"Tom Gardner"

28/09/2006 5:12 PM

Cutting shallow, wide slot in hardwood

I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence you.
We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.

This topic has 33 replies



in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

30/09/2006 5:30 AM

On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 08:35:23 GMT, "Tom Gardner"
<tom(nospam)> wrote:

><[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> In article <[email protected]>,
>> Tom Gardner <tom(nospam)> wrote:
>>>I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
>>>across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
>>>2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence you.
>>>We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.
>> 3/64" deep? I'm curious, why do you need to cut this (I hesitate to
>> use the word) "slot" anyway?
>> If I had to do 2000 of these a day, I believe I'd take this old 4"
>> jointer I have but seldom use, and and grind an old set of knives to
>> give the 1.5" width. Cut the blocks to length afterwards.
>> --
>> No dumb questions, just dumb answers.
>> Larry Wasserman - Baltimore, Maryland - lwasserm(@)charm(.)net
>The blocks are 7" long and I buy them. I can't make them cheap enough
>anymore so I farmed it out to an Amish company, they do a great job! I only
>have to do 600-800/day but I can't dedicate 8 man-hours to it, only 3-4.
>See:,2134.htm this shows
>the parts and how they fit.

A dado stack or molding cutterhead would do the job quickly. Even if
the stack isn't wide enough, it'd be pretty easy to bolt a sacrifical
fence to the miter gauge (or make a crosscut sled) with two blocks
screwed to it as stops at 6.25" from the center line on each side
(assuming a 3/4" dado stack) Run the first cut with the block tight to
one side, then slide the block over to the other side and finish it
off. Simple, cheap, and quick- and you're not going to burn out a
table saw every few months.

If the cut is rough from the dado stack, but needs to be smooth,
easiest bet might be to use the above method, then clean the groove
with a 1.5" sanding belt. Easy to make a jig for that, too- just get
a standard industrial deburring sander and put a couple of blocks on a
mount behind the belt to make sure the depth remains consistant, and a
couple of stops on either side to ensure that the corners don't get
knocked off when aligning the pieces. Same deal as above works here,
too- if it's cheaper or easier to get 1" belts, get them and make the
side stops a little oversized to allow the operator to slide the piece
back and forth. Probably a good idea to make the sanding jig out of
steel- it costs a little more, but will hold up a lot better to
industrial-type use.

Should be able to make 800-900 pieces really quickly that way, unless
your employees are masters at wasting time. Nice thing about what
you're doing there is that you can just make a single jig for each
step and lock it in- no excuses for boneheads to mess up a whole order
of them.

As far as the repetitive motion goes, I don't think you're going to
avoid that entirely unless you make a robot to do it. Which isn't a
terrible idea either- a guy could do that mechanically for a couple of
grand, and then set it to run and walk away. There, the router is
probably the best bet, but you could get a heavy-duty motor and just
mount a collet to it- no need to go out and buy a router with any
bells and whistles if you are just going to mount it in a carriage.

Of course, if these are a real pain the butt for you and you'd like to



in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

28/09/2006 10:37 AM

"Tom Gardner" <tom(nospam)> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
>across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
>2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence you.
>We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.
What will you pay for the best idea?

Only kidding. Gang cut as many pieces as you can fit on a table with an
overarm track with a 3HP router(or other motor available) equipped with a
1 -1/2" end mill.



"Jay Pique"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

28/09/2006 5:32 PM

Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> "Tom Gardner" <tom(nospam)> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
> >across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
> >2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence you.
> >We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.
> >
> Is that for 5 days or 500 days? That makes a difference in how much you can
> afford to spend to automate. There are industrial machine cutters that can
> knock that out in a short time, but you will be investing far more than the
> cost of a dado setup on a cabinet saw or router.

Yep. I'd think you could really crank out a bunch with a dado stack
and some featherboards on a table saw. I envsion a flume type set-up
on an infeed table, and a box on the floor behind the saw to catch
them. Have one guy line up 15 or 20 blocks (how long are they?) and
another guy push 'em through with a long push stick - the kind that
sits on top with a heel at the back to catch the last one. I bet you
could cut your cycle time significantly.



