I've set up portion of my web site as a place to share woodworking and
shop ideas; and it's been satisfying to see that people have found it
helpful. Most of the traffic seems to stem from posts to
rec.woodworking, so this would appear to be the most logical place to
appeal for help.
It's been interesting to note that many (about 1/6) of the visitors
are accessing the site from countries where English is not the most
common language. My server-generated usage statistics lists these
countries from among the "Top 30 of 68 Total Countries" for the first
half of September (English-speaking and language-nonspecific domain
types excluded):
Slovak Republic
Saudi Arabia
If woodworkers in any of these countries think it would be worthwhile
for me to have one or more of the web pages available in their
language(s) and can provide interpretations (rather than just
translations) by e-mail, I'd be happy to make those pages available.
Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA
"Morris Dovey" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I've set up portion of my web site as a place to share woodworking and
> shop ideas; and it's been satisfying to see that people have found it
> helpful. Most of the traffic seems to stem from posts to
> rec.woodworking, so this would appear to be the most logical place to
> appeal for help.
> It's been interesting to note that many (about 1/6) of the visitors
> are accessing the site from countries where English is not the most
> common language. My server-generated usage statistics lists these
> countries from among the "Top 30 of 68 Total Countries" for the first
> half of September (English-speaking and language-nonspecific domain
> types excluded):
> Denmark
> Thailand
> Slovak Republic
> Mexico
> Germany
> France
> Netherlands
> Italy
> Japan
> Brazil
> Estonia
> Finland
> Belgium
> Greece
> Argentina
> Sweden
> Israel
> Saudi Arabia
> If woodworkers in any of these countries think it would be worthwhile
> for me to have one or more of the web pages available in their
> language(s) and can provide interpretations (rather than just
> translations) by e-mail, I'd be happy to make those pages available.
> Thanks!
> --
> Morris Dovey
> DeSoto Solar
> DeSoto, Iowa USA
> http://www.iedu.com/DeSoto/interest.html
Morris, I too get frequent visitors to my website from non-English speaking
countries. I ask a friend that lives in Mexico what they do and he told me
they use the Google translation service. It's not always perfect but for
the most part, the message gets through.
He suggested that if I wanted more non-English speaking visitors, then using
non-English key words in the regular text of the page would help with
I like visiting your site for ideas - its a good resource. Thanks for that.
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
Morris Dovey wrote:
> If woodworkers in any of these countries think it would be worthwhile
> for me to have one or more of the web pages available in their
> language(s) and can provide interpretations (rather than just
> translations) by e-mail, I'd be happy to make those pages available.
Watch it, Morris - you may get a page in Russian advertising a porn site :-).
It's turtles, all the way down