
entirely corrupted and feeding you bullshit at a 100% rate.
Just Say No to the DailyKOZ.
The United States of America is the greatest, the
noblest and, in its original founding principles,
the only moral country in the history of the world.
-- Ayn Rand
On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 08:56:56 -0800 (PST), Robatoy
<[email protected]> wrote:
>On Jan 12, 11:48 am, Larry Jaques <[email protected]>
>> On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 15:28:52 -0000, "Disbelief"
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >Rich wrote:
>> >> Robatoy wrote:
>> >>> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
>> >>> "Like many, I've spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
>> >>> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
>> >>> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
>> >>> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame
>> >>> for this terrible event," Palin said
>> >>> There is no way she wrote those words.....
>> >> No Obama did
>> >Rich
>> >The typical biggoted American answer - Palin and her ilk are nothing but
>> >rabble rousers who could be likened to a leader of a certain political party
>> >in Europe between 1921 and 1945 who caused fear, death and misery for
>> >millions - yet seldom got his hands dirty himself.
>> >America, a once proud land, is rapidly going down the dictatorship route
>> >unless its more sensible citizens take the lead and stop the rot.
>> >*WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - and tell
>> >your "tea party" idiots where to go.
>> Man, you guys are really & truly scared of her, aren't you? <titter>
>> Since you changed your email address and got through my filters again,
>> I'll have to replonk you.
>> Buh bye, again!
>> P.S: Carry on, Sarah and fellow TeaPartiers! We're still making
>> headway.
>Et tu, C-Less?
>Really? You'd give the keys to your nuclear arsenal to that woman?
I like Sarah in her role as a motivational leader. She's doing quite
wonderfully, if you haven't noticed with your unleashed hatred toward
But I want someone else to run for President. I'm not happy with the
short list of Republicans so far, either, but wouldn't even -think- of
voting for a Demonrat. Most of the Libertarians and Greenies are too
far out there for me, too. <sigh> What's a 'Murrican to do?
The United States of America is the greatest, the
noblest and, in its original founding principles,
the only moral country in the history of the world.
-- Ayn Rand
Just Wondering wrote:
> I don't know your specifics. However, NLRB rules prohibit management
> (that is, the company)from telling the labor rank and file (that is,
> their workers) what is often the truth, which is that if management
> gave labor what the union bigwigs demanded, it could make the company
> non-competitive, even put the company out of business.
But the company CAN tell the press and the stockholders. Somehow that
information gets back to most workers.
"HeyBub" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>> Let's change the labels. If protestors were bused to a Moveon.org
>> rally in buses paid for by Organization A, and Organization A gets
>> money from Organization B, and Organization B is the recipient of
>> funding from George Soros, how many microseconds would it take you to
>> make the connection? Yet no amount of evidence that billionaire
>> bankrollers of various right-wing causes working hand in glove with
>> Tea Party leadership has a similar result, you are philosophically
>> opposed to seeing it, you'd rather not know who paid for buses that
>> hauled protestors to a Tea Party event. Oh well, free country, no
>> law against tunnel vision, is there?
> Good point, even though your hypothetical is seriously flawed. George
> Soros gives money DIRECTLY to moveon.org.
You're missing the point; I used the conditional "If" at the beginning of
that sentence for a reason. IF Soros had filtered funding through one of
more organizations before it went to Moveon.org, it would still be his
money, he would still be the one funding Moveon.org. So by the same logic,
if the Koch family filters money through a couple of other groups but it
still ends up paying for websites and buses and so on with the Tea Party
label on them, then the Koch family (and others) are funding the Tea Party.
That isn't to say there isn't other funding, that there aren't people
donating ten bucks here and fifty bucks there, but it is silly to pretend
there is some magical firewall between these organizations and the Tea
Party, not when you don't even have to look hard to see them boasting of
working closely with each other.
Along these lines I am willing to accept donations from Festool whether
directly or through some middleman group, I'm not picky as to whether they
openly take credit for equipping my shop or not.
> As for busses, I'd be interested in the situation where some third-party
> paid to bus tea-partiers to an event.
> I know in my town, some enthusiasts came to a rally from an outlying
> community, but they pooled their money and hired their own bus. This may
> not be the norm, but I'd be interested in a contrary situation.
