
21/09/2006 1:50 PM

Older Delta Jointer question

I've just acquired an older jointer - model 37-255 6" Delta. It's got 3
cutter heads and 17" in feed and out feed tables. Delta told me it's
3/4 horse. It's built like a bench top, but quite a bit heavier and is
mounted on a stand that originally came with the machine. I've found a
parts list on line, but Delta doesn't have any manuals. It was
discontinued in 1985 and it retailed for $550 at that time. Can anyone
tell me anything about this jointer? Is it worth cleaning up and
using? It seems solidly built, and I could use a jointer, but I don't
want to invest time and money if it wasn't a good machine in the first

Any advice / feedback will be Welcome.