

21/11/2006 12:08 AM

Re: Cheap Routers are Expensive

Woops, hit something that made it send...

Anyway, I also have a PC trim router that I don't like the depth adjustment
on cause you have to loosen the base on to use and it seems kind of tippy.
Looking for a better idea.

On bits: Can't say I've ever worn one out but I've had crappy ones like
from Rockler and Whiteside. Now I only buy Amana if at all possilbe, they
cost more but are worth it in me experience.


"MrM" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:...
>I have three larger PCs, a 7518 in a router table, a 7529 plunge that I
>hardly use cause it's too big, heavy and awkward and a 891 to replace the
>7529. I like the adjustmen and plunge better on the 7529 then the 891 but
>the smaler one is easier to use.
> I'm happy with them and they have never given me any trouble.
> "Buck Turgidson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>I just ruined a 12' long piece of oak because the depth adjustment on my
>>Craftsman router slipped while beading the edge of the oak. Not sure what
>>happened, but I am nervous about using it now. Never had a problem on
>>pine, but it seems like oak stresses the machine too much.
>> In looking at some posts on router recommendations, it seems like Porter
>> Cable are well thought of. Is that still the case?
>> Incidentally, how long should a good bit like PC last?