Please excuse my previous cross-posting, ladies & gentlemen! I didn't pay
close enough attention to realize "Trishia Rose" posted to several groups
when I replied. My intent was to keep it in rec.woodworking
The law of intelligent tinkering: save all the parts.
"Norman D. Crow" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:...
> Trishia,
> Let's make a deal! You take your tongue out of your cheek & I'll take
> tongue out of my cheek! Our family doesn't call it Alzheimer's, we call it
> *Part-timer's*(part of the time you remember, part of - - etc.).
> Ackshully, 27yr. of high stress large scale EDP repair/maintenance, then
> 10+yr. OTR trucker, now it's 30 & 40yr. old kids who call up & say "Daddy,
> love you - - - " or SIL's who call up and say "Pop, how do you do this?"
> "What do you think is the problem with this?". They are learning, though!
> Got a pretty good bunch of kids who know their mechanics, and it's coming
> back around, as I can't physically crawl around under vehicles like I used
> to, so they do it for me now.
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