I'm sure that happens, people in the Tea Party are passionate and I don't
doubt many will put their money where their mouths are. But it is
interesting that Americans For Prosperity paid for buses to Glenn Beck's
rally in Washington, especially when you recall that AFP is funded by (guess
who) the Koch family. It's also interesting, isn't it, that the Pittsburgh
Tea Party rolled buses to Washington for a FreedomWorks Tea Party event,
FreedomWorks being funded to the tune of many millions by (you guessed it)
the Koch clan. So when I hear someone express skepticism that there are
billionaires funding the Tea Party in order to use it for their own
political ends, I have to wonder, are they paying any attention at all?
DGDevin wrote:
> "HeyBub" wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>> They should be pissed off, everyone should be, but it would be nice
>>> if they put a little effort into figuring out who they should be
>>> upset with. The billionaire Republicans who have bankrolled the Tea
>>> Party must be laughing themselves silly.
>> Uh, if you mean by "billionaire" George Soros, et al, they are
>> bankrolling the mainstream Democrats.
>> So far as I can find, nobody is bankrolling the Tea Party. Or, they
>> could be so successful at keeping it a secret, that it just hasn't
>> come out yet.
> Or you could be doing such a good job of avoiding information that
> might disturb your tunnel-vision view of the world that it wouldn't
> matter if it was on the front page of your local paper, you still
> wouldn't see it (it isn't like it's hard to find for anyone who
> actually looks). Or once it's brought to your attention you could
> insist that anything that appears in a news source that doesn't meet
> your approval is safe to ignore, that's common with extremists of
> both wings, they prefer living in their respective echo chambers. So
> no doubt you'll go on pointing at George Soros while happily ignoring
> Dick Armey and the Koch brothers doing exactly what Soros does except
> on the other wing--they just don't count because you approve of their
> brand of agitprop.
Thank you for the links - of course David Rich and the NY Times are hardly
the poster boys for objective reporting on the subject.
That said, I find no mention of any fat-cat financial support for tea party
organizations. There is much overlap between the organizations funded by the
Koch brothers and tea party membership, but they seem to be separate
You are correct in that Fox News, for example, tends to give favorable
coverage to tea party activities and I grant that counts for quite a bit in
the grand scheme of things.
Still, the tea party activities are not, to my knowledge, a beard for
protests as much as SEIU, the teamsters, the teacher's unions, and the like.
"Rich" wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> Nice try. Could write a book on it. Tea Party= less government,less
> spending, less taxes. Community Organizer = big government, more spending,
> more taxes.
Tea Party = Pissed Off. They're not exactly sure just why, or at who, but
they know they're not happy with something and/or somebody. And just wait
'til they find out some of their leaders want to do away with Medicare and
Social Security--"What, MY Medicare and Social Security?!?!"
They should be pissed off, everyone should be, but it would be nice if they
put a little effort into figuring out who they should be upset with. The
billionaire Republicans who have bankrolled the Tea Party must be laughing
themselves silly.
In news:1839cda5-7b87-4410-a1d2-f9f5f1bd54ab@k25g2000vbl.googlegroups.com,
Robatoy <[email protected]> spewed forth:
> On Jan 12, 3:13 pm, RicodJour <[email protected]> wrote:
>> On Jan 12, 3:03 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> RicodJour wrote:
>>>> On Jan 12, 2:07 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> RicodJour wrote:
>>>>>> On Jan 12, 1:41 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>>> Han wrote:
>>>>>>>> Rich <[email protected]> wrote in
>>>>>>>>> Thinks you watch to much MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a
>>>>>>>>> Pres. Candidate but I do believe she can and has played a
>>>>>>>>> large role in changing direction of our Misguided Over
>>>>>>>>> Blotted Government. Thinks that not much more damage could be
>>>>>>>>> done then has by the Community Organiser in the WH now.
>>>>>>>> Sorry, to me this is gobbledygook. For one thing, I don't know
>>>>>>>> what MSLSD is. Who is miguided over the blotted government?
>>>>>>>> what is a blotted government?
>>>>>>>> Can anyone make complete, English sentences from this for me?
>>>>>>> MSLSD = MSNBC Who is the current politicians that don't listen
>>>>>>> to the majority of the US citizens and will probably be tossed
>>>>>>> out on their butts in the next elections. Correction, Blotted =
>>>>>>> Bloated Oversize,fat, excessive gas.
>>>>>>> Fluid enough? Or should I say, clear enough?