"Jay Pique"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

28/09/2006 5:36 PM

note: you could do a similar type operation with a shaper.


in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

29/09/2006 1:52 AM

Tom Gardner (nospam) wrote:
> I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
> across a KD Beech block

In terms of force applied and energy used, two of the recommendations
are appealing
and can be hybridized to make a solution similar to the Roy Underhill
style of work.

Saw the edges of the slot, then chisel out the waste.

Two thin-kerf blades in a dado-like setup (with washers as spacers
instead of chipper blades)
can define the slot edges on a table saw. Then a jointer with custom
blades can hog out
the waste. The benefit is: buried in a cut, the thin-kerf blades will
cut true and have
plenty of cooling, and only make a little sawdust. Then the jointer
blades will take out
big chunks of toothpick-shaped waste, taking very little energy
(because the fibers
are already cut at the ends).

In terms of energy required and stress on the wood, there is one better
way to do the
job, with a succession of passes with the right kind of plane (with
knives to slit
the edge and a rabbet iron to hog the waste, it can ALL be little
with no sawdust). Is it acceptable to set up several shapers together?



in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

29/09/2006 9:04 AM

Tom Gardner (nospam) wrote:
> I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
> across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
> 2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence you.
> We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.

Outsource this to China. Americans are unable to handle anything that
requires more then 3 repeat activities


"Roger Shoaf"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

30/09/2006 1:21 PM

"Tom Gardner" <tom(nospam)> wrote in message
news:f%[email protected]...
> The blocks are 7" long and I buy them. I can't make them cheap enough
> anymore so I farmed it out to an Amish company, they do a great job! I
> have to do 600-800/day but I can't dedicate 8 man-hours to it, only 3-4.

Have you asked your Amish supplier how much they would charge to supply the
blocks already to your spec?

Roger Shoaf
If you are not part of the solution, you are not dissolved in the solvent.


"Roger Shoaf"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

30/09/2006 8:26 PM

"Tom Gardner" <tom(nospam)> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Well, kinda'! The idea was brought up but dismissed due to the fact that
> the slot has to be indexed to one end of the block. The tolerance is +/-
> 1/16" and if the block is but in the brush machine the wrong way, and the
> block was over or undersized, by even the 1/16", the pattern would
> with the mounting holes. The clamps on the brush machine leave a witness
> mark that orients it in all the rest of the operations. However, I intend
> to revisit it now that you bring it up. If the Amish can mark the
> orientation, it'll work. Good idea, thanks!

You might be able to facilitate this with your Amish vendor by offering to
supply him with a jig of some sort. +- 1/16" is a whopping big tolerance,
The craftsmanship of the Amish wood workers ought to be able to give you at
least +- 1/32".


Roger Shoaf

Important factors in selecting a mate:
1] Depth of gene pool
2] Position on the food chain.


Chris Friesen

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

28/09/2006 11:56 AM

Tom Gardner wrote:
> I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
> across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
> 2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence you.
> We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.

Stack a bunch of workpieces together, use a (possibly CNC) router on an
XY table with stops?

Maybe a mandrel, supported on both sides, with an extra-wide dado set
and a custom table?



"Rick M"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

01/10/2006 1:06 PM

"Morris Dovey" wrote

Snip of some very good advice
> It would not be difficult to move your sliding jig with one or a pair
> of micro-steppers and set up the jig to clamp while in motion and
> release at extremes of movement. That would allow the operator to
> drop the block into the jig and press a pair of buttons (one for each
> hand), then reach for the next block while the cut is being made. You
> should be able to feed the block past the cutter at 3-4 in/sec
> (180-240 ft/min). Once the cut block has been dropped, the jig can be
> retrieved at a still higher speed. You'd need a PC (an old, recycled
> 386 would probably do) and a stepper controller to drive the motors.
> Using steppers makes it easy to control feed speed and
> acceleration/deceleration of the fixture.

