

28/12/2004 2:43 AM

Re Crown Molding in Square Room

>When putting up CM in a simple 4 sided room, what's the best way to deal
>with the last piece - i.e. does one use a coped joint on each end?
>I was considering putting up the first piece with one end coped, and fitted
>over a small piece of scrap on the adjacent wall, the scrap being a proxy
>for the last piece. Then when I get to the last piece, slip out the scrap
>and slide the real piece in there. Am a little concerned about it being too
>tight, though.
>Any tips would be appreciated.

Thats how I do it. I also tack it in with brads not finish nails. In addition I have found that too short a piece (<1') tends to be worse than a longer piece, as a longer piece tends to follow any variations in the wall and/or ceiling making it a truer representation of the last piece to go in.