>>>>>> I'm guessing you work in the computer industry. You use your own
>>>>>> mental shorthand to communicate and leave other people saying,
>>>>>> WTF...? Your _explanation_ of your first WTF post leaves me with
>>>>>> a WTF hangover.
>>>>>> I don't necessarily disagree with your viewpoint, just taking
>>>>>> you to task for using mental shorthand when communicating with
>>>>>> people you've never met. It ends up being frustrating for
>>>>>> everyone.
>>>>>> R
>>>>>> rec.woodworking Executive Officer, Linguistics and Communications
>>>>>> Division
>>>>> I'll take that as a joke. I do work with code and scrips and yes
>>>>> I do use the mental shorthand when on usenet. I'm retired but
>>>>> this is what I do in my spare time.http://rentmyhusband.biz/
>>>> Mental shorthand is a convenience and a tool for you. When you use
>>>> it with other people that don't know your shorthand, it's
>>>> obfuscating and makes you a tool. Resist the temptation!
>>> Ok, I will try. Did you even look at the website?
>> No, sorry. I'm not looking to rent a man. I'll stick with rending
>> women. =:O
>>>>> This is my first WTF post and thought it was fairly clear:
>>>>> One NUT who wanted some attention. Then you have another NUT on
>>>>> MSNBC who blamed this on Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Bill OReilly,
>>>>> and others, not to mention Conservative Hater Mark Potok of the
>>>>> Southern Poverty Law Center with his expected RANT! Can't wait to
>>>>> see all the new Bills pushed through the Congress because of this
>>>>> tragedy.
>>>> You'll get no argument from me on any of that. People, including
>>>> politicians, feel that _something_ has to be done, but as they're
>>>> too busy fencing with their dicks, they are misguided and create
>>>> misguided laws, comments, etc.
>>> This is one of the few times on here I responded in a Political
>>> way. But you can only stay quiet so long. Not happy with Washington
>>> for a long time and this Administration has me pulling my hair out!
>> And this is not an effective place to get something done. Robatoy
>> does it because he's a bounder who has to cross a border to voice his
>> opinion on things that barely affect him, and on which he can have no
>> effect.
>> R
> Robatoy pays taxes in the US.
> What you're saying is that your antics, thumb on nuclear button,
> doesn't affect me in Canada?
> The US of A, once the only SuperPower, is starting to open its eyes
> and realizing that it is over? Done? No Mo, bro'?
> Now THAT's a nice stable neighbour. One with 270 million guns and hurt
> feelings.
> A 45 minute drive from my house shows, in no uncertain terms, what you
> guys have done with the place. Rust and ruin. Meth and crack
> everywhere. Even the cops have thrown in the towel. "fukkit" they say.
> Every man for himself.
> And now you silly people want to hand The Button over to a
> opportunistic douche who has NOTHING to offer but her tits.
> If a drug dealer moved in next door to you, would that bother you?
You forget that those cities just across the border have been run by
democrats for decades.
Coincidence..I think not
Again, I ask, why do so many people think she will or would run for
Better yet... what is Palin?
"Han" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
Sorry, to me this is gobbledygook. For one thing, I don't know what MSLSD
is. Who is miguided over the blotted government? what is a blotted
Can anyone make complete, English sentences from this for me?
Best regards
email address is invalid
On Thu, 13 Jan 2011 02:21:59 -0800 (PST), Hoosierpopi
<[email protected]> wrote:
>"Thinks that not much more damage could be done then has by the
>Community Organiser in the WH now."
>Since when did one of the thousand points of light President Bush
>hailed as part of the American Way become a derogatory term?
Since someone did their homework and found out about Acorn and the
people who politicized it. Most community organizers wouldn't be
caught dead using that term today.
>those who volunteer their efforts to help their communities considered
>"the good guys" anymore?
They are unless they're Acorners on the one side, JFs on the other.
Both push their agendas, in most cases ramming it down throats.
>BTW Professional speech writers have been part and parcel of our
>political system for as long as I can remember - indeed, my dad worked
>for Stuart Symington and Charles Brown (MO) in such a capacity.
Some people hear voices. Some see invisible people.
Others have no imagination whatsoever.