Hey Morris,

This job is easily handled by a servo motor system. The one I'm thinking
about is a stepper motor with an integral controller. This controller can be
PC controlled, or you can program it to perform the very functions you
describe. With four digital input/output lines, and one analog input line,
you can (a) start sequence with two switches in series. This drops a shield,
forces a clamp to close, start the spindle, and after a brief (programmed)
delay, starts moving. When it hits the end-limit switch, it shuts off the
spindle, releases the clamp (allowing the part to drop), and after another
brief (programmed) delay, returns the carriage to the home position (set by
the "home" switch). The analog input port can be used to set the travel
speed, and you have the last output to either serve as a clamp release, or
other function you may desire.

I used 3-stack 34 size motors from Intelligent Motion Systems
( for the assembly line
battery tester; I was moving 45-60 pounds of fixtures on two axis and needed
the torque. We used acme screw rod and nut to move, and used turned, ground,
polished rod on linear bearings for low friction directional control.

Hope this helps ... with this approach, it's more mechanical than
electrical. You will, of course, have to provide a power supply for the
motor, and will need an RS-422/485 interface (available from IMS as well) to
program and/or control the motor. Nice thing about the 422 comms, you can
daisychain a pile of motors on one comms line (I had 14 steppers running at
once in direct comms mode with no issues).





in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

28/09/2006 2:16 PM

"Tom Gardner" <tom(nospam)> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
>across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
>2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence you.
>We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.
How long are the blocks? This only works if they are square - or close to

Router table with 2 inserts, offset by 3/4". Fence on one side, featherboard
on the other. Use a 3/4" bit with end milling capabilities in each router.
With another long featherboard over top, you could just keep pushing them
through and they will fall off the outfeed side into a bin.

If the pieces are long, you could use the 2-router setup with a miter slot
and sled. Put a stop block on the infeed side of the cutters, set the pieces
(gang as many as you like) on the sled, set the ends to the stop block, pass
through the cutters. Toughest part would be the initial lineup of the
inserts/miter slot.


"Morris Dovey"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

29/09/2006 12:43 AM

Tom Gardner (in [email protected]) said:

| I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep
| slot across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at
| least 2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to
| influence you. We are trying to come up with a better, faster
| cheaper way.

Lots of ways to skin this cat. A 1-1/2"x3/64" +/-0.002" is easy and
14.4 sec/block (28,800 sec per 8-hour shift divided by 2000 blocks) is
actually pretty slow.

The limiting factors appear to be [1] ability to cool the cutting tool
and [2] material handling ability.

[1] isn't a big problem; but the method used will depend on [3] below.
[2] is a larger issue - material handling might be much simplified and
labor content minimized if the tooling solution inputs boards, and
outputs slotted blocks.

The big questions are:

[3] How many of these blocks would you really like to produce in an
8-hour shift/day? I think that 25,000 blocks/workcenter/shift isn't an
unreasonable target.

[4] What is the value of production volume (IOW, how much does it make
sense to spend to achieve your production target)? "As cheap as
possible" is not an answer to this question.

Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA


"Morris Dovey"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

30/09/2006 12:10 PM

Tom Gardner (in [email protected]) said:

[ Paragraphs reordered ]

| My production requirements are only 800 per day but I can only
| dedicate so many man-hours so I need 300 per hour. Cycle time has
| to include material handling and pee breaks.

Ok - this essential info was missing - and is necessary to have a
starting point.

| I do it now with a 3 hp router swinging a 1.5" bit. The block fits
| in a sliding jig on linear bearings. The operator slides the jig
| across the bit and the block drops in a barrel. It takes about 4-5
| seconds. Not too bad, but I'm worried about repetitive motion
| injuries and the routers only last 4 months.

I suggest hitting E-Bay until you find a good price on a 5-10 hp
industrial spindle and a VFD. If the spindle hasn't been abused, it
should last a very long time. I use a 5 hp Colombo spindle and Delta
(not the tool co) VFD for CNC routing and expect that they'll outlast

It would not be difficult to move your sliding jig with one or a pair
of micro-steppers and set up the jig to clamp while in motion and
release at extremes of movement. That would allow the operator to
drop the block into the jig and press a pair of buttons (one for each
hand), then reach for the next block while the cut is being made. You
should be able to feed the block past the cutter at 3-4 in/sec
(180-240 ft/min). Once the cut block has been dropped, the jig can be
retrieved at a still higher speed. You'd need a PC (an old, recycled
386 would probably do) and a stepper controller to drive the motors.
Using steppers makes it easy to control feed speed and
acceleration/deceleration of the fixture.

