
20/01/2004 6:06 PM

Dado size for Bosch 4000 TS

I know that this has been discussed a lot and I've read most of them
but here are some follow up questions:

1) Is there more tearout on 6" vs 8" dado blades.

2) Shouldn't the inertia built up with 8" actually assist the motor
after start up?

Thanks, Jim

This topic has 1 replies



in reply to [email protected] (Jim) on 20/01/2004 6:06 PM

20/01/2004 7:27 PM

On 20 Jan 2004 18:06:15 -0800, [email protected] (Jim) wrote:

>I know that this has been discussed a lot and I've read most of them
>but here are some follow up questions:
>1) Is there more tearout on 6" vs 8" dado blades.

not having a 6" dado to compare with my 8" set, all I can do is

the 8" set will have a higher tip speed, which should help reduce
tearout. it may be a moot point though, depending on the rpms of your
saw. sharpness and tooth configuration may be a bigger factor than

>2) Shouldn't the inertia built up with 8" actually assist the motor
>after start up?

it should have the effect of helping the saw overcome small variations
in the density of the material. it won't let you maintain a faster
feed rate.

>Thanks, Jim

you're welcome

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