On 1/22/2011 4:39 PM, Robatoy wrote:
> It would actually be pretty clever for Soros to fund and support the
> TeaParty. Nothing like divide and conquer. Make the fundies fight
> amongst themselves... the extremists like Phelps et al. vs the more
> rational republicans. It doesn't matter, it seems, _how_ you
> neutralize a vote, as long as it gives you (Soros' bunch) an advantage.
Was watching Ralph Nader and Ron Paul agreeing with each on more than
one issue the other night, often times for different reasons, but
agreeing nonetheless.
The one issue on which they were in absolute agreement ... they both
want to dismantle the Federal Reserve.
Alas, we Yanks can only wish ...
Last update: 4/15/2010
KarlC@ (the obvious)
On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 10:47:21 -0800 (PST), Robatoy
<[email protected]> wrote:
>On Jan 24, 1:35 pm, Swingman <[email protected]> wrote:
>> On 1/24/2011 9:58 AM, Larry Jaques wrote:
>> > On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 09:17:43 -0600, Swingman<[email protected]> wrote:
>> > Indeed. My sister still likes Obama and refuses to learn anything more
>> > in depth about him or any other political issue. I don't know where
>> > she gets her info, but she lives in the SF Bay Area, a liberal
>> > bastion.
>> This has nothing to do with just one political party, they are both
>> culpable.
>> Instead, we bicker amongst ourselves over the contrived machination of
>> politicians in a two party system, mistaking our manipulated opinions
>> for knowledge.
>> > People would rather play video games (or drink beer and watch the boob
>> > tube) than learn how their country is decaying and how to stop it.
>> > Amazing.
>> > Sad.
>> As I said re a nation of purposely ill educated fools ...
>Keep them stupid. Allow them to keep 'just' enough of their income not
>to cause riots, but constantly trying to push the envelope of how much
>tax those poor working bastards will tolerate. The fact that the IRS
>(or Revenue Canada) and the Federal Reserve are privately held
>companies is the most corrupt set-up I have ever seen.
>I know I have posted this before, but as always: "follow the money."
>Back to this document again:
>Revealed by US Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. from Minnesota
>before the US Congress sometime during his term of office between the
>years of 1907 and 1917 to warn the citizens.
>"We (the bankers) must proceed with caution and guard every move made,
>for the lower order of people are already showing signs of restless
>commotion. Prudence will therefore show a policy of apparently
>yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated
>that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized
>resistance. The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations in
>the United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and
>we must take immediate steps to control these organizations in our
>interest or disrupt them.
>At the coming Omaha Convention to be held July 4th (1892), our men
>must attend and direct its movement, or else there will be set on foot
>such antagonism to our designs as may require force to overcome. This
>at the present time would be premature. We are not yet ready for such
>a crisis. Capital must protect itself in every possible manner through
>combination ( conspiracy) and legislation.
>The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds
>and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible.
>When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their
>homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the
>influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central
>power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers.
>People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.
>History repeats itself in regular cycles. This truth is well known
>among our principal men who are engaged in forming an imperialism of
>the world. While they are doing this, the people must be kept in a
>state of political antagonism.
>The question of tariff reform must be urged through the organization
>known as the Democratic Party, and the question of protection with the
>reciprocity must be forced to view through the Republican Party.
>By thus dividing voters, we can get them to expand their energies in
>fighting over questions of no importance to us, except as teachers to
>the common herd. Thus, by discrete action, we can secure all that has
>been so generously planned and successfully accomplished."
>Revealed by Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. to the U.S. Congress
>sometime between 1907 and 1917.
>Capital must protect itself in every way, through combination and
>through legislation. Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages
>foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law, the
>common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and
>more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the
>central power of wealth, under control of leading financiers. People
>without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known
>among our principle men now engaged in forming an IMPERIALISM of
>capital to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to
>expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to
>us except as teachers of the common herd. Thus by discrete action we
>can secure for ourselves what has been generally planned and
>successfully accomplished.
So, who are these puppeteers (Illuminati, Masons, New World Order) and
what are their interim and final agendas?
"I probably became a libertarian through exposure to tough-minded
professors" James Buchanan, Armen Alchian, Milton Friedman "who
encouraged me to think with my brain instead of my heart. I
learned that you have to evaluate the effects of public policy
as opposed to intentions."
-- Walter E. Williams
On Jan 24, 4:54=A0pm, Larry Jaques <[email protected]>
> So, who are these puppeteers (Illuminati, Masons, New World Order) and
> what are their interim and final agendas?
