
25/11/2014 5:08 AM

HandyMan DataBase Over 1,000,000 Specs

HandyMan DataBase Over 1,000,000 Specs=20
Electrical, Hardware, Building, Carpendry, Specifications guide includes al=
l kinds of electro-mechanical specifications. SAE Specifications, Wire, Pip=
e, Bolts, Nuts, Taps, Chains, Screws, Batterys, Electrical Formulas, Connec=
tors, Fuses, Resisters, Color Codes, Cotter Pins, 5000 Alloys,Epoxies, Nail=
s, Plastics, Torx. You name it, its in here somewhere.

PWS Software
Binaural Brainwave Stimulator 4.2 :
Binaural Brainwave Stimulator 4.2 16 color strobe sets 300 Options (BrainSt=
imPro), Using adjustable freq, base frequency, modulation, duration, progra=
mmable color strobe, 4 wave forms, (Sine, Square, Triangle, Saw), Freq Ramp=
s, audio to visual pulse ratio adjust and programmable freq and color sets.=
While being setup for use by Medical Personal, It is easy to learn for lay=
men and the average offering an easy of use preprogrammed mode.

CPUTree Computer Repair Database :
This Program's GREAT, Pays for itself the 1st time used in repair cost, CPU=
Tree Computer Repair Database, 1000's of repair Suggestions for all types =
of computers. all you need to know about computer Configuration, Settings, =
upgrades (Software and hardware), and repairs, Speed up slow computers, org=
anized in an easy to understand Tree, Info about Processors, Drives (Disk,=
Floppy,CDROM,Tape), Keyboard, Pointing Devices, Firewire, USB, IRQ, DMA, =
BIOS, BUS, SCSI, Controllers, IR, Ports, Memory (RAM, Cache, Video), Video,=
Sound, Printer, Software, Modem, Networks, Monitors, Temp, Fans, Slots, Op=
tion Cards, Chipsets and much more.

Autotree Pro Ver. 1.45 :
Autotree Pro Ver. 1.45 is a 32 Bit ( WIN95-8.1) software Application for au=
tomotive diagnostics. The program written in a Tree format to make systemat=
ic and quick diagnostic checks a breeze, organized by area (Engine, Transmi=
ssion, Electrical, Fuel, Emission, body, Clutch, Etc. ) Just click on the a=
rea of interest, then the problem and get instant repair suggestions to all=
your problems, covers all the major areas of car repair. (Engine, Fuel, Ig=
nition, Emission, Drive train, Transmission, Brakes, Clutch, Body, Interior=
s and the Average Buyer as well. Buyers get free upgrades.=20
Also includes an extensive 50,000 error code database for all computer-cont=
rolled systems, Powertrain Control Module (PCM) Codes (Engine/Transmission)=
, Engine Control Module (ECM) Codes* Powertrain (P) Trouble Codes, Instrume=
nt Panel Cluster (IPC) Codes , Antilock Brake System (ABS) Codes , Suppleme=
ntal Inflatable Restraint (SIR) Codes , Air Conditioning Programer (ACP) Co=
des, Traction Control System (TCS) Codes , Body Control Module (BCM) Codes,=
and Road Sensing Suspension (RSS) Codes

Sound Card Scope :
Dual Channel Oscilloscope with souns card input, (Sound, line, aux), S
Single, Dual Trace, Triggered input, fully adjustable trace rate, and gain,=
AC or DC, Auto Range, plus much more.=20

ListerPro ToDo Database :
Listerpro ToDo Database is a 12 Catagory ToDo Database,=20
programmable titles for each catagory,=20
unlimited entries, catagory counters, plus more.=20

Bisiness Database Pro :
Ultra Easy, Under 1 Min to learn.
Professional Business Database=20
Record Capacity : 2,100,000,000=20
5230 Bytes / Rec. ( 5 MEG / 1000 Recs.)
Search Engine : 200 Recs / Second=20
Programmable : Database fields

HandyMan DataBase Over 1,000,000 Specs=20
Electrical, Hardware, Building, Carpendry, Specifications guide includes al=
l kinds of electro-mechanical specifications. SAE Specifications, Wire, Pip=
e, Bolts, Nuts, Taps, Chains, Screws, Batterys, Electrical Formulas, Connec=
tors, Fuses, Resisters, Color Codes, Cotter Pins, 5000 Alloys,Epoxies, Nail=
s, Plastics, Torx. You name it, its in here somewhere.

Kaliedoscope Pro :=20
10 Speeds, 10 Complexities=20
Freeze, Capture, Save, Resume=20
10 Patterns, 16.7 Million Colors=20
Allways different patterns=20
Auto resize for 22 Inch HD monutors=20
Email me for a free animated gif demo.

Plus many other Applications, Need anything Email Me.

Scientific Software : DataQ Data Acquisition, Weather Data, Automotive and =
Computer Diagnostics, Hardware System Information, Binaural Brainwave Gener=
ator and much more.=20

SEE AT: https://sites.google.com/site/1diagnostissoftware/Tech=20
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