If you follow the link below, you can see what the controller would
look like. Your machine, of course, would only be a single-axis
machine and only 1/3 as complex as the JBot shown on the web page.

| My biggest concern is the possibility of repetitive motion injury
| so, I'd rather spend the money to automate rather than taking the
| chance of somebody getting hurt.

Well, the operator will need to move - and the movements will be
repetitive... unless you set up a system to pick blocks off a pallet
or out of a box. :-)

Actually, I think it'd be fun to build something like this! E-mail me
if you'd like help.

Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA


"Morris Dovey"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

30/09/2006 12:11 PM

Morris Dovey (in [email protected]) said:

| If you follow the link below, you can see what the controller would
| look like. (corrected)
Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA


"Morris Dovey"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

01/10/2006 9:31 AM

Rick M (in [email protected]) said:

| "Morris Dovey" wrote
| Snip of some very good advice
|| It would not be difficult to move your sliding jig with one or a
|| pair of micro-steppers and set up the jig to clamp while in motion
|| and release at extremes of movement. That would allow the operator
|| to drop the block into the jig and press a pair of buttons (one
|| for each hand), then reach for the next block while the cut is
|| being made. You should be able to feed the block past the cutter
|| at 3-4 in/sec (180-240 ft/min). Once the cut block has been
|| dropped, the jig can be retrieved at a still higher speed. You'd
|| need a PC (an old, recycled 386 would probably do) and a stepper
|| controller to drive the motors. Using steppers makes it easy to
|| control feed speed and acceleration/deceleration of the fixture.
| Hey Morris,
| This job is easily handled by a servo motor system. The one I'm
| thinking about is a stepper motor with an integral controller. This
| controller can be PC controlled, or you can program it to perform
| the very functions you describe. With four digital input/output
| lines, and one analog input line, you can (a) start sequence with
| two switches in series. This drops a shield, forces a clamp to
| close, start the spindle, and after a brief (programmed) delay,
| starts moving. When it hits the end-limit switch, it shuts off the
| spindle, releases the clamp (allowing the part to drop), and after
| another brief (programmed) delay, returns the carriage to the home
| position (set by the "home" switch). The analog input port can be
| used to set the travel speed, and you have the last output to
| either serve as a clamp release, or other function you may desire.

Sounds good. I think I'd leave the spindle running and only power it
down if the operator failed to initiate a cycle within some timeout
period - say ten or fifteen seconds.

| I used 3-stack 34 size motors from Intelligent Motion Systems
| ( for the assembly
| line battery tester; I was moving 45-60 pounds of fixtures on two
| axis and needed the torque. We used acme screw rod and nut to move,
| and used turned, ground, polished rod on linear bearings for low
| friction directional control.

Also sounds good to me. I used essentially the same linear motion
control approach with the JBot; but found a threadless lead screw and
follower (DAGS: Rohlix) that I think I may like better.

| Hope this helps ... with this approach, it's more mechanical than
| electrical. You will, of course, have to provide a power supply for
| the motor, and will need an RS-422/485 interface (available from
| IMS as well) to program and/or control the motor. Nice thing about
| the 422 comms, you can daisychain a pile of motors on one comms
| line (I had 14 steppers running at once in direct comms mode with
| no issues).

Does help. Even nicer aspect of the 422 I/F is that it's pretty much
immune to shop electrical noise over long runs.