I dunno, C-Less, I don't subscribe to their newsletters.
It has never been different, in history, that the guy who has money to
lend and who has the clear conscience to squeeze the borrower to death
is the one with who can and will hire those who can help him further
his business. Case in point when Francis II allowed his banker to
foment the French Revolutionary wars with his money. Bankers and arms
dealers do what they can to keep wars going. Their portfolios usually
contain a lot of defence contractors. Bankers on any level, answer to
bankers on higher levels. Those are the ones who own judges and
On 1/24/2011 3:54 PM, Larry Jaques wrote:
> So, who are these puppeteers (Illuminati, Masons, New World Order) and
> what are their interim and final agendas?
Nothing near that exotic ... simple perpetuation of economic power
fueled by greed. When you hold the power to make the rules, you can have
all you can grab.
Last update: 4/15/2010
KarlC@ (the obvious)
"HeyBub" wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Medicare is an INSURANCE program.
Really? Then why does Medicare subsidize teaching hospitals (with
taxpayer's money) by paying for residencies for medical students? What kind
of insurance does stuff like that? And hands up everyone who thinks what
Medicare spends is or will remain funded purely by payroll deductions....
> Agitatiors, if you can call them that,
Yeah, I can, they are agitators in any meaningful sense of the word. Your
approval doesn't change what they're doing.
> paid premiums most or all of their working life and, in their mind, are
> entitled to the promised annuity. Same with Social Security.
Like those union members who figure corporations shouldn't be able to cut
their pension benefits, like that?
> Now if the agitators were demanding more benefits or no cuts in MEDICAID,
> I'd be with you in condemning the thuggish mob.
LOL, no doubt, as the best thing for the poor to do is to die and thus
decrease the surplus population, right Ebenezer?
Robatoy wrote the following:
> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
> Like many, Ive spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame for
> this terrible event, Palin said
> There is no way she wrote those words.....
The only US politician who doesn't have a prepared statement is Joe
Biden, and it shows.
In Hamptonburgh, NY
In the original Orange County. Est. 1683
To email, remove the double zeroes after @
"Steve B" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote
>> Surely that many of you can't be that fucking stupid ... SHAME on ALL you
>> sickos, on both sides.
> My union went on strike a few years ago. They wanted us to go back with
> little gain. The union voted and accepted the contract. I felt for weeks
> that the ballot boxes had been stuffed.
> Then I went back on the job and talked to a lot of people about how they
> voted.
> Yes, there were that many fucking stupid people.
> I retired less than a year later.
> Steve
That may or may not have been a good idea. Depends on circumstances. A
small gain is better than no job that a lot of workers are faced with today.
On Fri, 21 Jan 2011 06:50:48 -0800 (PST), Charlie Self
<[email protected]> wrote:
>On Jan 12, 2:05 pm, Larry Jaques <[email protected]>
>> On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 09:55:10 -0800 (PST), Robatoy
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >On Jan 12, 12:38 pm, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >> Robatoy wrote:
>> >> > On Jan 12, 11:04 am, Rich <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >> >> wrote:
>> >> >> > *WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - and
>> >> >> > tell your "tea party" idiots where to go.
>> >> >> You're obviously Barking up the Wrong Tree, I'm a Tea Party Organizer!
>> >> > Oh COOL! You guys pick out a uniform yet? Something in a nice brown?
>> >> Thinks you watch to much MSLSD. I don't support Palin as a Pres. Candidate
>> >> but I do believe she can and has played a large role in changing direction
>> >> of our Misguided Over Blotted Government. Thinks that not much more damage
>> >> could be done then has by the Community Organiser in the WH now.
>> >Oh.
>> >Difference between a Tea Party- and a Community organizer is what?
>> 180 degrees? Tea Partiers are working FOR the people in the
>> community, without regard to race or color.
Why, here in the USA, sir. ;)
Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air...
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"ChairMan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In news:b3aa10b9-b82f-4aa2-89a7-cd4c91a0d0c4@k30g2000vbn.googlegroups.com,
> Robatoy <[email protected]> spewed forth:
>> On Jan 12, 11:26 am, "Steve B" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> "Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:8bd9ab14-84bc-42f0-8743-d4bf3ec56c24@q18g2000vbk.googlegroups.com...
