"Mark Jerde"

27/10/2003 5:44 AM

OT: Empty Nesting

The firstborn has had the same address as SWMBO & me for 19 years but in
just a few hours he will start receiving his mail c/o the U.S. Army. I'm
sitting here pretending to work on a report due in the morning but two
strong, conflicting emotions keep getting in the way of concentrating on a
dull writing project. First, I'm glad he's decided on a path and is doing
something about it. Like his dad, college right after high school didn't
work. For people like us some life has to happen betwixt high school &
college to make higher education meaningful. <g>

The second emotion is stronger. I feel almost as discombobulated as when he
burst on the scene 19 years ago making me a parent. SWMBO & me going from
DINK (dual income, no kids) to "parents with infant" was a *major* shock.
It wasn't a surprise -- pregnancy gives plenty of time to think about
parenthood -- but suddenly having the baby there was a shock. Happy but
scared at the same time. Yup, I got lost trying to leave the hospital, and
yes, I did drive down the wrong side of the road for part of a block. The
experience had my brain like the telephone message, "All circuits are busy."

Now my life is changing again. If all goes well with his initial training
he won't even be a teen when we meet again. For most of his first 18 months
he will be 3000 miles away, making weekend visits impractical.

I suppose the next major shock is grandparenthood, should that ever come to
pass. After that, he & his sister will be choosing the nursing home for
their parent(s).

It's all happened billions of times in the past, but not to me. ...

Now, back to that report.

-- Mark