
[email protected] (Glenna Rose)

07/01/2005 9:18 AM

Re: Tiny gloat and question

[email protected] writes:
>I think that is the Experimental Aircraft Association. Those are the
>that build their own airplanes.

<blush> Yes, Roger, it is. Guess the increased traffic noise overhead
from PDX is grating on my nerves, hence "environmental." As I sit at the
computer, mid-house, television on, etc., the noise is way too loud and
getting worse. This happens whenever they change the flight path which
has been often.

At one time, my ex planned to build an airplane; I asked him where, he
said in the basement. How are you going to get it out? We'll lift up the
house. This person took a deep breath and told him, "When you have it
finished, we'll hire someone to do that," with as much sincerity I could
muster, knowing full well it would never happen. At that time he was a
good father and husband (and my best friend and soul mate), but some folks
should *never* be homeowners and should remain renters forever.

What makes this worse is I was looking at the back of the book when I
typed it! Geez.