I think perhaps you should be offering Tom a proposal. :-)

Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA


"Tom Gardner"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

30/09/2006 11:32 PM

"Morris Dovey" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Tom Gardner (in [email protected]) said:
> [ Paragraphs reordered ]
> | My production requirements are only 800 per day but I can only
> | dedicate so many man-hours so I need 300 per hour. Cycle time has
> | to include material handling and pee breaks.
> Ok - this essential info was missing - and is necessary to have a
> starting point.
> | I do it now with a 3 hp router swinging a 1.5" bit. The block fits
> | in a sliding jig on linear bearings. The operator slides the jig
> | across the bit and the block drops in a barrel. It takes about 4-5
> | seconds. Not too bad, but I'm worried about repetitive motion
> | injuries and the routers only last 4 months.
> I suggest hitting E-Bay until you find a good price on a 5-10 hp
> industrial spindle and a VFD. If the spindle hasn't been abused, it
> should last a very long time. I use a 5 hp Colombo spindle and Delta
> (not the tool co) VFD for CNC routing and expect that they'll outlast
> me.
> It would not be difficult to move your sliding jig with one or a pair
> of micro-steppers and set up the jig to clamp while in motion and
> release at extremes of movement. That would allow the operator to
> drop the block into the jig and press a pair of buttons (one for each
> hand), then reach for the next block while the cut is being made. You
> should be able to feed the block past the cutter at 3-4 in/sec
> (180-240 ft/min). Once the cut block has been dropped, the jig can be
> retrieved at a still higher speed. You'd need a PC (an old, recycled
> 386 would probably do) and a stepper controller to drive the motors.
> Using steppers makes it easy to control feed speed and
> acceleration/deceleration of the fixture.
> If you follow the link below, you can see what the controller would
> look like. Your machine, of course, would only be a single-axis
> machine and only 1/3 as complex as the JBot shown on the web page.
> | My biggest concern is the possibility of repetitive motion injury
> | so, I'd rather spend the money to automate rather than taking the
> | chance of somebody getting hurt.
> Well, the operator will need to move - and the movements will be
> repetitive... unless you set up a system to pick blocks off a pallet
> or out of a box. :-)
> Actually, I think it'd be fun to build something like this! E-mail me
> if you'd like help.
> --
> Morris Dovey
> DeSoto Solar
> DeSoto, Iowa USA

Good solution, we'll toss it around in this week's'll get the
credit though!


Frank Boettcher

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

28/09/2006 1:49 PM

On Thu, 28 Sep 2006 17:12:21 GMT, "Tom Gardner"
<tom(nospam)> wrote:

>I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
>across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
>2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence you.
>We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.

Dedicated shaper with an end mill cutter, a stack feeder onto the
table and than a stock feeder through the cutter with roller
featherboards hard fastened. Will have to experiment with cutter
profiles depending on what you can live with for exit tearout.

With that kind of volume you should be able to rig up some simple hard
automation for feeding and handling and make it a load and walk away.



in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

28/09/2006 11:45 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
Tom Gardner <tom(nospam)> wrote:
>I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
>across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
>2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence you.
>We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.

3/64" deep? I'm curious, why do you need to cut this (I hesitate to
use the word) "slot" anyway?

If I had to do 2000 of these a day, I believe I'd take this old 4"
jointer I have but seldom use, and and grind an old set of knives to
give the 1.5" width. Cut the blocks to length afterwards.

No dumb questions, just dumb answers.
Larry Wasserman - Baltimore, Maryland - lwasserm(@)charm(.)net


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

28/09/2006 8:27 PM

"Tom Gardner" <tom(nospam)> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
>across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
>2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence you.
>We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.

Is that for 5 days or 500 days? That makes a difference in how much you can
afford to spend to automate. There are industrial machine cutters that can
knock that out in a short time, but you will be investing far more than the
cost of a dado setup on a cabinet saw or router.


"Mark Jerde"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

30/09/2006 9:46 PM

"Roger Shoaf" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Tom Gardner" <tom(nospam)> wrote in message
> news:f%[email protected]...
>> The blocks are 7" long and I buy them. I can't make them cheap enough
>> anymore so I farmed it out to an Amish company, they do a great job! I
> only
>> have to do 600-800/day but I can't dedicate 8 man-hours to it, only 3-4.
> Have you asked your Amish supplier how much they would charge to supply
> the
> blocks already to your spec?

Gentlemen, we are in the presence of genius. Good question, Roger!

-- Mark


"Tom Gardner"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

30/09/2006 8:06 AM

"warbler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Tom Gardner (nospam) wrote:
>> I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
>> across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
>> 2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence
>> you.
>> We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.
> Outsource this to China. Americans are unable to handle anything that
> requires more then 3 repeat activities

Close! I had to farm out 90% of my woodworking to an Amish company. I just
couldn't find anybody that actually would work.


