Pictures of my latest approach to collecting dust and chips from a drill
press are shown at
I also posted pictures in
A drill press using a large bit throws off an amazing amount of chips in a
perfect 360 degree distribution pattern. Its like a little mini-planer
sitting on a table and creates a big mess. I am very pleased with this
solution for my circumstances. Perhaps it will stimulate your thinking for
your own situation.
Best regards,
Bob Davis
Houston, Texas
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 15:25:10 GMT, Unisaw A100 <[email protected]>
>>Pictures of my latest approach to collecting dust and chips from a drill
>>press are shown at
>Another up side for one of these, you can run even the
>largest of diameter bits for a way long time and the air
>rushing past will keep the bit from heating up.
I used an aluminum dryer duct on the DP. I can bend it into place and
it stays. It's cheap and it works well. The setup also does exactly
what UA says it does in regards to airflow.
>Pictures of my latest approach to collecting dust and chips from a drill
>press are shown at
Another up side for one of these, you can run even the
largest of diameter bits for a way long time and the air
rushing past will keep the bit from heating up.