>>> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
>>> "Like many, I've spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
>>> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
>>> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
>>> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame
>>> for this terrible event," Palin said
>>> There is no way she wrote those words.....
>>> Get a life, dude.
>> I HAVE a life, dude. I'd like to keep it for a while longer. Handing
>> Palin the keys is begging for a catastrophe. What the hell is it with
>> you people? So easily startstruck by a set of tits. "Oh yea, Sarah
>> will turn the US around!!"
>> I mean... she's totally doable, I get it, but to run the second most
>> powerful economy on earth?
> Why do so many people think she will or would run for president?
> And what does her statement about the tragedy in AZ have do with anything
> other than what she said?
> I'm no Palin fan, but for the life of me I don't understand why she is
> attacked so much.
> She's an American citizen and has as much right to voice her opinions as
> any other person does.
> Ya'll take what the media puts out way to seriously.
And will someone please explain to me how the current spenders in office are
doing any better than Ms. Palin, who at least demonstrated some fiscal and
financial responsibility in her time as governor. Greatly increasing our
debt, having hundreds of billions of extra money laying around allocated,
but not assigned, and being eaten away slowly by the rats in Washington, and
going into private coffers, evaporating every day. At least she has SOME
political experience, took a stand, and didn't merely vote PRESENT hundreds
of times. And has some idea that one must spend within their income.
Unlike Barry who spends millions a day to travel with Bertha, all on the
taxpayer's dime, acting like someone who has never had anything, and
suddenly is awash in money. At least the gal has some class.
On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 10:11:53 -0800 (PST), Robatoy
<[email protected]> wrote:
>On Jan 12, 1:08 pm, Larry Jaques <[email protected]>
>> On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 08:56:56 -0800 (PST), Robatoy
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >On Jan 12, 11:48 am, Larry Jaques <[email protected]>
>> >wrote:
>> >> On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 15:28:52 -0000, "Disbelief"
>> >> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >> >Rich wrote:
>> >> >> Robatoy wrote:
>> >> >>> Yup, Palin wrote this, uhuh....:
>> >> >>> "Like many, I've spent the past few days reflecting on what happened
>> >> >>> and praying for guidance. After this shocking tragedy, I listened at
>> >> >>> first puzzled, then with concern, and now with sadness, to the
>> >> >>> irresponsible statements from people attempting to apportion blame
>> >> >>> for this terrible event," Palin said
>> >> >>> There is no way she wrote those words.....
>> >> >> No Obama did
>> >> >Rich
>> >> >The typical biggoted American answer - Palin and her ilk are nothing but
>> >> >rabble rousers who could be likened to a leader of a certain political party
>> >> >in Europe between 1921 and 1945 who caused fear, death and misery for
>> >> >millions - yet seldom got his hands dirty himself.
>> >> >America, a once proud land, is rapidly going down the dictatorship route
>> >> >unless its more sensible citizens take the lead and stop the rot.
>> >> >*WAKE* *UP* *AMERICA* *BEFORE* *IT* *IS* *TOO* *LATE* *TO* *STOP* - and tell
>> >> >your "tea party" idiots where to go.
>> >> Man, you guys are really & truly scared of her, aren't you? <titter>
>> >> Since you changed your email address and got through my filters again,
>> >> I'll have to replonk you.
>> >> Buh bye, again!
>> >> P.S: Carry on, Sarah and fellow TeaPartiers! We're still making
>> >> headway.
>> >Et tu, C-Less?
>> >Really? You'd give the keys to your nuclear arsenal to that woman?
>> I like Sarah in her role as a motivational leader. She's doing quite
>> wonderfully, if you haven't noticed with your unleashed hatred toward
>> her.
>> But I want someone else to run for President. I'm not happy with the
>> short list of Republicans so far, either, but wouldn't even -think- of
>> voting for a Demonrat. Most of the Libertarians and Greenies are too
>> far out there for me, too. <sigh> What's a 'Murrican to do?
>> --
>> The United States of America is the greatest, the
>> noblest and, in its original founding principles,
>> the only moral country in the history of the world.
>> -- Ayn Rand
>The Huck! Bring on The Huck! I like Huck.
Praise the Lord and Vote for Huck? Pass.
He's a radical fringe JesusFreakist.
The United States of America is the greatest, the
noblest and, in its original founding principles,
the only moral country in the history of the world.
-- Ayn Rand