"Lee Gordon"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

28/09/2006 4:18 PM

How about something like a Williams & Hussey molding machine with a set of
knives that cuts a 1 1/2" wide, 3/64" deep groove down the middle. Then
just feed the blocks through or, better yet, if possible, feed the stock
through and cut it into blocks after the groove is in it.


To e-mail, replace "bucketofspam" with "dleegordon"

Lee Gordon


[email protected] (Scott Lurndal)

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

28/09/2006 6:08 PM

"Tom Gardner" <tom(nospam)> writes:
>I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
>across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
>2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence you.
>We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.

How long is the beech block? I'd setup a RAS with a dado head and
cut 4 of them at a time.



Lew Hodgett

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

28/09/2006 5:43 PM

Tom Gardner wrote:
> I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
> across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
> 2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to
influence you.
> We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.

It's custom tooling time.

How much are you willing to invest in multiple station equipment?



Pat Barber

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

28/09/2006 7:33 PM

ShopBot with a straight cutting bit and gang the
blocks as much as possible.

Tom Gardner wrote:

> I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
> across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
> 2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence you.
> We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.


Joe Gorman

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

29/09/2006 7:08 AM

Tom Gardner wrote:
> I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
> across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
> 2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence you.
> We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.
How about a Woodmaster or
similar machine with 2, possibly 3 molding heads for the slot. You'd
have to use longer pieces, then cut to length because of the 8" minimal
planing length. With a custom bed board you could have 2 or 3 pieces
running through at once. It might even be worth a custom head from Byrd
Tools to speed blade replacement.


"Tom Gardner"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

30/09/2006 8:35 AM

<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>,
> Tom Gardner <tom(nospam)> wrote:
>>I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
>>across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
>>2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence you.
>>We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.
> 3/64" deep? I'm curious, why do you need to cut this (I hesitate to
> use the word) "slot" anyway?
> If I had to do 2000 of these a day, I believe I'd take this old 4"
> jointer I have but seldom use, and and grind an old set of knives to
> give the 1.5" width. Cut the blocks to length afterwards.
> --
> No dumb questions, just dumb answers.
> Larry Wasserman - Baltimore, Maryland - lwasserm(@)charm(.)net

The blocks are 7" long and I buy them. I can't make them cheap enough
anymore so I farmed it out to an Amish company, they do a great job! I only
have to do 600-800/day but I can't dedicate 8 man-hours to it, only 3-4.

See:,2134.htm this shows
the parts and how they fit.


"Tom Gardner"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

30/09/2006 11:22 PM

"Mark Jerde" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Roger Shoaf" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "Tom Gardner" <tom(nospam)> wrote in message
>> news:f%[email protected]...
>>> The blocks are 7" long and I buy them. I can't make them cheap enough
>>> anymore so I farmed it out to an Amish company, they do a great job! I
>> only
>>> have to do 600-800/day but I can't dedicate 8 man-hours to it, only 3-4.
>> Have you asked your Amish supplier how much they would charge to supply
>> the
>> blocks already to your spec?
> Gentlemen, we are in the presence of genius. Good question, Roger!
> -- Mark

You're right, he's right!



in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

28/09/2006 5:23 PM

Tom Gardner wrote:
> I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
> across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
> 2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence you.
> We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.

Two passes each (one from each side) on a table saw equipped with a dado
blade set to 3/64 high and just over 3/4" wide.

Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA
[email protected]


"Tom Gardner"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

30/09/2006 8:20 AM

"Morris Dovey" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Tom Gardner (in [email protected]) said:
> | I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep
> | slot across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at
> | least 2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to
> | influence you. We are trying to come up with a better, faster
> | cheaper way.
> Lots of ways to skin this cat. A 1-1/2"x3/64" +/-0.002" is easy and
> 14.4 sec/block (28,800 sec per 8-hour shift divided by 2000 blocks) is
> actually pretty slow.
> The limiting factors appear to be [1] ability to cool the cutting tool
> and [2] material handling ability.
> [1] isn't a big problem; but the method used will depend on [3] below.
> [2] is a larger issue - material handling might be much simplified and
> labor content minimized if the tooling solution inputs boards, and
> outputs slotted blocks.
> The big questions are:
> [3] How many of these blocks would you really like to produce in an
> 8-hour shift/day? I think that 25,000 blocks/workcenter/shift isn't an
> unreasonable target.
> [4] What is the value of production volume (IOW, how much does it make
> sense to spend to achieve your production target)? "As cheap as
> possible" is not an answer to this question.
> --
> Morris Dovey
> DeSoto Solar
> DeSoto, Iowa USA

I do it now with a 3 hp router swinging a 1.5" bit. The block fits in a
sliding jig on linear bearings. The operator slides the jig across the bit
and the block drops in a barrel. It takes about 4-5 seconds. Not too bad,
but I'm worried about repetitive motion injuries and the routers only last 4

My production requirements are only 800 per day but I can only dedicate so
many man-hours so I need 300 per hour. Cycle time has to include material
handling and pee breaks.

My biggest concern is the possibility of repetitive motion injury so, I'd
rather spend the money to automate rather than taking the chance of somebody
getting hurt.


"Tom Gardner"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

30/09/2006 8:07 AM

"Morris Dovey" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Tom Gardner (in [email protected]) said:
> | I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep
> | slot across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at
> | least 2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to
> | influence you. We are trying to come up with a better, faster
> | cheaper way.
> Lots of ways to skin this cat. A 1-1/2"x3/64" +/-0.002" is easy and
> 14.4 sec/block (28,800 sec per 8-hour shift divided by 2000 blocks) is
> actually pretty slow.
> The limiting factors appear to be [1] ability to cool the cutting tool
> and [2] material handling ability.
> [1] isn't a big problem; but the method used will depend on [3] below.
> [2] is a larger issue - material handling might be much simplified and
> labor content minimized if the tooling solution inputs boards, and
> outputs slotted blocks.
> The big questions are:
> [3] How many of these blocks would you really like to produce in an
> 8-hour shift/day? I think that 25,000 blocks/workcenter/shift isn't an
> unreasonable target.
> [4] What is the value of production volume (IOW, how much does it make
> sense to spend to achieve your production target)? "As cheap as
> possible" is not an answer to this question.
> --
> Morris Dovey
> DeSoto Solar
> DeSoto, Iowa USA


"Tom Gardner"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

30/09/2006 11:20 PM

> Have you asked your Amish supplier how much they would charge to supply
> the
> blocks already to your spec?
> --
> Roger Shoaf
> If you are not part of the solution, you are not dissolved in the solvent.

Well, kinda'! The idea was brought up but dismissed due to the fact that
the slot has to be indexed to one end of the block. The tolerance is +/-
1/16" and if the block is but in the brush machine the wrong way, and the
block was over or undersized, by even the 1/16", the pattern would interfere
with the mounting holes. The clamps on the brush machine leave a witness
mark that orients it in all the rest of the operations. However, I intend
to revisit it now that you bring it up. If the Amish can mark the
orientation, it'll work. Good idea, thanks!


"Tom Gardner"

in reply to "Tom Gardner" on 28/09/2006 5:12 PM

28/09/2006 7:28 PM

"Tom Gardner" <tom(nospam)> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I need the best, cheapest way to cut a 1-1/2" wide by 3/64" deep slot
>across a KD Beech block that is 2-1/4" wide. I need to do at least
>2,000/day. I already do this but I won't say how as not to influence you.
>We are trying to come up with a better, faster cheaper way.

Good ideas so far, thanks. We now have a Hitachi 3 hp TR-12 with a 1-1/2"
router bit in a table with a jig sliding on Thomson linear bearings. The
operator drops a block in the jig , slides it through and it drops in a
barrel. The routers last about 6 months then we throw them away as they are
not worth repairing. I'm at about 4-5 seconds each now. I thought of a
dado but 1.5 is too wide. I have a spare shaper with a powered round table
but the cycle time would be hard to beat 5 sec. and the cost of building a
table is about $800 in house.

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